Validation of Grid-Based Hex Meshes With Computational Solid Mechanics
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Scientific Programming
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Computational simulation must often be performed on domains where materials are represented as scalar quantities or volume fractions at cell centers of an octree-based grid. Common examples include bio-medical, geotechnical or shock physics calculations where interface boundaries are represented only as discrete statistical approximations. In this work, we introduce new methods for generating Lagrangian computational meshes from Eulerian-based data. We focus specifically on shock physics problems that are relevant to ASC codes such as CTH and Alegra. New procedures for generating all-hexahedral finite element meshes from volume fraction data are introduced. A new primal-contouring approach is introduced for defining a geometric domain. New methods for refinement, node smoothing, resolving non-manifold conditions and defining geometry are also introduced as well as an extension of the algorithm to handle tetrahedral meshes. We also describe new scalable MPI-based implementations of these procedures. We describe a new software module, Sculptor, which has been developed for use as an embedded component of CTH. We also describe its interface and its use within the mesh generation code, CUBIT. Several examples are shown to illustrate the capabilities of Sculptor.
Most adaptive mesh generation algorithms employ a 3-refinement method. This method, although easy to employ, provides a mesh that is often too coarse in some areas and over refined in other areas. Because this method generates 27 new hexes in place of a single hex, there is little control on mesh density. This paper presents an adaptive all-hexahedral grid-based meshing algorithm that employs a 2-refinement method. 2-refinement is based on dividing the hex to be refined into eight new hexes. This method allows a greater control on mesh density when compared to a 3-refinement procedure. This adaptive all-hexahedral meshing algorithm provides a mesh that is efficient for analysis by providing a high element density in specific locations and a reduced mesh density in other areas. In addition, this tool can be effectively used for inside-out hexahedral grid based schemes, using Cartesian structured grids for the base mesh, which have shown great promise in accommodating automatic all-hexahedral algorithms. This adaptive all-hexahedral grid-based meshing algorithm employs a 2-refinement insertion method. This allows greater control on mesh density when compared to 3-refinement methods. This algorithm uses a two layer transition zone to increase element quality and keeps transitions from lower to higher mesh densities smooth. Templates were introduced to allow both convex and concave refinement.
The ability to automatically morph an existing mesh to conform to geometry modifications is a necessary capability to enable rapid prototyping of design variations. This paper compares six methods for morphing hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes, including the previously published FEMWARP and LBWARP methods as well as four new methods. Element quality and performance results show that different methods are superior on different models. We recommend that designers of applications that use mesh morphing consider both the FEMWARP and a linear simplex based method.
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The generation of all-hexahedral finite element meshes has been an area of ongoing research for the past two decades and remains an open problem. Unconstrained plastering is a new method for generating all-hexahedral finite element meshes on arbitrary volumetric geometries. Starting from an unmeshed volume boundary, unconstrained plastering generates the interior mesh topology without the constraints of a pre-defined boundary mesh. Using advancing fronts, unconstrained plastering forms partially defined hexahedral dual sheets by decomposing the geometry into simple shapes, each of which can be meshed with simple meshing primitives. By breaking from the tradition of previous advancing-front algorithms, which start from pre-meshed boundary surfaces, unconstrained plastering demonstrates that for the tested geometries, high quality, boundary aligned, orientation insensitive, all-hexahedral meshes can be generated automatically without pre-meshing the boundary. Examples are given for meshes from both solid mechanics and geotechnical applications.
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Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, IMR 2007
This paper describes a distributed-memory, embarrassingly parallel hexahedral mesh generator, pCAMAL (parallel CUBIT Adaptive Mesh Algorithm Library). pCAMAL utilizes the sweeping method following a serial step of geometry decomposition conducted in the CUBIT geometry preparation and mesh generation tool. The utility of pCAMAL in generating large meshes is illustrated, and linear speed-up under load-balanced conditions is demonstrated.
