Requesting Access (Cleared or Uncleared) for a Member of the Workforce

Woman at reception desk

The  Sandia Total Access Request Tool (START), an IT application, is the means by which all access (cleared and uncleared) and associated badging requests are initiated for Members of the Workforce. Cleared access actions can include the initial request, reinstatement, extension, upgrade, downgrade, reciprocity, reinvestigation, etc.  START is accessible only through the Sandia Restricted Network (SRN).  For questions about START, contact Security Connection at (505) 845-1321 or

Access requests  for classified/unclassified visits and foreign nationals must be processed using the Incoming Visits System managed by the Badge Office, or Foreign National Request Application administered by the Foreign Interactions Office, respectively.  See ‘Incoming Visits’ and ‘Foreign Interactions Office’ for details.

Note that unescorted access onto Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) in Albuquerque, NM (where most SNL/NM facilities are located), requires Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) authorization administered by KAFB. See ‘KAFB Access (DBIDS)’ for details.

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Any Member of the Workforce with SRN access may initiate a clearance action for a U.S. citizen by completing the following in sequence:

  1. Ensure the applicant(s) is:
    • Entered into Enterprise Person (EP), Sandia’s central repository of person data that is the gateway to physical and logical (i.e., cyber) access.
    • Has an existing active relationship with the SNL organization that is requesting access.
    • For contractors:
      • Ensure that the Oracle record of the contract (managed by Procurement) is accurate or has been updated as necessary to reflect any changes (e.g., new contract start/end dates).
      • If the contractor is cleared, also do the following:
        • Ensure the Contract Security Classification Specification (CSCS) record maintained by Contract Security Management (CSM) is similarly up-to-date.
        • Confirm that this information is accurate prior to creating or modifying an Enterprise Person (EP) relationship.

To resolve contract-related questions, contact the responsible Sandia Delegated Representative (SDR).

  1. Additional Relevant Information:
    • Data in EP must be complete and accurate before any START request is initiated.
    • For new-hire Sandia employees, HR is responsible for establishing/modifying the EP record.
    • Mandatory EP data about the applicant include:
      • Legal first and last name (include middle name if available).*
      • Social Security Number.*
      • Date of Birth.*
      • Birth Country.*
      • Country of Citizenship(s).*
      • Relationship to SNL (e.g., employee, contractor).
      • Relationship start and end dates. (For contractors these dates must be within the applicable contract period of performance.)
      • Current active contract number (applicable for contract relationships).
      • Work Location.
      • Valid/current email address (critical for notifications to the applicant when requesting a clearance).
        • For updates/corrections to these biographical items on an existing employee EP record, contact HR Records at
        • For updates/corrections to all other relationship types (contractors, visitors, etc.), contact an EP Data Steward in the Badge Office at for SNL/NM and remote sites, or for SNL/CA. Changes in EP can also be made via Security Connection (505-845-1321 or
  2. Engage START. Be prepared to confirm, select, or provide the following information about the applicant:
    • Name.
    • Relationship to SNL (e.g., employee, contractor).
    • Contract number, period of performance, and company name ( applicable for contract relationships).
    • Work location.
    • U.S. citizenship.
    • Valid/current email address ( critical for notifications to the applicant when requesting a clearanceBy default, START will use the address recorded in EP.
    • Requested access level (i.e., cleared or uncleared access). For cleared access requests, the following  additional information is required:
      • Level and category of classified information (e.g, SRD, NSI, CFRD) to be accessed.
      • Frequency of access (daily, weekly or monthly).
      • An unclassified justification statement describing the duties of the applicant’s position that require cleared access.
      • Birth country (and state if U.S.).
      • Birth city.

CAUTION: Incomplete or inaccurate data must be corrected before a request can be submitted. Some data fields in START are editable, while others are pre-populated from the EP record. If edits are made in START, it is important to also make them in the applicable EP record.To assist in ensuring that all necessary information is present at the time of entry into EP and START, consider using the START Data Entry Assistance Sheet.

Upon successful submission of an access request via START, the process will proceed as follows, depending on the type of access desired:   


For uncleared access/badge requests, managerial approval alone will quickly result in authorization for an uncleared badge. The requestor, the applicant’s SNL manager, the office administrative assistant (OAA), and (if applicable) the contracting company’s Facility Security Officer (FSO) will be notified to inform the applicant that an uncleared badge may be obtained at the Badge Office.  


Both SNL management and Clearance Office review and approval is required prior to submission to DOE for clearance processing. While awaiting a clearance decision, the applicant will be authorized for uncleared access (and badge as necessary) and the requestor, the applicant’s SNL manager, the OAA, and (if applicable) the contracting company’s FSO will be notified to inform the applicant that an uncleared badge may be obtained at the Badge Office.

Additionally, the applicant will be notified directly by email of any tasks and associated deadlines necessary to complete the clearance request. The SNL manager, OAA, and (if applicable) FSO will be copied on all such messages. 

If all required actions are completed by the applicant, the request will be forwarded to DOE. Upon receipt of a clearance decision by DOE, the Clearance Office will notify all relevant parties by email.