
Results 101–125 of 165
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Helium-mass-spectrometry-permeameter for the measurement of permeability of low permeability rock with application to triaxial deformation conditions

49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2015

Bauer, Stephen J.; Lee, Moo Y.; Gardner, William P.

A helium leakage detection system was modified to measure gas permeability on extracted cores of nearly impermeable rock. Here we use a Helium - Mass - Spectrometry - Permeameter (HMSP) to conduct a constant pressure, steady state flow test through a sample using helium gas. Under triaxial stress conditions, the HMSP can measure flow and estimate permeability of rocks and geomaterials down to the nanodarcy scale (10-21 m2). In this study, measurements of flow through eight shale samples under hydrostatic conditions were in the range of 10-7 to 10-9 Darcy. We extend this flow measurement technology by dynamically monitoring the release of helium from a helium saturated shale sample during a triaxial deformation experiment. The helium flow, initially extremely low, consistent with the low permeability of shale, is observed to increase in advance of volume strain increase during deformation of the shale. This is perhaps the result of microfracture development and flow path linkage through the microfractures within the shale. Once microfracturing coalescence initiates, there is a large increase in helium release and flow. This flow rate increase is likely the result of development of a macrofracture in the sample, a flow conduit, later confirmed by post-test observations of the deformed sample. The release rate (flow) peaks and then diminishes slightly during subsequent deformation; however the post deformation flow rate is considerably greater than that of undeformed shale.

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Behavior of salt from the Bayou Choctaw salt dome

49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2015

Ingraham, Mathew D.; Broome, Scott T.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Barrow, Perry C.; Flint, Gregory M.

A laboratory testing program was developed to examine the short-term mechanical and time-dependent (creep) behavior of salt from the Bayou Choctaw Salt Dome. Core was tested under creep and quasi-static constant mean stress axisymmetric compression, and constant mean stress axisymmetric extension conditions. Creep tests were performed at 38 degrees Celsius, and the axisymmetric tests were performed at ambient temperatures (22-26 degrees Celsius). The testing performed indicates that the dilation criterion is pressure and stress state dependent. It was found that as the mean stress increases, the shear stress required to cause dilation increases. The results for this salt are reasonably consistent with those observed for other domal salts. Also it was observed that tests performed under extensile conditions required consistently lower shear stress to cause dilation for the same mean stress, which is consistent with other domal salts. Young's modulus ranged from 27.2 to 58.7 GPa with an average of 44.4 GPa, with Poisson's ratio ranging from 0.10 to 0.43 with an average of 0.30. Creep testing indicates that the BC salt is intermediate in creep resistance when compared with other bedded and domal salt steady-state behavior.

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Gas flow measurements of consolidating crushed salt

49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2015

Bauer, Stephen J.; Broome, Scott T.; Hansen, Francis D.; Lampe, B.; Mills, M.; Stormont, J.

Crushed salt is being considered as a backfill material in the event of a salt repository for high level nuclear waste. The thermal-mechanical-hydrological properties of crushed salt as it reconsolidates in response to pressure and temperature changes are therefore important. An experimental system to measure gas flow through consolidating crushed salt at elevated temperature and pressure has been developed and tested. An experiment completed at 250°C, and hydrostatic pressures to 20 MPa, compacted a crushed salt sample from ∼40 percent porosity to near zero porosity. For this consolidation history, apparent permeability decreased from greater than 10-12 m2 to ∼10-22 m2.

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Failure of cap-rock seals as determined from mechanical stratigraphy, stress history, and tensile-failure analysis of exhumed analogs

AAPG Bulletin

Petrie, E.S.; Evans, J.P.; Bauer, Stephen J.

