Cubit 15.3 User Documentation
Sculpt options for specifying output. The primary format for the hex meshes produced from Sculpt is Exodus II. One exodus file will be produced for each processor based upon the -j or num_procs argument. If required, the exodus files can be joined using the epu utility.
Other options for export include the ability to dump the volume fraction representation of the input geometry as well as the ability to write geometry files for use in Cubit.
Output --output -out --exodus_file, -e <args> Output Exodus file base name --volfrac_file, -vf <args> Output Volume Fraction file base name --quality, -Q Dump quality metrics to file --export_comm_maps, -C Export parallel comm maps to debug exo files --write_geom, -G Write geometry associativity file --write_mbg, -M Write mesh based geometry file--compare_volume, -cv Report vfrac and mesh volume comparison Sculpt Command Summary
Command: exodus_file Output Exodus file base name Long Name: --exodus_file Short Name: -e Argument Type: character stringCommand Description:
The base file name of the resulting exodus mesh. Exodus files will be in the form <exodus_file>.e.<nproc>.<iproc>. For example, if the number of processors used is 3 and the exodus_file argument is "model", the following files would be written:
model.e.3.0 model.e.3.1 model.e.3.2
If no exodus_file argument is used, output files will be in the form <stl_file>_diatom_results.e.<nprocs>.<iproc>. For example, if the number of processors used is 3 and the stl_file (or diatom_file) is "model.stl", the following files would be written:
model_diatom_results.e.3.0 model_diatom_results.e.3.1 model_diatom_results.e.3.2
A full path may be used when specifying the base exodus file name, otherwise
files will be placed in the current working directory. If the exodus_file
option is not used, exodus files will be placed in the same directory as the
input diatom or stl file.
Volume Fraction File
Command: volfrac_file Output Volume Fraction file base name Long Name: --volfrac_file Short Name: -vf Argument Type: character stringCommand Description:
Optionally generate exodus files containing a hex mesh of the Cartesian grid
containing volume fraction data as element variables. This series of parallel
exodus files can later be used as direct input to sculpt using the
--input_vfrac (-ivf) command. If not specified, no volume fraction data
files will be generated.
Command: quality Dump quality metrics to file Long Name: --quality Short Name: -Q Argument Type: no argumentCommand Description:
A file named 'quality.csv' will be created in the current working directory
(or appended). Quality metrics and other details of the run will be written
to this file. This option is currently off by default.
Export Communication Maps
Command: export_comm_maps Export parallel comm maps to debug exo files Long Name: --export_comm_maps Short Name: -C Argument Type: no argumentCommand Description:
Used for debugging and verification. Exodus files of the mesh containing the
communication nodes and faces at processor boundaries will be written as
nodes and side sets. This provides a way to visually check the validity of
the parallel communication maps.
Write S2G Geometry File
Command: write_geom Write geometry associativity file Long Name: --write_geom Short Name: -G Argument Type: no argumentCommand Description:
An s2g (Sculpt to Geometry) file, with the pattern <fileroot>.s2g,will be produced when this argument is used where fileroot is the string specified by the --exodus_file or -e option. An s2g file includes geometry associativity for the exodus file that is written. If used with Cubit's "import s2g <fileroot>" a mesh-based geometry will be generated in Cubit with geometric entities prescribed by Sculpt through the s2g file.
When used with the --trimesh option, the s2g file can provide information to Cubit to build a set of mesh-based geometry volumes where only the surfaces are meshed. This is useful for using the tet meshing capabilities in Cubit to mesh the discrete geometry that was generated in Sculpt. For example, a tet mesh may be constructed from microstructures spn data (see import_spn) with the following workflow:
1. Run Sculpt to generate an exodus and s2g file. An example input file may look like the following:
begin sculpt import_spn = myfile.spn trimesh = true write_geom = true pillow = 1 end sculpt
2. Import the file into Cubit to generate a mesh based geometry:
import s2g myfile
3. Delete the triangle mesh, set sizes and mesh:
delete mesh vol all scheme tetmesh vol all size 2.0 mesh vol allNote that the write_geom and trimesh options are still in development and will currently only work with a single processor (-j 1).
Command: write_mbg Write mesh based geometry fileCommand Description:Long Name: --write_mbg Short Name: -M Argument Type: no argument
An MBG (Mesh Based Geometry) file will be produced when this argument is used
with the pattern An MBG file can be be imported into Cubit using the following Cubit command
line options:
A report will be generated and printed to the terminal following the
mesh summary that compares the input volume fraction of the geometry with that
of the final finite element mesh. If a volume fraction format is not used as
input, the volume fractions will be computed on the refined base grid and used
as comparison. Note that exact geometric volumes of the STL or analytic
geometry are not used for comparison, rather the volume fraction approximation
of the geometry on the refined Cartesian grid.
import mbg "<fileroot>.mbg"
Report VFrac to Mesh Volume Comparison
Command: compare_volume Report vfrac and mesh volume comparison
Long Name: --compare_volume
Short Name: -cv
Argument Type: no argument
Command Description: