The Systems Mission Engineering Center organization provides real-time remote sensing solutions in space, ground, and other domains for actionable intelligence against threats to the nation.
About Our Team Our team designs and develops sophisticated data processing systems and analytical applications that enable some of our nation’s most compelling nonproliferation and national security missions. Our mission is to design, engineer, build, deploy and improve critical systems that transform data into decisions. Our systems support a range of applications including remote and in‐ situ sensing systems; satellite communications and control; distributed computing and analysis; real‐time data collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination; and mission engineering and analysis. Our team’s deep domain and technical experience, coupled with an operational mindset builds distinct and extraordinary capabilities for our nation and the people who put their lives on the line to protect it.
Facts & Figures
A diverse program portfolio supports Sandia’s multimission work.
Areas of Expertise
Providing broad technical expertise in the areas of Remote Sensing and Space Control coupled with the Laboratory’s technical diversity to deliver end-to-end solutions to our Nation’s most critical and emerging national security space mission needs.
Primarily based at the CA site developing and deploying software applications that integrate into active operating systems to sustain the movement of information, spanning a variety of networks and platforms and providing 24/7 situational awareness for National Security.
Processing information for real-time security missions, focusing on mission and system engineering for future ground and data architectures, innovative ground system designs, complex system integration, data analytics, and product delivery.
Developing program opportunities for space system data processing and exploitation pathfinders that leverage SNL’s exquisite real-time ground processing expertise and analytics capabilities to deliver innovative GEOINT analytics solutions for our space mission.
Data Processing & Analytics
- High bandwidth data processing includes background estimation, event detection, target tracking, event characterization, and event fusion
- Computationally optimized CPU and GPU image processing algorithms
- R&D algorithm development in image and signal processing statistics, data fusion, machine learning cloud computing and software optimization
- Ingest from various dataset sources
- Indexing data for fast retrieval
- Extract Information by leveraging statistics, data knowledge & machine learning algorithms
- Transform data for further consumption
- Search & discover information
- Combine information into actionable intelligence