A Numerical Round Robin for the Prediction of the Dynamics of Jointed Structures
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Two of the central challenges in the mechanical design of components in nuclear systems are the dissipation of energy from external shocks and the localization of energy in energetic materials. This research seeks to address these problems by developing a patterned granular microstructure that can be optimized to direct or impede the transfer of energy carried by stress waves. Such structures require the development of a manufacturing technique that can yield perfectly ordered lattices. Two branches of research are detailed here: the development of a sphere-by-sphere additive manufacturing technique, and the development of a framework for modeling the technique in order to guide future improvements. Proof of concept of the method is demonstrated, and recommendations for future work are made.
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The use of parameterized reduced order models(PROMs) within the stochastic reduced order model (SROM) framework is a logical progression for both methods. In this report, five different parameterized reduced order models are selected and critiqued against the other models along with truth model for the example of the Brake-Reuss beam. The models are: a Taylor series using finite difference, a proper orthogonal decomposition of the the output, a Craig-Bampton representation of the model, a method that uses Hyper-Dual numbers to determine the sensitivities, and a Meta-Model method that uses the Hyper-Dual results and constructs a polynomial curve to better represent the output data. The methods are compared against a parameter sweep and a distribution propagation where the first four statistical moments are used as a comparison. Each method produces very accurate results with the Craig-Bampton reduction having the least accurate results. The models are also compared based on time requirements for the evaluation of each model where the Meta- Model requires the least amount of time for computation by a significant amount. Each of the five models provided accurate results in a reasonable time frame. The determination of which model to use is dependent on the availability of the high-fidelity model and how many evaluations can be performed. Analysis of the output distribution is examined by using a large Monte-Carlo simulation along with a reduced simulation using Latin Hypercube and the stochastic reduced order model sampling technique. Both techniques produced accurate results. The stochastic reduced order modeling technique produced less error when compared to an exhaustive sampling for the majority of methods.
This paper discusses the results of a study to determine the impact of culture on engineering. The study took place during the 2015 Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics Summer Research Institute, a six-week research program sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico consisting of 24 graduate students participating in seven different projects. Twenty-two of the participants and two of the mentors were interviewed to study the effects of cultural background on engineering processes and interactions. The results of this study indicate that cultural differences drive engineering practices.
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Assembled mechanical systems often contain a large number of bolted connections. These bolted connections (joints) are integral aspects of the load path for structural dynamics, and, consequently, are paramount for calculating a structure's stiffness and energy dissipation prop- erties. However, analysts have not found the optimal method to model appropriately these bolted joints. The complexity of the screw geometry cause issues when generating a mesh of the model. This paper will explore different approaches to model a screw-substrate connec- tion. Model parameters such as mesh continuity, node alignment, wedge angles, and thread to body element size ratios are examined. The results of this study will give analysts a better understanding of the influences of these parameters and will aide in finding the optimal method to model bolted connections.
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A collaborative research institute was organized and held at Sandia Albuquerque for a period of six weeks. This research institute brought together researchers from around the world to work collaboratively on a set of research projects. These research projects included: developing experimental guidelines for studying variability and repeatability of nonlinear structures; decoupling aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in measurements to improve dynamic predictions; a numerical round robin to assess the performance of five different numerical codes for modeling systems with strong nonlinearities; and an assessment of experimentally derived and numerically derived reduced order models. In addition to the technical collaborations, the institute also included a series of seminars given by both Sandians and external experts, as well as a series of tours and field trips to local places of scientific and engineering importance. This report details both the technical research and the programmatic organization of the 2014 Sandia Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics Summer Research Institute.
The following details the implementation of an analytical elastic plastic contact model with strain hardening for normal im pacts into the LAMMPS granular package. The model assumes that, upon impact, the co llision has a period of elastic loading followed by a period of mixed elastic plas tic loading, with contributions to each mechanism estimated by a hyperbolic seca nt weight function. This function is implemented in the LAMMPS source code as the pair style gran/ep/history. Preliminary tests, simulating the pouring of pure nickel spheres, showed the elastic/plastic model took 1.66x as long as similar runs using gran/hertz/history.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Impact between metallic surfaces is a phenomenon that is ubiquitous in the design and analysis of mechanical systems. We found that to model this phenomenon, a new formulation for frictional elastic–plastic contact between two surfaces is developed. The formulation is developed to consider both frictional, oblique contact (of which normal, frictionless contact is a limiting case) and strain hardening effects. The constitutive model for normal contact is developed as two contiguous loading domains: the elastic regime and a transitionary region in which the plastic response of the materials develops and the elastic response abates. For unloading, the constitutive model is based on an elastic process. Moreover, the normal contact model is assumed to only couple one-way with the frictional/tangential contact model, which results in the normal contact model being independent of the frictional effects. Frictional, tangential contact is modeled using a microslip model that is developed to consider the pressure distribution that develops from the elastic–plastic normal contact. This model is validated through comparisons with experimental results reported in the literature, and is demonstrated to be significantly more accurate than 10 other normal contact models and three other tangential contact models found in the literature.
