
Results 76–93 of 93
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Grid-tied PV battery systems

Hund, Thomas D.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

Grid tied PV energy smoothing was implemented by using a valve regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery as a temporary energy storage device to both charge and discharge as required to smooth the inverter energy output from the PV array. Inverter output was controlled by the average solar irradiance over the previous 1h time interval. On a clear day the solar irradiance power curve is offset by about 1h, while on a variable cloudy day the inverter output power curve will be smoothed based on the average solar irradiance. Test results demonstrate that this smoothing algorithm works very well. Battery state of charge was more difficult to manage because of the variable system inefficiencies. Testing continued for 30-days and established consistent operational performance for extended periods of time under a wide variety of resource conditions. Both battery technologies from Exide (Absolyte) and East Penn (ALABC Advanced) proved to cycle well at a Partial state of charge over the time interval tested.

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PV array simulator development and validation

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Kuszmaul, Scott S.

The ability to harvest all available energy from a photovoltaic (PV) array is essential if new system developments are to meet levelized cost of energy targets and achieve grid parity with conventional centralized utility power. Therefore, exercising maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms, dynamic irradiance condition operation and startup and shutdown routines and evaluating inverter performance with various PV module fill-factor characteristics must be performed with a repeatable, reliable PV source. Sandia National Laboratories is collaborating with Ametek Programmable Power to develop and demonstrate a multi-port TerraSAS PV array simulator. The simulator will replicate challenging PV module profiles, enabling the evaluation of inverter performance through analyses of the parameters listed above. Energy harvest algorithms have traditionally implemented methods that successfully utilize available energy. However, the quantification of energy capture has always been difficult to conduct, specifically when characterizing the inverter performance under non-reproducible dynamic irradiance conditions. Theoretical models of the MPPT algorithms can simulate capture effectiveness, but full validation requires a DC source with representative field effects. The DC source being developed by Ametek and validated by Sandia is a fully integrated system that can simulate an IV curve from the Solar Advisor Model (SAM) module data base. The PV simulator allows the user to change the fill factor by programming the maximum power point voltage and current parameters and the open circuit voltage and short circuit current. The integrated PV simulator can incorporate captured irradiance and module temperature data files for playback, and scripted profiles can be generated to validate new emerging hardware embedded with existing and evolving MPPT algorithms. Since the simulator has multiple independent outputs, it also has the flexibility to evaluate an inverter with multiple MPPT DC inputs. The flexibility of the PV simulator enables the validation of the inverter's capability to handle vastly different array configurations.

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Grid tied PV system energy smoothing

Hund, Thomas D.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

Grid-tied PV energy smoothing was implemented by using a valve regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery as a temporary energy storage device to both charge and discharge as required to smooth the inverter energy output from the PV array. Inverter output was controlled by the average solar irradiance over the previous 1h time interval. On a clear day the solar irradiance power curve is offset by about 1h, while on a variable cloudy day the inverter output power curve will be smoothed based on the average solar irradiance. Test results demonstrate that this smoothing algorithm works very well. Battery state of charge was more difficult to manage because of the variable system inefficiencies. Testing continued for 30-days and established consistent operational performance for extended periods of time under a wide variety of resource conditions. Both battery technologies from Exide (Absolyte) and East Penn (Advanced Valve Regulated Lead-Acid) proved to cycle well at a partial state of charge over the time interval tested.

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Commanding inverters to establish coordinated μgrid functionality at Sandia National Laboratories

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Kuszmaul, Scott S.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Ellis, Abraham E.; Serban, Emanuel

Expanded testing capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories Distributed Energy Technologies Lab (DETL) now include a single phase μGrid research test bed platform. This reconfigurable μGrid topology test bed platform is being utilized to evaluate control strategies and communication algorithms and associated issues applicable to high penetration of distributed resources on the grid. To demonstrate coordinated μGrid functionality, battery based Xantrex inverters were integrated in a μGrid configuration along with custom centralized LabVIEW generated virtual Energy Management System (EMS) software to provide system wide control. Enhanced μGrid cooperation was implemented by invoking control schemes based on existing Xantrex inverter command sets issued over a standard communication interface. Inverter cooperation was achieved without additional modifications to embedded software. This paper outlines test configuration and results for cooperative storage management and voltage support scenarios. ©2009 IEEE.

