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In-situ mitigation of silent data corruption in PDE solvers

FTXS 2016 - Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale

Salloum, Maher S.; Mayo, Jackson M.; Armstrong, Robert C.

We present algorithmic techniques for parallel PDE solvers that leverage numerical smoothness properties of physics simulation to detect and correct silent data corruption within local computations. We initially model such silent hardware errors (which are of concern for extreme scale) via injected DRAM bit flips. Our mitigation approach generalizes previously developed "robust stencils" and uses modified linear algebra operations that spatially interpolate to replace large outlier values. Prototype implementations for 1D hyperbolic and 3D elliptic solvers, tested on up to 2048 cores, show that this error mitigation enables tolerating orders of magnitude higher bit-flip rates. The runtime overhead of the approach generally decreases with greater solver scale and complexity, becoming no more than a few percent in some cases. A key advantage is that silent data corruption can be handled transparently with data in cache, reducing the cost of false-positive detections compared to rollback approaches.

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Leveraging abstraction to establish out-of-nominal safety properties

Communications in Computer and Information Science

Mayo, Jackson M.; Armstrong, Robert C.; Hulette, Geoffrey C.

Digital systems in an out-of-nominal environment (e.g., one causing hardware bit flips) may not be expected to function correctly in all respects but may be required to fail safely. We present an approach for understanding and verifying a system’s out-of-nominal behavior as an abstraction of nominal behavior that preserves designated critical safety requirements. Because abstraction and refinement are already widely used for improved tractability in formal design and proof techniques, this additional way of viewing an abstraction can potentially verify a system’s out-of-nominal safety with little additional work. We illustrate the approach with a simple model of a turnstile controller with possible logic faults (formalized in the temporal logic of actions and NuSMV), noting how design choices can be guided by the desired out-of-nominal abstraction. Principles of robustness in complex systems (specifically, Boolean networks) are found to be compatible with the formal abstraction approach. This work indicates a direction for broader use of formal methods in safety-critical systems.

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A robust technique to make a 2D advection solver tolerant to soft faults

Procedia Computer Science

Strazdins, Peter; Harding, Brendan; Lee, Chung; Mayo, Jackson M.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Armstrong, Robert C.

We present a general technique to solve Partial Differential Equations, called robust stencils, which make them tolerant to soft faults, i.e. bit flips arising in memory or CPU calculations. We show how it can be applied to a two-dimensional Lax-Wendroff solver. The resulting 2D robust stencils are derived using an orthogonal application of their 1D counterparts. Combinations of 3 to 5 base stencils can then be created. We describe how these are then implemented in a parallel advection solver. Various robust stencil combinations are explored, representing tradeoff between performance and robustness. The results indicate that the 3-stencil robust combinations are slightly faster on large parallel workloads than Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR). They also have one third of the memory footprint. We expect the improvement to be significant if suitable optimizations are performed. Because faults are avoided each time new points are computed, the proposed stencils are also comparably robust to faults as TMR for a large range of error rates. The technique can be generalized to 3D (or higher dimensions) with similar benefits.

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Theorem-Proving Analysis of Digital Control Logic Interacting with Continuous Dynamics

Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science

Hulette, Geoffrey C.; Armstrong, Robert C.; Mayo, Jackson M.; Ruthruff, Joseph R.

This work outlines an equation-based formulation of a digital control program and transducer interacting with a continuous physical process, and an approach using the Coq theorem prover for verifying the performance of the combined hybrid system. Considering thermal dynamics with linear dissipation for simplicity, we focus on a generalizable, physically consistent description of the interaction of the real-valued temperature and the digital program acting as a thermostat. Of interest in this work is the discovery and formal proof of bounds on the temperature, the degree of variation, and other performance characteristics. Our approach explicitly addresses the need to mathematically represent the decision problem inherent in an analog-to-digital converter, which for rare values can take an arbitrarily long time to produce a digital answer (the so-called Buridan's Principle); this constraint ineluctably manifests itself in the verification of thermostat performance. Furthermore, the temporal causality constraints in the thermal physics must be made explicit to obtain a consistent model for analysis. We discuss the significance of these findings toward the verification of digital control for more complex physical variables and fields.

