
Results 101–125 of 176
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Efficient DSMC collision-partner selection schemes

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.

The effect of collision-partner selection schemes on the accuracy and the efficiency of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of Bird is investigated. Several schemes to reduce the total discretization error as a function of the mean collision separation and the mean collision time are examined. These include the historically first sub-cell scheme, the more recent nearest-neighbor scheme, and various near-neighbor schemes, which are evaluated for their effect on the thermal conductivity for Fourier flow. Their convergence characteristics as a function of spatial and temporal discretization and the number of simulators per cell are compared to the convergence characteristics of the sophisticated and standard DSMC algorithms. Improved performance is obtained if the population from which possible collision partners are selected is an appropriate fraction of the population of the cell.

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Assessment of reaction-rate predictions of a collision-energy approach for chemical reactions in atmospheric flows

Gallis, Michail A.; Bond, Ryan B.; Torczynski, J.R.

A recently proposed approach for the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to calculate chemical-reaction rates is assessed for high-temperature atmospheric species. The new DSMC model reproduces measured equilibrium reaction rates without using any macroscopic reaction-rate information. Since it uses only molecular properties, the new model is inherently able to predict reaction rates for arbitrary non-equilibrium conditions. DSMC non-equilibrium reaction rates are compared to Park's phenomenological nonequilibrium reaction-rate model, the predominant model for hypersonic-flow-field calculations. For near-equilibrium conditions, Park's model is in good agreement with the DSMC-calculated reaction rates. For far-from-equilibrium conditions, corresponding to a typical shock layer, significant differences can be found. The DSMC predictions are also found to be in very good agreement with measured and calculated non-equilibrium reaction rates, offering strong evidence that this is a viable and reliable technique to predict chemical reaction rates.

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DSMC predictions of non-equilibrium reaction rates

Gallis, Michail A.; Bond, Ryan B.; Torczynski, J.R.

A set of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) chemical-reaction models recently proposed by Bird and based solely on the collision energy and the vibrational energy levels of the species involved is applied to calculate nonequilibrium chemical-reaction rates for atmospheric reactions in hypersonic flows. The DSMC non-equilibrium model predictions are in good agreement with theoretical models and experimental measurements. The observed agreement provides strong evidence that modeling chemical reactions using only the collision energy and the vibrational energy levels provides an accurate method for predicting non-equilibrium chemical-reaction rates.

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Raman thermometry measurements and thermal simulations for mems bridges at pressures from 0.05 to 625 TORR

Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2009, HT2009

Phinney, Leslie M.; Serrano, Justin R.; Piekos, Edward S.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Gorby, Allen D.

This paper reports on experimental and computational investigations into the thermal performance of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) as a function of the pressure of the surrounding gas. High spatial resolution Raman thermometry was used to measure the temperature profiles on electrically heated, polycrystalline silicon bridges that are nominally 10 μm wide, 2.25 μm thick, and either 200 or 400 μm long in nitrogen atmospheres with pressures ranging from 0.05 to 625 Torr. Finite element modeling of the thermal behavior of the MEMS bridges is performed and compared to the experimental results. Noncontinuum gas effects are incorporated into the continuum finite element model by imposing temperature discontinuities at gas-solid interfaces that are determined from noncontinuum simulations. The results indicate that gas-phase heat transfer is significant for devices of this size at ambient pressures but becomes minimal as the pressure is reduced below 5 Torr. The model and experimental results are in qualitative agreement, and better quantitative agreement requires increased accuracy in the geometrical and material property values. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.

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Computational investigation of thermal gas separation for CO2 capture

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the work completed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project 09-1351, 'Computational Investigation of Thermal Gas Separation for CO{sub 2} Capture'. Thermal gas separation for a binary mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen is investigated using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Molecular models for nitrogen and carbon dioxide are developed, implemented, compared to theoretical results, and compared to several experimental thermophysical properties. The molecular models include three translational modes, two fully excited rotational modes, and vibrational modes, whose degree of excitation depends on the temperature. Nitrogen has one vibrational mode, and carbon dioxide has four vibrational modes (two of which are degenerate). These models are used to perform a parameter study for mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen confined between parallel walls over realistic ranges of gas temperatures and nominal concentrations of carbon dioxide. The degree of thermal separation predicted by DSMC is slightly higher than experimental values and is sensitive to the details of the molecular models.

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Molecule-based approach for computing chemical-reaction rates in upper atmosphere hypersonic flows

Gallis, Michail A.; Bond, Ryan B.; Torczynski, J.R.

