Hotel FORTUNE Select Exotica, Navi Mumbai
Palm Beach Road, Vashi
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 022 39884444
Google Map
The services being provided by the hotel FORTUNE Select Exotica, terms and conditions and Tariff are given in the attachment. Kindly book your accommodation directly to the hotel by giving reference of this letter. Your request may be addressed to Attn : Shri Pritesh Deshpande, Asstt. Manager, Sales, Fortune Hotels on the email
Transport for airport pickup and transfer may be arranged through the Hotel Fortune as mentioned in their letter at a cost of Rs.1,800 + taxes.
Every day transport from Hotel-Venue-Hotel may be arranged separately by us on sharing basis, costing approximately Rs. 2000.00 per person for all three days if all the 9/10 participants stay in the same hotel. This transport could be arranged only on receipt of your confirmation.