1D PIC-DSMC Simulations of Breakdown in Microscale Gaps
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Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
We present an error estimation method for immersed interface solutions of elliptic boundary value problems. As opposed to an asymptotic rate that indicates how the errors in the numerical method converge to zero, we seek a posteriori estimates of the errors, and their spatial distribution, for a given solution. Our estimate is based upon the classical idea of defect corrections, which requires the application of a higher-order discretization operator to a solution achieved with a lower-order discretization. Our model problem will be an elliptic boundary value problem in which the coefficients are discontinuous across an internal boundary.
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Contributions to Plasma Physics
Numerical modeling is increasingly becoming an indispensable tool for investigations in many fields of physics. Such modeling is especially useful in today's big science projects as a tool that can provide predictions and design parameters. The reliability of simulation results is thus essential. Code-to-code comparisons can help increase our confidence in simulation results, especially when other verification methods - such as comparison to theoretical models or experimental results - are limited or unavailable. In this paper, we describe a code-to-code comparison exercise wherein we compare one-dimensional vacuum arc discharge simulation results from two independent particle-in-cell (PIC) codes. As part of our case study, we define a vacuum arc discharge test problem that can be used by other research groups for further comparison. Early disagreement between the two sets of our results motivated us to re-examine the underlying methods in our codes. After remedying discrepancies, we observe good agreement in vacuum arc discharge time-to-breakdown, as well as in the time evolution of particle and current densities. This exercise demonstrates the usefulness of code-to-code comparisons and provides an example case study for the benefit of other research groups who may wish to carry out similar code-to-code comparisons. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Multilayer coextrusion has become a popular commercial process for producing complex polymeric products from soda bottles to reflective coatings. A numerical model of a multilayer coextrusion process is developed based on a finite element discretization and two different free-surface methods, an arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) moving mesh implementation and an Eulerian level set method, to understand the moving boundary problem associated with the polymer-polymer interface. The goal of this work is to have a numerical capability suitable for optimizing and troubleshooting the coextrusion process, circumventing flow instabilities such as ribbing and barring, and reducing variability in layer thickness. Though these instabilities can be both viscous and elastic in nature, for this work a generalized Newtonian description of the fluid is used. Models of varying degrees of complexity are investigated including stability analysis and direct three-dimensional finite element free surface approaches. The results of this work show how critical modeling can be to reduce build test cycles, improve material choices, and guide mold design.
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This report summarizes the work completed during FY2007 and FY2008 for the LDRD project ''Hybrid Plasma Modeling''. The goal of this project was to develop hybrid methods to model plasmas across the non-continuum-to-continuum collisionality spectrum. The primary methodology to span these regimes was to couple a kinetic method (e.g., Particle-In-Cell) in the non-continuum regions to a continuum PDE-based method (e.g., finite differences) in continuum regions. The interface between the two would be adjusted dynamically ased on statistical sampling of the kinetic results. Although originally a three-year project, it became clear during the second year (FY2008) that there were not sufficient resources to complete the project and it was terminated mid-year.
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Many current and future modeling applications at Sandia including ASC milestones will critically depend on the simultaneous solution of vastly different physical phenomena. Issues due to code coupling are often not addressed, understood, or even recognized. The objectives of the LDRD has been both in theory and in code development. We will show that we have provided a fundamental analysis of coupling, i.e., when strong coupling vs. a successive substitution strategy is needed. We have enabled the implementation of tighter coupling strategies through additions to the NOX and Sierra code suites to make coupling strategies available now. We have leveraged existing functionality to do this. Specifically, we have built into NOX the capability to handle fully coupled simulations from multiple codes, and we have also built into NOX the capability to handle Jacobi Free Newton Krylov simulations that link multiple applications. We show how this capability may be accessed from within the Sierra Framework as well as from outside of Sierra. The critical impact from this LDRD is that we have shown how and have delivered strategies for enabling strong Newton-based coupling while respecting the modularity of existing codes. This will facilitate the use of these codes in a coupled manner to solve multi-physic applications.