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Performance model for grid-connected photovoltaic inverters

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

This document provides an empirically based performance model for grid-connected photovoltaic inverters used for system performance (energy) modeling and for continuous monitoring of inverter performance during system operation. The versatility and accuracy of the model were validated for a variety of both residential and commercial size inverters. Default parameters for the model can be obtained from manufacturers specification sheets, and the accuracy of the model can be further refined using measurements from either well-instrumented field measurements in operational systems or using detailed measurements from a recognized testing laboratory. An initial database of inverter performance parameters was developed based on measurements conducted at Sandia National Laboratories and at laboratories supporting the solar programs of the California Energy Commission.

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Laboratory tests of IEC DER object models for grid applications

Menicucci, David F.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

This report describes a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) and Sandia National Laboratories to jointly develop advanced methods of controlling distributed energy resources (DERs) that may be located within SRP distribution systems. The controls must provide a standardized interface to allow plug-and-play capability and should allow utilities to take advantage of advanced capabilities of DERs to provide a value beyond offsetting load power. To do this, Sandia and SRP field-tested the IEC 61850-7-420 DER object model (OM) in a grid environment, with the goal of validating whether the model is robust enough to be used in common utility applications. The diesel generator OM tested was successfully used to accomplish basic genset control and monitoring. However, as presently constituted it does not enable plug-and-play functionality. Suggestions are made of aspects of the standard that need further development and testing. These problems are far from insurmountable and do not imply anything fundamentally unsound or unworkable in the standard.

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Sandia Smart Anti-Islanding Project; Summer 2001: Task II Investigation of the Impact of Single-Phase Induction Machines in Islanded Loads: Summary of Results

Bonn, Russell H.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Bonn, Russell H.

Islanding, the supply of energy to a disconnected portion of the grid, is a phenomenon that could result in personnel hazard, interfere with reclosure, or damage hardware. Considerable effort has been expended on the development of IEEE 929, a document that defines unacceptable islanding and a method for evaluating energy sources. The worst expected loads for an islanded inverter are defined in IEEE 929 as being composed of passive resistance, inductance, and capacitance. However, a controversy continues concerning the possibility that a capacitively compensated, single-phase induction motor with a very lightly damped mechanical load having a large rotational inertia would be a significantly more difficult load to shed during an island. This report documents the result of a study that shows such a motor is not a more severe case, simply a special case of the RLC network.

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Removing Barriers to Utility Interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Bonn, Russell H.; Ginn, Jerry W.

The Million Solar Roofs Initiative has motivated a renewed interest in the development of utility interconnected photovoltaic (UIPV) inverters. Government-sponsored programs (PVMaT, PVBONUS) and competition among utility interconnected inverter manufacturers have stimulated innovations and improved the performance of existing technologies. With this resurgence, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has developed a program to assist industry initiatives to overcome barriers to UIPV inverters. In accordance with newly adopted IEEE 929-2000, the utility interconnected PV inverters are required to cease energizing the utility grid when either a significant disturbance occurs or the utility experiences an interruption in service. Compliance with IEEE 929-2000 is being widely adopted by utilities as a minimum requirement for utility interconnection. This report summarizes work done at the SNL balance-of-systems laboratory to support the development of IEEE 929-2000 and to assist manufacturers in meeting its requirements.

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Testing to Support Improvements to PV Components and Systems

Bower, Ward I.; Bonn, Russell H.; Ginn, Jerry W.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Bower, Ward I.

The National Photovoltaic (PV) Program is sponsored by the US Department of Energy and includes a PV Manufacturing Research and Development (R and D) project conducted with industry. This project includes advancements in PV components to improve reliability, reduce costs, and develop integrated PV systems. Participants submit prototypes, pre-production hardware products, and examples of the resulting final products for a range of tests conducted at several national laboratories, independent testing laboratories, and recognized listing agencies. The purpose of this testing is to use the results to assist industry in determining a product's performance and reliability, and to identify areas for potential improvement. This paper briefly describes the PV Manufacturing R and D project, participants in the area of PV systems, balance of systems, and components, and several examples of the different types of product and performance testing used to support and confirm product performance.

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Improved PV system reliability results from surge evaluations at Sandia National Laboratories

Bonn, Russell H.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

Electrical surges on ac and dc inverter power wiring and diagnostic cables have the potential to shorten the lifetime of power electronics. These surges may be caused by either nearby lightning or capacitor switching transients. This paper contains a description of ongoing surge evaluations of PV power electronics and surge mitigation hardware at Sandia.

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Results 76–93 of 93
Results 76–93 of 93