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Physical Compact Model for Three-Terminal SONOS Synaptic Circuit Element

Advanced Intelligent Systems

Talin, A.A.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Williams, R.S.

A well-posed physics-based compact model for a three-terminal silicon–oxide–nitride–oxide–silicon (SONOS) synaptic circuit element is presented for use by neuromorphic circuit/system engineers. Based on technology computer aided design (TCAD) simulations of a SONOS device, the model contains a nonvolatile memristor with the state variable QM representing the memristor charge under the gate of the three-terminal element. By incorporating the exponential dependence of the memristance on QM and the applied bias V for the gate, the compact model agrees quantitatively with the results from TCAD simulations as well as experimental measurements for the drain current. The compact model is implemented through VerilogA in the circuit simulation package Cadence Spectre and reproduces the experimental training behavior for the source–drain conductance of a SONOS device after applying writing pulses ranging from –12 V to +11 V, with an accuracy higher than 90%.

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CrossSim Inference Manual v2.0

Xiao, Tianyao X.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.

Neural networks are largely based on matrix computations. During forward inference, the most heavily used compute kernel is the matrix-vector multiplication (MVM): $W \vec{x} $. Inference is a first frontier for the deployment of next-generation hardware for neural network applications, as it is more readily deployed in edge devices, such as mobile devices or embedded processors with size, weight, and power constraints. Inference is also easier to implement in analog systems than training, which has more stringent device requirements. The main processing kernel used during inference is the MVM.

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An Accurate, Error-Tolerant, and Energy-Efficient Neural Network Inference Engine Based on SONOS Analog Memory

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

Xiao, T.P.; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Agrawal, Vineet; Saxena, Prashant; Prabhakar, Venkatraman; Ramkumar, Krishnaswamy; Medu, Harsha; Raghavan, Vijay; Chettuvetty, Ramesh; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

We demonstrate SONOS (silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon) analog memory arrays that are optimized for neural network inference. The devices are fabricated in a 40nm process and operated in the subthreshold regime for in-memory matrix multiplication. Subthreshold operation enables low conductances to be implemented with low error, which matches the typical weight distribution of neural networks, which is heavily skewed toward near-zero values. This leads to high accuracy in the presence of programming errors and process variations. We simulate the end-To-end neural network inference accuracy, accounting for the measured programming error, read noise, and retention loss in a fabricated SONOS array. Evaluated on the ImageNet dataset using ResNet50, the accuracy using a SONOS system is within 2.16% of floating-point accuracy without any retraining. The unique error properties and high On/Off ratio of the SONOS device allow scaling to large arrays without bit slicing, and enable an inference architecture that achieves 20 TOPS/W on ResNet50, a > 10× gain in energy efficiency over state-of-The-Art digital and analog inference accelerators.

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Purely Spintronic Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Brigner, Wesley H.; Hassan, Naimul; Hu, Xuan; Bennett, Christopher H.; Garcia-Sanchez, Felipe; Marinella, Matthew J.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Friedman, Joseph S.

Neuromorphic computing promises revolutionary improvements over conventional systems for applications that process unstructured information. To fully realize this potential, neuromorphic systems should exploit the biomimetic behavior of emerging nanodevices. In particular, exceptional opportunities are provided by the non-volatility and analog capabilities of spintronic devices. While spintronic devices that emulate neurons have been previously proposed, they require complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology to function. In turn, this significantly increases the power consumption, fabrication complexity, and device area of a single neuron. This work reviews three previously proposed CMOS-free spintronic neurons designed to resolve this issue.

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Analysis and mitigation of parasitic resistance effects for analog in-memory neural network acceleration

Semiconductor Science and Technology

Xiao, T.P.; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

To support the increasing demands for efficient deep neural network processing, accelerators based on analog in-memory computation of matrix multiplication have recently gained significant attention for reducing the energy of neural network inference. However, analog processing within memory arrays must contend with the issue of parasitic voltage drops across the metal interconnects, which distort the results of the computation and limit the array size. This work analyzes how parasitic resistance affects the end-to-end inference accuracy of state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks, and comprehensively studies how various design decisions at the device, circuit, architecture, and algorithm levels affect the system's sensitivity to parasitic resistance effects. A set of guidelines are provided for how to design analog accelerator hardware that is intrinsically robust to parasitic resistance, without any explicit compensation or re-training of the network parameters.

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Thermal Infrared Detectors: expanding performance limits using ultrafast electron microscopy

Talin, A.A.; Ellis, Scott R.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Leonard, Francois L.; Perez, Christopher P.; Celio, Km C.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Hughart, David R.; Garland, Diana; Marinella, Matthew J.; Michael, Joseph R.; Chandler, D.W.; Young, Steve M.; Smith, Sean M.; Kumar, Suhas K.

This project aimed to identify the performance-limiting mechanisms in mid- to far infrared (IR) sensors by probing photogenerated free carrier dynamics in model detector materials using scanning ultrafast electron microscopy (SUEM). SUEM is a recently developed method based on using ultrafast electron pulses in combination with optical excitations in a pump- probe configuration to examine charge dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution and without the need for microfabrication. Five material systems were examined using SUEM in this project: polycrystalline lead zirconium titanate (a pyroelectric), polycrystalline vanadium dioxide (a bolometric material), GaAs (near IR), InAs (mid IR), and Si/SiO 2 system as a prototypical system for interface charge dynamics. The report provides detailed results for the Si/SiO 2 and the lead zirconium titanate systems.

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Energy Efficient Computing R&D Roadmap Outline for Automated Vehicles

Aitken, Rob A.; Nakahira, Yorie N.; Strachan, John P.; Bresniker, Kirk B.; Young, Ian Y.; Li, Zhiyong L.; Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Burchard, Carrie L.; Kumar, Suhas K.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Severa, William M.; Talin, A.A.; Vineyard, Craig M.; Mailhiot, Christian M.; Dick, Robert D.; Lu, Wei L.; Mogill, Jace M.

Automated vehicles (AV) hold great promise for improving safety, as well as reducing congestion and emissions. In order to make automated vehicles commercially viable, a reliable and highperformance vehicle-based computing platform that meets ever-increasing computational demands will be key. Given the state of existing digital computing technology, designers will face significant challenges in meeting the needs of highly automated vehicles without exceeding thermal constraints or consuming a large portion of the energy available on vehicles, thus reducing range between charges or refills. The accompanying increases in energy for AV use will place increased demand on energy production and distribution infrastructure, which also motivates increasing computational energy efficiency.

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A domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction artificial synapse with notched geometry for accurate and efficient training of deep neural networks

Applied Physics Letters

Liu, Samuel; Xiao, T.P.; Cui, Can; Incorvia, Jean A.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Inspired by the parallelism and efficiency of the brain, several candidates for artificial synapse devices have been developed for neuromorphic computing, yet a nonlinear and asymmetric synaptic response curve precludes their use for backpropagation, the foundation of modern supervised learning. Spintronic devices - which benefit from high endurance, low power consumption, low latency, and CMOS compatibility - are a promising technology for memory, and domain-wall magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) devices have been shown to implement synaptic functions such as long-term potentiation and spike-timing dependent plasticity. In this work, we propose a notched DW-MTJ synapse as a candidate for supervised learning. Using micromagnetic simulations at room temperature, we show that notched synapses ensure the non-volatility of the synaptic weight and allow for highly linear, symmetric, and reproducible weight updates using either spin transfer torque (STT) or spin-orbit torque (SOT) mechanisms of DW propagation. We use lookup tables constructed from micromagnetics simulations to model the training of neural networks built with DW-MTJ synapses on both the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST image classification tasks. Accounting for thermal noise and realistic process variations, the DW-MTJ devices achieve classification accuracy close to ideal floating-point updates using both STT and SOT devices at room temperature and at 400 K. Our work establishes the basis for a magnetic artificial synapse that can eventually lead to hardware neural networks with fully spintronic matrix operations implementing machine learning.

