
Results 276–300 of 80,958
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94ND10 Intergranular Phase Analysis and Fabrication

Bishop, Sean R.; Boro, Joseph R.; Jauregui, Luis J.; Price, Patrick M.; Peretti, Amanda S.; Lowry, Daniel R.; Kammler, Daniel K.

The composition and phase fraction of the intergranular phase of 94ND10 ceramic is determined and fabricated ex situ. The fraction of each phase is 85.96 vol% Al2O3 bulk phase, 9.46 vol% Mg-rich intergranular phase, 4.36 vol% Ca/Si-rich intergranular phase, and 0.22 vol% voids. The Ca/Si-rich phase consists of 0.628 at% Mg, 12.59 at% Si, 10.24 at% Ca, 17.23 at% Al, and balance O. The Mgrich phase consists of 14.17 at% Mg, 0.066 at% Si, 0.047 at% Ca, 28.69 at% Al, and balance O. XRD of the ex situ intergranular material made by mixed oxides consisting of the above phase and element fractions yielded 92 vol% MgAl2O4 phase and 8 vol% CaAl2Si2O8 phase. The formation of MgAl2O4 phase is consistent with prior XRD of 94ND10, while the CaAl2Si2O8 phase may exist in 94ND10 but at a concentration not readily detected with XRD. The MgAl2O4 and CaAl2Si2O8 phases determined from XRD are expected to have the elemental compositions for the Mg-rich and Ca/Si-rich phases above by cation substitutions (e.g., some Mg substituted for by Ca in the Mg-rich phase) and impurity phases not detectable with XRD.

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304L Can Crush Validation Studies

Lao, Xai L.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Jones, Amanda; Mac Donald, Kimberley A.; Stershic, Andrew J.; talamini, brandon t.

Accurate prediction of ductile behavior of structural alloys up to and including failure is essential in component or system failure assessment, which is necessary for nuclear weapons alteration and life extensions programs of Sandia National Laboratories. Modeling such behavior requires computational capabilities to robustly capture strong nonlinearities (geometric and material), rate- dependent and temperature-dependent properties, and ductile failure mechanisms. This study's objective is to validate numerical simulations of a high-deformation crush of a stainless steel can. The process consists of identifying a suitable can geometry and loading conditions, conducting the laboratory testing, developing a high-quality Sierra/SM simulation, and then drawing comparisons between model and measurement to assess the fitness of the simulation in regards to material model (plasticity), finite element model construction, and failure model. Following previous material model calibration, a J2 plasticity model with a microstructural BCJ failure model is employed to model the test specimen made of 304L stainless steel. Simulated results are verified and validated through mesh and mass-scaling convergence studies, parameter sensitivity studies, and a comparison to experimental data. The converged mesh and degree of mass-scaling are the mesh discretization with 140,372 elements, and a mass scaling with a target time increment of 1.0e-6 seconds and time step scale factor of 0.5, respectively. Results from the coupled thermal-mechanical explicit dynamic analysis are comparable to the experimental data. Simulated global force vs displacement (F/D) response predicts key points such as yield, ultimate, and kinks of the experimental F/D response. Furthermore, the final deformed shape of the can and field data predicted from the analysis are similar to that of the deformed can, as measured by 3D optical CMM scans and DIC data from the experiment.

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Energy Storage for Manufacturing and Industrial Decarbonization (Energy StorM)

Ho, Clifford K.; Rao, Prakash R.; Iloeje, Nwike I.; Marschilok, Amy M.; Liaw, Boryann L.; Kaur, Sumanjeet K.; Slaughter, Julie S.; Hertz, Kristin L.; Wendt, Lynn W.; Supekar, Sarang S.; Montes, Marisa A.

This report summarizes the needs, challenges, and opportunities associated with carbon-free energy and energy storage for manufacturing and industrial decarbonization. Energy needs and challenges for different manufacturing and industrial sectors (e.g., cement/steel production, chemicals, materials synthesis) are identified. Key issues for industry include the need for large, continuous on-site capacity (tens to hundreds of megawatts), compatibility with existing infrastructure, cost, and safety. Energy storage technologies that can potentially address these needs, which include electrochemical, thermal, and chemical energy storage, are presented along with key challenges, gaps, and integration issues. Analysis tools to value energy storage technologies in the context of manufacturing and industrial decarbonizations are also presented. Material is drawn from the Energy Storage for Manufacturing and Industrial Decarbonization (Energy StorM) Workshop, held February 8 - 9, 2022. The objective was to identify research opportunities and needs for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of its Energy Storage Grand Challenge program.