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Engineering
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Elsevier Nuclear Engineering and Design
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Engineering With Computers
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Engineering with Computers
This paper proposes a method for predicting the complexity of meshing computer aided design (CAD) geometries with unstructured, hexahedral, finite elements. Meshing complexity refers to the relative level of effort required to generate a valid finite element mesh on a given CAD geometry. A function is proposed to approximate the meshing complexity for single part CAD models. The function is dependent on a user defined element size as well as on data extracted from the geometry and topology of the CAD part. Several geometry and topology measures are proposed, which both characterize the shape of the CAD part and detect configurations that complicate mesh generation. Based on a test suite of CAD models, the function is demonstrated to be accurate within a certain range of error. The solution proposed here is intended to provide managers and users of meshing software a method of predicting the difficulty in meshing a CAD model. This will enable them to make decisions about model simplification and analysis approaches prior to mesh generation. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.
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Proceedings of the 14th International Meshing Roundtable, IMR 2005
Unconstrained Plastering is a new algorithm with the goal of generating a conformal all-hexahedral mesh on any solid geometry assembly. Paving[1] has proven reliable for quadrilateral meshing on arbitrary surfaces. However, the 3D corollary, Plastering [2][3][4][5], is unable to resolve the unmeshed center voids due to being over-constrained by a pre-existing boundary mesh. Unconstrained Plastering attempts to leverage the benefits of Paving and Plastering, without the over-constrained nature of Plastering. Unconstrained Plastering uses advancing fronts to inwardly project unconstrained hexahedral layers from an unmeshed boundary. Only when three layers cross, is a hex element formed. Resolving the final voids is easier since closely spaced, randomly oriented quadrilaterals do not over-constrain the problem. Implementation has begun on Unconstrained Plastering, however, proof of its reliability is still forthcoming. © 2005 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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This paper presents an automated tool for local, conformal refinement of all-hexahedral meshes based on the insertion of multi-directional twist planes into the spatial twist continuum. The refinement process is divided into independent refinement steps. In each step, an inserted twist plane modifies a single sheet or two parallel hex sheets. Six basic templates, chosen and oriented based on the number of nodes selected for refinement, replace original mesh elements. The contributions of this work are (1) the localized refinement of mesh regions defined by individual or groups of nodes, element edges, element faces or whole elements within an all-hexahedral mesh, (2) the simplification of template-based refinement into a general method and (3) the use of hex sheets for the management of template insertion in multi-directional refinement.
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Proposed for presentation at the US National Congress on Computation Mechanics / Inter. Jour. of Num. Math. in Eng. held July 28-30, 2003 in Albuquerque, NM.
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Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
New algorithms are proposed for the modification of a mixed hexahedra-tetrahedra element mesh to maintain compatibility by the insertion of pyramid elements. Several methods for generation of the pyramids are presented involving local tetrahedral transformations and/or node insertion near the hex/tet interface. Local smoothing and topological operations improve the quality of the transition region. Results show superior performance of the resulting elements in a commercial finite-element code over non-conforming interface conditions. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
2000 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems - MSM 2000
A co-simulation tool based on finite element principles has been developed to solve coupled electrostatic-structural problems. An automated mesh morphing algorithm has been employed to update the field mesh after structural deformation. The co-simulation tool has been successfully applied to the hysteric behavior of a MEMS switch.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
H-Morph is a new automatic algorithm for the generation of a hexahedral-dominant finite element mesh for arbitrary volumes. The H-Morph method starts with an initial tetrahedral mesh and systematically transforms and combines tetrahedra into hexahedra. It uses an advancing front technique where the initial front consists of a set of prescribed quadrilateral surface facets. Fronts arc individually processed by recovering each of the six quadrilateral faces of a hexahedron from the tetrahedral mesh. Recovery techniques similar to those used in boundary constrained Delaunay mesh generation are used. Tetrahedra internal to the six hexahedral faces are then removed and a hexahedron is formed. At any time during the H-Morph procedure a valid mixed hexahedral-tetrahedral mesh is in existence within the volume. The procedure continues until no tetrahedra remain within the volume, or tetrahedra remain which cannot be transformed or combined into valid hexahedral elements. Any remaining tetrahedra are typically towards the interior of the volume, generally a less critical region for analysis. Transition from tetrahedra to hexahedra in the final mesh is accomplished through pyramid-shaped elements. Advantages of the proposed method include its ability to conform to an existing quadrilateral surface mesh, its ability to mesh without the need to decompose or recognize special classes of geometry, and its characteristic well-aligned layers of elements parallel to the boundary. Example test cases are presented on a variety of models. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.