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Identification of localized radiation damage in power MOSFETs using EBIC imaging

Applied Physics Letters

Ashby, David; Garland, Diana; Esposito, Madeline G.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Marinella, Matthew J.; McLain, Michael L.; Llinás, J.P.; Talin, A.A.

The rapidly increasing use of electronics in high-radiation environments and the continued evolution in transistor architectures and materials demand improved methods to characterize the potential damaging effects of radiation on device performance. Here, electron-beam-induced current is used to map hot-carrier transport in model metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors irradiated with a 300 KeV focused He+ beam as a localized line spanning across the gate and bulk Si. By correlating the damage to the electronic properties and combining these results with simulations, the contribution of spatially localized radiation damage on the device characteristics is obtained. This identified damage, caused by the He+ beam, is attributed to localized interfacial Pb centers and delocalized positive fixed-charges, as surmised from simulations. Comprehension of the long-term interaction and mobility of radiation-induced damage are key for future design of rad-hard devices.

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Radiation Effects in Advanced and Emerging Nonvolatile Memories

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Marinella, Matthew J.

Despite hitting major roadblocks in 2-D scaling, NAND flash continues to scale in the vertical direction and dominate the commercial nonvolatile memory market. However, several emerging nonvolatile technologies are under development by major commercial foundries or are already in small volume production, motivated by storage-class memory and embedded application drivers. These include spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM), resistive random access memory (ReRAM), phase change random access memory (PCRAM), and conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM). Emerging memories have improved resilience to radiation effects compared to flash, which is based on storing charge, and hence may offer an expanded selection from which radiation-tolerant system designers can choose from in the future. This review discusses the material and device physics, fabrication, operational principles, and commercial status of scaled 2-D flash, 3-D flash, and emerging memory technologies. Radiation effects relevant to each of these memories are described, including the physics of and errors caused by total ionizing dose, displacement damage, and single-event effects, with an eye toward the future role of emerging technologies in radiation environments.

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Multiscale System Modeling of Single-Event-Induced Faults in Advanced Node Processors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Cannon, Matthew J.; Rodrigues, Arun; Black, Dolores A.; Black, Jeff; Bustamante, Luis G.; Breeding, Matthew; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Skoufis, Micahel; Quinn, Heather; Clark, Lawrence T.; Brunhaver, John S.; Barnaby, Hugh; McLain, Michael L.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Integration-technology feature shrink increases computing-system susceptibility to single-event effects (SEE). While modeling SEE faults will be critical, an integrated processor's scope makes physically correct modeling computationally intractable. Without useful models, presilicon evaluation of fault-tolerance approaches becomes impossible. To incorporate accurate transistor-level effects at a system scope, we present a multiscale simulation framework. Charge collection at the 1) device level determines 2) circuit-level transient duration and state-upset likelihood. Circuit effects, in turn, impact 3) register-transfer-level architecture-state corruption visible at 4) the system level. Thus, the physically accurate effects of SEEs in large-scale systems, executed on a high-performance computing (HPC) simulator, could be used to drive cross-layer radiation hardening by design. We demonstrate the capabilities of this model with two case studies. First, we determine a D flip-flop's sensitivity at the transistor level on 14-nm FinFet technology, validating the model against published cross sections. Second, we track and estimate faults in a microprocessor without interlocked pipelined stages (MIPS) processor for Adams 90% worst case environment in an isotropic space environment.

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Ionizing Radiation Effects in SONOS-Based Neuromorphic Inference Accelerators

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Hughart, David R.; Barnaby, Hugh J.; Puchner, Helmut; Prabhakar, Venkatraman; Talin, A.A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

We evaluate the sensitivity of neuromorphic inference accelerators based on silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) charge trap memory arrays to total ionizing dose (TID) effects. Data retention statistics were collected for 16 Mbit of 40-nm SONOS digital memory exposed to ionizing radiation from a Co-60 source, showing good retention of the bits up to the maximum dose of 500 krad(Si). Using this data, we formulate a rate-equation-based model for the TID response of trapped charge carriers in the ONO stack and predict the effect of TID on intermediate device states between 'program' and 'erase.' This model is then used to simulate arrays of low-power, analog SONOS devices that store 8-bit neural network weights and support in situ matrix-vector multiplication. We evaluate the accuracy of the irradiated SONOS-based inference accelerator on two image recognition tasks - CIFAR-10 and the challenging ImageNet data set - using state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks, such as ResNet-50. We find that across the data sets and neural networks evaluated, the accelerator tolerates a maximum TID between 10 and 100 krad(Si), with deeper networks being more susceptible to accuracy losses due to TID.

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Investigating Heavy-Ion Effects on 14-nm Process FinFETs: Displacement Damage Versus Total Ionizing Dose

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Esposito, Madeline G.; Manuel, Jack E.; Privat, Aymeric; Xiao, T.P.; Garland, Diana; Bielejec, Edward S.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Brunhaver, John S.; Talin, A.A.; Ashby, David; King, Michael P.; Barnaby, Hugh; McLain, Michael L.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Bulk 14-nm FinFET technology was irradiated in a heavy-ion environment (42-MeV Si ions) to study the possibility of displacement damage (DD) in scaled technology devices, resulting in drive current degradation with increased cumulative fluence. These devices were also exposed to an electron beam, proton beam, and cobalt-60 source (gamma radiation) to further elucidate the physics of the device response. Annealing measurements show minimal to no 'rebound' in the ON-state current back to its initial high value; however, the OFF-state current 'rebound' was significant for gamma radiation environments. Low-temperature experiments of the heavy-ion-irradiated devices reveal increased defect concentration as the result for mobility degradation with increased fluence. Furthermore, the subthreshold slope (SS) temperature dependence uncovers a possible mechanism of increased defect bulk traps contributing to tunneling at low temperatures. Simulation work in Silvaco technology computer-aided design (TCAD) suggests that the increased OFF-state current is a total ionizing dose (TID) effect due to oxide traps in the shallow trench isolation (STI). The significant SS elongation and ON-state current degradation could only be produced when bulk traps in the channel were added. Heavy-ion irradiation on bulk 14-nm FinFETs was found to be a combination of TID and DD effects.

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Heavy-Ion-Induced Displacement Damage Effects in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Perpendicular Anisotropy

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Mancoff, Frederick B.; Manuel, Jack E.; Hughart, David R.; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Sun, Jijun; Aggarwal, Sanjeev; Arghavani, Reza A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

We evaluate the resilience of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) to displacement damage induced by heavy-ion irradiation. MTJs were exposed to 3-MeV Ta2+ ions at different levels of ion beam fluence spanning five orders of magnitude. The devices remained insensitive to beam fluences up to $10^{11}$ ions/cm2, beyond which a gradual degradation in the device magnetoresistance, coercive magnetic field, and spin-transfer-torque (STT) switching voltage were observed, ending with a complete loss of magnetoresistance at very high levels of displacement damage (>0.035 displacements per atom). The loss of magnetoresistance is attributed to structural damage at the MgO interfaces, which allows electrons to scatter among the propagating modes within the tunnel barrier and reduces the net spin polarization. Ion-induced damage to the interface also reduces the PMA. This study clarifies the displacement damage thresholds that lead to significant irreversible changes in the characteristics of STT magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) and elucidates the physical mechanisms underlying the deterioration in device properties.