As part of an effort to reduce costs and improve quality control in encapsulation and potting processes the Technology Initiative Project ''Defect Free Manufacturing and Assembly'' has completed a computational modeling study of flows representative of those seen in these processes. Flow solutions are obtained using a coupled, finite-element-based, numerical method based on the GOMA/ARIA suite of Sandia flow solvers. The evolution of the free surface is solved with an advanced level set algorithm. This approach incorporates novel methods for representing surface tension and wetting forces that affect the evolution of the free surface. In addition, two commercially available codes, ProCAST and MOLDFLOW, are also used on geometries representing encapsulation processes at the Kansas City Plant. Visual observations of the flow in several geometries are recorded in the laboratory and compared to the models. Wetting properties for the materials in these experiments are measured using a unique flowthrough goniometer.
Aria is a Galerkin finite element based program for solving coupled-physics problems described by systems of PDEs and is capable of solving nonlinear, implicit, transient and direct-to-steady state problems in two and three dimensions on parallel architectures. The suite of physics currently supported by Aria includes the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, energy transport equation, species transport equations, nonlinear elastic solid mechanics, and electrostatics as well as generalized scalar, vector and tensor transport equations. Additionally, Aria includes support for arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) and level set based free and moving boundary tracking. Coupled physics problems are solved in several ways including fully-coupled Newton's method with analytic or numerical sensitivities, fully-coupled Newton-Krylov methods, fully-coupled Picard's method, and a loosely-coupled nonlinear iteration about subsets of the system that are solved using combinations of the aforementioned methods. Error estimation, uniform and dynamic h-adaptivity and dynamic load balancing are some of Aria's more advanced capabilities. Aria is based on the Sierra Framework.
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To reduce costs and hazardous wastes associated with the production of lead-based active ceramic components, an injection molding process is being investigated to replace the current machining process. Here, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic particles are suspended in a thermoplastic resin and are injected into a mold and allowed to cool. The part is then bisque fired and sintered to complete the densification process. To help design this new process we use a finite element model to describe the injection molding of the ceramic paste. Flow solutions are obtained using a coupled, finite-element based, Newton-Raphson numerical method based on the GOMA/ARIA suite of Sandia flow solvers. The evolution of the free surface is solved with an advanced level set algorithm. This approach incorporates novel methods for representing surface tension and wetting forces that affect the evolution of the free surface. Thermal, rheological, and wetting properties of the PZT paste are measured for use as input to the model. The viscosity of the PZT is highly dependent both on temperature and shear rate. One challenge in modeling the injection process is coming up with appropriate constitutive equations that capture relevant phenomenology without being too computationally complex. For this reason we model the material as a Carreau fluid and a WLF temperature dependence. Two-dimensional (2D) modeling is performed to explore the effects of the shear in isothermal conditions. Results indicate that very low viscosity regions exist near walls and that these results look similar in terms of meniscus shape and fill times to a simple Newtonian constitutive equation at the shear-thinned viscosity for the paste. These results allow us to pick a representative viscosity to use in fully three-dimensional (3D) simulation, which because of numerical complexities are restricted to using a Newtonian constitutive equation. Further 2D modeling at nonisothermal conditions shows that the choice of representative Newtonian viscosity is dependent on the amount of heating of the initially room temperature mold. An early 3D transient model shows that the initial design of the distributor is sub-optimal. However, these simulations take several months to run on 4 processors of an HP workstation using a preconditioner/solver combination of ILUT/GMRES with fill factors of 3 and PSPG stabilization. Therefore, several modifications to the distributor geometry and orientations of the vents and molds have been investigated using much faster 3D steady-state simulations. The pressure distribution for these steady-state calculations is examined for three different distributor designs to see if this can indicate which geometry has the superior design. The second modification, with a longer distributor, is shown to have flatter, more monotonic isobars perpendicular to the flow