
Results 26–50 of 69
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Magnetic Smart Tags (MaST) for Arms Control and Treaty Verification

Langlois, Eric L.; Pillars, Jamin R.; Monson, Todd M.; Arrington, Christian L.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; St John, Christopher S.; Smartt, Heidi A.

The ability to track nuclear material is a challenge for resiliency of complex systems, e.g., harsh environments. RF tags, frequently used in national security applications, cannot be used for technological, operational, or safety reasons. Magnetic Smart Tags (MaST) is a novel tag technology based on magnetoelastic sensing that circumvents these issues. This technology is enabled by a new, cost-effective, batch manufacturing electrochemical deposition (ECD) process. This new advancement in fabrication enables multi-frequency tags capable of providing millions of possible codes for tag identification unlike existing theft deterrent tags that can convey only a single bit of information. Magnetostrictive 70% Co: 30% Fe was developed as the base alloy comprising the magnetoelastic resonator transduction element. Saturation magnetostriction, S , has been externally measured by the Naval Research Laboratory to be as high as 78 ppm. Description of a novel MEMS variable capacitive test structure is described for future measurements of this parameter.

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Transformation of amorphous TiO2 to a hydronium oxofluorotitanate and applications as an HF sensor

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical

Appelhans, Leah A.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Massey, Lee T.; Luk, Ting S.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Brumbach, Michael T.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Craven, Julia M.

Amorphous titania thin films were examined for use as the active material in a polarimetry based HF sensor. The amorphous titania films were found to be sensitive to vapor phase HF and the reaction product was identified as a hydronium oxofluorotitanate phase, which has previously only been synthesized in aqueous solution. The extent of reaction varied both with vapor phase HF concentration, relative humidity, and the exposure time. HF concentrations as low as 1 ppm could be detected for exposure times of 120 h.

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Single objective light-sheet microscopy for high-speed whole-cell 3D super-resolution

Biomedical Optics Express

Meddens, Marjolein B.M.; Liu, Sheng; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Edwards, Thayne L.; James, Conrad D.; Lidke, Keith A.

We have developed a method for performing light-sheet microscopy with a single high numerical aperture lens by integrating reflective side walls into a microfluidic chip. These 45° side walls generate light-sheet illumination by reflecting a vertical light-sheet into the focal plane of the objective. Light-sheet illumination of cells loaded in the channels increases image quality in diffraction limited imaging via reduction of out-of-focus background light. Single molecule super-resolution is also improved by the decreased background resulting in better localization precision and decreased photo-bleaching, leading to more accepted localizations overall and higher quality images. Moreover, 2D and 3D single molecule superresolution data can be acquired faster by taking advantage of the increased illumination intensities as compared to wide field, in the focused light-sheet.

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Oblique patterned etching of vertical silicon sidewalls

Applied Physics Letters

Burckel, David B.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Henry, Michael D.; Resnick, Paul J.; Jarecki, Robert L.

A method for patterning on vertical silicon surfaces in high aspect ratio silicon topography is presented. A Faraday cage is used to direct energetic reactive ions obliquely through a patterned suspended membrane positioned over the topography. The technique is capable of forming high-fidelity pattern (100 nm) features, adding an additional fabrication capability to standard top-down fabrication approaches.

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Carbon Composite Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS)

Dyck, Christopher D.; Washburn, Cody M.; Rector, Michael N.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Pfeifer, Kent B.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Blecke, Jill B.; Satches, Michael R.; Massey, Lee T.; Dyck, Christopher D.

Pyrolyzed carbon as a mechanical material is promising for applications in harsh environments. In this work, we characterized the material and developed novel processes for fabricating carbon composite micro-electromechanical systems (CMEMS) structures. A novel method of increasing Young's modulus and the conductivity of pyrolyzed AZ 4330 was demonstrated by loading the films with graphene oxide prior to pyrolysis. By incorporating 2 wt.% graphene stiffeners into the film, a 65% increase in Young's modulus and 11% increase in conductivity were achieved. By reactive ion etching pyrolyzed blanket AZ 50XT thick film photoresist, a high aspect ratio process was demonstrated with films >7.5um thick. Two novel multi-level, volume-scalable CMEMS processes were developed on 6" diameter wafers. Young's modulus of 23 GPa was extracted from nanoindentation measurements of pyrolyzed AZ 50XT films. The temperature-dependent resistance was characterized from room temperature to 500C and found to be nearly linear over this range. By fitting the results of self-heated bridges in an inert ambient, we calculated that the bridges survived to 1000C without failure. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results showed the film to be largely amorphous, containing some sub-micrometer sized graphite crystallites. This was consistent with our Raman analysis, which also showed the film to be largely sp 2 bonded. The calculated average density of pyrolyzed AZ 4330 films was 1.32 g/cm 2 . Thin level of disorder and the conductivity of thin film resistors were found to unchanged by 2Mrad gamma irradiation from a Co 60 source. Thin film pyrolyzed carbon resistors were hermetically sealed in a nitrogen ambient in 24-pin dual in-line packages (DIP's). The resistance was measured periodically and remained constant over 6 months' time.

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Results 26–50 of 69
Results 26–50 of 69