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A Summary of Validation Studies for the Integrated TIGER Series Performed on ACORN Plus-up 218468/99

Davis, Rowdy D.; Kensek, Ronald P.; Olson, Aaron J.; Perfetti, Christopher

The Integrated TIGER Series (ITS) transport code is a valuable tool for photon-electron transport. A seven-problem validation suite exists to make sure that the ITS transport code works as intended. It is important to ensure that data from benchmark problems is correctly compared to simulated data. Additionally, the validation suite did not previously make use of a consistent quantitative metric for comparing experimental and simulated datasets. To this end, the goal of this long-term project was to expand the validation suite both in problem type and in the quality of the error assessment. To accomplish that, the seven validation problems in the suite were examined for potential drawbacks. When a drawback was identified, the problems were ranked based on severity of the drawback and approachability of a solution. We determined that meaningful improvements could be made to the validation suite by improving the analysis for the Lockwood Albedo problem and by introducing the Ross dataset as an eighth problem to the suite. The Lockwood error analysis has been completed and will be integrated in the future. The Ross data is unfinished, but significant progress has been made towards analysis.

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LDRD project 151362 : low energy electron-photon transport

Kensek, Ronald P.; Hjalmarson, Harold P.; Magyar, Rudolph J.; Bondi, Robert J.

At sufficiently high energies, the wavelengths of electrons and photons are short enough to only interact with one atom at time, leading to the popular %E2%80%9Cindependent-atom approximation%E2%80%9D. We attempted to incorporate atomic structure in the generation of cross sections (which embody the modeled physics) to improve transport at lower energies. We document our successes and failures. This was a three-year LDRD project. The core team consisted of a radiation-transport expert, a solid-state physicist, and two DFT experts.

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Results 1–25 of 47
Results 1–25 of 47