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Extending in situ X-ray Temperature Diagnostics to Internal Components

Halls, Benjamin R.; Henkelis, Susan E.; Lowry, Daniel R.; Rademacher, David R.

Time-resolved X-ray thermometry is an enabling technology for measuring temperature and phase change of components. However, current diagnostic methods are limited in their ability due to the invasive nature of probes or the requirement of coatings and optical access to the component. Our proposed developments overcome these challenges by utilizing X-rays to directly measure the objects temperature. Variable-Temperature X-ray Diffraction (VT-XRD) was performed over a wide range of temperatures and diffraction angles and was performed on several materials to analyze the patterns of the bulk materials for sensitivity. "High-speed" VT-XRD was then performed for a single material over a small range of diffraction angles to see how fast the experiments could be performed, whilst still maintaining peaks sufficiently large enough for analysis.

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Release of Contaminants from Burning Liquids and Solids

Brown, Alexander B.; Pierce, Flint P.; Zepper, Ethan T.

This report details model development, theory, and a literature review focusing on the emission of contaminants on solid substrates in fires. This is the final report from a 2-year Nuclear Safety Research and Development (NSRD) project. The work represents progress towards a goal of having modeling and simulation capabilities that are sufficiently mature and accurate that they can be utilized in place of physical tests for determining safe handling practices. At present, the guidelines for safety are largely empirically based, derived from a survey of existing datasets. This particular report details the development, verification and calibration of a number of code improvements that have been implemented in the SIERRA suite of codes, and the application of those codes to three different experimental scenarios that have been subject of prior tests. The first scenario involves a contaminated PMMA slab, which is exposed to heat. The modeling involved a novel method for simulating the viscous diffusion of the particles in the slab. The second scenario involved a small pool fire of contaminated combustible liquid mimicking historical tests and finds that the release of contaminants has a high functionality with the height of the liquid in the container. The third scenario involves the burning of a contaminated tray of shredded cellulose. A novel release mechanism was formulated based on predicted progress of the decomposition of the cellulose, and while the model was found to result in release that can be tuned to match the experiments, some modifications to the model are desirable to achieve quantitative accuracy.

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Neuromorphic Information Processing by Optical Media

Leonard, Francois L.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Teeter, Corinne M.; Vineyard, Craig M.

Classification of features in a scene typically requires conversion of the incoming photonic field int the electronic domain. Recently, an alternative approach has emerged whereby passive structured materials can perform classification tasks by directly using free-space propagation and diffraction of light. In this manuscript, we present a theoretical and computational study of such systems and establish the basic features that govern their performance. We show that system architecture, material structure, and input light field are intertwined and need to be co-designed to maximize classification accuracy. Our simulations show that a single layer metasurface can achieve classification accuracy better than conventional linear classifiers, with an order of magnitude fewer diffractive features than previously reported. For a wavelength λ, single layer metasurfaces of size 100λ x 100λ with aperture density λ-2 achieve ~96% testing accuracy on the MNIST dataset, for an optimized distance ~100λ to the output plane. This is enabled by an intrinsic nonlinearity in photodetection, despite the use of linear optical metamaterials. Furthermore, we find that once the system is optimized, the number of diffractive features is the main determinant of classification performance. The slow asymptotic scaling with the number of apertures suggests a reason why such systems may benefit from multiple layer designs. Finally, we show a trade-off between the number of apertures and fabrication noise.

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Centralized and Decentralized Distributed Energy Resource Access Control Implementation Considerations


Fragkos, Georgios F.; Johnson, Jay; Tsiropoulou, Eirini E.

A global transition to power grids with high penetrations of renewable energy generation is being driven in part by rapid installations of distributed energy resources (DER). New DER equipment includes standardized IEEE 1547-2018 communication interfaces and proprietary communications capabilities. Interoperable DER provides new monitoring and control capabilities. The existence of multiple entities with different roles and responsibilities within the DER ecosystem makes the Access Control (AC) mechanism necessary. In this paper, we introduce and compare two novel architectures, which provide a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) service to the DER ecosystem’s entities. Selecting an appropriate RBAC technology is important for the RBAC administrator and users who request DER access authorization. The first architecture is centralized, based on the OpenLDAP, an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The second approach is decentralized, based on a private Ethereum blockchain test network, where the RBAC model is stored and efficiently retrieved via the utilization of a single Smart Contract. We have implemented two end-to-end Proofs-of-Concept (PoC), respectively, to offer the RBAC service to the DER entities as web applications. Finally, an evaluation of the two approaches is presented, highlighting the key speed, cost, usability, and security features.

