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Natural materials for carbon capture

Cygan, Randall T.

Naturally occurring clay minerals provide a distinctive material for carbon capture and carbon dioxide sequestration. Swelling clay minerals, such as the smectite variety, possess an aluminosilicate structure that is controlled by low-charge layers that readily expand to accommodate water molecules and, potentially, carbon dioxide. Recent experimental studies have demonstrated the efficacy of intercalating carbon dioxide in the interlayer of layered clays but little is known about the molecular mechanisms of the process and the extent of carbon capture as a function of clay charge and structure. A series of molecular dynamics simulations and vibrational analyses have been completed to assess the molecular interactions associated with incorporation of CO2 in the interlayer of montmorillonite clay and to help validate the models with experimental observation.

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CO2 interaction with geomaterials

Cygan, Randall T.

This work compares the sorption and swelling processes associated with CO2-coal and CO2-clay interactions. We investigated the mechanisms of interaction related to CO2 adsortion in micropores, intercalation into sub-micropores, dissolution in solid matrix, the role of water, and the associated changes in reservoir permeability, for applications in CO2 sequestration and enhanced coal bed methane recovery. The structural changes caused by CO2 have been investigated. A high-pressure micro-dilatometer was equipped to investigate the effect of CO2 pressure on the thermoplastic properties of coal. Using an identical dilatometer, Rashid Khan (1985) performed experiments with CO2 that revealed a dramatic reduction in the softening temperature of coal when exposed to high-pressure CO2. A set of experiments was designed for -20+45-mesh samples of Argonne Premium Pocahontas No.3 coal, which is similar in proximate and ultimate analysis to the Lower Kittanning seam coal that Khan used in his experiments. No dramatic decrease in coal softening temperature has been observed in high-pressure CO2 that would corroborate the prior work of Khan. Thus, conventional polymer (or 'geopolymer') theories may not be directly applicable to CO2 interaction with coals. Clays are similar to coals in that they represent abundant geomaterials with well-developed microporous structure. We evaluated the CO2 sequestration potential of clays relative to coals and investigated the factors that affect the sorption capacity, rates, and permanence of CO2 trapping. For the geomaterials comparison studies, we used source clay samples from The Clay Minerals Society. Preliminary results showed that expandable clays have CO2 sorption capacities comparable to those of coal. We analyzed sorption isotherms, XRD, DRIFTS (infrared reflectance spectra at non-ambient conditions), and TGA-MS (thermal gravimetric analysis) data to compare the effects of various factors on CO2 trapping. In montmorillonite, CO2 molecules may remain trapped for several months following several hours of exposure to high pressure (supercritical conditions), high temperature (above boiling point of water) or both. Such trapping is well preserved in either inert gas or the ambient environment and appears to eventually result in carbonate formation. We performed computer simulations of CO2 interaction with free cations (normal modes of CO2 and Na+CO2 were calculated using B3LYP / aug-cc-pVDZ and MP2 / aug-cc-pVDZ methods) and with clay structures containing interlayer cations (MD simulations with Clayff potentials for clay and a modified CO2 potential). Additionally, interaction of CO2 with hydrated Na-montmorillonite was studied using density functional theory with dispersion corrections. The sorption energies and the swelling behavior were investigated. Preliminary modeling results and experimental observations indicate that the presence of water molecules in the interlayer region is necessary for intercalation of CO2. Our preliminary conclusion is that CO2 molecules may intercalate into interlayer region of swelling clay and stay there via coordination to the interlayer cations.

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Water structure and vibrational properties in fibrous clays

