Semiconductor Sector RDD&D Expedite and Develop Game-changing Exemplar

Semiconductor Sector RDD&D Expedite and Develop Game-changing Exemplar (S2-EDGE) is a DOE Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) project working to establish a more coordinated semiconductor ecosystem for moving next generation microelectronics from science to systems.
Why Now?
Trusted Microsystems Are A Critical Energy And National Security Need. The U.S. government is investing in multiple R&D initiatives that require strong coordination across the nation’s microelectronics community. This collaboration will enable the community to address urgent needs and align efforts for major technology opportunities.

Collection of events that promotes dialogue between DOE labs and U.S. businesses large and small, and academia to inform future Department of Energy (DOE) semiconductor/ microelectronics research direction.
An expedited mechanism that allows a national lab partner to link another lab into an existing Umbrella Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). Learn more…
Enables Sandia and Industry to share knowledge and expertise while working real technical challenges. The exchanges are short term (from a few hours up to two weeks) and can take place in person or virtually.
Technology Transfer Internship that focuses on providing university students hands-on experience with technology transfer at the national labs.
For more information:
Mary Monson | Senior Manager, Technology Partnerships & Business Development
Monica Martinez | Manager, Business Development