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Interactive Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Security Workshop

Burr, Casey E.

The goal of this workshop is to role play and walk through various UAS incursion scenarios to: 1. Recognize the complex interactions between physical protection, response, and UAS technologies in a nuclear security event; 2. Identify potential regulatory and legal complications dealing with UAS as aircraft; 3. Identify communication/coordination touch points with facility security and law enforcement; 4. Identify possible physical security and response strategies to help mitigate UAS impact.

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Performance Evaluation of a Prototype Moving Packed-Bed Particle/sCO2 Heat Exchanger

Albrecht, Kevin J.; Laubscher, Hendrik F.; Bowen, Christopher P.; Ho, Clifford K.

Particle heat exchangers are a critical enabling technology for next generation concentrating solar power (CSP) plants that use supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) as a working fluid. This report covers the design, manufacturing and testing of a prototype particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger targeting thermal performance levels required to meet commercial scale cost targets. In addition, the the design and assembly of integrated particle and sCO2 flow loops for heat exchanger performance testing are detailed. The prototype heat exchanger was tested to particle inlet temperatures of 500 °C at 17 MPa which resulted in overall heat transfer coefficients of approximately 300 W/m2-K at the design point and cases using high approach temperature with peak values as high as 400 W/m2-K

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Development of self-sensing materials for extreme environments based on metamaterial concept and additive manufacturing

Wang, Yifeng

Structural health monitoring of an engineered component in a harsh environment is critical for multiple DOE missions including nuclear fuel cycle, subsurface energy production/storage, and energy conversion. Supported by a seeding Laboratory Directed Research & Development (LDRD) project, we have explored a new concept for structural health monitoring by introducing a self-sensing capability into structural components. The concept is based on two recent technological advances: metamaterials and additive manufacturing. A self-sensing capability can be engineered by embedding a metastructure, for example, a sheet of electromagnetic resonators, either metallic or dielectric, into a material component. This embedment can now be realized using 3-D printing. The precise geometry of the embedded metastructure determines how the material interacts with an incident electromagnetic wave. Any change in the structure of the material (e.g., straining, degradation, etc.) would inevitably perturbate the embedded metastructures or metasurface array and therefore alter the electromagnetic response of the material, thus resulting in a frequency shift of a reflection spectrum that can be detected passively and remotely. This new sensing approach eliminates complicated environmental shielding, in-situ power supply, and wire routing that are generally required by the existing active-circuit-based sensors. The work documented in this report has preliminarily demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed concept. The work has established the needed simulation tools and experimental capabilities for future studies.

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IMoFi (Intelligent Model Fidelity): Physics-Based Data-Driven Grid Modeling to Accelerate Accurate PV Integration Updated Accomplishments

Reno, Matthew J.; Blakely, Logan; Trevizan, Rodrigo D.; Pena, Bethany D.; Lave, Matthew S.; Azzolini, Joseph A.; Yusuf, Jubair Y.; Jones, Christian B.; Furlani Bastos, Alvaro F.; Chalamala, Rohit C.; Korkali, Mert K.; Sun, Chih-Che S.; Donadee, Jonathan D.; Stewart, Emma M.; Donde, Vaibhav D.; Peppanen, Jouni P.; Hernandez, Miguel H.; Deboever, Jeremiah D.; Rocha, Celso R.; Rylander, Matthew R.; Siratarnsophon, Piyapath S.; Grijalva, Santiago G.; Talkington, Samuel T.; Mason, Karl M.; Vejdan, Sadegh V.; Khan, Ahmad U.; Mbeleg, Jordan S.; Ashok, Kavya A.; Divan, Deepak D.; Li, Feng L.; Therrien, Francis T.; Jacques, Patrick J.; Rao, Vittal R.; Francis, Cody F.; Zaragoza, Nicholas Z.; Nordy, David N.; Glass, Jim G.; Holman, Derek H.; Mannon, Tim M.; Pinney, David P.

