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Automatic recognition of malicious intent indicators

Koch, Mark W.; Nguyen, Hung D.; Giron, Casey; Yee, Mark L.; Drescher, Steven M.

A major goal of next-generation physical protection systems is to extend defenses far beyond the usual outer-perimeter-fence boundaries surrounding protected facilities. Mitigation of nuisance alarms is among the highest priorities. A solution to this problem is to create a robust capability to Automatically Recognize Malicious Indicators of intruders. In extended defense applications, it is not enough to distinguish humans from all other potential alarm sources as human activity can be a common occurrence outside perimeter boundaries. Our approach is unique in that it employs a stimulus to determine a malicious intent indicator for the intruder. The intruder's response to the stimulus can be used in an automatic reasoning system to decide the intruder's intent.

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Learning a detection map for a network of unattended ground sensors

Koch, Mark W.; Nguyen, Hung D.

We have developed algorithms to automatically learn a detection map of a deployed sensor field for a virtual presence and extended defense (VPED) system without apriori knowledge of the local terrain. The VPED system is an unattended network of sensor pods, with each pod containing acoustic and seismic sensors. Each pod has the ability to detect and classify moving targets at a limited range. By using a network of pods we can form a virtual perimeter with each pod responsible for a certain section of the perimeter. The site's geography and soil conditions can affect the detection performance of the pods. Thus, a network in the field may not have the same performance as a network designed in the lab. To solve this problem we automatically estimate a network's detection performance as it is being installed at a site by a mobile deployment unit (MDU). The MDU will wear a GPS unit, so the system not only knows when it can detect the MDU, but also the MDU's location. In this paper, we demonstrate how to handle anisotropic sensor-configurations, geography, and soil conditions.

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A rapidly deployable virtual presence extended defense system

2009 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPR Workshops 2009

Koch, Mark W.; Giron, Casey; Nguyen, Hung D.

We have developed algorithms for a virtual presence and extended defense (VPED) system that automatically learns the detection map of a deployed sensor field without a-priori knowledge of the local terrain. The VPED system is a network of sensor pods, with each pod containing acoustic and seismic sensors. Each pod has a limited detection range, but a network of pods can form a virtual perimeter. The site's geography and soil conditions can affect the detection performance of the pods. Thus a network in the field may not have the same performance as a network designed in the lab. To solve this problem we automatically estimate a network's detection performance as it is being constructed. We demonstrate results using simulated and real data. © 2009 IEEE.

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Distributed network fusion for water quality

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008

Koch, Mark W.; Mckenna, Sean A.

To protect drinking water systems, a contamination warning system can use in-line sensors to detect accidental and deliberate contamination. Currently, detection of an incident occurs when data from a single station detects an anomaly. This paper considers the possibility of combining data from multiple locations to reduce false alarms and help determine the contaminant's injection source and time. If we consider the location and time of individual detections as points resulting from a random space-time point process, we can use Kulldorff's scan test to find statistically significant clusters of detections. Using EPANET, we simulate a contaminant moving through a water network and detect significant clusters of events. We show these significant clusters can distinguish true events from random false alarms and the clusters help identify the time and source of the contaminant. Fusion results show reduced errors with only 25% more sensors needed over a nonfusion approach. © 2008 ASCE.

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Multinomial pattern matching for high range resolution radar profiles

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Koudelka, Melissa L.; Richards, John A.; Koch, Mark W.

Airborne ground moving-target indication (GMTI) radar can track moving vehicles at large standoff distances. Unfortunately, trajectories from multiple vehicles can become kinematically ambiguous, resulting in confusion between a target vehicle of interest and other vehicles. We propose the use of high range resolution (HRR) radar profiles and multinomial pattern matching (MPM) for target fingerprinting and track stitching to overcome kinematic ambiguities. Sandia's MPM algorithm is a robust template-based identification algorithm that has been applied successfully to various target recognition problems. MPM utilizes a quantile transformation to map target intensity samples to a small number of grayscale values, or quantiles. The algorithm relies on a statistical characterization of the multinomial distribution of the sample-by-sample intensity values for target profiles. The quantile transformation and statistical characterization procedures are extremely well suited to a robust representation of targets for HRR profiles: they are invariant to sensor calibration, robust to target signature variations, and lend themselves to efficient matching algorithms. In typical HRR tracking applications, target fingerprints must be initiated on the fly from a limited number of HRR profiles. Data may accumulate indefinitely as vehicles are tracked, and their templates must be continually updated without becoming unbounded in size or complexity. To address this need, an incrementally updated version of MPM has been developed. This implementation of MPM incorporates individual HRR profiles as they become available, and fuses data from multiple aspect angles for a given target to aid in track stitching. This paper provides a description of the incrementally updated version of MPM.