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In situ Parallel Training of Analog Neural Network Using Electrochemical Random-Access Memory

Frontiers in Neuroscience

Li, Yiyang; Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Isele, Erik; Melianas, Armantas; Tao, Hanbo; Marinella, Matthew J.; Salleo, Alberto; Fuller, Elliot J.; Talin, A.A.

In-memory computing based on non-volatile resistive memory can significantly improve the energy efficiency of artificial neural networks. However, accurate in situ training has been challenging due to the nonlinear and stochastic switching of the resistive memory elements. One promising analog memory is the electrochemical random-access memory (ECRAM), also known as the redox transistor. Its low write currents and linear switching properties across hundreds of analog states enable accurate and massively parallel updates of a full crossbar array, which yield rapid and energy-efficient training. While simulations predict that ECRAM based neural networks achieve high training accuracy at significantly higher energy efficiency than digital implementations, these predictions have not been experimentally achieved. In this work, we train a 3 × 3 array of ECRAM devices that learns to discriminate several elementary logic gates (AND, OR, NAND). We record the evolution of the network’s synaptic weights during parallel in situ (on-line) training, with outer product updates. Due to linear and reproducible device switching characteristics, our crossbar simulations not only accurately simulate the epochs to convergence, but also quantitatively capture the evolution of weights in individual devices. The implementation of the first in situ parallel training together with strong agreement with simulation results provides a significant advance toward developing ECRAM into larger crossbar arrays for artificial neural network accelerators, which could enable orders of magnitude improvements in energy efficiency of deep neural networks.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems [Slides]

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, Tianyao X.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin I.

This presentation concludes in situ computation enables new approaches to linear algebra problems which can be both more effective and more efficient as compared to conventional digital systems. Preconditioning is well-suited to analog computation due to the tolerance for approximate solutions. When combined with prior work on in situ MVM for scientific computing, analog preconditioning can enable significant speedups for important linear algebra applications.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin

Over the past decade as Moore's Law has slowed, the need for new forms of computation that can provide sustainable performance improvements has risen. A new method, called in situ computing, has shown great potential to accelerate matrix vector multiplication (MVM), an important kernel for a diverse range of applications from neural networks to scientific computing. Existing in situ accelerators for scientific computing, however, have a significant limitation: These accelerators provide no acceleration for preconditioning-A key bottleneck in linear solvers and in scientific computing workflows. This paper enables in situ acceleration for state-of-The-Art linear solvers by demonstrating how to use a new in situ matrix inversion accelerator for analog preconditioning. As existing techniques that enable high precision and scalability for in situ MVM are inapplicable to in situ matrix inversion, new techniques to compensate for circuit non-idealities are proposed. Additionally, a new approach to bit slicing that enables splitting operands across multiple devices without external digital logic is proposed. For scalability, this paper demonstrates how in situ matrix inversion kernels can work in tandem with existing domain decomposition techniques to accelerate the solutions of arbitrarily large linear systems. The analog kernel can be directly integrated into existing preconditioning workflows, leveraging several well-optimized numerical linear algebra tools to improve the behavior of the circuit. The result is an analog preconditioner that is more effective (up to 50% fewer iterations) than the widely used incomplete LU factorization preconditioner, ILU(0), while also reducing the energy and execution time of each approximate solve operation by 1025x and 105x respectively.

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Controllable Reset Behavior in Domain Wall-Magnetic Tunnel Junction Artificial Neurons for Task-Adaptable Computation

IEEE Magnetics Letters

Liu, Samuel; Bennett, Christopher H.; Friedman, Joseph; Marinella, Matthew J.; Paydarfar, David; Incorvia, Jean A.

Neuromorphic computing with spintronic devices has been of interest due to the limitations of CMOS-driven von Neumann computing. Domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) devices have been shown to be able to intrinsically capture biological neuron behavior. Edgy-relaxed behavior, where a frequently firing neuron experiences a lower action potential threshold, may provide additional artificial neuronal functionality when executing repeated tasks. In this letter, we demonstrate that this behavior can be implemented in DW-MTJ artificial neurons via three alternative mechanisms: shape anisotropy, magnetic field, and current-driven soft reset. Using micromagnetics and analytical device modeling to classify the Optdigits handwritten digit dataset, we show that edgy-relaxed behavior improves both classification accuracy and classification rate for ordered datasets while sacrificing little to no accuracy for a randomized dataset. This letter establishes methods by which artificial spintronic neurons can be flexibly adapted to datasets.

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Filament-Free Bulk Resistive Memory Enables Deterministic Analogue Switching

Advanced Materials

Li, Yiyang; Fuller, Elliot J.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Yoo, Sangmin; Ashby, David; Bennett, Christopher H.; Horton, Robert D.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Lu, Wei D.; Talin, A.A.

Digital computing is nearing its physical limits as computing needs and energy consumption rapidly increase. Analogue-memory-based neuromorphic computing can be orders of magnitude more energy efficient at data-intensive tasks like deep neural networks, but has been limited by the inaccurate and unpredictable switching of analogue resistive memory. Filamentary resistive random access memory (RRAM) suffers from stochastic switching due to the random kinetic motion of discrete defects in the nanometer-sized filament. In this work, this stochasticity is overcome by incorporating a solid electrolyte interlayer, in this case, yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), toward eliminating filaments. Filament-free, bulk-RRAM cells instead store analogue states using the bulk point defect concentration, yielding predictable switching because the statistical ensemble behavior of oxygen vacancy defects is deterministic even when individual defects are stochastic. Both experiments and modeling show bulk-RRAM devices using TiO2-X switching layers and YSZ electrolytes yield deterministic and linear analogue switching for efficient inference and training. Bulk-RRAM solves many outstanding issues with memristor unpredictability that have inhibited commercialization, and can, therefore, enable unprecedented new applications for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing. Beyond RRAM, this work shows how harnessing bulk point defects in ionic materials can be used to engineer deterministic nanoelectronic materials and devices.

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Analog architectures for neural network acceleration based on non-volatile memory

Applied Physics Reviews

Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Analog hardware accelerators, which perform computation within a dense memory array, have the potential to overcome the major bottlenecks faced by digital hardware for data-heavy workloads such as deep learning. Exploiting the intrinsic computational advantages of memory arrays, however, has proven to be challenging principally due to the overhead imposed by the peripheral circuitry and due to the non-ideal properties of memory devices that play the role of the synapse. We review the existing implementations of these accelerators for deep supervised learning, organizing our discussion around the different levels of the accelerator design hierarchy, with an emphasis on circuits and architecture. We explore and consolidate the various approaches that have been proposed to address the critical challenges faced by analog accelerators, for both neural network inference and training, and highlight the key design trade-offs underlying these techniques.

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Three Artificial Spintronic Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons


Brigner, Wesley H.; Hu, Xuan; Hassan, Naimul; Jiang-Wei, Lucian; Bennett, Christopher H.; Garcia-Sanchez, Felipe; Akinola, Otitoaleke; Pasquale, Massimo; Marinella, Matthew J.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Friedman, Joseph S.

