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Semiconductor Sector RDD&D Expedite and Develop Game-changing Exemplar (S2-EDGE) is a DOE Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) project working to establish a more coordinated semiconductor ecosystem for moving next generation microelectronics from science to systems.

Why Now?

Trusted Microsystems Are A Critical Energy And National Security Need. The U.S. government is investing in multiple R&D initiatives that require strong coordination across the nation’s microelectronics community. This collaboration will enable the community to address urgent needs and align efforts for major technology opportunities.

Increasing Engagement
S2-EDGE Insights Forum

Collection of events that promotes dialogue between DOE labs and U.S. businesses large and small, and academia to inform future Department of Energy (DOE) semiconductor/ microelectronics research direction. 

Streamlining Agreements

An expedited mechanism that allows a national lab partner to link another lab into an existing Umbrella Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). Learn more

Sharing Knowledge
S2-EDGE Personnel Exchange

Enables Sandia and Industry to share knowledge and expertise while working real technical challenges. The exchanges are short term (from a few hours up to two weeks) and can take place in person or virtually.

Inspiring Future Generations
S2-EDGE Internship Program

Technology Transfer Internship that focuses on providing university students hands-on experience with technology transfer at the national labs.

For more information:

Mary Monson | Senior Manager, Technology Partnerships & Business Development

Monica Martinez | Manager, Business Development