This report summarizes the work performed under a project funded by U.S. DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), including some updates from the previous report SAND2022-0215, to use grid edge measurements to calibrate distribution system models for improved planning and grid integration of solar PV. Several physics-based data-driven algorithms are developed to identify inaccuracies in models and to bring increased visibility into distribution system planning. This includes phase identification, secondary system topology and parameter estimation, meter-to-transformer pairing, medium-voltage reconfiguration detection, determination of regulator and capacitor settings, PV system detection, PV parameter and setting estimation, PV dynamic models, and improved load modeling. Each of the algorithms is tested using simulation data and demonstrated on real feeders with our utility partners. The final algorithms demonstrate the potential for future planning and operations of the electric power grid to be more automated and data-driven, with more granularity, higher accuracy, and more comprehensive visibility into the system.

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Combined Imaging and RNA-Seq on a Microfluidic Platform for Viral Infection Studies

Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Sjoberg, Kurt C.; Fisher, Andrew N.; Doudoukjian, Gloria E.; Webster, Elizabeth W.

The goal of this work was to pioneer a novel, low-overhead protocol for simultaneously assaying cell-surface markers and intracellular gene expression in a single mammalian cell. The purpose of developing such a method is to be able to understand the mechanisms by which pathogens engage with individual mammalian cells, depending on their cell surface proteins, and how both host and pathogen gene expression changes are reflective of these mechanisms. The knowledge gained from such analyses of single cells will ultimately lead to more robust pathogen detection and countermeasures. Our method was aimed at streamlining both the upstream cell sample preparation using microfluidic methods, as well as the actual library making protocol. Specifically, we wanted to implement a random hexamer-based reverse transcription of all RNA within a single cell (as opposed to oligo dT-based which would only capture polyadenylated transcripts), and then use a CRISPR-based method called scDash to deplete ribosomal DNAs (since ribosomal RNAs make up the majority of the RNA in a mammalian cell). After significant troubleshooting, we demonstrate that we are able to prepare cDNA from RNA using the random hexamer primer, and perform the rDNA depletion. We also show that we can visualize individually stained cells, setting up the pipeline for connecting surface markers to RNA-sequencing profiles. Finally, we test a number of devices for various parts of the pipeline, including bead generation, optical barcoding and cell dispensing, and demonstrate that while some of these have potential, more work is needed to optimize this part of the pipeline.

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Sensitivity Analyses for Monte Carlo Sampling-Based Particle Simulations

Bond, Stephen D.; Franke, Brian C.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; McKinley, Scott M.

Computational design-based optimization is a well-used tool in science and engineering. Our report documents the successful use of a particle sensitivity analysis for design-based optimization within Monte Carlo sampling-based particle simulation—a currently unavailable capability. Such a capability enables the particle simulation communities to go beyond forward simulation and promises to reduce the burden on overworked analysts by getting more done with less computation.

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Survey of the Worldwide Supply Chain of Commodities Needed for a Quantum Technology Program

Farley, David R.; Urayama, Junji U.

Quantum Information Science (QIS) is an emerging technology being pursued by fundamental science research groups worldwide, as well as commercial companies and government programs. There are a variety of QIS disciplines, including quantum computin g, quantum sensing and quantum encryption. Some of the commodities needed for a robust quantum laboratory are particular to quantum phenomenon, but in general the equipment needed is similar to that needed for a typical high - technology lab (e.g. oscillosco pes, lasers, vacuum chambers, etc.). This study focuses on identifying commodities manufactured worldwide that would be needed for a robust quantum lab. The authors? own knowledge of needed equipment and primary vendors was used as a starting point, follow ed by extensive internet searching and utilization of buyer?s guides to create a large spreadsheet of most of the components needed, the company offering the components, and country of manufacture. With this extensive spreadsheet, stakeholders can identify commodities that would be needed for a quantum lab oratory and potentially identify market choke points.

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Extension of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to Multiple Phase-Centers (Midyear LDRD Final Report – second edition)

Bickel, Douglas L.; DeLaurentis, John M.

This document contains the final report for the midyear LDRD titled "Extension of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to Multiple Phase-Centers." This report presents an overview of several methods for approaching the two-target in layover problem that exists in interferometric synthetic aperture radar systems. Simulation results for one of the methods are presented. In addition, a new direct approach is introduced.

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Fractal-Fin, Dimpled Solar Heat Collector with Solar Glaze

Rodriguez, Salvador B.

