Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) at Kirtland Air Force Base

Military personnel reviewing paperwork

DBIDS is administered exclusively by the Department of Defense (DoD) and is subject to change at any time without advance notice.

Sandia attempts to remain engaged with Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) authorities to alert Members of the Workforce as soon as possible regarding any procedural modifications.

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DBIDs is a DoD-administered method by which unescorted access to Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) may be authorized for persons who do not possess a federal ID that would otherwise be acceptable for such access.

FYI: Acceptable forms of federal ID include DoD Common Access Cards [CACs], military IDs, and DOE PIV/HSPD-12 credentials/badges, all of which can be DBIDS-encoded. SNL Local Site-Specific Only (LSSO) badges cannot be DBIDS-encoded.

Ultimately, DBIDS provides a means of ID for use at KAFB entry points, regardless of the means of access (e.g., driving, biking, walking).

All persons who require unescorted access onto KAFB and are not otherwise in possession of a federal ID acceptable for such access must be DBIDS authorized. Consequently, DBIDS does not apply to individuals under escort. Cleared SNL Members of the Workforce are granted escort authority provided they possess DOE PIV/HSPD-12 credentials/badges registered in DBIDS, or a separate DBIDS pass so annotated. For details about escorting on KAFB, contact a DBIDS office (see “DBIDS Contacts” below).


  • Exception: Children under 18 do not require DBIDS pass UNLESS they are driving a vehicle, in which case a DBIDS pass is required.
  • Passes will not be issued for convenience.
  • Access to Sandia-controlled premises and SNL-specific escorting requirements are entirely separate matters that have no connection with DBIDS.
  • In addition, prior coordination with Sandia’s Foreign Interactions Office (9226) or NW International Programs and Strategy Integration Department (2127) is required before allowing any access to Sandia-controlled premises by an uncleared or cleared foreign national (FN), respectively.

DBIDS authorization begins with a specific request requiring a “sponsor.” Sponsors must ensure they are communicating with the individuals they are sponsoring for necessary details and instructions.

For all cleared and uncleared SNL Members of the Workforce and visitors—It is the responsibility of the individual’s SNL sponsor, host, or manager/designee to perform this sponsorship role. Concurrent with escort authority noted above, cleared SNL Members of the Workforce may act as DBIDS sponsors provided they are in possession of a DOE PIV/HSPD-12 credential registered in DBIDS or a separate DBIDS pass reflecting sponsorship authority.

The duration of unescorted access must be determined by the sponsor based on the applicant’s nature of work. This determines the type of DBIDS authorization to be requested: short-term or long-term. Short-term examples include brief visits for job interviews, drug testing, etc. It is also appropriate for uncleared Members of the Workforce who work off-base and do not explicitly require daily work-related access. Long-term examples include Members of the Workforce or persons on an extended visit for which daily work-related base access is clearly required. Additional access details may be required by DBIDS authorities to assist in their determination. 

Standard DBIDS authorization requirements are as follows:

Short-term request (brief or non-daily access required)—

  • For visitor access up to three days, a sponsor may either:
    • Submit the KAFB Short Term Visitor Pass Pre-Notification Form in advance at either the KAFB Truman Gate Visitor Center or IPOC, no later than three business days prior to the visitor’s arrival,or
    • Appear in person with the individual to sponsor them without the form.
  • For visitor access exceeding three days up to a maximum of 30 days, a sponsor must appear in person with the individual; no form necessary.
  • Multiple short-term visits: If three or more short-term passes totaling 30 days or more within a 90-day period have been issued, a long-term pass may be required.


  • Upon approval, a short-term pass may be issued at the time of application. Otherwise, the sponsor will be notified and it is his or her responsibility to inform the applicant it is available for pick-up.
  • A short-term pass must be picked-up at the same DBIDS office that accepted the KAFB Short- Term Visitor Pass Pre-Notification Form
  • The form requires a wet signature (i.e., digital signatures are not accepted)

Long-term request (daily on-base access required)—

For access up to one year. A sponsor must appear in person at the IPOC or KAFB Consolidated Support Facility DBIDS offices (i.e., not the Truman Gate Visitors Center) to submit a single long-term pass request form.


  • As specified on this form, if extended access beyond the hours 5:30 am – 6:30 pm, M-F (i.e., after normal business hours and/or weekends) is required, the sponsor must also complete the ‘Special Purpose Justification’ section. For contractors/consultants, the special justification must include the contract clause that allows for extended access. For Sandia employees (i.e., NTESS), the form must be signed by authorized SNL Badge Office personnel in addition to the sponsor.
  • Long-term requests must be submitted no less than 10 business days (but no more than 30 business days) in advance. In the interim, a short-term pass may be authorized at the time of application. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to re-contact the DBIDS office within 7-10 business days of the long-term request to determine its status. If approved, the sponsor must inform the applicant the pass is available for pick-up.
  • Approved long-term passes may be picked-up at any DBIDS office.
  • The form requires a wet signature (i.e., digital signatures are not accepted).
  • If arrival/start dates change, re-submission of the form may be required.

Approved DBIDS authorizations are reflected in a physical pass, issued as a paper document or plastic card. In general, short-term passes will be issued in paper form. All uncleared recipients will also be issued a paper pass regardless of its duration. Long-term passes for cleared individuals may be issued as a plastic card. These details are subject to change by DoD at any time. Contact a DBIDS office for further information (see “DBIDS contacts” below).


To receive a pass, the recipient must visit a DBIDS office and produce the following:

  • Photo identification compliant with the REAL ID Act.
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Current vehicle registration
  • Proof of vehicle insurance or rental agreement/receipt

Note: ID documents must be in original form (not copies), unaltered, unexpired, and valid (not cancelled or suspended). Reference “REAL ID Act of 2005” on this toolcart for more information.


Users should have their pass (or credential) out of any holder and available for inspection well in advance of approaching a KAFB entry point.

DBIDS Pass Expiration

All DBIDS physical passes display an expiration date; it is the responsibility of the recipient to be aware of that date. If renewal is necessary, the same process as described above in “DBIDS Authorization Process” must be followed.


Unexpired passes that are no longer required must be returned to a DBIDS office or SNL Badge Office. Expired passes should be destroyed (e.g., shredded).

Base Access List (BAL) Option

Access for groups of 10 or more visitors during an event on a specific date may be obtained via a BAL. Visitors authorized on a BAL are allowed unescorted access upon presentation of a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. A BAL request must be made in writing and in person by the group’s sponsor and only at the KAFB Consolidated Support Facility DBIDS office. The request must be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the event. Contact the KAFB Consolidated Support Facility DBIDS office for specific instructions (see “DBIDS contacts” below).

For all DBIDS-related matters, to include inquiries on any topics not specifically addressed in this article, contact one of the following DBIDS offices:

  • Innovation Parkway Office Center (IPOC), 1611 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM, Room 1248; Monday-Wednesday, 7:30 am – 2:30 pm, and Thursday-Friday, 7:30 am – Noon; 505-845-7227.
    • For SNL, the IPOC location is preferred for conducting most DBIDS inquires and transactions; i.e., due to the staff’s familiarity with SNL-specific operations and agreements.
    • To visit the DBIDS office in IPOC, you must have an SNL-issued badge or other HSPD-12 credential.
  • KAFB Truman Gate Visitors Center, KAFB; 24/7; 505-846-2676