
Results 51–75 of 110
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Biomolecular transport and separation in nanotubular networks

Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Wang, Julia W.; Hayden, Carl C.; Stachowiak, Jeanne C.; Branda, Steven B.; Bachand, George B.; Meagher, Robert M.; Stevens, Mark J.; Robinson, David R.; Zendejas, Frank Z.

Cell membranes are dynamic substrates that achieve a diverse array of functions through multi-scale reconfigurations. We explore the morphological changes that occur upon protein interaction to model membrane systems that induce deformation of their planar structure to yield nanotube assemblies. In the two examples shown in this report we will describe the use of membrane adhesion and particle trajectory to form lipid nanotubes via mechanical stretching, and protein adsorption onto domains and the induction of membrane curvature through steric pressure. Through this work the relationship between membrane bending rigidity, protein affinity, and line tension of phase separated structures were examined and their relationship in biological membranes explored.

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Resolving dynamics of cell signaling via real-time imaging of the immunological synapse

Timlin, Jerilyn A.; Burns, A.R.; Aaron, Jesse S.; Carson, Bryan C.; Stevens, Mark J.

This highly interdisciplinary team has developed dual-color, total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF-M) methods that enable us to optically detect and track in real time protein migration and clustering at membrane interfaces. By coupling TIRF-M with advanced analysis techniques (image correlation spectroscopy, single particle tracking) we have captured subtle changes in membrane organization that characterize immune responses. We have used this approach to elucidate the initial stages of cell activation in the IgE signaling network of mast cells and the Toll-like receptor (TLR-4) response in macrophages stimulated by bacteria. To help interpret these measurements, we have undertaken a computational modeling effort to connect the protein motion and lipid interactions. This work provides a deeper understanding of the initial stages of cellular response to external agents, including dynamics of interaction of key components in the signaling network at the 'immunological synapse,' the contact region of the cell and its adversary.

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Molecular dynamics simulations of water confined between matched pairs of hydrophobic and hydrophilic self-assembled monolayers

Proposed for publication in Langmuir.

Stevens, Mark J.; Lane, James M.; Grest, Gary S.; Chandross, M.

We have conducted a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study of water confined between methyl-terminated and carboxyl-terminated alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on amorphous silica substrates. In doing so, we have investigated the dynamic and structural behavior of the water molecules when compressed to loads ranging from 20 to 950 MPa for two different amounts of water (27 and 58 water molecules/nm{sup 2}). Within the studied range of loads, we observe that no water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the carboxyl-terminated SAMs. However, we observe that at loads larger than 150 MPa water molecules penetrate the methyl-terminated SAMs and form hydrogen-bonded chains that connect to the bulk water. The diffusion coefficient of the water molecules decreases as the water film becomes thinner and pressure increases. When compared to bulk diffusion coefficients of water molecules at the various loads, we found that the diffusion coefficients for the systems with 27 water molecules/nm{sup 2} are reduced by a factor of 20 at low loads and by a factor of 40 at high loads, while the diffusion coefficients for the systems with 58 water molecules/nm{sup 2} are reduced by a factor of 25 at all loads.

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Exploiting interfacial water properties for desalination and purification applications

Cygan, Randall T.; Jiang, Ying B.; Alam, Todd M.; Brinker, C.J.; Bunker, B.C.; Leung, Kevin L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Nyman, M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Rempe, Susan R.; Singh, Seema S.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Stevens, Mark J.; Thurmer, Konrad T.; Van Swol, Frank; Varma, Sameer V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Houston, Jack E.; Huber, Dale L.

A molecular-scale interpretation of interfacial processes is often downplayed in the analysis of traditional water treatment methods. However, such an approach is critical for the development of enhanced performance in traditional desalination and water treatments. Water confined between surfaces, within channels, or in pores is ubiquitous in technology and nature. Its physical and chemical properties in such environments are unpredictably different from bulk water. As a result, advances in water desalination and purification methods may be accomplished through an improved analysis of water behavior in these challenging environments using state-of-the-art microscopy, spectroscopy, experimental, and computational methods.

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Simulations of nanotribology with realistic probe tip models


Chandross, Michael; Lorenz, Christian D.; Stevens, Mark J.; Grest, Gary S.

We present the results of massively parallel molecular dynamics simulations aimed at understanding the nanotribological properties of alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on amorphous silica. In contrast to studies with opposing flat plates, as found in the bulk of the simulation literature, we use a model system with a realistic AFM tip (radius of curvature ranging from 3 to 30 nm) in contact with a SAM-coated silica substrate. We compare the differences in response between systems in which chains are fully physisorbed, fully chemisorbed, and systems with a mixture of the two. Our results demonstrate that the ubiquitous JKR and DMT models do not accurately describe the contact mechanics of these systems. In shear simulations, we find that the chain length has minimal effects on both the friction force and coefficient. The tip radius affects the friction force only (i.e., the coefficient is unchanged) by a constant shift in magnitude due to the increase in pull-off force with increasing radius. We also find that at extremely low loads, on the order of 10 nN, shearing from the tip causes damage to the physisorbed monolayers by removal of molecules. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Tools for characterizing biomembranes : final LDRD report

Alam, Todd M.; McIntyre, Sarah K.; Stevens, Mark J.

A suite of experimental nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tools were developed to investigate lipid structure and dynamics in model membrane systems. By utilizing both multinuclear and multidimensional NMR experiments a range of different intra- and inter-molecular contacts were probed within the membranes. Examples on pure single component lipid membranes and on the canonical raft forming mixture of DOPC/SM/Chol are presented. A unique gel phase pretransition in SM was also identified and characterized using these NMR techniques. In addition molecular dynamics into the hydrogen bonding network unique to sphingomyelin containing membranes were evaluated as a function of temperature, and are discussed.

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Substructured multibody molecular dynamics

Crozier, Paul C.; Grest, Gary S.; Ismail, Ahmed I.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Stevens, Mark J.

We have enhanced our parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, to include many new features for accelerated simulation including articulated rigid body dynamics via coupling to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute code POEMS (Parallelizable Open-source Efficient Multibody Software). We use new features of the LAMMPS software package to investigate rhodopsin photoisomerization, and water model surface tension and capillary waves at the vapor-liquid interface. Finally, we motivate the recipes of MD for practitioners and researchers in numerical analysis and computational mechanics.

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Results 51–75 of 110
Results 51–75 of 110