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

The behavior of water confined in porous materials influences macroscopic phenomena such as solute and water mobility, ion exchange, and adsorption. While the properties of bulk water are generally understood, that of nanoconfined water remains an active area of research. We used molecular simulation and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to investigate the effect of local structure on the vibrational behavior of nanoconfined water. We focus specifically on the nanosized pores found in the 2:1 phyllosilicate clay minerals palygorskite and sepiolite. These are charge neutral, Mg-rich trioctahedral clays with idealized formulas Mg{sub 5}Si{sub 8}O{sub 20} (OH){sub 2} {center_dot} 8H{sub 2}O and Mg{sub 8}Si{sub 12}O{sub 30} (OH){sub 2} {center_dot} 12H{sub 2}O for palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively. The regular pattern of inverted phyllosilicate layers results in narrow channels with effective van der Waals dimensions of 3.61 {angstrom} x 8.59 {angstrom} (palygorskite) and 4.67 {angstrom} x 12.29 {angstrom} (sepiolite). These clay minerals represent a unique opportunity to study water adsorbed at 'inner edge' sites of uncoordinated Mg{sup 2+}. INS spectra taken at 90 K reveal a large shift in the water librational edge between palygorskite (358 cm{sup -1}) and sepiolite (536 cm{sup -1}), indicating less restricted water motion in the smaller-pore palygorskite. The librational edge of the reference sample (ice I{sub h}) is similar to sepiolite, which confirms the unique water behavior in palygorskite. We used both classical molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations and more rigorous density functional theory (DFT) calculations to investigate the hydrogen bonding environment and vibrational behavior of structural water, defined as those water molecules coordinated to Mg{sup 2+} along the pore walls. These waters remain coordinated throughout the 1-ns timescale of the CMD simulations, and the resulting vibrational spectra indicate a similar shift in the water librational edges seen in the INS spectra. The DFT-optimized structures indicate differences in hydrogen bonding between palygorskite and sepiolite, which could explain the librational shift. Corner-sharing silicate tetrahedra in palygorskite are tilted with respect to the crystallographic a-axis due to the induced strain of layer inversion. As a result, only two short (1.9 {angstrom}) hydrogen bonds form between each water and the framework. In contrast, the relatively unstrained sepiolite structure, each water forms three hydrogen bonds with the framework, and at greater distances (2.0 {angstrom} - 2.5 {angstrom}).

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Shale disposal of U.S. high-level radioactive waste

Hansen, Francis D.; Gaither, Katherine N.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Cygan, Randall T.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Rechard, Robert P.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Stone, Charles M.; Martinez, Mario J.; Dewers, Thomas D.

This report evaluates the feasibility of high-level radioactive waste disposal in shale within the United States. The U.S. has many possible clay/shale/argillite basins with positive attributes for permanent disposal. Similar geologic formations have been extensively studied by international programs with largely positive results, over significant ranges of the most important material characteristics including permeability, rheology, and sorptive potential. This report is enabled by the advanced work of the international community to establish functional and operational requirements for disposal of a range of waste forms in shale media. We develop scoping performance analyses, based on the applicable features, events, and processes identified by international investigators, to support a generic conclusion regarding post-closure safety. Requisite assumptions for these analyses include waste characteristics, disposal concepts, and important properties of the geologic formation. We then apply lessons learned from Sandia experience on the Waste Isolation Pilot Project and the Yucca Mountain Project to develop a disposal strategy should a shale repository be considered as an alternative disposal pathway in the U.S. Disposal of high-level radioactive waste in suitable shale formations is attractive because the material is essentially impermeable and self-sealing, conditions are chemically reducing, and sorption tends to prevent radionuclide transport. Vertically and laterally extensive shale and clay formations exist in multiple locations in the contiguous 48 states. Thermal-hydrologic-mechanical calculations indicate that temperatures near emplaced waste packages can be maintained below boiling and will decay to within a few degrees of the ambient temperature within a few decades (or longer depending on the waste form). Construction effects, ventilation, and the thermal pulse will lead to clay dehydration and deformation, confined to an excavation disturbed zone within a few meters of the repository, that can be reasonably characterized. Within a few centuries after waste emplacement, overburden pressures will seal fractures, resaturate the dehydrated zones, and provide a repository setting that strongly limits radionuclide movement to diffusive transport. Coupled hydrogeochemical transport calculations indicate maximum extents of radionuclide transport on the order of tens to hundreds of meters, or less, in a million years. Under the conditions modeled, a shale repository could achieve total containment, with no releases to the environment in undisturbed scenarios. The performance analyses described here are based on the assumption that long-term standards for disposal in clay/shale would be identical in the key aspects, to those prescribed for existing repository programs such as Yucca Mountain. This generic repository evaluation for shale is the first developed in the United States. Previous repository considerations have emphasized salt formations and volcanic rock formations. Much of the experience gained from U.S. repository development, such as seal system design, coupled process simulation, and application of performance assessment methodology, is applied here to scoping analyses for a shale repository. A contemporary understanding of clay mineralogy and attendant chemical environments has allowed identification of the appropriate features, events, and processes to be incorporated into the analysis. Advanced multi-physics modeling provides key support for understanding the effects from coupled processes. The results of the assessment show that shale formations provide a technically advanced, scientifically sound disposal option for the U.S.