The sedimentologic and tectonic histories of clastic cap rocks and their inherent mechanical properties control the nature of permeable fractures within them. The migration of fluid through mm- to cm-scale fracture networks can result in focused fluid flow allowing hydrocarbon production from unconventional reservoirs or compromising the seal integrity of fluid traps. To understand the nature and distribution of subsurface fluid-flow pathways through fracture networks in cap-rock seals we examine four exhumed Paleozoic and Mesozoic seal analogs in Utah. We combine these outcrop analyses with subsidence analysis, paleoloading histories, and rock-strength testing data in modified Mohr-Coulomb-Griffith analyses to evaluate the effects of differential stress and rock type on fracture mode. Relative to the underlying sandstone reservoirs, all four seal types are low-permeability, heterolithic sequences that show mineralized hydraulic-extension fractures, extensional-shear fractures, and shear fractures. Burial-history models suggest that the cap-rock seal analogs reached a maximum burial depth >4 km (2.5 mi) and experienced a lithostatic load of up to 110 MPa (15,954 psi). Median tensile strength from indirect mechanical tests ranges from 2.3 MPa (334 psi) in siltstone to 11.5 MPa (1668 psi) in calcareous shale. Analysis of the pore-fluid factor (λv = Pf/σv) through time shows changes in the expected failure mode (extensional shear or hydraulic extension), and that failure mode depends on a combination of mechanical rock properties and differential stress. As expected with increasing lithostatic load, the amount of overpressure that is required to induce failure increases but is also lithology dependent.

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Experiments to populate and validate a processing model for polyurethane foam. BKC 44306 PMDI-10

Mondy, L.A.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Hileman, Michael B.; Thompson, Kyle R.; Rao, Rekha R.; Shelden, Bion S.; Soehnel, Melissa M.; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Grillet, Anne M.; Celina, Mathias C.; Wyatt, Nicholas B.; Russick, Edward M.

We are developing computational models to elucidate the expansion and dynamic filling process of a polyurethane foam, PMDI. The polyurethane of interest is chemically blown, where carbon dioxide is produced via the reaction of water, the blowing agent, and isocyanate. The isocyanate also reacts with polyol in a competing reaction, which produces the polymer. Here we detail the experiments needed to populate a processing model and provide parameters for the model based on these experiments. The model entails solving the conservation equations, including the equations of motion, an energy balance, and two rate equations for the polymerization and foaming reactions, following a simplified mathematical formalism that decouples these two reactions. Parameters for the polymerization kinetics model are reported based on infrared spectrophotometry. Parameters describing the gas generating reaction are reported based on measurements of volume, temperature and pressure evolution with time. A foam rheology model is proposed and parameters determined through steady-shear and oscillatory tests. Heat of reaction and heat capacity are determined through differential scanning calorimetry. Thermal conductivity of the foam as a function of density is measured using a transient method based on the theory of the transient plane source technique. Finally, density variations of the resulting solid foam in several simple geometries are directly measured by sectioning and sampling mass, as well as through x-ray computed tomography. These density measurements will be useful for model validation once the complete model is implemented in an engineering code.

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Thermophysical properties of reconsolidating crushed salt

Bauer, Stephen J.

Reconsolidated crushed salt is being considered as a backfilling material placed upon nuclear waste within a salt repository environment. In-depth knowledge of thermal and mechanical properties of the crushed salt as it reconsolidates is critical to thermal/mechanical modeling of the reconsolidation process. An experimental study was completed to quantitatively evaluate the thermal conductivity of reconsolidated crushed salt as a function of porosity and temperature. The crushed salt for this study came from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). In this work the thermal conductivity of crushed salt with porosity ranging from 1% to 40% was determined from room temperature up to 300°C, using two different experimental methods. Thermal properties (including thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat) of single-crystal salt were determined for the same temperature range. The salt was observed to dewater during heating; weight loss from the dewatering was quantified. The thermal conductivity of reconsolidated crushed salt decreases with increasing porosity; conversely, thermal conductivity increases as the salt consolidates. The thermal conductivity of reconsolidated crushed salt for a given porosity decreases with increasing temperature. A simple mixture theory model is presented to predict and compare to the data developed in this study.

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Geomechanical testing of Bayou Choctaw 102B core for SPR analysis

Ingraham, Mathew D.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Broome, Scott T.; Flint, Gregory M.; Barrow, Perry C.

