
Results 26–42 of 42
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Empirical assessment of network-based Moving Target Defense approaches

Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM

Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Stout, William M.S.; Urias, Vincent U.

Moving Target Defense (MTD) is based on the notion of controlling change across various system attributes with the objective of increasing uncertainty and complexity for attackers; the promise of MTD is that this increased uncertainty and complexity will increase the costs of attack efforts and thus prevent or limit network intrusions. As MTD increases complexity of the system for the attacker, the MTD also increases complexity and cost in the desired operation of the system. This introduced complexity may result in more difficult network troubleshooting and cause network degradation or longer network outages, and may not provide an adequate defense against an adversary in the end. In this work, the authors continue MTD assessment and evaluation, this time focusing on application performance monitoring (APM) under the umbrella of Defensive Work Factors, as well as the empirical assessment of a network-based MTD under Red Team (RT) attack. APM provides the impact of the MTD from the perspective of the user, whilst the RT element provides a means to test the defense under a series of attack steps based on the LM Cyber Kill Chain.

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Gathering threat intelligence through computer network deception

2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, HST 2016

Urias, Vincent U.; Stout, William M.S.; Lin, Han W.

The threat landscape is changing significantly; complexity and rate of attacks is ever increasing, and the network defender does not have enough resources (people, technology, intelligence, context) to make informed decisions. The need for network defenders to develop and create proactive threat intelligence is on the rise. Network deception may provide analysts the ability to collect raw intelligence about threat actors as they reveal their Tools, Tactics and Procedures (TTP). This increased understanding of the latest cyber-Attacks would enable cyber defenders to better support and defend the network, thereby increasing the cost to the adversary by making it more difficult to successfully attack an enterprise. Using a deception framework, we have created a live, unpredictable, and adaptable Deception Environment leveraging virtualization/cloud technology, software defined networking, introspection and analytics. The environment not only provides the means to identify and contain the threat, but also facilitates the ability to study, understand, and develop protections against sophisticated adversaries. By leveraging actionable data, in real-Time or after a sustained engagement, the Deception Environment may be easily modified to interact with and change the perception of the adversary on-The-fly. This ability to change what and where the attacker is on the network, as well as change and modify the content of the adversary on exfiltration and infiltration, is the defining novelty of our Deception Environment.

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MTD assessment framework with cyber attack modeling

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Stout, William M.S.; Urias, Vincent U.

Moving Target Defense (MTD) has received significant focus in technical publications. The publications describe MTD approaches that periodically change some attribute of the computer network system. The attribute that is changed, in most cases, is one that an adversary attempts to gain knowledge of through reconnaissance and may use its knowledge of the attribute to exploit the system. The fundamental mechanism an MTD uses to secure the system is to change the system attributes such that the adversary never gains the knowledge and cannot execute an exploit prior to the attribute changing value. Thus, the MTD keeps the adversary from gaining the knowledge of attributes necessary to exploit the system. Most papers conduct theoretical analysis or basic simulations to assess the effectiveness of the MTD approach. More effective assessment of MTD approaches should include behavioral characteristics for both the defensive actor and the adversary; however, limited research exists on running actual attacks against an implemented system with the objective of determining the security benefits and total cost of deploying the MTD approach. This paper explores empirical assessment through experimentation of MTD approaches. The cyber-kill chain is used to characterize the actions of the adversary and identify what classes of attacks were successfully thwarted by the MTD approach and what classes of attacks could not be thwarted In this research paper, we identify the experiment environments and where experiment fidelity should be focused to evaluate the effectiveness of MTD approaches. Additionally, experimentation environments that support contemporary technologies used in MTD approaches, such as software defined networking (SDN), are also identified and discussed.