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Nanoconfined water in magnesium-rich phyllosilicates

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Nenoff, T.M.; Cygan, Randall T.

Inelastic neutron scattering, density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics were used to examine the behavior of nanoconfined water in palygorskite and sepiolite. These complementary methods provide a strong basis to illustrate and correlate the significant differences observed in the spectroscopic signatures of water in two unique clay minerals. Distortions of silicate tetrahedra in the smaller-pore palygorskite exhibit a limited number of hydrogen bonds having relatively short bond lengths. In contrast, without the distorted silicate tetrahedra, an increased number of hydrogen bonds are observed in the larger-pore sepiolite with corresponding longer bond distances. Because there is more hydrogen bonding at the pore interface in sepiolite than in palygorskite, we expect librational modes to have higher overall frequencies (i.e., more restricted rotational motions); experimental neutron scattering data clearly illustrates this shift in spectroscopic signatures. Distortions of the silicate tetrahedra in these minerals effectively disrupts hydrogen bonding patterns at the silicate-water interface, and this has a greater impact on the dynamical behavior of nanoconfined water than the actual size of the pore or the presence of coordinatively-unsaturated magnesium edge sites.

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Nanoconfined water in magnesium-rich 2:1 phyllosilicates

Proposed for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.; Durkin, Justin S.; Nenoff, T.M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.

Inelastic neutron scattering, density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics were used to examine the behavior of nanoconfined water in palygorskite and sepiolite. These complementary methods provide a strong basis to illustrate and correlate the significant differences observed in the spectroscopic signatures of water in two unique clay minerals. Distortions of silicate tetrahedra in the smaller-pore palygorskite exhibit a limited number of hydrogen bonds having relatively short bond lengths. However, without the distorted silicate tetrahedra, an increased number of hydrogen bonds are observed in the larger-pore sepiolite with corresponding longer bond distances. Because there is more hydrogen bonding at the pore interface in sepiolite than in palygorskite, we expect librational modes to have higher overall frequencies (i.e., more restricted rotational motions); experimental neutron scattering data clearly illustrates this shift in spectroscopic signatures. It follows that distortions of the silicate tetrahedra in these minerals effectively disrupt hydrogen-bonding patterns at the silicate?water interface, and this has a greater impact on the dynamical behavior of nanoconfined water than the actual size of the pore or the presence of coordinatively unsaturated magnesium edge sites.

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Molecular models and simulations of layered materials

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

The micro- to nano-sized nature of layered materials, particularly characteristic of naturally occurring clay minerals, limits our ability to fully interrogate their atomic dispositions and crystal structures. The low symmetry, multicomponent compositions, defects, and disorder phenomena of clays and related phases necessitate the use of molecular models and modern simulation methods. Computational chemistry tools based on classical force fields and quantum-chemical methods of electronic structure calculations provide a practical approach to evaluate structure and dynamics of the materials on an atomic scale. Combined with classical energy minimization, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo techniques, quantum methods provide accurate models of layered materials such as clay minerals, layered double hydroxides, and clay-polymer nanocomposites.

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Exploiting interfacial water properties for desalination and purification applications

Cygan, Randall T.; Jiang, Ying B.; Alam, Todd M.; Brinker, C.J.; Bunker, B.C.; Leung, Kevin L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Nyman, M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Rempe, Susan R.; Singh, Seema S.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Stevens, Mark J.; Thurmer, Konrad T.; Van Swol, Frank; Varma, Sameer V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Houston, Jack E.; Huber, Dale L.

A molecular-scale interpretation of interfacial processes is often downplayed in the analysis of traditional water treatment methods. However, such an approach is critical for the development of enhanced performance in traditional desalination and water treatments. Water confined between surfaces, within channels, or in pores is ubiquitous in technology and nature. Its physical and chemical properties in such environments are unpredictably different from bulk water. As a result, advances in water desalination and purification methods may be accomplished through an improved analysis of water behavior in these challenging environments using state-of-the-art microscopy, spectroscopy, experimental, and computational methods.

