A novel experimental geometry is combined with acoustic emission monitoring capability to measure crack growth and damage accumulation during laboratory simulations of borehole breakout. Three different experiments are conducted in this study using Sierra White Granite. In the first experiment, the sample is deformed at a constant 17.2 MPa confining pressure without pore fluids; in the second experiment, the sample is held at a constant effective pressure of 17.2 MPa with a constant pore pressure; and in the third experiment, pore pressure is modified to induce failure at otherwise constant stress. The results demonstrate that effective pressure and stress path have controlling influence on breakout initiation and damage accumulation in laboratory simulations of wellbore behavior. Excellent agreement between the dry test and constant pore pressure test verify the application of the effective pressure law to borehole deformation. Located AE events coincide with post-test observations of damage and fracture locations. Comparison of AE behavior between the experiments with pore pressure show that breakouts develop prior to peak stress, and continued loading drives damage further into the formation and generates shear fractures.
Results of axisymmetric compression tests on weak, porous Castlegate Sandstone (Cretaceous, Utah, USA), covering a range of dilational and compactional behaviors, are examined for localization behavior. Assuming isotropy, bulk and shear moduli evolve as increasing functions of mean stress and Mises equivalent shear stress respectively, and as decreasing functions of work-conjugate plastic strains. Acoustic emissions events located during testing show onset of localization and permit calculation of observed shear and low-angle compaction localization zones, or bands, as localization commences. Total strain measured experimentally partitions into: A) elastic strain with constant moduli, B) elastic strain due to stress dependence of moduli, C) elastic strain due to moduli degradation with increasing plastic strain, and D) plastic strain. The third term is the elastic-plastic coupling strain, and though often ignored, contributes significantly to pre-failure total strain for brittle and transitional tests. Constitutive parameters and localization predictions derived from experiments are compared to theoretical predictions. In the brittle regime, predictions of band angles (angle between band normal and maximum compression) demonstrate good agreement with observed shear band angles. Compaction localization was observed in the transitional regime in between shear localization and spatially pervasive compaction, over a small range of mean stresses. In contrast with predictions, detailed acoustic emissions analyses in this regime show low angle, compaction-dominated but shear-enhanced, localization.
A series of constant mean stress (CMS) and constant shear stress (CSS) tests were performed to investigate the evolution of permeability and Biot coefficient at high mean stresses in a high porosity reservoir analog (Castlegate sandstone). Permeability decreases as expected with increasing mean stress, from about 20 Darcy at the beginning of the tests to between 1.5 and 0.3 Darcy at the end of the tests (mean stresses up to 275 MPa). The application of shear stress causes permeability to drop below that of a hydrostatic test at the same mean stress. Results show a nearly constant rate decrease in the Biot coefficient as the mean stress increases during hydrostatic loading, and as the shear stress increases during CMS loading. CSS tests show a stabilization of the Biot coefficient after the application of shear stress.
Greater Aneth oil field, Utah’s largest oil producer, was discovered in 1956 and has produced over 483 million barrels of oil. Located in the Paradox Basin of southeastern Utah, Greater Aneth is a stratigraphic trap producing from the Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Paradox Formation. Because Greater Aneth is a mature, major oil field in the western U.S., and has a large carbonate reservoir, it was selected to demonstrate combined enhanced oil recovery and carbon dioxide storage. The Aneth Unit in the northwestern part of the field has produced over 160 million barrels of the estimated 386 million barrels of original oil in place—a 42% recovery rate. The large amount of remaining oil made the Aneth Unit ideal to enhance oil recovery by carbon dioxide flooding and demonstrate carbon dioxide storage capacity.
A series of tests have been performed on Sierra White granite subjected to general (true triaxial) states of stress. Tests were performed under constant Lode angle conditions at Lode angles of 23.4, 16.1 and 0°. The constant Lode angle condition was maintained by holding the minimum principal stress constant while increasing the maximum and intermediate principal stress at a predetermined ratio. Tests were performed at minimum principal stresses of 5, 17 and 30 MPa. All of the specimens failed in a brittle manner, with significant dilatant volume strain accumulated, and failure showed a strong dependence on Lode angle. Specimens behaved in a nearly linear elastic manner until approximately 75% of the peak stress was reached. The angle of the failure feature (shear band) was compared to predictions developed by using the Rudnicki and Rice (1975) localization criterion. It was found that there was good agreement (within 7°) between the experimental results and theoretical predictions.
Dissolved CO2 in the subsurface resulting from geological CO2 storage may react with minerals in fractured rocks, confined aquifers, or faults, resulting in mineral precipitation and dissolution. The overall rate of reaction can be affected by coupled processes including hydrodynamics, transport, and reactions at the (sub) pore-scale. In this work pore-scale modeling of coupled fluid flow, reactive transport, and heterogeneous reactions at the mineral surface is applied to account for permeability alterations caused by precipitation-induced pore-blocking. This work is motivated by observations of CO2 seeps from a natural CO2 sequestration analog, Crystal Geyser, Utah. Observations along the surface exposure of the Little Grand Wash fault indicate the lateral migration of CO2 seep sites (i.e., alteration zones) of 10–50 m width with spacing on the order of ~100 m over time. Sandstone permeability in alteration zones is reduced by 3–4 orders of magnitude by carbonate cementation compared to unaltered zones. One granular porous medium and one fracture network systems are used to conceptually represent permeable porous media and locations of conduits controlled by fault-segment intersections and/or topography, respectively. Simulation cases accounted for a range of reaction regimes characterized by the Damköhler (Da) and Peclet (Pe) numbers. Pore-scale simulation results demonstrate that combinations of transport (Pe), geochemical conditions (Da), solution chemistry, and pore and fracture configurations contributed to match key patterns observed in the field of how calcite precipitation alters flow paths by pore plugging. This comparison of simulation results with field observations reveals mechanistic explanations of the lateral migration and enhances our understanding of subsurface processes associated with the CO2 injection. In addition, permeability and porosity relations are constructed from pore-scale simulations which account for a range of reaction regimes characterized by the Da and Pe numbers. The functional relationships obtained from pore-scale simulations can be used in a continuum scale model that may account for large-scale phenomena mimicking lateral migration of surface CO2 seeps.
We characterize geomechanical constitutive behavior of reservoir sandstones at conditions simulating the “Cranfield” Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership injection program. From two cores of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation, three sandstone lithofacies were identified for mechanical testing based on permeability and lithology. These include: chlorite-cemented conglomeratic sandstone (Facies A); quartz-cemented fine sandstone (Facies B); and quartz- and calcite-cemented very fine sandstone (Facies C). We performed a suite of compression tests for each lithofacies at 100 °C and pore pressure of 30 MPa, including hydrostatic compression and triaxial tests at several confining pressures. Plugs were saturated with supercritical CO2-saturated brine. Chemical environment affected the mechanical response of all three lithofacies, which experience initial plastic yielding at stresses far below estimated in situ stress. Measured elastic moduli degradation defines a secondary yield surface coinciding with in situ stress for Facies B and C. Facies A shows measurable volumetric creep strain and a failure envelope below estimates of in situ stress, linked to damage of chlorite cements by acidic pore solutions. The substantial weakening of a particular lithofacies by CO2 demonstrates a possible chemical-mechanical coupling during injection at Cranfield with implications for CO2 injection, reservoir permeability stimulation, and enhanced oil recovery.