Due to their nonvolatility and intrinsic current integration capabilities, spintronic devices that rely on domain wall (DW) motion through a free ferromagnetic track have garnered significant interest in the field of neuromorphic computing. Although a number of such devices have already been proposed, they require the use of external circuitry to implement several important neuronal behaviors. As such, they are likely to result in either a decrease in energy efficiency, an increase in fabrication complexity, or even both. To resolve this issue, we have proposed three individual neurons that are capable of performing these functionalities without the use of any external circuitry. To implement leaking, the first neuron uses a dipolar coupling field, the second uses an anisotropy gradient and the third uses shape variations of the DW track.

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Maximized lateral inhibition in paired magnetic domain wall racetracks for neuromorphic computing


Cui, Can; Akinola, Otitoaleke G.; Hassan, Naimul; Bennett, Christopher H.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Friedman, Joseph S.; Incorvia, Jean A.

Lateral inhibition is an important functionality in neuromorphic computing, modeled after the biological neuron behavior that a firing neuron deactivates its neighbors belonging to the same layer and prevents them from firing. In most neuromorphic hardware platforms lateral inhibition is implemented by external circuitry, thereby decreasing the energy efficiency and increasing the area overhead of such systems. Recently, the domain wall - magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) artificial neuron is demonstrated in modeling to be intrinsically inhibitory. Without peripheral circuitry, lateral inhibition in DW-MTJ neurons results from magnetostatic interaction between neighboring neuron cells. However, the lateral inhibition mechanism in DW-MTJ neurons has not been studied thoroughly, leading to weak inhibition only in very closely-spaced devices. This work approaches these problems by modeling current- and field- driven DW motion in a pair of adjacent DW-MTJ neurons. We maximize the magnitude of lateral inhibition by tuning the magnetic interaction between the neurons. The results are explained by current-driven DW velocity characteristics in response to an external magnetic field and quantified by an analytical model. Dependence of lateral inhibition strength on device parameters is also studied. Finally, lateral inhibition behavior in an array of 1000 DW-MTJ neurons is demonstrated. Our results provide a guideline for the optimization of lateral inhibition implementation in DW-MTJ neurons. With strong lateral inhibition achieved, a path towards competitive learning algorithms such as the winner-take-all are made possible on such neuromorphic devices.

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Lateral inhibition in magnetic domain wall racetrack arrays for neuromorphic computing

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Cui, Can; Akinola, Otitoaleke G.; Hassan, Naimul; Bennett, Christopher H.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Friedman, Joseph S.; Incorvia, Jean A.

Neuromorphic computing captures the quintessential neural behaviors of the brain and is a promising candidate for the beyond-von Neumann computer architectures, featuring low power consumption and high parallelism. The neuronal lateral inhibition feature, closely associated with the biological receptive field, is crucial to neuronal competition in the nervous system as well as its neuromorphic hardware counterpart. The domain wall - magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) neuron is an emerging spintronic artificial neuron device exhibiting intrinsic lateral inhibition. This work discusses lateral inhibition mechanism of the DW-MTJ neuron and shows by micromagnetic simulation that lateral inhibition is efficiently enhanced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI).

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Plasticity-enhanced domain-wall MTJ neural networks for energy-efficient online learning

Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Bennett, Christopher H.; Xiao, T.P.; Cui, Can; Hassan, Naimul; Akinola, Otitoaleke G.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Velasquez, Alvaro; Friedman, Joseph S.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Machine learning implements backpropagation via abundant training samples. We demonstrate a multi-stage learning system realized by a promising non-volatile memory device, the domain-wall magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ). The system consists of unsupervised (clustering) as well as supervised sub-systems, and generalizes quickly (with few samples). We demonstrate interactions between physical properties of this device and optimal implementation of neuroscience-inspired plasticity learning rules, and highlight performance on a suite of tasks. Our energy analysis confirms the value of the approach, as the learning budget stays below 20µJ even for large tasks used typically in machine learning.

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Process variation model and analysis for domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction logic

Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Hu, Xuan; Edwards, Alexander J.; Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Friedman, Joseph S.

The domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) is a spintronic device that enables efficient logic circuit design because of its low energy consumption, small size, and non-volatility. Furthermore, the DW-MTJ is one of the few spintronic devices for which a direct cascading mechanism is experimentally demonstrated without any extra buffers; this enables potential design and fabrication of a large-scale DW-MTJ logic system. However, DW-MTJ logic relies on the conversion between electrical signals and magnetic states which is sensitive to process imperfection. Therefore, it is important to analyze the robustness of such DW-MTJ devices to anticipate the system reliability before fabrication. Here we propose a new DW-MTJ model that integrates the impacts of process variation to enable the analysis and optimization of DW-MTJ logic. This will allow circuit and device design that enhances the robustness of DW-MTJ logic and advances the development of energy-efficient spintronic computing systems.

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Three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction synapse circuits showing spike-timing-dependent plasticity

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Akinola, Otitoaleke; Hu, Xuan; Bennett, Christopher H.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Friedman, Joseph S.; Incorvia, Jean A.

There have been recent efforts towards the development of biologically-inspired neuromorphic devices and architecture. Here, we show a synapse circuit that is designed to perform spike-timing-dependent plasticity which works with the leaky, integrate, and fire neuron in a neuromorphic computing architecture. The circuit consists of a three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction with a mobile domain wall between two low-pass filters and has been modeled in SPICE. The results show that the current flowing through the synapse is highly correlated to the timing delay between the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons. Using micromagnetic simulations, we show that introducing notches along the length of the domain wall track pins the domain wall at each successive notch to properly respond to the timing between the input and output current pulses of the circuit, producing a multi-state resistance representing synaptic weights. We show in SPICE that a notch-free ideal magnetic device also shows spike-timing dependent plasticity in response to the circuit current. This work is key progress towards making more bio-realistic artificial synapses with multiple weights, which can be trained online with a promise of CMOS compatibility and energy efficiency.

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Wafer-Scale TaOx Device Variability and Implications for Neuromorphic Computing Applications

IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings

Bennett, Christopher H.; Garland, Diana; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Scaling arrays of non-volatile memory devices from academic demonstrations to reliable, manufacturable systems requires a better understanding of variability at array and wafer-scale levels. CrossSim models the accuracy of neural networks implemented on an analog resistive memory accelerator using the cycle-to-cycle variability of a single device. In this work, we extend this modeling tool to account for device-to-device variation in a realistic way, and evaluate the impact of this reliability issue in the context of neuromorphic online learning tasks.

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Designing and modeling analog neural network training accelerators

2019 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application, VLSI-TSA 2019

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Hsia, Alexander W.; Adee, Shane M.; Hughart, David R.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Li, Yiyang; Talin, A.A.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Analog crossbars have the potential to reduce the energy and latency required to train a neural network by three orders of magnitude when compared to an optimized digital ASIC. The crossbar simulator, CrossSim, can be used to model device nonidealities and determine what device properties are needed to create an accurate neural network accelerator. Experimentally measured device statistics are used to simulate neural network training accuracy and compare different classes of devices including TaOx ReRAM, Lir-Co-Oz devices, and conventional floating gate SONOS memories. A technique called 'Periodic Carry' can overcomes device nonidealities by using a positional number system while maintaining the benefit of parallel analog matrix operations.

