Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 31st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2017
Bhalachandra, Sridutt; Porterfield, Allan; Olivier, Stephen L.; Prins, Jan F.
Energy efficiency in high performance computing (HPC) will be critical to limit operating costs and carbon footprints in future supercomputing centers. Energy efficiency of a computation can be improved by reducing time to completion without a substantial increase in power drawn or by reducing power with a little increase in time to completion. We present an Adaptive Core-specific Runtime (ACR) that dynamically adapts core frequencies to workload characteristics, and show examples of both reductions in power and improvement in the average performance. This improvement in energy efficiency is obtained without changes to the application. The adaptation policy embedded in the runtime uses existing core-specific power controls like software-controlled clock modulation and per-core Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) introduced in Intel Haswell. Experiments on six standard MPI benchmarks and a real world application show an overall 20% improvement in energy efficiency with less than 1% increase in execution time on 32 nodes (1024 cores) using per-core DVFS. An improvement in energy efficiency of up to 42% is obtained with the real world application ParaDis through a combination of speedup and power reduction. For one configuration, ParaDis achieves an average speedup of 11%, while the power is lowered by about 31%. The average improvement in the performance seen is a direct result of the reduction in run-to-run variation and running at turbo frequencies.
This paper describes improvements in task scheduling for the Chapel parallel programming language provided in its default on-node tasking runtime, the Qthreads library. We describe a new scheduler distrib which builds on the approaches of two previous Qthreads schedulers, Sherwood and Nemesis, and combines the best aspects of both-work stealing and load balancing from Sherwood and a lock free queue access from Nemesis- to make task queuing better suited for the use of Chapel in the manycore era. We demonstrate the efficacy of this new scheduler by showing improvements in various individual benchmarks of the Chapel test suite on the Intel Knights Landing architecture.
Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.
Emerging novel architectures for shared memory parallel computing are incorporating increasingly creative innovations to deliver higher memory performance. A notable exemplar of this phenomenon is the Multi-Channel DRAM (MCDRAM) that is included in the Intel® XeonPhi™ processors. In this paper, we examine techniques to use OpenMP to exploit the high bandwidth of MCDRAM by staging data. In particular, we implement double buffering using OpenMP sections and tasks to explicitly manage movement of data into MCDRAM. We compare our double-buffered approach to a non-buffered implementation and to Intel’s cache mode, in which the system manages the MCDRAM as a transparent cache. We also demonstrate the sensitivity of performance to parameters such as dataset size and the distribution of threads between compute and copy operations.
The Graph BLAS effort to standardize a set of graph algorithms building blocks in terms of linear algebra primitives promises to deliver high performing graph algorithms and greatly impact the analysis of big data. However, there are challenges with this approach, which our data analytics miniapp miniTri exposes. In this paper, we improve upon a previously proposed task-parallel approach to linear algebra-based miniTri formulation, addressing these challenges and describing a Kokkos/Qthreads task-parallel implementation that performs as well or slightly better than the highly optimized, baseline OpenMP data-parallel implementation.
Power API - the result of collaboration among national laboratories, universities, and major vendors - provides a range of standardized power management functions, from application-level control and measurement to facility-level accounting, including real-time and historical statistics gathering. Support is already available for Intel and AMD CPUs and standalone measurement devices.
Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.
This report describes a new capability for hierarchical task-data parallelism using Sandia's Kokkos and Qthreads, and evaluation of this capability with sparse matrix Cholesky factor- ization and social network triangle enumeration mini-applications. Hierarchical task-data parallelism consists of a collection of tasks with executes-after dependences where each task contains data parallel operations performed on a team of hardware threads. The collection of tasks and dependences form a directed acyclic graph of tasks - a task DAG . Major chal- lenges of this research and development effort include: portability and performance across multicore CPU; manycore Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA GPU architectures; scalability with respect to hardware concurrency and size of the task DAG; and usability of the application programmer interface (API).
Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.
Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [131, 3, 5, 11), 4, a, B, Ili, 7, T71,, a 11 11, 1, 6, IA, ]112]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager. KC
We introduce a task-parallel algorithm for sparse incomplete Cholesky factorization that utilizes a 2D sparse partitioned-block layout of a matrix. Our factorization algorithm follows the idea of algorithms-by-blocks by using the block layout. The algorithm-byblocks approach induces a task graph for the factorization. These tasks are inter-related to each other through their data dependences in the factorization algorithm. To process the tasks on various manycore architectures in a portable manner, we also present a portable tasking API that incorporates different tasking backends and device-specific features using an open-source framework for manycore platforms i.e., Kokkos. A performance evaluation is presented on both Intel Sandybridge and Xeon Phi platforms for matrices from the University of Florida sparse matrix collection to illustrate merits of the proposed task-based factorization. Experimental results demonstrate that our task-parallel implementation delivers about 26.6x speedup (geometric mean) over single-threaded incomplete Choleskyby- blocks and 19.2x speedup over serial Cholesky performance which does not carry tasking overhead using 56 threads on the Intel Xeon Phi processor for sparse matrices arising from various application problems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Terboven, Christian; Hahnfeld, Jonas; Teruel, Xavier; Mateo, Sergi; Duran, Alejandro; Klemm, Michael; Olivier, Stephen L.; de Supinski, Bronis R.