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Desalination utilizing clathrate hydrates (LDRD final report)

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.; Simmons, Blake S.; Dedrick, Daniel E.

Advances are reported in several aspects of clathrate hydrate desalination fundamentals necessary to develop an economical means to produce municipal quantities of potable water from seawater or brackish feedstock. These aspects include the following, (1) advances in defining the most promising systems design based on new types of hydrate guest molecules, (2) selection of optimal multi-phase reactors and separation arrangements, and, (3) applicability of an inert heat exchange fluid to moderate hydrate growth, control the morphology of the solid hydrate material formed, and facilitate separation of hydrate solids from concentrated brine. The rate of R141b hydrate formation was determined and found to depend only on the degree of supercooling. The rate of R141b hydrate formation in the presence of a heat exchange fluid depended on the degree of supercooling according to the same rate equation as pure R141b with secondary dependence on salinity. Experiments demonstrated that a perfluorocarbon heat exchange fluid assisted separation of R141b hydrates from brine. Preliminary experiments using the guest species, difluoromethane, showed that hydrate formation rates were substantial at temperatures up to at least 12 C and demonstrated partial separation of water from brine. We present a detailed molecular picture of the structure and dynamics of R141b guest molecules within water cages, obtained from ab initio calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, and Raman spectroscopy. Density functional theory calculations were used to provide an energetic and molecular orbital description of R141b stability in both large and small cages in a structure II hydrate. Additionally, the hydrate of an isomer, 1,2-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, does not form at ambient conditions because of extensive overlap of electron density between guest and host. Classical molecular dynamics simulations and laboratory trials support the results for the isomer hydrate. Molecular dynamics simulations show that R141b hydrate is stable at temperatures up to 265K, while the isomer hydrate is only stable up to 150K. Despite hydrogen bonding between guest and host, R141b molecules rotated freely within the water cage. The Raman spectrum of R141b in both the pure and hydrate phases was also compared with vibrational analysis from both computational methods. In particular, the frequency of the C-Cl stretch mode (585 cm{sup -1}) undergoes a shift to higher frequency in the hydrate phase. Raman spectra also indicate that this peak undergoes splitting and intensity variation as the temperature is decreased from 4 C to -4 C.

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GEOQUÌMICO : an interactive tool for comparing sorption conceptual models (surface complexation modeling verus K[D])

Cygan, Randall T.

Within reactive geochemical transport, several conceptual models exist for simulating sorption processes in the subsurface. Historically, the K{sub D} approach has been the method of choice due to ease of implementation within a reactive transport model and straightforward comparison with experimental data. However, for modeling complex sorption phenomenon (e.g. sorption of radionuclides onto mineral surfaces), this approach does not systematically account for variations in location, time, or chemical conditions, and more sophisticated methods such as a surface complexation model (SCM) must be utilized. It is critical to determine which conceptual model to use; that is, when the material variation becomes important to regulatory decisions. The geochemical transport tool GEOQUIMICO has been developed to assist in this decision-making process. GEOQUIMICO provides a user-friendly framework for comparing the accuracy and performance of sorption conceptual models. The model currently supports the K{sub D} and SCM conceptual models. The code is written in the object-oriented Java programming language to facilitate model development and improve code portability. The basic theory underlying geochemical transport and the sorption conceptual models noted above is presented in this report. Explanations are provided of how these physicochemical processes are instrumented in GEOQUIMICO and a brief verification study comparing GEOQUIMICO results to data found in the literature is given.

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Molecular dynamics modeling of ion adsorption to the basal surfaces of kaolinite

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Vasconcelos, Igor F.; Bunker, Bruce A.; Cygan, Randall T.

