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Posters for AA/CE Reception

Kuether, Robert J.; Allensworth, Brooke M.; Backer, Adam B.; Chen, Elton Y.; Dingreville, Remi P.; Forrest, Eric C.; Knepper, Robert; Tappan, Alexander S.; Marquez, Michael P.; Vasiliauskas, Jonathan G.; Rupper, Stephen G.; Grant, Michael J.; Atencio, Lauren C.; Hipple, Tyler J.; Maes, Danae M.; Timlin, Jerilyn A.; Ma, Tian J.; Garcia, Rudy J.; Danford, Forest L.; Patrizi, Laura P.; Galasso, Jennifer G.; Draelos, Timothy J.; Gunda, Thushara G.; Venezuela, Otoniel V.; Brooks, Wesley A.; Anthony, Stephen M.; Carson, Bryan C.; Reeves, Michael J.; Roach, Matthew R.; Maines, Erin M.; Lavin, Judith M.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Swiler, Laura P.

Abstract not provided.

Model Order Reduction of Nonviscously Damped Structural Dynamic Models

Kuether, Robert J.; Ortiz, Jonel O.; Chen, Mark J.

A reduced order modeling capability has been developed to reduce the computational burden associated with time-domain solutions of structural dynamic models with linear viscoelastic materials. The discretized equations-of-motion produce convolution integrals resulting in a linear system with nonviscous damping forces. The challenge associated with the reduction of nonviscously damped, linear systems is the selection and computation of the appropriate modal basis to perform modal projection. The system produces a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that is challenging to solve and requires use of specialized algorithms not readily available in commercial finite element packages. This SAND report summarizes the LDRD discoveries of a reduction scheme developed for monolithic finite element models and provides preliminary investigations to extensions of the method using component mode synthesis. In addition, this report provides a background overview of structural dynamic modeling of structures with linear viscoelastic materials, and provides an overview of a new code capability in Sierra Structural Dynamics to output the system level matrices computed on multiple processors.

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The 2017 Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics Research Institute

Kuether, Robert J.; Allensworth, Brooke M.; Peebles, Diane E.

The 2017 Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics (NOMAD) Research Institute was successfully held from June 19 to July 28, 2017. NOMAD seeks to bring together participants with diverse technical backgrounds to work in small teams to utilize an interactive approach to cultivate new ideas and approaches in engineering . NOMAD provides an opportunity for researchers - especially early career researchers - to develop lasting collaborations that go beyond what can be established from the limited interactions at their institutions or at annual conferences. A total of 17 students from around the world came to Albuquerque, New Mexico to participate in the six - week long program held at the University of New Mexico campus. The students collaborated on one of six research projects that were developed by various mentors from Sandia National Laboratories, academia, and other government laboratories. In addition to the research activities, the students attended weekly technical seminars, toured the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, and socialized at various off - hour events including an Albuquerque Isotopes baseball game. At the end of the summer, the students gave a final technical presentation o n their research findings that was broadcast via Skype. Many of the research discoveries made at NOMAD are published as proceedings at technical conference s and have direct alignment with the critical mission work performed at Sandia.

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Relationships between nonlinear normal modes and response to random inputs

Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Schoneman, Joseph D.; Allen, Matthew S.; Kuether, Robert J.

The ability to model nonlinear structures subject to random excitation is of key importance in designing hypersonic aircraft and other advanced aerospace vehicles. When a structure is linear, superposition can be used to construct its response to a known spectrum in terms of its linear modes. Superposition does not hold for a nonlinear system, but several works have shown that a system's dynamics can still be understood qualitatively in terms of its nonlinear normal modes (NNMs). This work investigates the connection between a structure's undamped nonlinear normal modes and the spectrum of its response to high amplitude random forcing. Two examples are investigated: a spring-mass system and a clamped-clamped beam modeled within a geometrically nonlinear finite element package. In both cases, an intimate connection is observed between the smeared peaks in the response spectrum and the frequency-energy dependence of the nonlinear normal modes. In order to understand the role of coupling between the underlying linear modes, reduced order models with and without modal coupling terms are used to separate the effect of each NNM's backbone from the nonlinear couplings that give rise to internal resonances. In the cases shown here, uncoupled, single-degree-of-freedom nonlinear models are found to predict major features in the response with reasonable accuracy; a highly inexpensive approximation such as this could be useful in design and optimization studies. More importantly, the results show that a reduced order model can be expected to give accurate results only if it is also capable of accurately predicting the frequency-energy dependence of the nonlinear modes that are excited.

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On Hurty/Craig-Bampton substructuring with interface reduction on contacting surfaces

Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference

Kuether, Robert J.; Coffin, Peter C.; Brink, Adam R.

Structural dynamics models with localized nonlinearities can be reduced using Hurty/Craig-Bampton component mode synthesis methods. The interior degrees-of-freedom of the linear subcomponents are reduced with a set of dynamic fixedinterface modes while the static constraint modes preserve the physical coordinates at which the nonlinear restoring forces are applied. For finite element models with a highly refined mesh at the boundary, a secondary modal analysis can be performed to reduce the interface down to a truncated set of local-level characteristic constraint modes. In this research, the cost savings and accuracy of the interface reduction technique are evaluated on a simple example problem involving two elastic blocks coming into contact.

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Results 76–100 of 121
Results 76–100 of 121