These teams have registered for the current season (i.e., within the past three months).
SERP Team Registrations
Select Level | Team Name | Captain's Name | id |
Level 1 - Recreational | VolleyBALLERS | Alexis O'Neill Savela | 314 |
Level 1 - Recreational | Atomic Spikers | Kevin Santos | 317 |
Level 1 - Recreational | High Tech Volleyball | Derya Tansel | 319 |
Level 2 - Lower Intermediate | Sexy Back | Eric Lochausen | 318 |
Level 2 - Lower Intermediate | Setting Ducks | Nicholas Aguilar | 323 |
Level 2 - Lower Intermediate | Adversarial Platypi | Kevin Potter | 327 |
Level 3 - Middle Intermediate | Thunderchickens | Gabrielle Goeckner | 320 |
Level 3 - Middle Intermediate | Can you dig it? | Tyler Schoenherr | 321 |
Level 3 - Middle Intermediate | Can't Miss | Matthew Geuss | 322 |
Level 3 - Middle Intermediate | Sets on the Beach | Nathanael Brown | 324 |
Level 3 - Middle Intermediate | Orville Ready Blockers | Andrew Klotz | 326 |
Level 4 - Upper Intermediate | New Kids on the Block | Philip Makarewicz | 325 |
Select Level | Team Name | Captain's Name | id |
JCC (Non-SERP) Registrations
Select Level | Team Name | Captain's Name |
Level 1 - Recreational | VolleyBALLERS | Alexis O'Neill Savela |
Level 1 - Recreational | Six Pack | Sabrina Stevens |
Level 5 - Advanced | Spartacus | Tara Hilton |
[SVBA] JCC (Non-SERP) Team Registration
"*" indicates required fields