
Results 51–75 of 96
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High performance waveguide-coupled Ge-on-Si linear mode avalanche photodiodes

Optics Express

Martinez, Nicolas J.D.; DeRose, Christopher T.; Brock, Reinhard W.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Pomerene, Andrew P.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Trotter, Douglas C.; Davids, Paul D.

We present experimental results for a selective epitaxially grown Ge-on-Si separate absorption and charge multiplication (SACM) integrated waveguide coupled avalanche photodiode (APD) compatible with our silicon photonics platform. Epitaxially grown Ge-on-Si waveguide-coupled linear mode avalanche photodiodes with varying lateral multiplication regions and different charge implant dimensions are fabricated and their illuminated device characteristics and high-speed performance is measured. We report a record gain-bandwidth product of 432 GHz for our highest performing waveguide-coupled avalanche photodiode operating at 1510nm. Bit error rate measurements show operation with BER< 10-12, in the range from -18.3 dBm to -12 dBm received optical power into a 50 Ω load and open eye diagrams with 13 Gbps pseudo-random data at 1550 nm.

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An adiabatic/diabatic polarization beam splitter

5th IEEE Photonics Society Optical Interconnects Conference, OI 2016

Cai, Hong; Boynton, Nicholas; Lentine, Anthony L.; Pomerene, Andrew P.; Trotter, Douglas C.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Davids, Paul D.; DeRose, Christopher T.

We demonstrate an on-chip polarization beam splitter (PBS), which is adiabatic for the transverse magnetic mode, and diabatic for the transverse electric mode. The PBS has a simple structure that is tolerant to manufacturing variations and exhibits high polarization extinction ratios over a wide bandwidth.

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Silicon photonics platform for national security applications

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Lentine, Anthony L.; DeRose, Christopher T.; Davids, Paul D.; Martinez, Nicolas J.D.; Zortman, William A.; Cox, Jonathan A.; Jones, Adam; Trotter, Douglas C.; Pomerene, Andrew P.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Savignon, Daniel J.; Bauer, Todd B.; Wiwi, Michael W.; Chu, Patrick B.

We review Sandia's silicon photonics platform for national security applications. Silicon photonics offers the potential for extensive size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-c) reductions compared to existing III-V or purely electronics circuits. Unlike most silicon photonics foundries in the US and internationally, our silicon photonics is manufactured in a trusted environment at our Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Application (MESA) facility. The Sandia fabrication facility is certified as a trusted foundry and can therefore produce devices and circuits intended for military applications. We will describe a variety of silicon photonics devices and subsystems, including both monolithic and heterogeneous integration of silicon photonics with electronics, that can enable future complex functionality in aerospace systems, principally focusing on communications technology in optical interconnects and optical networking.

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Application of plasmonic subwavelength structuring to enhance infrared detection

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Peters, David W.; Davids, Paul D.; Kim, Jin K.; Leonhardt, Darin L.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Howell, Stephen W.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Wendt, J.R.; Montoya, John A.

Nanoantennas are an enabling technology for visible to terahertz components and may be used with a variety of detector materials. We have integrated subwavelength patterned metal nanoantennas with various detector materials for infrared detection: midwave infrared indium gallium arsenide antimonide detectors, longwave infrared graphene detectors, and shortwave infrared germanium detectors. Nanoantennas offer a means to make infrared detectors much thinner, thus lowering the dark current and improving performance. The nanoantenna converts incoming plane waves to more tightly bound and concentrated surface waves. The active material only needs to extend as far as these bound fields. In the case of graphene detectors, which are only one or two atomic layers thick, such field concentration is a necessity for usable device performance, as single pass absorption is insufficient. The nanoantenna is thus the enabling component of these thin devices. However nanoantenna integration and fabrication vary considerably across these platforms as do the considerations taken into account during design. Here we discuss the motivation for these devices and show examples for the three material systems. Characterization results are included for the midwave infrared detector. © 2014 SPIE.

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Results 51–75 of 96
Results 51–75 of 96