Exploring Failure Recovery for Stencil-based Applications at Extreme Scales
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
The scientific community relies on the peer review process for assuring the quality of published material, the goal of which is to build a body of work we can trust. Computational journals such as the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) use this process for rigorously promoting the clarity and completeness of content, and citation of prior work. At the same time, it is unusual to independently confirm computational results. ACM TOMS has established a Replicated Computational Results (RCR) review process as part of the manuscript peer review process. The purpose is to provide independent confirmation that results contained in a manuscript are replicable. Successful completion of the RCR process awards a manuscript with the Replicated Computational Results Designation. This issue of ACM TOMS contains the first [Van Zee and van de Geijn 2015] of what we anticipate to be a growing number of articles to receive the RCR designation, and the related RCR reviewer report [Willenbring 2015]. We hope that the TOMS RCR process will serve as a model for other publications and increase the confidence in and value of computational results in TOMS articles.
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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Computational science and engineering application programs are typically large, complex, and dynamic, and are often constrained by distribution limitations. As a means of making tractable rapid explorations of scientific and engineering application programs in the context of new, emerging, and future computing architectures, a suite of "miniapps" has been created to serve as proxies for full scale applications. Each miniapp is designed to represent a key performance characteristic that does or is expected to significantly impact the runtime performance of an application program. In this paper we introduce a methodology for assessing the ability of these miniapps to effectively represent these performance issues. We applied this methodology to three miniapps, examining the linkage between them and an application they are intended to represent. Herein we evaluate the fidelity of that linkage. This work represents the initial steps required to begin to answer the question, "Under what conditions does a miniapp represent a key performance characteristic in a full app?"
Procedia Computer Science
Exascale studies project reliability challenges for future high-performance computing (HPC) systems. We propose the Global View Resilience (GVR) system, a library that enables applications to add resilience in a portable, application-controlled fashion using versioned distributed arrays. We describe GVR's interfaces to distributed arrays, versioning, and cross-layer error recovery. Using several large applications (OpenMC, the preconditioned conjugate gradient solver PCG, ddcMD, and Chombo), we evaluate the programmer effort to add resilience. The required changes are small (<2% LOC), localized, and machine-independent, requiring no software architecture changes. We also measure the overhead of adding GVR versioning and show that generally overheads <2% are achieved. We conclude that GVR's interfaces and implementation are flexible and portable and create a gentle-slope path to tolerate growing error rates in future systems.
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ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
The current system reaction to the loss of a single MPI process is to kill all the remaining processes and restart the application from the most recent checkpoint. This approach will become unfeasible for future extreme scale systems. We address this issue using an emerging resilient computing model called Local Failure Local Recovery (LFLR) that provides application developers with the ability to recover locally and continue application execution when a process is lost. We discuss the design of our software framework to enable the LFLR model using MPI-ULFM and demonstrate the resilient version of MiniFE that achieves a scalable recovery from process failures.
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Recovery from process loss during the execution of a distributed memory parallel application is presently achieved by restarting the program, typically from a checkpoint file. Future computer system trends indicate that the size of data to checkpoint, the lack of improvement in parallel file system performance and the increase in process failure rates will lead to situations where checkpoint restart becomes infeasible. In this report we describe and prototype the use of a new application level resilient computing model that manages persistent storage of local state for each process such that, if a process fails, recovery can be performed locally without requiring access to a global checkpoint file. LFLR provides application developers with an ability to recover locally and continue application execution when a process is lost. This report discusses what features are required from the hardware, OS and runtime layers, and what approaches application developers might use in the design of future codes, including a demonstration of LFLR-enabled MiniFE code from the Matenvo mini-application suite.