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Computer network deception as a Moving Target Defense

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Urias, Vincent U.; Stout, William M.S.; Loverro, Caleb

Computer Network Defense (CND) has traditionally been provided using reactionary tools such as signature-based detectors, white/blacklisting, intrusion detection/protection systems, etc. While event detection/correlation techniques may identify threats - those threats are then dealt with manually, often employing obstruction-based responses (e.g., blocking). Literature has shown that as threat sophistication grows, perimeter-planted security efforts are ineffective in combating competent adversaries; malicious actors are already seated behind enterprise defenses, navigating the controls. We have developed a novel approach to CND: the Deception Environment. Under the Deception Environment framework, we have created a live, unpredictable, and adaptable deception network leveraging virtualization/cloud technology, software defined networking, introspection and analytics. The environment not only provides the means to identify and contain the threat, but also facilitates the ability to study, understand, and develop protections against sophisticated adversaries. Its extensibility has enabled us to explore its application as a Moving Target Defense (MTD).

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Techniques for the dynamic randomization of network attributes

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Chavez, Adrian R.; Stout, William M.S.; Peisert, Sean

Critical infrastructure control systems continue to foster predictable communication paths and static configurations that allow easy access to our networked critical infrastructure around the world. This makes them attractive and easy targets for cyber-attack. We have developed technologies that address these attack vectors by automatically reconfiguring network settings. Applying these protective measures will convert control systems into «moving targets» that proactively defend themselves against attack. This «Moving Target Defense» (MTD) revolves about the movement of network reconfiguration, securely communicating reconfiguration specifications to other network nodes as required, and ensuring that connectivity between nodes is uninterrupted. Software-defined Networking (SDN) is leveraged to meet many of these goals. Our MTD approach eliminates adversaries targeting known static attributes of network devices and systems, and consists of the following three techniques: (1) Network Randomization for TCP/UDP Ports; (2) Network Randomization for IP Addresses; (3) Network Randomization for Network Paths In this paper, we describe the implementation of the aforementioned technologies. We also discuss the individual and collective successes for the techniques, challenges for deployment, constraints and assumptions, and the performance implications for each technique.

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Operational cost of deploying Moving Target Defenses defensive work factors

Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM

Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Stout, William M.S.; Urias, Vincent U.

Moving Target Defense (MTD) is the concept of controlling change across multiple information system dimensions with the objective of increasing uncertainty and complexity for attackers. Increased uncertainty and complexity will increase the costs of malicious probing and attack efforts and thus prevent or limit network intrusion. As MTD increases complexity of the system for the attacker, the MTD also increases complexity in the desired operation of the system. This introduced complexity results in more difficult network troubleshooting and can cause network degradation or longer network outages. In this research paper the authors describe the defensive work factor concept. Defensive work factors considers in detail the specific impact that the MTD approach has on computing resources and network resources. Measuring impacts on system performance along with identifying how network services (e.g., DHCP, DNS, in-place security mechanisms) are affected by the MTD approach are presented. Also included is a case study of an MTD deployment and the defensive work factor costs. An actual experiment is constructed and metrics are described for the use case.

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Network Randomization and Dynamic Defense for Critical Infrastructure Systems

Chavez, Adrian R.; Martin, Mitchell T.; Hamlet, Jason H.; Stout, William M.S.; Lee, Erik L.

Critical Infrastructure control systems continue to foster predictable communication paths, static configurations, and unpatched systems that allow easy access to our nation's most critical assets. This makes them attractive targets for cyber intrusion. We seek to address these attack vectors by automatically randomizing network settings, randomizing applications on the end devices themselves, and dynamically defending these systems against active attacks. Applying these protective measures will convert control systems into moving targets that proactively defend themselves against attack. Sandia National Laboratories has led this effort by gathering operational and technical requirements from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and performing research and development to create a proof-of-concept solution. Our proof-of-concept has been tested in a laboratory environment with over 300 nodes. The vision of this project is to enhance control system security by converting existing control systems into moving targets and building these security measures into future systems while meeting the unique constraints that control systems face.

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Results 26–42 of 42
Results 26–42 of 42