Exterior solar glaze was added to a 3 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot aluminum solar collector that had six triangular dimpled fins for enhanced heat transfer. The interior vertical wall on the south side was also dimpled. The solar glaze was added to compare its solar collection performance with unglazed solar collector experiments conducted at Sandia in 2021. The east, west, front, and top sides of the solar collector were encased with solar glaze glass. Because the solar incident heat on the north and bottom sides was minimal, they were insulated to retain the heat that was collected by the other four sides. The advantages of the solar glaze include the entrapment of more solar heat, as well as insulation from the wind. The disadvantages are that it increases the cost of the solar collector and has fragile structural properties when compared to the aluminum walls. Nevertheless, prior to conducting experiments with the glazed solar collector, it was not clear if the benefits outweighed the disadvantages. These issues are addressed herein, with the conclusion that the additional amount of heat collected by the glaze justifies the additional cost. The solar collector glaze design, experimental data, and costs and benefits are documented in this report.

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Stress Intensity Thresholds for Development of Reliable Brittle Materials

Rimsza, Jessica R.; Strong, Kevin T.; Buche, Michael R.; Jones, Reese E.; Nakakura, Craig Y.; Weyrauch, Noah M.; Brow, Richard K.; Duree, Jessica M.; Stephens, Kelly S.; Grutzik, Scott J.

Brittle material failure in high consequence systems can appear random and unpredictable at subcritical stresses. Gaps in our understanding of how structural flaws and environmental factors (humidity, temperature) impact fracture propagation need to be addressed to circumvent this issue. A combined experimental and computational approach composed of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, numerical modeling, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been undertaken to identify mechanisms of slow crack growth in silicate glasses. AFM characterization of crack growth as slow as 10-13 m/s was observed, with some stepwise crack growth. MD simulations have identified the critical role of inelastic relaxation in crack propagation, including evolution of the structure during relaxation. A numerical model for the existence of a stress intensity threshold, a stress intensity below which a fracture will not propagate, was developed. This transferrable model for predicting slow crack growth is being incorporated into mission-based programs.

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Reviewing MACCS Capabilities for Modeling Variable Physiochemical Forms

Clavier, Kyle C.; Clayton, Daniel J.

Multiple physical and chemical forms of a given radionuclide may be released in the event of a nuclear accident. Given that variable forms of an isotope may elicit changes in how that isotope moves through the environment and ultimately impacts human receptors, it is pertinent to understand how nuclear accident consequence models, such as MACCS, account for variable forms. This report documents a review of MACCS modeling capabilities for variability in radionuclide chemical and physical forms. This review centers on the current state-of-practice for dosimetry and deposition modeling of varying radionuclide forms to understand how consistent existing MACCS capabilities are with state of practice. This analysis is also used to inform potential MACCS model upgrades. MACCS conceptual models along with dosimetry and deposition related practices are discussed. Recommendations and suggestions for model improvements are posited.

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An Immersed Finite Element Lagrangian-Eulerian Code-Coupling Framework

Christon, Mark A.; Nanal, Narendra N.; Shen, Chen S.; Hensinger, David M.; Zhang, Lucy T.; Wong, Michael K.; Agelastos, Anthony M.

This report presents an assessment of immersed Eulerian-Lagrangian code-coupling techniques suitable for use in a broad range of mechanics applications. The coupling algorithm is based on an immersed finite element method that considers the Lagrangian and Eulerian overlap regions in the overall variational formulation. In this report the basic formulation details are presented followed by various aspects of the code-coupling algorithm using OpenIFEM as the Lagrangian/coupling framework. A series of representative test cases that illustrate the code-coupling algorithm are discussed. The current work provides an in-depth investigation into the immersed finite element method for the purposes of providing a rigorous coupling technique that is minimally invasive in the respective Eulerian and Lagrangian codes. A number of extensions to the base immersed finite element method have been examined. These extension include nodal and quadrature-based indicator functions, a Lagrangian volume-fraction calculation in regions of overlap, and the use of penalty constraints between the Lagrangian and Eulerian domains. A unique MPI-based coupling strategy that retains the independent MPI structure of each code has been demonstrated.

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Quantum-Accurate Multiscale Modeling of Shock Hugoniots, Ramp Compression Paths, Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions, and Transport Properties in Highly Compressed Metals

Wood, Mitchell A.; Nikolov, Svetoslav V.; Rohskopf, Andrew D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Cangi, Attila C.; Tranchida, Julien T.

