
Results 26–50 of 131
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Hydrogen thermometry in aluminized propellant burns by hybrid fs/ps coherent anti-stokes raman scattering

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Retter, Jonathan E.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.

A hybrid femtosecond/picosecond CARS instrument probed the Q-branch of molecular hydrogen in the multiphase plume of an aluminized solid propellant burn. A single 50 fs regenerative amplifier pumped an OPA and etalon, providing the Stokes and probe pulses respectively. The spectra were recorded at 1 kHz and fit to synthetic spectra to infer the gas rotational temperature. Recorded spectra required dynamic background corrections due to the intense emission of the propellant plume. Two different days of propellant burns were studied, with the lessons learned from nonresonant background issues with the first test applied to the second. For the second attempt, three burns were examined, with mean temperatures differing only by 30 K with a combined mean of 2574 K.

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Single-camera, single-shot, time-resolved laser-induced incandescence decay imaging

Optics Letters

Chen, Yi; Cenker, Emre; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Skeen, Scott A.; Shaddix, Christopher R.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Knowledge of soot particle sizes is important for understanding soot formation and heat transfer in combustion environments. Soot primary particle sizes can be estimated by measuring the decay of time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (TiRe-LII) signals. Existing methods for making planar TiRe-LII measurements require either multiple cameras or time-gate sweeping with multiple laser pulses, making these techniques difficult to apply in turbulent or unsteady combustion environments. Here, we report a technique for planar soot particle sizing using a single high-sensitivity, ultra-high-speed 10 MHz camera with a 50 ns gate and no intensifier. With this method, we demonstrate measurements of background flame luminosity, prompt LII, and TiRe-LII decay signals for particle sizing in a single laser shot. The particle sizing technique is first validated in a laminar non-premixed ethylene flame. Then, the method is applied to measurements in a turbulent ethylene jet flame.

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Laser-diagnostic mapping of temperature and soot statistics in a 2-m diameter turbulent pool fire

Combustion and Flame

Kearney, S.P.; Grasser, Thomas W.

We present spatial profiles of temperature and soot-volume-fraction statistics from a sooting, 2-m base diameter turbulent pool fire, burning a 10%-toluene/90%-methanol fuel mixture. Dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering and laser-induced incandescence are utilized for simultaneous point measurements of temperature and soot. The research fuel-blend used here results in a lower soot loading than real transportation fuels, but allows us to apply high-fidelity laser diagnostics for spatially resolved measurements in a fully turbulent, buoyant fire of meter-scale base size. Profiles of mean and rms fluctuations are radially resolved across the fire plume, both within the hydrocarbon-rich vapor-dome region near fuel pool, and higher within the actively burning region of the fire. The spatial evolution of the soot and temperature probability density functions is discussed. Soot fluctuations display significant intermittency across the full extent of the fire plume for the research fuel blend used. Simultaneous, spatially overlapped temperature/soot measurements permit us to obtain estimates of joint statistics that are presented as spatially resolved conditional averages across the fire plume, and in terms of a joint pdf obtained by including measurements from multiple spatial locations. Within the actively burning region of the fire, soot is observed to occupy a limited temperature range between ∼1000 and 2000 K, with peak soot concentration occurring at 1600–1700 K across the full radial extent of the fire plume, despite marked changes in the local temperature pdf across the same spatial extent. A wider range of soot temperatures is observed in the fuel vapor-dome region low in the pool fire, with detectable cold soot persisting into conditionally averaged statistics. The results yield insight into soot temperature across a wide spatial extent of a fully turbulent pool fire of meaningful size, which are valuable for development of soot radiative-emission models and for validation of fire fluid-dynamics codes.

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Two-beam femtosecond rotational CARS for one-dimensional thermometry in a turbulent, sooting jet flame

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Richardson, Daniel; Roy, Sukesh; Gord, James; Kearney, S.P.

Single-laser-shot femtosecond rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (fs-RCARS) temperature measurements are performed across a 3- mm line in a turbulent, sooting ethylene jet flame to characterize temperature gradients. A 60-fs pulse is used to excite many rotational Raman transitions, and a 160-ps pulse is used to probe the Raman coherence. The spatial resolution of the measurements is 670 μm in the direction of beam propagation, 200 μm in the direction along the 1D line, and 50 μm in the transverse direction. Measurements have been performed at multiple locations in the jet flame, and the measured temperature are similar to previously recorded point measurements.

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Spatially correlated temperature, oxygen, and fuel measurements in a plasma-assisted hydrogen diffusion flame by one-dimensional fs/ps rotational CARS imaging

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Retter, Jonathan E.; Elliott, Gregory S.; Kearney, S.P.

A two-beam, one-dimensional hybrid fs/ps rotational CARS scheme was applied to a coaxial dielectric barrier discharge burner to spatially resolve and simultaneously measure temperature, relative oxygen concentration, and relative hydrogen concentration. At higher applied voltages, the 1 L/min hydrogen burner produces a collapsed flame with a curved reaction zone to the surrounding quiescent air, extending roughly 5 mm above the burner surface, making this a perfect candidate for single-shot realizations of flame properties with a vertical line CARS imaging technique. Time-delayed probing of the impulsively created Raman coherence allowed for improved dynamic range in regions of high temperature gradients, but also introduced the reliance on collisional modeling. Temperature measurements proved robust with probe delay, but the higher detection limit of oxygen at longer delays encouraged the use of isolated oxygen line calibrations to Hencken burner data in place of collisional modeling. A spatial resolution of 140 μm in the axis normal to the burner surface was adequate for mapping out flame properties along the reaction zone.

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Temperature and oxygen measurements in a metallized propellant flame by hybrid fs/ps rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Ultrafast pure-rotational CARS is applied to an aluminized ammonium-perchlorate propellant flame. Background-free spectra were acquired in this challenging high-temperature, particle-laden environment and successfully fit for temperature and oxygen/nitrogen ratio using a simple theoretical model.

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Temperature measurements in metalized propellant combustion using hybrid fs/ps coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

Applied Optics

Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

We apply ultrafast pure-rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for temperature and relative oxygen concentration measurements in the plume emanating from a burning, aluminized ammonium-perchlorate propellant strand. Combustion of these metal-based propellants is a particularly hostile environment for laserbased diagnostics, with intense background luminosity and scattering from hot metal particles as large as several hundred micrometers in diameter. CARS spectra that were previously obtained using nanosecond pulsed lasers in an aluminum-particle-seeded flame are examined and are determined to be severely impacted by nonresonant background, presumably as a result of the plasma formed by particulate-enhanced laser-induced breakdown. Introduction of femtosecond/picosecond (fs/ps) laser pulses improves CARS detection by providing time-gated elimination of strong nonresonant background interference. Single-laser-shot fs/ps CARS spectra were acquired from the burning propellant plume, with picosecond probe-pulse delays of 0 and 16 ps from the femtosecond pump and Stokes pulses. At zero delay, nonresonant background overwhelms the Raman-resonant spectroscopic features. Time-delayed probing results in the acquisition of background-free spectra that were successfully fit for temperature and relative oxygen content. Temperature probability densities and temperature/oxygen correlations were constructed from ensembles of several thousand single-laser-shot measurements with the CARS measurement volume positioned within 3 mm or less of the burning propellant surface. The results show that ultrafast CARS is a potentially enabling technology for probing harsh, particle-laden flame environments.

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Results 26–50 of 131
Results 26–50 of 131