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Parallel programming of an ionic floating-gate memory array for scalable neuromorphic computing


Fuller, Elliot J.; Keene, Scott T.; Melianas, Armantas; Wang, Zhongrui; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Li, Yiyang; Tuchman, Yaakov; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Yang, J.J.; Salleo, Alberto; Talin, A.A.

Neuromorphic computers could overcome efficiency bottlenecks inherent to conventional computing through parallel programming and readout of artificial neural network weights in a crossbar memory array. However, selective and linear weight updates and <10-nanoampere read currents are required for learning that surpasses conventional computing efficiency. We introduce an ionic floating-gate memory array based on a polymer redox transistor connected to a conductive-bridge memory (CBM). Selective and linear programming of a redox transistor array is executed in parallel by overcoming the bridging threshold voltage of the CBMs. Synaptic weight readout with currents <10 nanoamperes is achieved by diluting the conductive polymer with an insulator to decrease the conductance. The redox transistors endure >1 billion write-read operations and support >1-megahertz write-read frequencies.

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Semi-supervised learning and inference in domain-wall magnetic tunnel junction (DW-MTJ) neural networks

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bennett, Christopher H.; Hassan, Naimul; Hu, Xuan; Incornvia, Jean A.; Friedman, Joseph S.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Advances in machine intelligence have sparked interest in hardware accelerators to implement these algorithms, yet embedded electronics have stringent power, area budgets, and speed requirements that may limit non- volatile memory (NVM) integration. In this context, the development of fast nanomagnetic neural networks using minimal training data is attractive. Here, we extend an inference-only proposal using the intrinsic physics of domain-wall MTJ (DW-MTJ) neurons for online learning to implement fully unsupervised pattern recognition operation, using winner-take-all networks that contain either random or plastic synapses (weights). Meanwhile, a read-out layer trains in a supervised fashion. We find our proposed design can approach state-of-the-art success on the task relative to competing memristive neural network proposals, while eliminating much of the area and energy overhead that would typically be required to build the neuronal layers with CMOS devices.

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Sparse Data Acquisition on Emerging Memory Architectures

IEEE Access

Quach, Tu-Thach Q.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Aimone, James B.

Emerging memory devices, such as resistive crossbars, have the capacity to store large amounts of data in a single array. Acquiring the data stored in large-capacity crossbars in a sequential fashion can become a bottleneck. We present practical methods, based on sparse sampling, to quickly acquire sparse data stored on emerging memory devices that support the basic summation kernel, reducing the acquisition time from linear to sub-linear. The experimental results show that at least an order of magnitude improvement in acquisition time can be achieved when the data are sparse. In addition, we show that the energy cost associated with our approach is competitive to that of the sequential method.

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Contrasting Advantages of Learning With Random Weights and Backpropagation in Non-Volatile Memory Neural Networks

IEEE Access

Bennett, Christopher H.; Parmar, Vivek; Calvet, Laurie E.; Klein, Jacques O.; Suri, Manan; Marinella, Matthew J.; Querlioz, Damien

Recently, a Cambrian explosion of a novel, non-volatile memory (NVM) devices known as memristive devices have inspired effort in building hardware neural networks that learn like the brain. Early experimental prototypes built simple perceptrons from nanosynapses, and recently, fully-connected multi-layer perceptron (MLP) learning systems have been realized. However, while backpropagating learning systems pair well with high-precision computer memories and achieve state-of-the-art performances, this typically comes with a massive energy budget. For future Internet of Things/peripheral use cases, system energy footprint will be a major constraint, and emerging NVM devices may fill the gap by sacrificing high bit precision for lower energy. In this paper, we contrast the well-known MLP approach with the extreme learning machine (ELM) or NoProp approach, which uses a large layer of random weights to improve the separability of high-dimensional tasks, and is usually considered inferior in a software context. However, we find that when taking the device non-linearity into account, NoProp manages to equal hardware MLP system in terms of accuracy. While also using a sign-based adaptation of the delta rule for energy-savings, we find that NoProp can learn effectively with four to six 'bits' of device analog capacity, while MLP requires eight-bit capacity with the same rule. This may allow the requirements for memristive devices to be relaxed in the context of online learning. By comparing the energy footprint of these systems for several candidate nanosynapses and realistic peripherals, we confirm that memristive NoProp systems save energy compared with MLP systems. Lastly, we show that ELM/NoProp systems can achieve better generalization abilities than nanosynaptic MLP systems when paired with pre-processing layers (which do not require backpropagated error). Collectively, these advantages make such systems worthy of consideration in future accelerators or embedded hardware.

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DOE Big Idea Summit III: Solving the Information Technology Challenge Beyond Moore's Law: A New Path to Scaling

McCormick, Frederick B.; Shalf, John S.; Mitchell, Alan M.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Marinella, Matthew J.

This report captures the initial conclusions of the DOE seven National Lab team collaborating on the “Solving the Information Technology Energy Challenge Beyond Moore’s Law” initiative from the DOE Big Idea Summit III held in April of 2016. The seven Labs held a workshop in Albuquerque, NM in late July 2016 and gathered 40 researchers into 5 working groups: 4 groups spanning the levels of the co-design framework shown below, and a 5th working group focused on extending and advancing manufacturing approaches and coupling their constraints to all of the framework levels. These working groups have identified unique capabilities within the Labs to support the key challenges of this Beyond Moore’s Law Computing (BMC) vision, as well as example first steps and potential roadmaps for technology development.

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Impact of Linearity and Write Noise of Analog Resistive Memory Devices in a Neural Algorithm Accelerator

Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)

Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Knisely, Kathrine E.; Stevens, Jim E.; Van Heukelom, Michael V.; Hughart, David R.; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Resistive memory (ReRAM) shows promise for use as an analog synapse element in energy-efficient neural network algorithm accelerators. A particularly important application is the training of neural networks, as this is the most computationally-intensive procedure in using a neural algorithm. However, training a network with analog ReRAM synapses can significantly reduce the accuracy at the algorithm level. In order to assess this degradation, analog properties of ReRAM devices were measured and hand-written digit recognition accuracy was modeled for the training using backpropagation. Bipolar filamentary devices utilizing three material systems were measured and compared: one oxygen vacancy system, Ta-TaOx, and two conducting metallization systems, Cu-SiO2, and Ag/chalcogenide. Analog properties and conductance ranges of the devices are optimized by measuring the response to varying voltage pulse characteristics. Key analog device properties which degrade the accuracy are update linearity and write noise. Write noise may improve as a function of device manufacturing maturity, but write nonlinearity appears relatively consistent among the different device material systems and is found to be the most significant factor affecting accuracy. As a result, this suggests that new materials and/or fundamentally different resistive switching mechanisms may be required to improve device linearity and achieve higher algorithm training accuracy.

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Piecewise empirical model (PEM) of resistive memory for pulsed analog and neuromorphic applications

Journal of Computational Electronics

Niroula, John N.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Schiek, Richard L.; Hughart, David R.; Hsia, Alexander W.; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.