A laboratory testing program was developed to examine the short-term mechanical and time-dependent (creep) behavior of salt from the Bayou Choctaw Salt Dome. This report documents the test methodologies, and constitutive properties inferred from tests performed. These are used to extend our understanding of the mechanical behavior of the Bayou Choctaw domal salt and provide a data set for numerical analyses. The resulting information will be used to support numerical analyses of the current state of the Bayou Choctaw Dome as it relates to its crude oil storage function as part of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Core obtained from Drill Hole BC-102B was tested under creep and quasi-static constant mean stress axisymmetric compression, and constant mean stress axisymmetric extension conditions. Creep tests were performed at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and the axisymmetric tests were performed at ambient temperatures (72-78 degrees Fahrenheit). The testing performed indicates that the dilation criterion is pressure and stress state dependent. It was found that as the mean stress increases, the shear stress required to cause dilation increases. The results for this salt are reasonably consistent with those observed for other domal salts. Also it was observed that tests performed under extensile conditions required consistently lower shear stress to cause dilation for the same mean stress, which is consistent with other domal salts. Young's moduli ranged from 3.95 x 106 to 8.51 x 106 psi with an average of 6.44 x 106 psi, with Poisson's ratios ranging from 0.10 to 0.43 with an average of 0.30. Creep testing indicates that the BC salt is intermediate in creep resistance when compared with other bedded and domal salt steady-state behavior.

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Thermophysical properties of BKC 44306 and BKC 44307 PMDI urethane solid and foams

Bauer, Stephen J.; Flint, Gregory M.; Mondy, L.A.

Accurate knowledge of thermophysical properties of urethane foam is considered extremely important for meaningful models and analyses to be developed of scenarios wherein the foam is heated. Its performance at temperature requires a solid understanding of the foam material properties at temperature. Also, foam properties vary with density/porosity. An experimental program to determine the thermal properties of the two foams and their parent solid urethane was developed in order to support development of a predictive model relating density and thermal properties from first principles. Thermal properties (thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and specific heat) of the foam were found to vary with temperatures from 26°C to 90°C. Thermal conductivity generally increases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from .0433 W/mK at 26°C to .0811 W/mK at 90°C; thermal diffusivity generally decreases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from .4101 mm2/s at 26°C to .1263 mm2/s at 90°C; and specific heat generally increases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from .1078 MJ/m3K at 26°C to .6323 MJ/m3K at 90°C. Thermal properties of the solid urethane were also found to vary with temperatures from 26°C to 90°C. Average thermal conductivity generally increases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from 0.126 to 0.131 W/mK at 26°C to 0.153 to 0.157 W/mK at 90°C; average thermal diffusivity generally decreases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from 0.142 to 0.147 mm2/s at 26°C to 0.124 to 0.125 mm2/s at 90°C; and average specific heat generally increases with increasing temperature for a given initial density and ranges from 0.889 to 0.899 MJ/m3K to 1.229 to 1.274 MJ/m3K at 90°C. The density of both foam and solid urethane decreased with increasing temperature.

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Thermophysical Properties of Launch Complex 17 of the Cape Canaveral Concrete

Bauer, Stephen J.; Flint, Gregory M.

Accurate knowledge of thermophysical properties of concrete is considered extremely important for meaningful models to be developed of scenarios wherein the concrete is rapidly heated. Test of solid propellant burns on samples of concrete from Launch Complex 17 of the Cape Canaveral show spallation and fragmentation. In response to the need for accurate modeling scenarios of these observations, an experimental program to determine the permeability and thermal properties of the concrete was developed. Room temperature gas permeability measurements of Launch Complex 17 of the Cape Canaveral concrete dried at 50°C yield permeability estimates of 0.07mD (mean), and thermal properties (thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and specific heat) were found to vary with temperatures from room temperature to 300°C. Thermal conductivity ranges from 1.7-1.9 W/mK at 50°C to 1.0-1.15 W/mK at 300°C, thermal diffusivity ranges from 0.75-0.96 mm2/s at 50°C to 0.44-0.58 mm2/s at 300°C, and specific heat ranges from 1.76-2.32 /m3K to 2.00-2.50 /m3K at 300°C.

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Results 101–125 of 165
Results 101–125 of 165