OpenMP tasking supports parallelization of irregular algorithms. Recent OpenMP specifications extended tasking to increase functionality and to support optimizations, for instance with the taskloop construct. However, task scheduling remains opaque, which leads to inconsistent performance on NUMA architectures. We assess design issues for task affinity and explore several approaches to enable it. We evaluate these proposals with implementations in the Nanos++ and LLVM OpenMP runtimes that improve performance up to 40% and significantly reduce execution time variation.
Proceedings of E2SC 2015: 3rd International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing - Held in conjunction with SC 2015: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Power consumption of extreme-scale supercomputers has become a key performance bottleneck. Yet current practices do not leverage power management opportunities, instead running at maximum power. This is not sustainable. Future systems will need to manage power as a critical resource, directing it to where it has greatest benefit. Power capping is one mechanism for managing power budgets, however its behavior is not well understood. This paper presents an empirical evaluation of several key HPC workloads running under a power cap on a Cray XC40 system, and provides a comparison of this technique with p-state control, demonstrating the performance differences of each. These results show: 1.) Maximum performance requires ensuring the cap is not reached; 2.) Performance slowdown under a cap can be attributed to cascading delays which result in unsynchronized performance variability across nodes; and, 3.) Due to lag in reaction time, considerable time is spent operating above the set cap. This work provides a timely and much needed comparison of HPC application performance under a power cap and attempts to enable users and system administrators to understand how to best optimize application performance on power-constrained HPC systems.
Power consumption of extreme-scale supercomputers has become a key performance bottleneck. Yet current practices do not leverage power management opportunities, instead running at ''maximum power''. This is not sustainable. Future systems will need to manage power as a critical resource, directing where it has greatest benefit. Power capping is one mechanism for managing power budgets, however its behavior is not well understood. This paper presents an empirical evaluation of several key HPC workloads running under a power cap on a Cray XC40 system, and provides a comparison of this technique with p-state control, demonstrating the performance differences of each. These results show: 1. Maximum performance requires ensuring the cap is not reached; 2. Performance slowdown under a cap can be attributed to cascading delays which result in unsynchronized performance variability across nodes; and, 3. Due to lag in reaction time, considerable time is spent operating above the set cap. This work provides a timely and much needed comparison of HPC application performance under a power cap and attempts to enable users and system administrators to understand how to best optimize application performance on power-constrained HPC systems.
The Bulk Synchronous Parallel programming model is showing performance limitations at high processor counts. We propose over-decomposition of the domain, operated on as tasks, to smooth out utilization of the computing resource, in particular the node interconnect and processing cores, and hide intra- and inter-node data movement. Our approach maintains the existing coding style commonly employed in computational science and engineering applications. Although we show improved performance on existing computers, up to 131,072 processor cores, the effectiveness of this approach on expected future architectures will require the continued evolution of capabilities throughout the codesign stack. Success then will not only result in decreased time to solution, but would also make better use of the hardware capabilities and reduce power and energy requirements, while fundamentally maintaining the current code configuration strategy.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Ciesko, Jan; Mateo, Sergi; Teruel, Xavier; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Labarta, Jesús; Duran, Alex; de Supinski, Bronis R.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Li, Kelvin; Eichenberger, Alexandre E.
Reductions represent a common algorithmic pattern in many scientific applications. OpenMP* has always supported them on parallel and worksharing constructs. OpenMP 3.0’s tasking constructs enable new parallelization opportunities through the annotation of irregular algorithms. Unfortunately the tasking model does not easily allow the expression of concurrent reductions, which limits the general applicability of the programming model to such algorithms. In this work, we present an extension to OpenMP that supports task-parallel reductions on task and taskgroup constructs to improve productivity and programmability. We present specification of the feature and explore issues for programmers and software vendors regarding programming transparency as well as the impact on the current standard with respect to nesting, untied task support and task data dependencies. Our performance evaluation demonstrates comparable results to hand coded task reductions.
The metrics used for evaluating energy saving techniques for future HPC systems are critical to the correct assessment of proposed methods. Current predictions forecast that overcoming reduced system reliability, increased power requirements and energy consumption will be a major design challenge for future systems. Modern runtime energy-saving research efforts do not take into account the energy spent providing reliability. They also do not account for the increase in the probability of failure during application execution due to runtime overhead from energy saving methods. While this is very reasonable for current systems, it is insufficient for future generation systems. By taking into account the energy consumption ramifications of increased runtimes on system reliability, better energy saving techniques can be developed. This paper demonstrates how to determine the impact of runtime energy conservation methods within the context of failure-prone large scale systems. In addition, a survey of several energy savings methodologies is conducted and an analysis is performed with respect to their effectiveness in an environment in which failures occur.
As computer systems grow in both size and complexity, the need for applications and run-time systems to adjust to their dynamic environment also grows. The goal of the RAAMP LDRD was to combine static architecture information and real-time system state with algorithms to conserve power, reduce communication costs, and avoid network contention. We devel- oped new data collection and aggregation tools to extract static hardware information (e.g., node/core hierarchy, network routing) as well as real-time performance data (e.g., CPU uti- lization, power consumption, memory bandwidth saturation, percentage of used bandwidth, number of network stalls). We created application interfaces that allowed this data to be used easily by algorithms. Finally, we demonstrated the benefit of integrating system and application information for two use cases. The first used real-time power consumption and memory bandwidth saturation data to throttle concurrency to save power without increasing application execution time. The second used static or real-time network traffic information to reduce or avoid network congestion by remapping MPI tasks to allocated processors. Results from our work are summarized in this report; more details are available in our publications [2, 6, 14, 16, 22, 29, 38, 44, 51, 54].
Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.