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Fault Current Experimental Results of Photovoltaic Inverters Operating with Grid-Support Functionality

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; Gurule, Nicholas S.; Reno, Matthew J.; Johnson, Jay

The proliferation of photovoltaic (PV) distributed energy resources (DER) on distribution systems have caused concerns about electric power system (EPS) protection schemes, protection configurations, and device coordination. With the EPS designed for power to flow in one direction, the high penetration of PV-based DER has created concerns of grid reliability and protection scheme efficacy. The short-circuit current characteristics of the classical synchronous generator has been well characterized for symmetrical or unsymmetrical short circuit faults, but inverter-based DER dynamic models are not as wellknown and are generally specific to a single inverter manufacturer. There is also uncertainty in how advanced inverter controls like volt-var and low-voltage ride-through capabilities can impact the inverter fault currents. This paper performs laboratory tests to quantify the fault currents of single-phase, three-phase, and grid-forming inverters under a range of gridsupport function operating modes. The results characterize the PV DER sub-transient, transient, and steady-state equivalents. It was found that grid-support functions affect the current contribution from PV inverters.

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Results 26–27 of 27
Results 26–27 of 27