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Digital system robustness via design constraints: The lesson of formal methods

9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2015 - Proceedings

Mayo, Jackson M.; Armstrong, Robert C.; Hulette, Geoffrey C.

Current programming languages and programming models make it easy to create software and hardware systems that fulfill an intended function but also leave such systems open to unintended function and vulnerabilities. Software engineering and code hygiene may make systems incrementally safer, but do not produce the wholesale change necessary for secure systems from the outset. Yet there exists an approach with impressive results: We cite recent examples showing that formal methods, coupled with formally informed digital design, have produced objectively more robust code even beyond the properties directly proven. Though discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities is almost always a surprise and powerful tools like semantic fuzzers can cover a larger search space of vulnerabilities than a developer can conceive of, formal models seem to produce robustness of a higher qualitative order than traditionally developed digital systems. Because the claim is necessarily a qualitative one, we illustrate similar results with an idealized programming language in the form of Boolean networks where we have control of parameters related to stability and adaptability. We argue that verifiability with formal methods is an instance of broader design constraints that promote robustness. We draw analogies to real-world programming models and languages that can be mathematically reasoned about in contrast to ones that are essentially undecidable.

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Survey of Existing Tools for Formal Verification

Punnoose, Ratish J.; Armstrong, Robert C.; Wong, Matthew H.; jackson, mayo j.

Formal methods have come into wide use because of their effectiveness in verifying "safety and security" requirements of digital systems; a set of requirements for which testing is mostly ineffective. Formal methods are routinely used in the design and verification of high-consequence digital systems in industry. This report outlines our work in assessing the capabilities of commercial and open source formal tools and the ways in which they can be leveraged in digital design workflows.

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Leveraging Formal Methods and Fuzzing to Verify Security and Reliability Properties of Large-Scale High-Consequence Systems

Ruthruff, Joseph R.; Armstrong, Robert C.; Davis, Benjamin G.; Mayo, Jackson M.; Punnoose, Ratish J.

Formal methods describe a class of system analysis techniques that seek to prove specific properties about analyzed designs, or locate flaws compromising those properties. As an analysis capability,these techniques are the subject of increased interest from both internal and external customers of Sandia National Laboratories. Given this lab's other areas of expertise, Sandia is uniquely positioned to advance the state-of-the-art with respect to several research and application areas within formal methods. This research project was a one-year effort funded by Sandia's CyberSecurity S&T Investment Area in its Laboratory Directed Research & Development program to investigate the opportunities for formal methods to impact Sandia's present mission areas, more fully understand the needs of the research community in the area of formal methods and where Sandia can contribute, and clarify from those potential research paths those that would best advance the mission-area interests of Sandia. The accomplishments from this project reinforce the utility of formal methods in Sandia, particularly in areas relevant to Cyber Security, and set the stage for continued Sandia investments to ensure this capabilityis utilized and advanced within this laboratory to serve the national interest.

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Tradeoffs in targeted fuzzing of cyber systems by defenders and attackers

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Mayo, Jackson M.; Armstrong, Robert C.

Automated randomized testing, known as fuzzing, is an effective and widely used technique for detecting faults and vulnerabilities in digital systems, and is a key tool for security assessment of smart-grid devices and protocols. It has been observed that the effectiveness of fuzzing can be improved by sampling test inputs in a targeted way that reflects likely fault conditions. We propose a systematic prescription for such targeting, which favors test inputs that are "simple" in an appropriate sense. The notion of Kolmogorov complexity provides a rigorous foundation for this approach. Under certain assumptions, an optimal fuzzing procedure is derived for statistically evaluating a system's security against a realistic attacker who also uses fuzzing. Copyright © 2011 Association for Computing Machinery.

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Results 26–50 of 67
Results 26–50 of 67