With the end of Dennard scaling and the ever-increasing need for more efficient, faster computation, resistive switching devices (ReRAM), often referred to as memristors, are a promising candidate for next generation computer hardware. These devices show particular promise for use in an analog neuromorphic computing accelerator as they can be tuned to multiple states and be updated like the weights in neuromorphic algorithms. Modeling a ReRAM-based neuromorphic computing accelerator requires a compact model capable of correctly simulating the small weight update behavior associated with neuromorphic training. These small updates have a nonlinear dependence on the initial state, which has a significant impact on neural network training. Consequently, we propose the piecewise empirical model (PEM), an empirically derived general purpose compact model that can accurately capture the nonlinearity of an arbitrary two-terminal device to match pulse measurements important for neuromorphic computing applications. By defining the state of the device to be proportional to its current, the model parameters can be extracted from a series of voltages pulses that mimic the behavior of a device in an analog neuromorphic computing accelerator. This allows for a general, accurate, and intuitive compact circuit model that is applicable to different resistance-switching device technologies. In this work, we explain the details of the model, implement the model in the circuit simulator Xyce, and give an example of its usage to model a specific Ta / TaO x device.

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Impact of linearity and write noise of analog resistive memory devices in a neural algorithm accelerator

2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2017 - Proceedings

Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Knisely, Kathrine E.; Stevens, Jim E.; Van Heukelom, Michael V.; Hughart, David R.; Niroula, John; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Resistive memory (ReRAM) shows promise for use as an analog synapse element in energy-efficient neural network algorithm accelerators. A particularly important application is the training of neural networks, as this is the most computationally-intensive procedure in using a neural algorithm. However, training a network with analog ReRAM synapses can significantly reduce the accuracy at the algorithm level. In order to assess this degradation, analog properties of ReRAM devices were measured and hand-written digit recognition accuracy was modeled for the training using backpropagation. Bipolar filamentary devices utilizing three material systems were measured and compared: one oxygen vacancy system, Ta-TaOx, and two conducting metallization systems, Cu-SiO2, and Ag/chalcogenide. Analog properties and conductance ranges of the devices are optimized by measuring the response to varying voltage pulse characteristics. Key analog device properties which degrade the accuracy are update linearity and write noise. Write noise may improve as a function of device manufacturing maturity, but write nonlinearity appears relatively consistent among the different device material systems and is found to be the most significant factor affecting accuracy. This suggests that new materials and/or fundamentally different resistive switching mechanisms may be required to improve device linearity and achieve higher algorithm training accuracy.

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Achieving ideal accuracies in analog neuromorphic computing using periodic carry

Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Hsia, Alexander W.; Hughart, David R.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Talin, A.A.; James, Conrad D.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Analog resistive memories promise to reduce the energy of neural networks by orders of magnitude. However, the write variability and write nonlinearity of current devices prevent neural networks from training to high accuracy. We present a novel periodic carry method that uses a positional number system to overcome this while maintaining the benefit of parallel analog matrix operations. We demonstrate how noisy, nonlinear TaOx devices that could only train to 80% accuracy on MNIST, can now reach 97% accuracy, only 1% away from an ideal numeric accuracy of 98%. On a file type dataset, the TaOx devices achieve ideal numeric accuracy. In addition, low noise, linear Li1-xCoO2 devices train to ideal numeric accuracies using periodic carry on both datasets.

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Temperature Effects on the Total Ionizing Dose Response of TaOx-based Memristive Bit Cells

2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECS 2017

McLain, Michael L.; McDonald, Joseph K.; Hjalmarson, Harold P.; Serrano, Jason D.; Cuoco, Roy P.; Hanson, Donald J.; Hughart, David R.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Hartman, E.F.

The effects of temperature on the total ionizing dose (TID) response of tantalum oxide (TaOx) memristive bit cells are investigated. The TaOx devices were manufactured by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). In-situ data were obtained as a function of temperature, accumulated dose, and bias at the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF). The data indicate that devices reset into the high resistance off-state exhibit decreases in resistance when the temperature is increased. However, an increased susceptibility to TID at elevated temperatures was not observed.

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Designing an analog crossbar based neuromorphic accelerator

2017 5th Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems, E3S 2017 - Proceedings

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Hsia, Alexander W.; Jacobs-Gedrim, Robin B.; Hughart, David R.; Plimpton, Steven J.; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Resistive memory crossbars can dramatically reduce the energy required to perform computations in neural algorithms by three orders of magnitude when compared to an optimized digital ASIC [1]. For data intensive applications, the computational energy is dominated by moving data between the processor, SRAM, and DRAM. Analog crossbars overcome this by allowing data to be processed directly at each memory element. Analog crossbars accelerate three key operations that are the bulk of the computation in a neural network as illustrated in Fig 1: vector matrix multiplies (VMM), matrix vector multiplies (MVM), and outer product rank 1 updates (OPU)[2]. For an NxN crossbar the energy for each operation scales as the number of memory elements O(N2) [2]. This is because the crossbar performs its entire computation in one step, charging all the capacitances only once. Thus the CV2 energy of the array scales as array size. This fundamentally better than trying to read or write a digital memory. Each row of any NxN digital memory must be accessed one at a time, resulting in N columns of length O(N) being charged N times, requiring O(N3) energy to read a digital memory. Thus an analog crossbar has a fundamental O(N) energy scaling advantage over a digital system. Furthermore, if the read operation is done at low voltage and is therefore noise limited, the read energy can even be independent of the crossbar size, O(1) [2].

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Non-metallic dopant modulation of conductivity in substoichiometric tantalum pentoxide: A first-principles study

Journal of Applied Physics

Bondi, Robert J.; Fox, Brian P.; Marinella, Matthew J.

We apply density-functional theory calculations to predict dopant modulation of electrical conductivity (σo) for seven dopants (C, Si, Ge, H, F, N, and B) sampled at 18 quantum molecular dynamics configurations of five independent insertion sites into two (high/low) baseline references of σo in amorphous Ta2O5, where each reference contains a single, neutral O vacancy center (VO0). From this statistical population (n = 1260), we analyze defect levels, physical structure, and valence charge distributions to characterize nanoscale modification of the atomistic structure in local dopant neighborhoods. C is the most effective dopant at lowering Ta2Ox σo, while also exhibiting an amphoteric doping behavior by either donating or accepting charge depending on the host oxide matrix. Both B and F robustly increase Ta2Ox σo, although F does so through elimination of Ta high charge outliers, while B insertion conversely creates high charge O outliers through favorable BO3 group formation, especially in the low σo reference. While N applications to dope and passivate oxides are prevalent, we found that N exacerbates the stochasticity of σo we sought to mitigate; sensitivity to the N insertion site and some propensity to form N-O bond chemistries appear responsible. We use direct first-principles predictions of σo to explore feasible Ta2O5 dopants to engineer improved oxides with lower variance and greater repeatability to advance the manufacturability of resistive memory technologies.

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Compensating for parasitic voltage drops in resistive memory arrays

2017 IEEE 9th International Memory Workshop, IMW 2017

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Schiek, Richard S.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Parasitic resistances cause devices in a resistive memory array to experience different read/write voltages depending on the device location, resulting in uneven writes and larger leakage currents. We present a new method to compensate for this by adding extra series resistance to the drivers to equalize the parasitic resistance seen by all the devices. This allows for uniform writes, enabling multi-level cells with greater numbers of distinguishable levels, and reduced write power, enabling larger arrays.

