
Results 26–50 of 154
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Pressure-Driven Interface Evolution in Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries

Cell Reports Physical Science

Harrison, Katharine L.; Zhang, Xin Z.; Wang, Q.J.; Roberts, Scott A.; Jungjohann, Katherine L.; Harris, Stephen J.

The development of solid-state batteries has encountered a number of problems due to the complex interfacial contact conditions between lithium (Li) metal and solid electrolytes (SEs). Recent experiments have shown that applying stack pressure can ameliorate these problems. Here, we report a multi-scale three-dimensional time-dependent contact model for describing the Li-SE interface evolution under stack pressure. Our simulation considers the surface roughness of the Li and SEs, Li elastoplasticity, Li creep, and the Li metal plating/stripping process. Consistency between the very recent experiments from two different research groups indicates effective yield strength of the Li used in those experiments of 16 ± 2 MPa. We suggest that the preferred stack pressure be at least 20 MPa to maintain a relatively small interface resistance while reducing void volume.

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Volume-averaged electrochemical performance modeling of 3D interpenetrating battery electrode architectures

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Trembacki, Bradley T.; Vadakkepatt, Ajay; Roberts, Scott A.; Murthy, Jayathi Y.

Recent advancements in micro-scale additive manufacturing techniques have created opportunities for design of novel electrode geometries that improve battery performance by deviating from the traditional layered battery design. These 3D batteries typically exhibit interpenetrating anode and cathode materials throughout the design space, but the existing well-established porous electrode theory models assume only one type of electrode is present in each battery layer. We therefore develop and demonstrate a multielectrode volume-averaged electrochemical transport model to simulate transient discharge performance of these new interpenetrating electrode architectures. We implement the new reduced-order model in the PETSc framework and asses its accuracy by comparing predictions to corresponding mesoscale-resolved simulations that are orders of magnitude more computationally-intensive. For simple electrode designs such as alternating plates or cylinders, the volume-averaged model predicts performance within ∼2% for electrode feature sizes comparable to traditional particle sizes (5-10μm) at discharge rates up to 3C. When considering more complex geometries such as minimal surface designs (i.e. gyroid, Schwarz P), we show that using calibrated characteristic diffusion lengths for each design results in errors below 3% for discharge rates up to 3C. These comparisons verify that this novel model has made reliable cell-scale simulations of interpenetrating electrode designs possible.

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Electrode Mesoscale as a Collection of Particles: Coupled Electrochemical and Mechanical Analysis of NMC Cathodes

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Ferraro, Mark E.; Trembacki, Bradley T.; Brunini, Victor B.; Noble, David R.; Roberts, Scott A.

Battery electrodes are composed of polydisperse particles and a porous, composite binder domain. These materials are arranged into a complex mesostructure whose morphology impacts both electrochemical performance and mechanical response. We present image-based, particle-resolved, mesoscale finite element model simulations of coupled electrochemical-mechanical performance on a representative NMC electrode domain. Beyond predicting macroscale quantities such as half-cell voltage and evolving electrical conductivity, studying behaviors on a per-particle and per-surface basis enables performance and material design insights previously unachievable. Voltage losses are primarily attributable to a complex interplay between interfacial charge transfer kinetics, lithium diffusion, and, locally, electrical conductivity. Mesoscale heterogeneities arise from particle polydispersity and lead to material underutilization at high current densities. Particle-particle contacts, however, reduce heterogeneities by enabling lithium diffusion between connected particle groups. While the porous composite binder domain (CBD) may have slower ionic transport and less available area for electrochemical reactions, its high electrical conductivity makes it the preferred reaction site late in electrode discharge. Mesoscale results are favorably compared to both experimental data and macrohomogeneous models. This work enables improvements in materials design by providing a tool for optimization of particle sizes, CBD morphology, and manufacturing conditions.

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Results 26–50 of 154
Results 26–50 of 154