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Quantifying uncertainty in model parameters is a challenging task for analysts. Soize has derived a method that is able to characterize both model and parameter uncertainty independently. This method is explained with the assumption that some experimental data is available, and is divided into seven steps. Monte Carlo analyses are performed to select the optimal dispersion variable to match the experimental data. Along with the nominal approach, an alternative distribution can be used along with corrections that can be utilized to expand the scope of this method. This method is one of a very few methods that can quantify uncertainty in the model form independently of the input parameters. Two examples are provided to illustrate the methodology, and example code is provided in the Appendix.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechancs and Engineering
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In 2012, a Matlab GUI for the prediction of the coefficient of restitution was developed in order to enable the formulation of more accurate Finite Element Analysis (FEA) models of components. This report details the development of a new Rebound Dynamics GUI, and how it differs from the previously developed program. The new GUI includes several new features, such as source and citation documentation for the material database, as well as a multiple materials impact modeler for use with LMS Virtual.Lab Motion (LMS VLM), and a rigid body dynamics modeling software. The Rebound Dynamics GUI has been designed to work with LMS VLM to enable straightforward incorporation of velocity-dependent coefficients of restitution in rigid body dynamics simulations.
In the process of model validation, models are often declared valid when the differences between model predictions and experimental data sets are satisfactorily small. However, little consideration is given to the effectiveness of a model using parameters that deviate slightly from those that were fitted to data, such as a higher load level. Furthermore, few means exist to compare and choose between two or more models that reproduce data equally well. These issues can be addressed by analyzing model form error, which is the error associated with the differences between the physical phenomena captured by models and that of the real system. This report presents a new quantitative method for model form error analysis and applies it to data taken from experiments on tape joint bending vibrations. Two models for the tape joint system are compared, and suggestions for future improvements to the method are given. As the available data set is too small to draw any statistical conclusions, the focus of this paper is the development of a methodology that can be applied to general problems.
Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
It is often prohibitively expensive to integrate the response of a high order nonlinear system, such as a finite element model of a nonlinear structure, so a set of linear eigenvectors is often used as a basis in order to create a reduced order model (ROM). By augmenting the linear basis with a small set of discontinuous basis functions, ROMs of systems with local nonlinearities have been shown to compare well with the corresponding full order models.When evaluating the quality of a ROM, it is common to compare the time response of the model to that of the full order system, but the time response is a complicated function that depends on a predetermined set of initial conditions or external force. This is difficult to use as a metric to measure convergence of a ROM, particularly for systems with strong, non-smooth nonlinearities, for two reasons: (1) the accuracy of the response depends directly on the amplitude of the load/initial conditions, and (2) small differences between two signals can become large over time. Here, a validation metric is proposed that is based solely on the ROM’s equations of motion. The nonlinear normalmodes (NNMs) of the ROMs are computed and tracked as modes are added to the basis set. The NNMs are expected to converge to the true NNMs of the full order system with a sufficient set of basis vectors. This comparison captures the effect of the nonlinearity through a range of amplitudes of the system, and is akin to comparing natural frequencies and mode shapes for a linear structure. In this research, the convergencemetric is evaluated on a simply supported beam with a contacting nonlinearity modeled as a unilateral piecewise-linear function. Various time responses are compared to show that the NNMs provide a good measure of the accuracy of the ROM. The results suggest the feasibility of using NNMs as a convergencemetric for reduced order modeling of systems with various types of nonlinearities.
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The goal of most computational simulations is to accurately predict the behavior of a real, physical system. Accurate predictions often require very computationally expensive analyses and so reduced order models (ROMs) are commonly used. ROMs aim to reduce the computational cost of the simulations while still providing accurate results by including all of the salient physics of the real system in the ROM. However, real, physical systems often deviate from the idealized models used in simulations due to variations in manufacturing or other factors. One approach to this issue is to create a parameterized model in order to characterize the effect of perturbations from the nominal model on the behavior of the system. This report presents a methodology for developing parameterized ROMs, which is based on Craig-Bampton component mode synthesis and the use of hyper-dual numbers to calculate the derivatives necessary for the parameterization.
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The Third International Workshop on Jointed Structures was held from August 16th to 17th, 2012, in Chicago Illinois, following the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Thirty two researchers from both the United States and international locations convened to discuss the recent progress of mechanical joints related research and associated efforts in addition to developing a roadmap for the challenges to be addressed over the next five to ten years. These proceedings from the workshop include the minutes of the discussions and follow up from the 2009 workshop [1], presentations, and outcomes of the workshop. Specifically, twelve challenges were formulated from the discussions at the workshop, which focus on developing a better understanding of uncertainty and variability in jointed structures, incorporating high fidelity models of joints in simulations that are tractable/efficient, motivating a new generation of researchers and funding agents as to the importance of joint mechanics research, and developing new insights into the physical phenomena that give rise to energy dissipation in jointed structures. The ultimate goal of these research efforts is to develop a predictive model of joint mechanics.
Tribology International
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This report presents an efficient and accurate method for integrating a system of ordinary differential equations, particularly those arising from a spatial discretization of partially differential equations. The algorithm developed, termed the IMEX a algorithm, belongs to a class of algorithms known as implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods. The explicit step is based on a fifth order Runge-Kutta explicit step known as the Dormand-Prince algorithm, which adaptively modifies the time step by calculating the error relative to a fourth order estimation. The implicit step, which follows the explicit step, is based on a backward Euler method, a special case of the generalized trapezoidal method. Reasons for choosing both of these methods, along with the algorithm development are presented. In applications that have less stringent accuracy requirements, several other methods are available through the IMEX a toolbox, each of which simplify the fifth order Dormand-Prince explicit step: the third order Bogacki-Shampine method, the second order Midpoint method, and the first order Euler method. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on to examples. First, a two pawl system with contact is modeled. Results predicted by the IMEX a algorithm are compared to those predicted by six widely used integration schemes. The IMEX a algorithm is demonstrated to be significantly faster (by up to an order of magnitude) and at least as accurate as all of the other methods considered. A second example, an acoustic standing wave, is presented in order to assess the accuracy of the IMEX a algorithm. Finally, sample code is given in order to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed algorithm.
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