Fully characterizing high energy density (HED) phenomena using pulsed power facilities (Z machine) and coherent light sources is possible only with complementary numerical modeling for design, diagnostic development, and data interpretation. The exercise of creating numerical tests, that match experimental conditions, builds critical insight that is crucial for the development of a strong fundamental understanding of the physics behind HED phenomena and for the design of next generation pulsed power facilities. The persistence of electron correlation in HED ma- terials arising from Coulomb interactions and the Pauli exclusion principle is one of the greatest challenges for accurate numerical modeling and has hitherto impeded our ability to model HED phenomena across multiple length and time scales at sufficient accuracy. An exemplar is a fer- romagnetic material like iron, while familiar and widely used, we lack a simulation capability to characterize the interplay of structure and magnetic effects that govern material strength, ki- netics of phase transitions and other transport properties. Herein we construct and demonstrate the Molecular-Spin Dynamics (MSD) simulation capability for iron from ambient to earth core conditions, all software advances are open source and presently available for broad usage. These methods are multi-scale in nature, direct comparisons between high fidelity density functional the- ory (DFT) and linear-scaling MSD simulations is done throughout this work, with advancements made to MSD allowing for electronic structure changes being reflected in classical dynamics. Main takeaways for the project include insight into the role of magnetic spins on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity, development of accurate interatomic potentials paired with spin Hamil- tonians, and characterization of the high pressure melt boundary that is of critical importance to planetary modeling efforts.

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Multi-fidelity information fusion and resource allocation

Jakeman, John D.; Eldred, Michael S.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Smith, Thomas M.; Gorodetsky, Alex A.; Pham, Trung P.; Narayan, Akil N.; Zeng, Xiaoshu Z.; Ghanem, Roger G.

This project created and demonstrated a framework for the efficient and accurate prediction of complex systems with only a limited amount of highly trusted data. These next generation computational multi-fidelity tools fuse multiple information sources of varying cost and accuracy to reduce the computational and experimental resources needed for designing and assessing complex multi-physics/scale/component systems. These tools have already been used to substantially improve the computational efficiency of simulation aided modeling activities from assessing thermal battery performance to predicting material deformation. This report summarizes the work carried out during a two year LDRD project. Specifically we present our technical accomplishments; project outputs such as publications, presentations and professional leadership activities; and the project’s legacy.

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Full 3D Kinetic Modeling and Quantification of Positive Streamer Evolution in an Azimuthally Swept Pin-to-Plane Wedge Geometry

Jindal, Ashish K.; Moore, Christopher H.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Hopkins, Matthew M.

Cathode-directed streamer evolution in near atmospheric air is modeled in 3D pin-to-plane geometries using a 3D kinetic Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code that simulates particle-particle collisions via the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Due to the computational challenges associated with a complete 360° volumetric domain, a practical alternative was achieved using a wedge domain and a range of azimuthal angles was explored (5°, 15°, 30°, and 45°) to study possible effects on the streamer growth and propagation due to the finite wedge angle. A DC voltage of 6 kV is administered to a hemispherical anode of radius 100 μm, with a planar cathode held at ground potential, generating an over-volted state with an electric field of 4 MV/m across a 1500 μm gap. The domain is seeded with an initial ion and electron density of 1018 m-3 at 1 eV temperature confined to a spherical region of radius 100 μm centered at the tip of the anode. The air chemistry model [1] includes standard Townsend breakdown mechanisms (electron-neutral elastic, excitation, ionization, attachment, and detachment collision chemistry and secondary electron emission) as well as streamer mechanisms (photoionization and ion-neutral collisions) via tracking excited state neutrals which can then either quench via collisions or spontaneously emit a photon based on specific Einstein-A coefficients [2, 3]. In this work, positive streamer dynamics are formally quantified for each wedge angle in terms of electron velocity and density as temporal functions of coordinates r, Φ, and z. Applying a random plasma seed for each simulation, particles of interest are tracked with near femtosecond temporal resolution out to 1.4 ns and spatially binned. This process is repeated six times and results are averaged. Prior 2D studies have shown that the reduced electric field, E/n, can significantly impact streamer evolution [4]. We extend the analysis to 3D wedge geometries, to limit computational costs, and examine the wedge angle’s effect on streamer branching, propagation, and velocity. Results indicate that the smallest wedge angle that produced an acceptably converged solution is 30°. The potential effects that a mesh, when under-resolved with respect to the Debye length, can impart on streamer dynamics and numerical heating were not investigated, and we explicitly state here that the smallest cell size was approximately 10 times the minimum λD in the streamer channel at late times. This constraint on cell size was the result of computational limitations on total mesh count.

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Results 276–300 of 80,958
Results 276–300 of 80,958