To detect a specific radio-frequency (rf) magnetic field, rf optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) require a static magnetic field to set the Larmor frequency of the atoms equal to the frequency of interest. However, unshielded and variable magnetic field environments (e.g., an rf OPM on a moving platform) pose a problem for rf OPM operation. Here, we demonstrate the use of a natural-abundance rubidium vapor to make a comagnetometer to address this challenge. Our implementation builds upon the simultaneous application of several OPM techniques within the same vapor cell. First, we use a modified implementation of an OPM variometer based on 87Rb to detect and actively cancel unwanted external fields at frequencies ≲60 Hz using active feedback to a set of field control coils. In this experiment, we exploit this stabilized field environment to implement a high-sensitivity rf magnetometer using 85Rb. Using this approach, we demonstrate the ability to measure rf fields with a sensitivity of approximately 9 fT Hz-1/2 inside a magnetic shield in the presence of an applied field of approximately 20 μT along three mutually orthogonal directions. This demonstration opens up a path toward completely unshielded operation of a high-sensitivity rf OPM.
We demonstrate that stimulated microwave optical sideband generation using parametric frequency conversion can be utilized as a powerful technique for coherent state detection in atomic physics experiments. The technique has advantages over traditional absorption or polarization rotation-based measurements and enables the isolation of signal photons from probe photons. We outline a theoretical framework that accurately models sideband generation using a density matrix formalism. Using this technique, we demonstrate a novel intrinsic magnetic gradiometer that detects magnetic gradient fields between two spatially separated vapor cells by measuring the frequency of the beat note between sidebands generated within each cell. The sidebands are produced with high efficiency using parametric frequency conversion of a probe beam interacting with Rb87 atoms in a coherent superposition of magnetically sensitive hyperfine ground states. Interference between the sidebands generates a low-frequency beat note whose frequency is determined by the magnetic field gradient between the two vapor cells. In contrast to traditional gradiometers the intermediate step of measuring the magnetic field experienced by the two vapor cells is unnecessary. We show that this technique can be readily implemented in a practical device by demonstrating a compact magnetic gradiometer sensor head with a sensitivity of 25 fT/cm/Hz with a 4.4 cm baseline, while operating in a noisy laboratory environment unshielded from Earth's field.
Quantum diamond microscope (QDM) magnetic field imaging is an emerging interrogation and diagnostic technique for integrated circuits (ICs). To date, the ICs measured with a QDM have been either too complex for us to predict the expected magnetic fields and benchmark the QDM performance or too simple to be relevant to the IC community. In this paper, we establish a 555 timer IC as a "model system"to optimize QDM measurement implementation, benchmark performance, and assess IC device functionality. To validate the magnetic field images taken with a QDM, we use a spice electronic circuit simulator and finite-element analysis (FEA) to model the magnetic fields from the 555 die for two functional states. We compare the advantages and the results of three IC-diamond measurement methods, confirm that the measured and simulated magnetic images are consistent, identify the magnetic signatures of current paths within the device, and discuss using this model system to advance QDM magnetic imaging as an IC diagnostic tool.
We describe a novel pulsed magnetic gradiometer based on the optical interference of sidebands generated using two spatially separated alkali vapor cells. In contrast to traditional magnetic gradiometers, our approach provides a direct readout of the gradient field without the intermediate step of subtracting the outputs of two spatially separated magnetometers. Operation of the gradiometer in multiple field orientations is discussed. The noise floor is measured as low as 25$\frac{fT}{\sqrt{Hz-cm}}$ in a room without magnetic shielding.
Orthographic visual perception (reading) is encoded via a widespread dynamic interaction between different language centers of the brain and visual cortex. In this study, we investigated orthographic visual perception decoding with Magnetoencephalography (MEG), where phrases were visually presented to participants. We compared the decoding performance obtained with sensors within the occipital lobe that obtained with sensors covering the whole head. Two naive machine learning classifiers namely support vector machines (SVM) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used. Experimental results indicated that the decoding performance using only occipital sensors is similar to the performance obtained with all sensors within the task period, which were all above chance level. In addition, temporal analysis by taking short-time windows showed that the occipital sensors were more discriminative near onset compared to later time periods, while using the whole head sensor setup at later time periods performed slightly better than occipital sensors. This finding may indicate a sequential order (from visual cortex to other areas beyond occipital lobe) during visual speech perception.
The trapped Yb+171 ion is a promising candidate for portable atomic clock applications. However, with buffer-gas cooled ytterbium ions, the ions can be pumped into a low-lying F7/22 state or form YbH+ molecules. These dark states reduce the fluorescence signal from the ions and can degrade the clock stability. In this work, we study the dynamics of the populations of the F7/22 state and YbH+ molecules under different operating conditions of our Yb+171 ion system. Our study indicates that F7/22-state ions can form YbH+ molecules through interactions with hydrogen gas. As observed previously, dissociation of YbH+ is observed at wavelengths around 369 nm. We also demonstrate YbH+ dissociation using 405 nm light. Moreover, we show that the population in the dark states can be limited by using a single repump laser at 935 nm. Our study provides insights into the molecular formation in a trapped ion system.