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International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC
Krylov subspace projection methods are widely used iterative methods for solving large-scale linear systems of equations. Researchers have demonstrated that communication avoiding (CA) techniques can improve Krylov methods' performance on modern computers, where communication is becoming increasingly expensive compared to arithmetic operations. In this paper, we extend these studies by two major contributions. First, we present our implementation of a CA variant of the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method, called CAGMRES, for solving no symmetric linear systems of equations on a hybrid CPU/GPU cluster. Our performance results on up to 120 GPUs show that CA-GMRES gives a speedup of up to 2.5x in total solution time over standard GMRES on a hybrid cluster with twelve Intel Xeon CPUs and three Nvidia Fermi GPUs on each node. We then outline a domain decomposition framework to introduce a family of preconditioners that are suitable for CA Krylov methods. Our preconditioners do not incur any additional communication and allow the easy reuse of existing algorithms and software for the sub domain solves. Experimental results on the hybrid CPU/GPU cluster demonstrate that CA-GMRES with preconditioning achieve a speedup of up to 7.4x over CAGMRES without preconditioning, and speedup of up to 1.7x over GMRES with preconditioning in total solution time. These results confirm the potential of our framework to develop a practical and effective preconditioned CA Krylov method.
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The High Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) benchmark [cite SNL, UTK reports] is a tool for ranking computer systems based on a simple additive Schwarz, symmetric Gauss-Seidel preconditioned conjugate gradient solver. HPCG is similar to the High Performance Linpack (HPL), or Top 500, benchmark [1] in its purpose, but HPCG is intended to better represent how today’s applications perform. In this paper we describe the technical details of HPCG: how it is designed and implemented, what code transformations are permitted and how to interpret and report results.
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The High Performance Linpack (HPL), or Top 500, benchmark [1] is the most widely recognized and discussed metric for ranking high performance computing systems. However, HPL is increasingly unreliable as a true measure of system performance for a growing collection of important science and engineering applications. In this paper we describe a new high performance conjugate gradient (HPCG) benchmark. HPCG is composed of computations and data access patterns more commonly found in applications. Using HPCG we strive for a better correlation to real scientific application performance and expect to drive computer system design and implementation in directions that will better impact performance improvement.
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The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A new software capability is introduced into Trilinos as a package. A Trilinos package is an integral unit and, although there are exceptions such as utility packages, each package is typically developed by a small team of experts in a particular algorithms area such as algebraic preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, etc. The Trilinos Developers SQE Guide is a resource for Trilinos package developers who are working under Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) and are therefore subject to the ASC Software Quality Engineering Practices as described in the Sandia National Laboratories Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) Software Quality Plan: ASC Software Quality Engineering Practices Version 3.0 document [1]. The Trilinos Developer Policies webpage [2] contains a lot of detailed information that is essential for all Trilinos developers. The Trilinos Software Lifecycle Model [3] defines the default lifecycle model for Trilinos packages and provides a context for many of the practices listed in this document.
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Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2012
With the ubiquity of multicore processors, it is crucial that solvers adapt to the hierarchical structure of modern architectures. We present ShyLU, a "hybrid-hybrid" solver for general sparse linear systems that is hybrid in two ways: First, it combines direct and iterative methods. The iterative part is based on approximate Schur complements where we compute the approximate Schur complement using a value-based dropping strategy or structure-based probing strategy. Second, the solver uses two levels of parallelism via hybrid programming (MPI+threads). ShyLU is useful both in shared-memory environments and on large parallel computers with distributed memory. In the latter case, it should be used as a sub domain solver. We argue that with the increasing complexity of compute nodes, it is important to exploit multiple levels of parallelism even within a single compute node. We show the robustness of ShyLU against other algebraic preconditioners. ShyLU scales well up to 384 cores for a given problem size. We also study the MPI-only performance of ShyLU against a hybrid implementation and conclude that on present multicore nodes MPI-only implementation is better. However, for future multicore machines (96 or more cores) hybrid/ hierarchical algorithms and implementations are important for sustained performance. © 2012 IEEE.
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Proposed for publication in SIAM News.
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Exascale systems will present considerable fault-tolerance challenges to applications and system software. These systems are expected to suffer several hard and soft errors per day. Unfortunately, many fault-tolerance methods in use, such as rollback recovery, are unsuitable for many expected errors, for example DRAM failures. As a result, applications will need to address these resilience challenges to more effectively utilize future systems. In this paper, we describe work on a cross-layer application/OS framework to handle uncorrected memory errors. We illustrate the use of this framework through its integration with a new fault-tolerant iterative solver within the Trilinos library, and present initial convergence results.
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