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A non-volatile organic electrochemical device as a low-voltage artificial synapse for neuromorphic computing

Nature Materials

Van De Burgt, Yoeri; Lubberman, Ewout; Fuller, Elliot J.; Keene, Scott T.; Faria, Grégorio C.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Talin, A.A.; Salleo, Alberto

The brain is capable of massively parallel information processing while consuming only ~1-100 fJ per synaptic event1,2. Inspired by the efficiency of the brain, CMOS-based neural architectures3 and memristors4,5 are being developed for pattern recognition and machine learning. However, the volatility, design complexity and high supply voltages for CMOS architectures, and the stochastic and energy-costly switching of memristors complicate the path to achieve the interconnectivity, information density, and energy efficiency of the brain using either approach. Here we describe an electrochemical neuromorphic organic device (ENODe) operating with a fundamentally different mechanism from existing memristors. ENODeswitches at lowvoltage and energy (<10 pJ for 103 μm2 devices), displays >500 distinct, non-volatile conductance states within a~1V range, and achieves high classification accuracy when implemented in neural network simulations. Plastic ENODes are also fabricated on flexible substrates enabling the integration of neuromorphic functionality in stretchable electronic systems6,7. Mechanical flexibility makes ENODes compatible with three-dimensional architectures, opening a path towards extreme interconnectivity comparable to the human brain.

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A historical survey of algorithms and hardware architectures for neural-inspired and neuromorphic computing applications

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures

James, Conrad D.; Aimone, James B.; Miner, Nadine E.; Vineyard, Craig M.; Rothganger, Fredrick R.; Carlson, Kristofor D.; Mulder, Samuel A.; Draelos, Timothy J.; Faust, Aleksandra; Marinella, Matthew J.; Naegle, John H.; Plimpton, Steven J.

Biological neural networks continue to inspire new developments in algorithms and microelectronic hardware to solve challenging data processing and classification problems. Here, we survey the history of neural-inspired and neuromorphic computing in order to examine the complex and intertwined trajectories of the mathematical theory and hardware developed in this field. Early research focused on adapting existing hardware to emulate the pattern recognition capabilities of living organisms. Contributions from psychologists, mathematicians, engineers, neuroscientists, and other professions were crucial to maturing the field from narrowly-tailored demonstrations to more generalizable systems capable of addressing difficult problem classes such as object detection and speech recognition. Algorithms that leverage fundamental principles found in neuroscience such as hierarchical structure, temporal integration, and robustness to error have been developed, and some of these approaches are achieving world-leading performance on particular data classification tasks. In addition, novel microelectronic hardware is being developed to perform logic and to serve as memory in neuromorphic computing systems with optimized system integration and improved energy efficiency. Key to such advancements was the incorporation of new discoveries in neuroscience research, the transition away from strict structural replication and towards the functional replication of neural systems, and the use of mathematical theory frameworks to guide algorithm and hardware developments.

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Resistive memory device requirements for a neural algorithm accelerator

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Hughart, David R.; Hsia, Alexander W.; Richter, Isaac; Cox, Jonathan A.; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Resistive memories enable dramatic energy reductions for neural algorithms. We propose a general purpose neural architecture that can accelerate many different algorithms and determine the device properties that will be needed to run backpropagation on the neural architecture. To maintain high accuracy, the read noise standard deviation should be less than 5% of the weight range. The write noise standard deviation should be less than 0.4% of the weight range and up to 300% of a characteristic update (for the datasets tested). Asymmetric nonlinearities in the change in conductance vs pulse cause weight decay and significantly reduce the accuracy, while moderate symmetric nonlinearities do not have an effect. In order to allow for parallel reads and writes the write current should be less than 100 nA as well.

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High-Speed and Low-Energy Nitride Memristors

Advanced Functional Materials

Choi, Byung J.; Torrezan, Antonio C.; Strachan, John P.; Kotula, Paul G.; Lohn, A.J.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Li, Zhiyong; Williams, R.S.; Yang, J.J.

High-performance memristors based on AlN films have been demonstrated, which exhibit ultrafast ON/OFF switching times (≈85 ps for microdevices with waveguide) and relatively low switching current (≈15 μA for 50 nm devices). Physical characterizations are carried out to understand the device switching mechanism, and rationalize speed and energy performance. The formation of an Al-rich conduction channel through the AlN layer is revealed. The motion of positively charged nitrogen vacancies is likely responsible for the observed switching.

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Power signatures of electric field and thermal switching regimes in memristive SET transitions

Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics

Hughart, David R.; Gao, Xujiao G.; Mamaluy, Denis M.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Mickel, Patrick R.

We present a study of the 'snap-back' regime of resistive switching hysteresis in bipolar TaOx memristors, identifying power signatures in the electronic transport. Using a simple model based on the thermal and electric field acceleration of ionic mobilities, we provide evidence that the 'snap-back' transition represents a crossover from a coupled thermal and electric-field regime to a primarily thermal regime, and is dictated by the reconnection of a ruptured conducting filament. We discuss how these power signatures can be used to limit filament radius growth, which is important for operational properties such as power, speed, and retention.

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Role of atomistic structure in the stochastic nature of conductivity in substoichiometric tantalum pentoxide

Journal of Applied Physics

Bondi, Robert J.; Fox, Brian P.; Marinella, Matthew J.

First-principles calculations of electrical conductivity (σo) are revisited to determine the atomistic origin of its stochasticity in a distribution generated from sampling 14 ab-initio molecular dynamics configurations from 10 independently quenched models (n = 140) of substoichiometric amorphous Ta2O5, where each structure contains a neutral O monovacancy (VO0). Structural analysis revealed a distinct minimum Ta-Ta separation (dimer/trimer) corresponding to each VO0 location. Bader charge decomposition using a commonality analysis approach based on the σo distribution extremes revealed nanostructural signatures indicating that both the magnitude and distribution of cationic charge on the Ta subnetwork have a profound influence on σo. Furthermore, visualization of local defect structures and their electron densities reinforces these conclusions and suggests σo in the amorphous oxide is best suppressed by a highly charged, compact Ta cation shell that effectively screens and minimizes localized VO0 interaction with the a-Ta2O5 network; conversely, delocalization of VO0 corresponds to metallic character and high σo. The random network of a-Ta2O5 provides countless variations of an ionic configuration scaffold in which small perturbations affect the electronic charge distribution and result in a fixed-stoichiometry distribution of σo; consequently, precisely controlled and highly repeatable oxide fabrication processes are likely paramount for advancement of resistive memory technologies.

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Energy scaling advantages of resistive memory crossbar based computation and its application to sparse coding

Frontiers in Neuroscience

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Quach, Tu-Thach Q.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Hsia, Alexander H.; DeBenedictis, Erik; James, Conrad D.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Aimone, James B.

The exponential increase in data over the last decade presents a significant challenge to analytics efforts that seek to process and interpret such data for various applications. Neural-inspired computing approaches are being developed in order to leverage the computational properties of the analog, low-power data processing observed in biological systems. Analog resistive memory crossbars can perform a parallel read or a vector-matrix multiplication as well as a parallel write or a rank-1 update with high computational efficiency. For an N × N crossbar, these two kernels can be O(N) more energy efficient than a conventional digital memory-based architecture. If the read operation is noise limited, the energy to read a column can be independent of the crossbar size (O(1)). These two kernels form the basis of many neuromorphic algorithms such as image, text, and speech recognition. For instance, these kernels can be applied to a neural sparse coding algorithm to give an O(N) reduction in energy for the entire algorithm when run with finite precision. Sparse coding is a rich problem with a host of applications including computer vision, object tracking, and more generally unsupervised learning.