Molecular dynamics simulation is used to study the mechanisms involved in the adsorption of various ions to the basal surfaces of kaolinite. Analysis of simulation data indicates that cations and anions adsorb preferably on the siloxane and gibbsite surfaces of kaolinite, respectively. Strong inner-sphere adsorption of chlorine at aluminum vacancies on the gibbsite surface and the occurrence of chlorine-driven inner-sphere adsorption of cesium and sodium on the gibbsite surface for high ionic strengths are observed. Cesium ions form strong inner-sphere complexes at ditrigonal cavities on the siloxane surface. Outer-sphere cesium is highly mobile and only weak adsorption may occur. A small amount of sodium adsorbs on the siloxane surface as innersphere complexes at less clearly defined sites. Like cesium, sodium only forms very weak outer-sphere complexes on this surface. Inner-sphere complexes of cadmium and lead do not occur on either surface. Relatively strong outer-sphere cadmium and lead complexes are present on the siloxane surface at ditrigonal cavities. © 2007 American Chemical Society.

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Fuel traps: mapping stability via water association

Sabo, Dubravko S.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Leung, Kevin L.; Cygan, Randall T.; Alam, Todd M.; Varma, Sameer V.; Martin, Marcus G.

Hydrogen storage is a key enabling technology required for attaining a hydrogen-based economy. Fundamental research can reveal the underlying principles controlling hydrogen uptake and release by storage materials, and also aid in characterizing and designing novel storage materials. New ideas for hydrogen storage materials come from exploiting the properties of hydrophobic hydration, which refers to water s ability to stabilize, by its mode of association, specific structures under specific conditions. Although hydrogen was always considered too small to support the formation of solid clathrate hydrate structures, exciting new experiments show that water traps hydrogen molecules at conditions of low temperatures and moderate pressures. Hydrogen release is accomplished by simple warming. While these experiments lend credibility to the idea that water could form an environmentally attractive alternative storage compound for hydrogen fuel, which would advance our nation s goals of attaining a hydrogen-based economy, much work is yet required to understand and realize the full potential of clathrate hydrates for hydrogen storage. Here we undertake theoretical studies of hydrogen in water to establish a firm foundation for predictive work on clathrate hydrate H{sub 2} storage capabilities. Using molecular simulation and statistical mechanical theories based in part on quantum mechanical descriptions of molecular interactions, we characterize the interactions between hydrogen and liquid water in terms of structural and thermodynamic properties. In the process we validate classical force field models of hydrogen in water and discover new features of hydrophobic hydration that impact problems in both energy technology and biology. Finally, we predict hydrogen occupancy in the small and large cages of hydrogen clathrate hydrates, a property unresolved by previous experimental and theoretical work.

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Vibrational spectra of methane clathrate hydrates from molecular dynamics simulation

Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.; Simmons, Blake S.

Molecular dynamics simulations were performed on methane clathrate hydrates at ambient conditions. Thermal expansion results over the temperature range 60-300 K show that the unit cell volume increases with temperature in agreement with experiment. Power spectra were obtained at 273 K from velocity autocorrelation functions for selected atoms, and normal modes were assigned. The spectra were further classified according to individual atom types, allowing the assignment of contributions from methane molecules located in small and large cages within the structure I unit cell. The symmetric C-H stretch of methane in the small cages occurs at a higher frequency than for methane located in the large cages, with a peak separation of 14 cm-1. Additionally, we determined that the symmetric C-H stretch in methane gas occurs at the same frequency as methane in the large cages. Results of molecular dynamics simulations indicate the use of power spectra obtained from the velocity autocorrelation function is a reliable method to investigate the vibrational behavior of guest molecules in clathrate hydrates. © 2006 American Chemical Society.

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Structure and dynamics of microbe-exuded polymers and their interactions with calcite surfaces

Cygan, Randall T.

Cation binding by polysaccharides is observed in many environments and is important for predictive environmental modeling, and numerous industrial and food technology applications. The complexities of these organo-cation interactions are well suited to predictive molecular modeling studies for investigating the roles of conformation and configuration of polysaccharides on cation binding. In this study, alginic acid was chosen as a model polymer and representative disaccharide and polysaccharide subunits were modeled. The ability of disaccharide subunits to bind calcium and to associate with the surface of calcite was investigated. The findings were extended to modeling polymer interactions with calcium ions.

