Drug Testing

Drug Test Sample

Sandia is committed to maintaining a drug-free and tobacco-free workplace. Members of the Workforce (employees and contractors) must not report to work or work with the presence of prohibited drugs or alcohol in their bodies and must work in a manner that will not jeopardize their own well-being or that of their fellow Members of the Workforce.

Sandia will not employ individuals who traffic, manufacture, or use illegal drugs, including marijuana; abuse or misuse prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication; or abuse alcohol; and will take steps to ensure Members of the Workforce comply with this policy. ESH001 is the governing policy regarding the Drug Testing Program.

Once you have completed your Pre-Clearance Drug Test (Initial) you will be included into the Random Testing Program.

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The Secretary of Energy issued a determination that all Sandia and contractor personnel holding a DOE Q or L clearance are subject to random, as well as for-cause drug testing. As part of this requirement, the Secretary of Energy has required that a minimum of 30 percent of all employees and contractors be randomly tested each year. Additionally, all applicants for these positions (including those that do not require clearances, such as truck drivers) will be tested before final selection into the position, or for current contractor employees, before a security clearance is granted.

DOE National Nuclear Security Administration Personnel Security Division will withhold issuing a new security clearance until the application for the clearance is supported by a “negative” federal drug screening test performed in accordance with Department of Health and Human Service guidelines.

  • Clearance applicants who have used illegal drugs during the 12 months prior to completing their Federal Questionnaire for National Security Positions will be disqualified from consideration until they can demonstrate 12 consecutive months of non-use. New clearance applicants should keep the following in mind:

    • On November 1, 2007, DOE stopped accepting clearance request packages without drug testing results. This includes initial clearances and reinstatements.
    • The drug test must be performed at Sandia or an approved location. Test performed by any other entity will be rejected.
      • For Members of the Workforce who do not work at a Sandia location where there is a collection center, information on where to report will be given at the time of notification.
      • Those individuals who do not work at a Sandia location will have to report after receiving their package to a collection facility after notification.
  • The requirement to conduct random drug testing is the result of a memorandum from the previous Secretary of Energy, Samuel Bodman, directing DOE sites to begin random drug testing for all positions that require access authorizations. The decision was based on:

    • A DOE Task Force Review of the Departmental Personnel Security Program completed in February 2007.
    • “A desire to ensure the safety and security of workers, DOE sites, and surrounding communities,” Bodman said in the memorandum.
  • Verbal notifications will be made to randomly selected cleared Members of the Workforce during duty hours (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM for SNL NM and 8:00 – 4:00 PM SNL CA). Any Member of the Workforce who holds an L or Q clearance that will be tested at a minimum 30% random sampling rate. If you are called:

    • The Member of the Workforce is given the option to report immediately or make an appointment for drug test by the close of business.
    • Selected persons must report to a designated collection site the day they are notified.
    • During call up, Members of the Workforce are reminded that failure to report to the collection center today, or refusal to provide a specimen, will result in measures equal to those for a positive drug test including suspension of clearance access to the site and job jeopardy.
    • For Members of the Workforce who do not work at a Sandia location where there is a collection center, information on where to report will be given at the time of notification.
    • Those individuals who do not work at a Sandia location will have to report after receiving their package to a collection facility after notification. 
    • Once the MOW who is not local is notified of needed a Random Drug Test, the Drug Testing Staff will send a FedEx package with the required forms and instructions to the MOW. Once the MOW has received the package and instructions they would have 24 hour from then to get the test accomplished.
  • At end of business day, the Drug Testing administrator informs Health Care & Support Services Manager, Member of the Workforce’s Manager, and Medical Review Officer (MRO) on duty that the Member of the Workforce has failed to report for the drug test.

    MRO or MRO Staff on duty completes the following:

    • Fills out badge deactivation form to be sent to Safeguards & Security Badge Office, and Corporate Investigations.
    • Derogatory information letter is sent to HR, ELR, CI, Badge Office, Safeguards & Security, Member of the Workforce, and Manager.

    If a lab result indicates the presence of drugs in a specimen, those results will be provided to the Medical Review Officer (MRO). The MRO will seek information about the results, including the use of prescription medications. The MRO will determine whether a result is reported as either positive or negative.

    The immediate consequences of a verified positive drug test by a certified MRO include the worker’s badge being confiscated, loss of clearance, and removal from his or her Testing Designated Position (TDP) duties.

    The MRO or MRO Staff on duty completes the following:

    • Fills out badge deactivation form to be sent to Safeguards & Security, Badge Office, and Corporate Investigations.
    • Derogatory information letter is sent to HR, ELR, CI, Badge Office, Safeguards & Security, Member of the Workforce and Manager.

    A sub-contractor whose result is confirmed as positive will be removed from the performance of the Sandia contract immediately.

    • The use of medical marijuana, even for medical purposes is prohibited in accordance with 10CFR710 and national policies.
    • Even if the use of Marijuana is legal in your State, marijuana is still Federally illegal. And for CBD use, it is buyer beware. Understand that no agency is check the claims of the CBD manufactures about the level of THC in their CBD. Many people in Federally mandated programs have been fired for use of CBD testing positive for THC.
    • It is illegal to use another person’s prescription medications.