Sandia Science for Salt RepositoriesWIPP TCO making final adjustments LBNL, SNL, LANL, and WIPP TCO team members Dec 2019 Drilling BATS boreholes E-940, Feb 2019 E-940 drift before beginning drilling BATS boreholes Heated SL borehole immediately after drilling WIPP TCO getting ready to start drilling BATS boreholes LANL team members with gas plumbing SNL and LANL team members with heater and borehole closure gauge LBNL team member with ERT system LANL and SNL team members with brine samples WIPP TCO inserting cement seal into SL borehole Viewing BATS test from other side of N-540 intersection Borehole showing near-drift open fractures First core collected in BATS borehole, Feb 2019
BATS Surface and Lab Images
Ready to go underground on salt-handling shaft Entrance to WIPP site SNL and DOE-NE visit to BATS, Oct 2019 SEM image of halite from precipitated WIPP brine at 50 C (Kuhlman et al., 2018) SEM image of halite from precipitated WIPP brine at 75 C (Kuhlman et al., 2018) SEM image of intergranular fluid inclusions in reconsolidated granular salt Sectioned sample of salt concrete used in seal test Creation of salt cement plugs Transmitted light microscope image of intragranular fluid inclusions (Kuhlman et al., 2020)