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Frontiers of interfacial water research :workshop report

Cygan, Randall T.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

Water is the critical natural resource of the new century. Significant improvements in traditional water treatment processes require novel approaches based on a fundamental understanding of nanoscale and atomic interactions at interfaces between aqueous solution and materials. To better understand these critical issues and to promote an open dialog among leading international experts in water-related specialties, Sandia National Laboratories sponsored a workshop on April 24-26, 2005 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The ''Frontiers of Interfacial Water Research Workshop'' provided attendees with a critical review of water technologies and emphasized the new advances in surface and interfacial microscopy, spectroscopy, diffraction, and computer simulation needed for the development of new materials for water treatment.

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Structure, energetics, and dynamics of water adsorbed on the muscovite (001) surface: A molecular dynamics simulation

Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Wang, Jianwei; Kalinichev, Andrey G.; Kirkpatrick, R.J.; Cygan, Randall T.

Molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations of liquid water adsorbed on the muscovite (001) surface provide a greatly increased, atomistically detailed understanding of surface-related effects on the spatial variation in the structural and orientational ordering, hydrogen bond (H-bond) organization, and local density of H 2O molecules at this important model phyllosilicate surface. MD simulations at constant temperature and volume (statistical NVT ensemble) were performed for a series of model systems consisting of a two-layer muscovite slab (representing 8 crystallographic surface unit cells of the substrate) and 0 to 319 adsorbed H 2O molecules, probing the atomistic structure and dynamics of surface aqueous films up to 3 nm in thickness. The results do not demonstrate a completely liquid-like behavior, as otherwise suggested from the interpretation of X-ray reflectivity measurements 1 and earlier Monte Carlo simulations. 2 Instead, a more structurally and orientationally restricted behavior of surface H 2O molecules is observed, and this structural ordering extends to larger distances from the surface than previously expected. Even at the largest surface water coverage studied, over 20% of H 2O molecules are associated with specific adsorption sites, and another 50% maintain strongly preferred orientations relative to the surface. This partially ordered structure is also different from the well-ordered 2-dimensional ice-like structure predicted by ab initio MD simulations for a system with a complete monolayer water coverage. 3 However, consistent with these ab initio results, our simulations do predict that a full molecular monolayer surface water coverage represents a relatively stable surface structure in terms of the lowest diffusional mobility of H 2O molecules along the surface. Calculated energies of water adsorption are in good agreement with available experimental data. 4 © 2005 American Chemical Society.

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Molecular dynamics simulation of uranyl(VI) sorption equilibria onto an external montmorillonite surface

Proposed for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, Randall T.

We used molecular dynamics simulations to study the adsorption of aqueous uranyl species (UO22+) onto clay mineral surfaces in the presence of sodium counterions and carbonato ligands. The large system size (10 000 atoms) and long simulation times (10 ns) allowed us to investigate the thermodynamics of ion adsorption, and the atomistic detail provided clues for the observed adsorption behavior. The model system consisted of the basal surface of a low-charge Na-montmorillonite clay in contact with aqueous uranyl carbonate solutions with concentrations of 0.027 M, 0.081 M, and 0.162 M. Periodic boundary conditions were used in the simulations to better represent an aqueous solution interacting with an external clay surface. Uranyl adsorption tendency was found to decrease as the aqueous uranyl carbonate concentration was increased, while sodium adsorption remained constant. The observed behavior is explained by physical and chemical effects. As the ionic strength of the aqueous solution was increased, electrostatic factors prevented further uranyl adsorption once the surface charge had been neutralized. Additionally, the formation of aqueous uranyl carbonate complexes, including uranyl carbonato oligomers, contributed to the decreased uranyl adsorption tendency.

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Characterization of adsorption sites on aggregate soil samples using synchrotron X-ray computerized microtomography

Environmental Science and Technology

Altman, Susan J.; Rivers, Mark L.; Reno, Marissa D.; Cygan, Randall T.; Mclain, Angela A.

