
Results 51–82 of 82
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Biosafety Risk Assessment Methodology

Caskey, Susan A.; Gaudioso, Jennifer M.; Salerno, Reynolds M.

Laboratories that work with biological agents need to manage their safety risks to persons working the laboratories and the human and animal community in the surrounding areas. Biosafety guidance defines a wide variety of biosafety risk mitigation measures, which include measures which fall under the following categories: engineering controls, procedural and administrative controls, and the use of personal protective equipment; the determination of which mitigation measures should be used to address the specific laboratory risks are dependent upon a risk assessment. Ideally, a risk assessment should be conducted in a manner which is standardized and systematic which allows it to be repeatable and comparable. A risk assessment should clearly define the risk being assessed and avoid over complication.

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Wireless networking and its application in nuclear safeguards

Smartt, Heidi A.; Caskey, Susan A.; Glidewell, Donnie D.

Wireless networking can provide a cost effective and convenient method for installing and operating an unattended or remote monitoring system in an established facility. There is concern, however, that wireless devices can interfere with each other and with other radio systems within the facility. Additionally, there is concern that these devices add a potential risk to the security of the network. Since all data is transmitted in the air, it is possible for an unauthorized user to intercept the data transmissions and/or insert data onto the network if proper security is not in place. This paper describes a study being undertaken to highlight the benefits of wireless networking, evaluate interference and methods for mitigation, recommend security architectures, and present the results of a wireless network demonstration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

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Wireless networking for international safeguards

Smartt, Heidi A.; Caskey, Susan A.; Smartt, Heidi A.

Wireless networking using the IEEE 802.11standards is a viable alternative for data communications in safeguards applications. This paper discusses the range of 802.11-based networking applications, along with their advantages and disadvantages. For maximum performance, safety, and security, Wireless networking should be implemented only after a comprehensive site survey has determined detailed requirements, hazards, and threats.

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Results 51–82 of 82
Results 51–82 of 82