This report summarizes the work completed during FY2009 for the LDRD project 09-1332 'Molecule-Based Approach for Computing Chemical-Reaction Rates in Upper-Atmosphere Hypersonic Flows'. The goal of this project was to apply a recently proposed approach for the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to calculate chemical-reaction rates for high-temperature atmospheric species. The new DSMC model reproduces measured equilibrium reaction rates without using any macroscopic reaction-rate information. Since it uses only molecular properties, the new model is inherently able to predict reaction rates for arbitrary nonequilibrium conditions. DSMC non-equilibrium reaction rates are compared to Park's phenomenological non-equilibrium reaction-rate model, the predominant model for hypersonic-flow-field calculations. For near-equilibrium conditions, Park's model is in good agreement with the DSMC-calculated reaction rates. For far-from-equilibrium conditions, corresponding to a typical shock layer, the difference between the two models can exceed 10 orders of magnitude. The DSMC predictions are also found to be in very good agreement with measured and calculated non-equilibrium reaction rates. Extensions of the model to reactions typically found in combustion flows and ionizing reactions are also found to be in very good agreement with available measurements, offering strong evidence that this is a viable and reliable technique to predict chemical reaction rates.

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Nanoparticle aerosols form Knudsen layers at walls

AIP Conference Proceedings

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.

An aerosol of nanoparticles forms a Knudsen layer when diffusing in a Brownian fashion toward a solid wall. More specifically, the particle number density in the gas by the wall approaches a nonzero value proportional to the flux. An approximate theory for the coefficient of proportionality as a function of the particle sticking probability at the wall and the drift velocity normal to the wall is compared to Langevin particle simulations. The results are used to formulate a boundary condition that enables accurate advection-diffusion simulations of nanoparticle-aerosol transport. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.

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Particle-contamination analysis for reticles in carrier inner pods

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.

Particle contamination is analyzed for a reticle in the inner pod of a carrier with particular emphasis on the effect of raising the cover of the inner pod before removing the reticle from the carrier at atmospheric pressure (not low pressure). Two mechanisms for particle transport into the gap between the base plate and the reticle are considered: injection and advection-diffusion. It is shown that injection is not an important mechanism but that advection-diffusion transport can carry particles deeply into the gap, where they can deposit on the reticle surface. Closed-form expressions are presented for the transmission probability that particles at the reticle edge are transported inward past the exclusion zone around the reticle perimeter. The gas flow in the gap that occurs during cover-raising is found by numerical simulation, and the closed-form expressions are applied to determine the probability of contamination for different cover-raising scenarios.

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Convergence behavior of a new DSMC algorithm

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics.

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Rader, Daniel J.

The convergence rate of a new direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, termed 'sophisticated DSMC', is investigated for one-dimensional Fourier flow. An argon-like hard-sphere gas at 273.15K and 266.644Pa is confined between two parallel, fully accommodating walls 1mm apart that have unequal temperatures. The simulations are performed using a one-dimensional implementation of the sophisticated DSMC algorithm. In harmony with previous work, the primary convergence metric studied is the ratio of the DSMC-calculated thermal conductivity to its corresponding infinite-approximation Chapman-Enskog theoretical value. As discretization errors are reduced, the sophisticated DSMC algorithm is shown to approach the theoretical values to high precision. The convergence behavior of sophisticated DSMC is compared to that of original DSMC. The convergence of the new algorithm in a three-dimensional implementation is also characterized. Implementations using transient adaptive sub-cells and virtual sub-cells are compared. The new algorithm is shown to significantly reduce the computational resources required for a DSMC simulation to achieve a particular level of accuracy, thus improving the efficiency of the method by a factor of 2.

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Validation of thermal models for a prototypical MEMS thermal actuator

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Piekos, Edward S.; Serrano, Justin R.; Phinney, Leslie M.; Gorby, Allen D.

This report documents technical work performed to complete the ASC Level 2 Milestone 2841: validation of thermal models for a prototypical MEMS thermal actuator. This effort requires completion of the following task: the comparison between calculated and measured temperature profiles of a heated stationary microbeam in air. Such heated microbeams are prototypical structures in virtually all electrically driven microscale thermal actuators. This task is divided into four major subtasks. (1) Perform validation experiments on prototypical heated stationary microbeams in which material properties such as thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity are measured if not known and temperature profiles along the beams are measured as a function of electrical power and gas pressure. (2) Develop a noncontinuum gas-phase heat-transfer model for typical MEMS situations including effects such as temperature discontinuities at gas-solid interfaces across which heat is flowing, and incorporate this model into the ASC FEM heat-conduction code Calore to enable it to simulate these effects with good accuracy. (3) Develop a noncontinuum solid-phase heat transfer model for typical MEMS situations including an effective thermal conductivity that depends on device geometry and grain size, and incorporate this model into the FEM heat-conduction code Calore to enable it to simulate these effects with good accuracy. (4) Perform combined gas-solid heat-transfer simulations using Calore with these models for the experimentally investigated devices, and compare simulation and experimental temperature profiles to assess model accuracy. These subtasks have been completed successfully, thereby completing the milestone task. Model and experimental temperature profiles are found to be in reasonable agreement for all cases examined. Modest systematic differences appear to be related to uncertainties in the geometric dimensions of the test structures and in the thermal conductivity of the polycrystalline silicon test structures, as well as uncontrolled nonuniform changes in this quantity over time and during operation.

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Results 101–125 of 176
Results 101–125 of 176