Synchrotron-source X-ray computerized microtomography (CMT) was used to evaluate the adsorptive properties of aggregate soil samples. A linear relationship between measured mean mass attenuation coefficient (σ) and mass fraction iron was generated by imaging mineral standards with known iron contents. On the basis of reported stoichiometries of the clay minerals and identifications of iron oxyhydroxides (1), we calculated the mass fraction iron and iron oxyhydroxide in the intergranular material. The mass fractions of iron were estimated to range from 0.17 to 0.22 for measurements made at 18 keV and from 0.18 to 0.21 for measurements made at 26 keV. One aggregate sample also contained regions within the intergranular material with mass fraction iron ranging from 0.29 to 0.31 and from 0.33 to 0.36 for the 18 and 26 keV measurements, respectively. The mass fraction iron oxyhydroxide ranged from 0.18 to 0.35 for the low-iron intergranular material and from 0.40 to 0.59 for the high-iron intergranular material. Using absorption edge difference imaging with CMT, we visualized cesium on the intergranular material, presumably because of adsorption and possible exchange reactions. By characterizing the mass fraction iron, the mass fraction iron oxyhydroxide, and the adsorptive capacity of these soil mineral aggregates, we provide information useful for conceptualization, development, and parametrization of transport models. © 2005 American Chemical Society.

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Solution-based nanoengineering of materials

Criscenti, Louise C.; Spoerke, Erik D.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Cygan, Randall T.; Voigt, James A.

Solution-based synthesis is a powerful approach for creating nano-structured materials. Although there have been significant recent successes in its application to fabricating nanomaterials, the general principles that control solution synthesis are not well understood. The purpose of this LDRD project was to develop the scientific principles required to design and build unique nanostructures in crystalline oxides and II/VI semiconductors using solution-based molecular self-assembly techniques. The ability to synthesize these materials in a range of different nano-architectures (from controlled morphology nanocrystals to surface templated 3-D structures) has provided the foundation for new opportunities in such areas as interactive interfaces for optics, electronics, and sensors. The homogeneous precipitation of ZnO in aqueous solution was used primarily as the model system for the project. We developed a low temperature, aqueous solution synthesis route for preparation of large arrays of oriented ZnO nanostructures. Through control of heterogeneous nucleation and growth, methods to predicatively alter the ZnO microstructures by tailoring the surface chemistry of the crystals were established. Molecular mechanics simulations, involving single point energy calculations and full geometry optimizations, were developed to assist in selecting appropriate chemical systems and understanding physical adsorption and ultimately growth mechanisms in the design of oxide nanoarrays. The versatility of peptide chemistry in controlling the formation of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles and zinc oxide/cadmium sulfide heterostructures was also demonstrated.

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An interatomic potential model for carbonates allowing for polarization effects

Proposed for publication in Physics and Chemistry of Minerals.

Cygan, Randall T.

An empirical model for investigating the behavior of CaCO{sub 3} polymorphs incorporating a shell model for oxygen has been created. The model was constructed by fitting to: the structure of aragonite and calcite; their elastic, static and high-frequency dielectric constants; phonon frequencies at the wave vectors [1/2 0 2] and [0 0 0] of calcite; and vibrational frequencies of the carbonate deformation modes of calcite. The high-pressure phase transition between calcite I and II is observed. The potentials for the CO{sub 3} group were transferred to other carbonates, by refitting the interaction between CO{sub 3} and the cation to both the experimental structures and their bulk modulus, creating a set of potentials for calculating the properties of a wide range of carbonate materials. Defect energies of substitutional cation defects were analyzed for calcite and aragonite phases. The results were rationalized by studying the structure of calcite and aragonite in greater detail.

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Macroscopic rates, microscopic observations, and molecular models of the dissolution of carbonate phases

Cygan, Randall T.

Bulk and surface energies are calculated for endmembers of the isostructural rhombohedral carbonate mineral family, including Ca, Cd, Co, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, and Zn compositions. The calculations for the bulk agree with the densities, bond distances, bond angles, and lattice enthalpies reported in the literature. The calculated energies also correlate with measured dissolution rates: the lattice energies show a log-linear relationship to the macroscopic dissolution rates at circumneutral pH. Moreover, the energies of ion pairs translated along surface steps are calculated and found to predict experimentally observed microscopic step retreat velocities. Finally, pit formation excess energies decrease with increasing pit size, which is consistent with the nonlinear dissolution kinetics hypothesized for the initial stages of pit formation.

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Linear free energy relationships between dissolution rates and molecular modeling energies of rhombohedral carbonates


Duckworth, Owen W.; Cygan, Randall T.; Martin, Scot T.

