A benchmark experiment for x-ray emission and temperature diagnostics in accretion-powered photoionized plasmas
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Physics of Plasmas
The burning core of an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) plasma produces bright x-rays at stagnation that can directly diagnose core conditions essential for comparison to simulations and understanding fusion yields. These x-rays also backlight the surrounding shell of warm, dense matter, whose properties are critical to understanding the efficacy of the inertial confinement and global morphology. We show that the absorption and fluorescence spectra of mid-Z impurities or dopants in the warm dense shell can reveal the optical depth, temperature, and density of the shell and help constrain models of warm, dense matter. This is illustrated by the example of a high-resolution spectrum collected from an ICF plasma with a beryllium shell containing native iron impurities. Analysis of the iron K-edge provides model-independent diagnostics of the shell density (2.3 × 1024 e/cm3) and temperature (10 eV), while a 12-eV red shift in Kβ and 5-eV blue shift in the K-edge discriminate among models of warm dense matter: Both shifts are well described by a self-consistent field model based on density functional theory but are not fully consistent with isolated-atom models using ad-hoc density effects.
The MagLIF campaign operated by Sandia conducted a total of four shot days in FY17 (one on OMEGA and three on OMEGA-EP) aimed at characterizing the laser heating of underdense plasmas (D2, Ar) at parameters that are relevant to the Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) ICF scheme being pursued at Sandia National Laboratories [1] [2]. MagLIF combines fuel preheat, magnetization and pulsed power implosion to significantly relax the implosion velocity and pR required for self-heating. Effective fuel preheat requires coupling several kJ of laser energy into the 10 mm long, underdense (typically ne/nc<0.1) fusion fuel without introducing significant mix. Barriers to achieving this include the presence laser plasma instabilities (LPI) as laser energy is coupled to the initially cold fuel, and the presence of a thin, polyimide laser entrance hole (LEH) foil that the laser must pass through and that can be a significant perturbation.
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High Energy Density Physics
The recent iron opacity measurements performed at Sandia National Laboratory by Bailey and collaborators have raised questions about the completeness of the physical models normally used to understand partially ionized hot dense plasmas. We describe calculations of two-photon absorption, which is a candidate for the observed extra opacity. Our calculations do not yet match the experiments but show that the two-photon absorption process is strong enough to require careful consideration.
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Physical Review Letters
The interpretation of x-ray spectra emerging from x-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei accreted plasmas relies on complex physical models for radiation generation and transport in photoionized plasmas. These models have not been sufficiently experimentally validated. We have developed a highly reproducible benchmark experiment to study spectrum formation from a photoionized silicon plasma in a regime comparable to astrophysical plasmas. Ionization predictions are higher than inferred from measured absorption spectra. Self-emission measured at adjustable column densities tests radiation transport effects, demonstrating that the resonant Auger destruction assumption used to interpret black hole accretion spectra is inaccurate.
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Physical Review E
Iron opacity calculations presently disagree with measurements at an electron temperature of ∼180-195 eV and an electron density of (2-4)×1022cm-3, conditions similar to those at the base of the solar convection zone. The measurements use x rays to volumetrically heat a thin iron sample that is tamped with low-Z materials. The opacity is inferred from spectrally resolved x-ray transmission measurements. Plasma self-emission, tamper attenuation, and temporal and spatial gradients can all potentially cause systematic errors in the measured opacity spectra. In this article we quantitatively evaluate these potential errors with numerical investigations. The analysis exploits computer simulations that were previously found to reproduce the experimentally measured plasma conditions. The simulations, combined with a spectral synthesis model, enable evaluations of individual and combined potential errors in order to estimate their potential effects on the opacity measurement. The results show that the errors considered here do not account for the previously observed model-data discrepancies.
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The MAGnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) scheme has achieved thermonuclear fusion yields on the Z Facility by imploding a cylindrical liner filled with D 2 fuel that is preheated with a multi-kJ laser and pre-magnetized with an axial Bz=10 T magnetic field. Preheating (T e = 100- 200 eV) and pre-magnetizing (10-30 T) the fuel serves to reduce the implosion velocity required to achieve multi-keV fusion-relevant temperatures at stagnation with a modest radial convergence. The challenge of fuel preheat in MagLIF is to deposit multiple-kJ of energy into the underdense (n e /n c %3C0.1) fuel over %7E10 mm target length efficiently and without introducing contaminants. Once the fuel is heated the applied axial magnetic field (o ce t e %7E 10) needs to suppress electron thermal conduction sufficiently to prevent unacceptable heat losses to the liner walls. In this LDRD we investigated laser energy deposition at two facilities: The OMEGA-EP laser at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics and the Z-beamlet laser at Sandia National Labs utilizing the PECOS chamber. Multiple experiments were carried out investigating laser transmission through LEH foils, laser heating of underdense gasses and the effects of magnetization on laser preheat. The studies find that magneto-hydrodynamic simulations are able to reproduce energy deposition at MagLIF-like conditions but that at the intensities currently used to preheat MagLIF significant laser plasma instabilities (LPI) occur which partly explain the inability of codes to reproduce previous MagLIF preheat studies. The experiments find that reducing the intensity and smoothing the beam dramatically reduces the amount of stimulated Brillouin backscatter and produces deposition profiles more similar to those produced in simulations. The experiments have provided a large and varied dataset that can be compared to simulations. As part of the LDRD new experimental capabilities have also been developed that will be used to design future MagLIF integrated experiments and investigate fuel magnetization.
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This powerpoint presentation goes over the Fe opacity measurement platform, including how the experiment works, what can be gathered from the measurements, what can be gathered from the simulations, and the limitations of the experiment.
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Physics of Plasmas
We present a platform on the OMEGA EP Laser Facility that creates and diagnoses the conditions present during the preheat stage of the MAGnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) concept. Experiments were conducted using 9 kJ of 3ω (355 nm) light to heat an underdense deuterium gas (electron density: 2.5×1020 cm-3=0.025 of critical density) magnetized with a 10 T axial field. Results show that the deuterium plasma reached a peak electron temperature of 670 ± 140 eV, diagnosed using streaked spectroscopy of an argon dopant. The results demonstrate that plasmas relevant to the preheat stage of MagLIF can be produced at multiple laser facilities, thereby enabling more rapid progress in understanding magnetized preheat. Results are compared with magneto-radiation-hydrodynamics simulations, and plans for future experiments are described.
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