
Results 101–112 of 112
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An aluminum resist substrate for microfabrication by LIGA

Griffiths, Stewart K.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Hekmaty, Michelle A.; McLean, Dorrance E.; Yang, Chu-Yeu P.; Friedmann, Thomas A.; Losey, Matthew W.; Hachman, John T.; Skala, Dawn M.; Hunter, Lucas L.; Yang, Nancy Y.; Boehme, Dale R.; Korellis, John S.; Aigeldinger, Georg A.

Resist substrates used in the LIGA process must provide high initial bond strength between the substrate and resist, little degradation of the bond strength during x-ray exposure, acceptable undercut rates during development, and a surface enabling good electrodeposition of metals. Additionally, they should produce little fluorescence radiation and give small secondary doses in bright regions of the resist at the substrate interface. To develop a new substrate satisfying all these requirements, we have investigated secondary resist doses due to electrons and fluorescence, resist adhesion before exposure, loss of fine features during extended development, and the nucleation and adhesion of electrodeposits for various substrate materials. The result of these studies is a new anodized aluminum substrate and accompanying methods for resist bonding and electrodeposition. We demonstrate successful use of this substrate through all process steps and establish its capabilities via the fabrication of isolated resist features down to 6 {micro}m, feature aspect ratios up to 280 and electroformed nickel structures at heights of 190 to 1400 {micro}m. The minimum mask absorber thickness required for this new substrate ranges from 7 to 15 {micro}m depending on the resist thickness.

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Environmental effects on the adhesion of gold microcircuit films

Adams, David P.; Yang, Nancy Y.

Adhesion is an important factor in controlling properties and performance of thin film devices. It is a critical factor in hybrid microcircuits with multilayer films and dissimilar metal interconnects where diffusion of copper from leads during processing and environmental effects during service can modify the adhesion strength of the gold conductive films. Previous work using gold and gold-copper alloy films to simulate different stages of processing and service showed that copper in solution improved film adhesion. More importantly, it took a combination of stressed overlayers and nanoindentation to trigger interfacial fracture of the gold-copper alloy films. The improvement in performance scaled directly with an increase in film strength. However, during two years air exposure telephone cord buckles formed at the gold-copper alloy film edges, grew slowing across the film surface, and eventually covered the sample. Formation of these buckles shows that a significant degradation in interfacial fracture strength had occurred in these films. We characterized the size and shape of the blisters that formed during nanoindentation of the as-deposited films and in the films following aging. These measurements were then combined with mechanics-based models to determine residual stresses and interfacial fracture energies. This analysis shows that air aging decreased the mode I interfacial fracture energy for the gold-copper alloy film from 3.2 J/m{sup 2} to 1.5 J/m{sup 2}. A similar decrease in fracture energy has been observed for many systems exposed to hydrogen from processing and environmental exposure, including copper films, beryllium films, steels and iron- and nickel-based superalloys. This paper describes the effect of environment on resistance of gold-copper alloy film systems to premature interfacial failure, and by comparison with previous studies shows it can be attributed to hydrogen embrittlement.

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Nanocrystal formation in gas-atomized amorphous Al85Ni10La5 alloy

Proposed for publication in a journal article to be determined.

Yang, Nancy Y.

An Al{sub 85}Ni{sub 10}La{sub 5} amorphous alloy, produced via gas atomization, was selected to study the mechanisms of nanocrystallization induced by thermal exposure. High resolution transmission electron microscopy results indicated the presence of quenched-in Al nuclei in the amorphous matrix of the atomized powder. However, a eutectic-like reaction, which involved the formation of the Al, Al{sub 11}La{sub 3}, and Al{sub 3}Ni phases, was recorded in the first crystallization event (263 C) during differential scanning calorimetry continuous heating. Isothermal annealing experiments conducted below 263 C revealed that the formation of single fcc-Al phase occurred at 235 C. At higher temperatures, growth of the Al crystals occurred with formation of intermetallic phases, leading to a eutectic-like transformation behavior at 263 C. During the first crystallization stage, nanocrystals were developed in the size range of 5 - 30 nm. During the second crystallization event (283 C), a bimodal size distribution of nanocrystals was formed with the smaller size in the range of around 10 - 30 nm and the larger size around 100 nm. The influence of pre-existing quenched-in Al nuclei on the microstructural evolution in the amorphous Al{sub 85}Ni{sub 10}La{sub 5} alloy is discussed and the effect of the microstructural evolution on the hardening behavior is described in detail.

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Characterization of twinning in electrodeposited Ni-Mn alloys

Proposed for publication in Philosophical Magazine A.

Lucadamo, Gene A.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Yang, Nancy Y.; Kelly, James J.; Talin, A.A.

Twinning is ubiquitous in electroplated metals. Here, we identify and discuss unique aspects of twinning found in electrodeposited Ni-Mn alloys. Previous reports concluded that the twin boundaries effectively refine the grain size, which enhances mechanical strength. Quantitative measurements from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that the relative boundary length in the as-plated microstructure primarily comprises twin interfaces. Detailed TEM characterization reveals a range of length scales associated with twinning beginning with colonies ({approx}1000 nm) down to the width of individual twins, which is typically <50 nm. We also consider the connection between the crystallographic texture of the electrodeposit and the orientation of the twin planes with respect to the plating direction. The Ni-Mn alloy deposits in this work possess a 110-fiber texture. While twinning can occur on {l_brace}111{r_brace} planes either perpendicular or oblique to the plating direction in {l_brace}110{r_brace}-oriented grains, plan-view TEM images show that twins form primarily on those planes parallel to the plating direction. Therefore, grains enclosed by twins and multiply twinned particles are produced. Another important consequence of a high twin density is the formation of large numbers of twin-related junctions. We measure an area density of twin junctions that is comparable to the density of dislocations in a heavily cold-worked metal.

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Results 101–112 of 112
Results 101–112 of 112