direction indicating a better filling process. The effects of the distributor modifications, as well as effects of the mold orientation, have also been examined with laboratory experiments in which the flow of a viscous Newtonian oil entering transparent molds is recorded visually. Here, the flow front is flatter and voids are reduced for the second geometry compared to the original geometry. A horizontal orientation, as opposed to the planned vertical orientation, results in fewer voids. Recently, the Navier-Stokes equations have been stabilized with the Dohrman-Bochev PSPP stabilization method, allowing us to calculate transient 3D simulations with computational times on the order of days instead of months. Validation simulations are performed and compared to the experiments. Many of the trends of the experiments are captured by the level set modeling, though quantitative agreement is lacking mainly due to the high value of the gas phase viscosity necessary for numerical stability, though physically unrealistic. More correct trends are predicted for the vertical model than the horizontal model, which is serendipitous as the actual mold is held in a vertical geometry. The full, transient mold filling calculations indicate that the flow front is flatter and voids may be reduced for the second geometry compared to the original geometry. The validated model is used to predict mold filling for the actual process with the material properties for the PZT paste, the original distributor geometry, and the mold in a vertical orientation. This calculation shows that voids may be trapped at the four corners of the mold opposite the distributor.
This report documents the results for an FY06 ASC Algorithms Level 2 milestone combining error estimation and adaptivity, uncertainty quantification, and probabilistic design capabilities applied to the analysis and design of bistable MEMS. Through the use of error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement, solution verification can be performed in an automated and parameter-adaptive manner. The resulting uncertainty analysis and probabilistic design studies are shown to be more accurate, efficient, reliable, and convenient.
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This report contains the summary of the 'Magnetophoretic Bead Trapping in a High-Flowrate Biological Detection System' LDRD project 74795. The objective of this project is to develop a novel biodetection system for high-throughput sample analysis. The chief application of this system is in detection of very low concentrations of target molecules from a complex liquid solution containing many different constituents--some of which may interfere with identification of the target molecule. The system is also designed to handle air sampling by using an aerosol system (for instance a WESP - Wet Electro-Static Precipitator, or an impact spray system) to get air sample constituents into the liquid volume. The system described herein automatically takes the raw liquid sample, whether air converted or initially liquid matrix, and mixes in magnetic detector beads that capture the targets of interest and then performs the sample cleanup function, allowing increased sensitivity and eliminating most false positives and false negatives at a downstream detector. The surfaces of the beads can be functionalized in a variety of ways in order to maximize the number of targets to be captured and concentrated. Bacteria and viruses are captured using antibodies to surface proteins on bacterial cell walls or viral particle coats. In combination with a cell lysis or PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), the beads can be used as a DNA or RNA probe to capture nucleic acid patterns of interest. The sample cleanup capability of this system would allow different raw biological samples, such as blood or saliva to be analyzed for the presence of different infectious agents (e.g. smallpox or SARS). For future studies, we envision functionalizing bead surfaces to bind to chemical weapons agents, radio-isotopes, and explosives. The two main objectives of this project were to explore methods for enhancing the mixing of the capture microspheres in the sample, and to develop a novel high-throughput magnetic microsphere trap. We have developed a novel technique using the magnetic capture microspheres as 'stirrer bars' in a fluid sample to enhance target binding to the microsphere surfaces. We have also made progress in developing a polymer-MEMS electromagnet for trapping magnetic spheres in a high-flowrate fluid format.
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This report documents the strategies for verification and validation of the codes LSP and ICARUS used for simulating the operation of the neutron tubes used in all modern nuclear weapons. The codes will be used to assist in the design of next generation neutron generators and help resolve manufacturing issues for current and future production of neutron devices. Customers for the software are identified, tube phenomena are identified and ranked, software quality strategies are given, and the validation plan is set forth.