We have developed a pulsed optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) array for detecting magnetic field maps originated from an arbitrary current distribution. The presented magnetic source imaging (MSI) system features 24-OPM channels has a data rate of 500 S/s, a sensitivity of 0.8\mathrm {pT/}\sqrt {\mathrm {Hz}} , and a dynamic range of 72 dB. We have employed our pulsed-OPM MSI system for measuring the magnetic field map of a test coil structure. The coils are moved across the array in an indexed fashion to measure the magnetic field over an area larger than the array. The captured magnetic field maps show excellent agreement with the simulation results. Assuming a 2-D current distribution, we have solved the inverse problem using the measured magnetic field maps, and the reconstructed current distribution image is compared with that of the simulation.
We describe a multichannel magnetoencephalography (MEG) system that uses optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) to sense the magnetic fields of the human brain. The system consists of an array of 20 OPM channels conforming to the human subject's head, a person-sized magnetic shield containing the array and the human subject, a laser system to drive the OPM array, and various control and data acquisition systems. We conducted two MEG experiments: auditory evoked magnetic field and somatosensory evoked magnetic field, on three healthy male subjects, using both our OPM array and a 306-channel Elekta-Neuromag superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) MEG system. The described OPM array measures the tangential components of the magnetic field as opposed to the radial component measured by most SQUID-based MEG systems. Herein, we compare the results of the OPM- and SQUID-based MEG systems on the auditory and somatosensory data recorded in the same individuals on both systems.
Portable applications of microdischarges, such as the remediation of gaseous wastes or the destruction of volatile organic compounds, will mandate operation in the presence of contaminant species. This paper examines the temporal evolution of microdischarge optical and ultraviolet emissions during pulsed operation by experimental methods. By varying the pulse length of a microdischarge initiated in a 4-hole silicon microcavity array operating in a 655 Torr ambient primarily composed of Ne, we were able to measure the emission growth rates for different contaminant species native to the discharge environment as a function of pulse length. It was found that emission from hydrogen and oxygen impurities demonstrated similar rates of change, while emissions from molecular and atomic nitrogen, measured at 337.1 and 120 nm, respectively, exhibited the lowest rate of change. We conclude that it is likely that O2 undergoes the same resonant energy transfer process between rare gas excimers that has been shown for H2. Further, efficient resonant processes were found to be favored during ignition and extinction phases of the pulse, while emission at the 337.1 nm line from N2 was favored during the intermediate stage of the plasma. In addition to the experimental results, a zero-dimensional analysis is also presented to further understand the nature of the microdischarge.
The temporal evolution of spectral lines from microplasma devices (MD) was studied, including impurity transitions. Long-wavelength emission diminishes more rapidly than deep UV with decreasing pulse width and RF operation. Thus, switching from DC to short pulsed or RF operation, UV emissions can be suppressed, allowing for real-time tuning of the ionization energy of a microplasma photo-ionization source, which is useful for chemical and atomic physics. Scaling allows MD to operate near atmospheric pressure where excimer states are efficiently created and emit down to 65 nm; laser emissions fall off below 200 nm, making MD light sources attractive for deep UV use. A first fully-kinetic three-dimensional model was developed that explicitly calculates electron-energy distribution function. This, and non-continuum effects, were studied with the model and how they are impacted by geometry and transient or DC operation. Finally, a global non-dimensional model was developed to help explain general trends MD physics.
We have developed a four-channel optically pumped atomic magnetometer for magnetoencephalography (MEG) that incorporates a passive diffractive optical element (DOE). The DOE allows us to achieve a long, 18-mm gradiometer baseline in a compact footprint on the head. Using gradiometry, the sensitivities of the channels are < 5 fT/Hz1/2, and the 3-dB bandwidths are approximately 90 Hz, which are both sufficient to perform MEG. Additionally, the channels are highly uniform, which offers the possibility of employing standard MEG post-processing techniques. This module will serve as a building block of an array for magnetic source localization.
We report on the development of a highly miniaturized vacuum package for use in an atomic clock utilizing trapped ytterbium-171 ions. The vacuum package is approximately 1 cm3 in size and contains a linear quadrupole RF Paul ion trap, miniature neutral Yb sources, and a non-evaporable getter pump. We describe the fabrication process for making the Yb sources and assembling the vacuum package. To prepare the vacuum package for ion trapping, it was evacuated, baked at a high temperature, and then back filled with a helium buffer gas. Once appropriate vacuum conditions were achieved in the package, it was sealed with a copper pinch-off and was subsequently pumped only by the non-evaporable getter. We demonstrated ion trapping in this vacuum package and the operation of an atomic clock, stabilizing a local oscillator to the 12.6 GHz hyperfine transition of 171Y b+. The fractional frequency stability of the clock was measured to be 2 × 10-11/τ1/2.
We report that methane, CH4, can be used as an efficient F-state quenching gas for trapped ytterbium ions. The quenching rate coefficient is measured to be (2.8 ± 0.3) × 106 s-1 Torr-1. For applications that use microwave hyperfine transitions of the ground-state 171Y b ions, the CH4 induced frequency shift coefficient and the decoherence rate coefficient are measured as δν/ν = (-3.6 ± 0.1) × 10-6 Torr-1 and 1/T2 = (1.5 ± 0.2) × 105 s-1 Torr-1. In our buffer-gas cooled 171Y b+ microwave clock system, we find that only ≤10-8 Torr of CH4 is required under normal operating conditions to efficiently clear the F-state and maintain ≥85% of trapped ions in the ground state with insignificant pressure shift and collisional decoherence of the clock resonance.