Bulk and surface energies are calculated for endmembers of the isostructural rhombohedral carbonate mineral family, including Ca, Cd, Co, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, and Zn compositions. The calculations for the bulk agree with the densities, bond distances, bond angles, and lattice enthalpies reported in the literature. The calculated energies also correlate with measured dissolution rates: the lattice energies show a log-linear relationship to the macroscopic dissolution rates at circumneutral pH. Moreover, the energies of ion pairs translated along surface steps are calculated and found to predict experimentally observed microscopic step retreat velocities. Finally, pit formation excess energies decrease with increasing pit size, which is consistent with the nonlinear dissolution kinetics hypothesized for the initial stages of pit formation.

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Synthesis, crystal structure, and molecular modeling of a layered manganese(II) phosphate : Mn3(PO4)4 2 (H3NCH2CH2)3N 6(H2O)

Proposed for publication in Chemistry of Materials.

Thoma, Steven T.; Thoma, Steven T.; Bonhomme, F.; Cygan, Randall T.

A novel layered manganese(II) phosphate, Mn{sub 3}(PO{sub 4}){sub 4} {center_dot} 2(H{sub 3}NCH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}){sub 3}N {center_dot} 6(H{sub 2}O), has been synthesized solvothermally using tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (TREN) as a template. The structure was solved ab initio using X-ray powder diffraction data and confirmed by molecular modeling. The compound was further characterized by SEM, IR spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and elemental and thermal analysis. The compound crystallizes in the trigonal space group P{sub 3}c1 with a = 8.8706(4) {angstrom}, c = 26.158(2) {angstrom}, and V = 1782.6(2) {angstrom}{sup 3}. The structure consists of layers of corner sharing Mn(II)O{sub 4} and PO{sub 4} tetrahedra forming infinite [Mn{sub 3}(PO{sub 4}){sub 4}]{sup 6-} macroanions with 4.6 net topology, sandwiched by layers of TREN and water molecules. The protonated TREN molecules provide charge balancing for the inorganic sheets; the interlayer stability is accomplished mainly by a network of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and the inorganic macroanions. This hybrid organic/inorganic layered material can be reversibly dehydrated.

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Synthesis, structure, and molecular modeling of a titanoniobate isopolyanion

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Solid-State Chemistry.

Nyman, M.; Nyman, M.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Bonhomme, F.; Rodriguez, Marko A.; Cygan, Randall T.

Polyoxoniobate chemistry, both in the solid state and in solution is dominated by [Nb{sub 6}O{sub 19}]{sup 8-}, the Lindquist ion. Recently, we have expanded this chemistry through use of hydrothermal synthesis. The current publication illustrates how use of heteroatoms is another means of diversifying polyoxoniobate chemistry. Here we report the synthesis of Na{sub 8}[Nb{sub 8}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 28}] {center_dot} 34H{sub 2}O [{bar 1}] and its structural characterization from single-crystal X-ray data. This salt crystallizes in the P-1 space group (a = 11.829(4) {angstrom}, b = 12.205(4) {angstrom}, c = 12.532(4) {angstrom}, {alpha} = 97.666(5){sup o}, {beta} = 113.840(4){sup o}, {gamma} = 110.809(4){sup o}), and the decameric anionic cluster [Nb{sub 8}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 28}]{sup 8-} has the same cluster geometry as the previously reported [Nb{sub 10}O{sub 28}]{sup 6-} and [V{sub 10}O{sub 28}]{sup 6-}. Molecular modeling studies of [Nb{sub 10}O{sub 28}]{sup 6-} and all possible isomers of [Nb{sub 8}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 28}]{sup 8-} suggest that this cluster geometry is stabilized by incorporating the Ti{sup 4+} into cluster positions in which edge-sharing is maximized. In this manner, the overall repulsion between edge-sharing octahedra within the cluster is minimized, as Ti{sup 4+} is both slightly smaller and of lower charge than Nb{sup 5+}. Synthetic studies also show that while the [Nb{sub 10}O{sub 28}]{sup 6-} cluster is difficult to obtain, the [Nb{sub 8}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 28}]{sup 8-} cluster can be synthesized reproducibly and is stable in neutral to basic solutions, as well.

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Results 51–100 of 111
Results 51–100 of 111