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The energy scaling advantages of RRAM crossbars

2015 4th Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems, E3S 2015 - Proceedings

Agarwal, Sapan A.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Quach, Tu-Thach Q.; James, Conrad D.; Aimone, James B.; Marinella, Matthew J.

As transistors start to approach fundamental limits and Moore's law slows down, new devices and architectures are needed to enable continued performance gains. New approaches based on RRAM (resistive random access memory) or memristor crossbars can enable the processing of large amounts of data[1, 2]. One of the most promising applications for RRAM crossbars is brain inspired or neuromorphic computing[3, 4].

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Three-dimensional fully-coupled electrical and thermal transport model of dynamic switching in oxide memristors

ECS Transactions (Online)

Gao, Xujiao G.; Mamaluy, Denis M.; Mickel, Patrick R.; Marinella, Matthew J.

In this paper, we present a fully-coupled electrical and thermal transport model for oxide memristors that solves simultaneously the time-dependent continuity equations for all relevant carriers, together with the time-dependent heat equation including Joule heating sources. The model captures all the important processes that drive memristive switching and is applicable to simulate switching behavior in a wide range of oxide memristors. The model is applied to simulate the ON switching in a 3D filamentary TaOx memristor. Simulation results show that, for uniform vacancy density in the OFF state, vacancies fill in the conduction filament till saturation, and then fill out a gap formed in the Ta electrode during ON switching; furthermore, ON-switching time strongly depends on applied voltage and the ON-to-OFF current ratio is sensitive to the filament vacancy density in the OFF state.

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Thermal transport in tantalum oxide films for memristive applications

Applied Physics Letters

Landon, Colin D.; Wilke, Rudeger H.T.; Brumbach, Michael T.; Brennecka, Geoffrey L.; Blea-Kirby, Mia A.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Beechem, Thomas E.

The thermal conductivity of amorphous TaOx memristive films having variable oxygen content is measured using time domain thermoreflectance. Thermal transport is described by a two-part model where the electrical contribution is quantified via the Wiedemann-Franz relation and the vibrational contribution by the minimum thermal conductivity limit for amorphous solids. The vibrational contribution remains constant near 0.9 W/mK regardless of oxygen concentration, while the electrical contribution varies from 0 to 3.3 W/mK. Thus, the dominant thermal carrier in TaOx switches between vibrations and charge carriers and is controllable either by oxygen content during deposition, or dynamically by field-induced charge state migration.

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Overview of the radiation response of anion-based memristive devices

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

McLain, Michael L.; Marinella, Matthew J.

In this paper, we provide an overview of the current knowledge of radiation effects in anion-based memristive devices. We will specifically look at the impact of high dose rate ionizing radiation, total ionizing dose (TID), and heavy ions on the electrical characteristics of tantalum oxide (TaOx), titanium dioxide (TiO2), and hafnium oxide (HfOx) memristors. The primary emphasis, however, will be placed on TaOx memristors. While there are several other anion-based memristive devices being fabricated by the semiconductor community for possible use in valence change memories, most of the present radiation work has focused on one of these types of devices. There have also been numerous studies on radiation effects in cation-based chalcogenides such as germanium sulfides and selenides. However, that will not be discussed in this paper.

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Oxidation state and interfacial effects on oxygen vacancies in tantalum pentoxide

Journal of Applied Physics

Bondi, Robert J.; Marinella, Matthew J.

First-principles density-functional theory calculations are used to study the atomistic structure, structural energetics, and electron density near the O monovacancy (VOn; n = 0,1+,2+) in both bulk, amorphous tantalum pentoxide (a-Ta2O5), and also at vacuum and metallic Ta interfaces. We calculate multivariate vacancy formation energies to evaluate stability as a function of oxidation state, distance from interface plane, and Fermi energy. VOn of all oxidation states preferentially segregates at both Ta and vacuum interfaces, where the metallic interface exhibits global formation energy minima. In a-Ta2O5, VO0 is characterized by structural contraction and electron density localization, while VO2+ promotes structural expansion and is depleted of electron density. In contrast, interfacial VO0 and VO2+ show nearly indistinguishable ionic and electronic signatures indicative of a reduced VO center. Interfacial VO2+ extracts electron density from metallic Ta, indicating that VO2+ is spontaneously reduced at the expense of the metal. This oxidation/reduction behavior suggests careful selection and processing of both oxide layer and metal electrodes for engineering memristor device operation.

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The susceptibility of TaOx-based memristors to high dose rate ionizing radiation and total ionizing dose

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

McLain, Michael L.; Hjalmarson, Harold P.; Sheridan, Timothy J.; Mickel, Patrick R.; Hanson, Donald J.; McDonald, Joseph K.; Hughart, David R.; Marinella, Matthew J.

This paper investigates the effects of high dose rate ionizing radiation and total ionizing dose (TID) on tantalum oxide (TaOx) memristors. Transient data were obtained during the pulsed exposures for dose rates ranging from approximately 5.0 × 107rad(Si)/s to 4.7 × 108rad(Si)/s and for pulse widths ranging from 50 ns to 50 μs. The cumulative dose in these tests did not appear to impact the observed dose rate response. Static dose rate upset tests were also performed at a dose rate of ∼3.0 × 108rad(Si)/s. This is the first dose rate study on any type of memristive memory technology. In addition to assessing the tolerance of TaOx memristors to high dose rate ionizing radiation, we also evaluated their susceptibility to TID. The data indicate that it is possible for the devices to switch from a high resistance off-state to a low resistance on-state in both dose rate and TID environments. The observed radiation-induced switching is dependent on the irradiation conditions and bias configuration. Furthermore, the dose rate or ionizing dose level at which a device switches resistance states varies from device to device; the enhanced susceptibility observed in some devices is still under investigation. Numerical simulations are used to qualitatively capture the observed transient radiation response and provide insight into the physics of the induced current/voltages.

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Mapping of radiation-induced resistance changes and multiple conduction channels in TaOx memristors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Hughart, David R.; Pacheco, Jose L.; Lohn, Andrew L.; Mickel, Patrick R.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Doyle, Barney L.; Wolfley, Steven L.; Dodd, Paul E.; Shaneyfelt, Marty R.; McLain, Michael L.; Marinella, Matthew J.

The locations of conductive regions in TaOx memristors are spatially mapped using a microbeam and Nanoimplanter by rastering an ion beam across each device while monitoring its resistance. Microbeam irradiation with 800 keV Si ions revealed multiple sensitive regions along the edges of the bottom electrode. The rest of the active device area was found to be insensitive to the ion beam. Nanoimplanter irradiation with 200 keV Si ions demonstrated the ability to more accurately map the size of a sensitive area with a beam spot size of 40 nm by 40 nm. Isolated single spot sensitive regions and a larger sensitive region that extends approximately 300 nm were observed.

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Characterization of Switching Filament Formation in TaOx Memristive Memory Films

Marinella, Matthew J.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Howell, Stephen W.; Howell, Stephen W.; Decker, Seth D.; Decker, Seth D.; Hughart, David R.; Hughart, David R.; Lohn, Andrew L.; Lohn, Andrew L.; Mickel, Patrick R.; Mickel, Patrick R.; Apodaca, Roger A.; Apodaca, Roger A.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Wolfley, Steven L.; Wolfley, Steven L.; Stevens, James E.; Brennecka, Geoffrey L.

Abstract not provided.

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