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Recognition using gait

Koch, Mark W.

Gait or an individual's manner of walking, is one approach for recognizing people at a distance. Studies in psychophysics and medicine indicate that humans can recognize people by their gait and have found twenty-four different components to gait that taken together make it a unique signature. Besides not requiring close sensor contact, gait also does not necessarily require a cooperative subject. Using video data of people walking in different scenarios and environmental conditions we develop and test an algorithm that uses shape and motion to identify people from their gait. The algorithm uses dynamic time warping to match stored templates against an unknown sequence of silhouettes extracted from a person walking. While results under similar constraints and conditions are very good, the algorithm quickly degrades with varying conditions such as surface and clothing.

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Practical measures of confidence for acoustic identification of ground vehicles

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Haschke, Greg B.; Koch, Mark W.; Malone, Kevin T.

An unattended ground sensor (UGS) that attempts to perform target identification without providing some corresponding estimate of confidence level is of limited utility. In this context, a confidence level is a measure of probability that the detected vehicle is of a particular target class. Many identification methods attempt to match features of a detected vehicle to each of a set of target templates. Each template is formed empirically from features collected from vehicles known to be members of the particular target class. The nontarget class is inherent in this formulation and must be addressed in providing a confidence level. Often, it is difficult to adequately characterize the nontarget class empirically by feature collection, so assumptions must be made about the nontarget class. An analyst tasked with deciding how to use the confidence level of the classifier decision should have an accurate understanding of the meaning of the confidence level given. This paper compares several definitions of confidence level by considering the assumptions that are made in each, how these assumptions affect the meaning, and giving examples of implementing them in a practical acoustic UGS.

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A prescreener for 3D face recognition using radial symmerty and the Hausdorff fraction

Koudelka, Melissa L.; Koch, Mark W.; Russ, Trina D.

Face recognition systems require the ability to efficiently scan an existing database of faces to locate a match for a newly acquired face. The large number of faces in real world databases makes computationally intensive algorithms impractical for scanning entire databases. We propose the use of more efficient algorithms to 'prescreen' face databases, determining a limited set of likely matches that can be processed further to identify a match. We use both radial symmetry and shape to extract five features of interest on 3D range images of faces. These facial features determine a very small subset of discriminating points which serve as input to a prescreening algorithm based on a Hausdorff fraction. We show how to compute the Haudorff fraction in linear O(n) time using a range image representation. Our feature extraction and prescreening algorithms are verified using the FRGC v1.0 3D face scan data. Results show 97% of the extracted facial features are within 10 mm or less of manually marked ground truth, and the prescreener has a rank 6 recognition rate of 100%.

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A 2D range Hausdorff approach for 3D face recognition

Russ, Trina D.; Koch, Mark W.; Little, Charles

This paper presents a 3D facial recognition algorithm based on the Hausdorff distance metric. The standard 3D formulation of the Hausdorff matching algorithm has been modified to operate on a 2D range image, enabling a reduction in computation from O(N2) to O(N) without large storage requirements. The Hausdorff distance is known for its robustness to data outliers and inconsistent data between two data sets, making it a suitable choice for dealing with the inherent problems in many 3D datasets due to sensor noise and object self-occlusion. For optimal performance, the algorithm assumes a good initial alignment between probe and template datasets. However, to minimize the error between two faces, the alignment can be iteratively refined. Results from the algorithm are presented using 3D face images from the Face Recognition Grand Challenge database version 1.0.

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A 2D range Hausdorff approach to 3D facial recognition

Koch, Mark W.; Little, Charles

This paper presents a 3D facial recognition algorithm based on the Hausdorff distance metric. The standard 3D formulation of the Hausdorff matching algorithm has been modified to operate on a 2D range image, enabling a reduction in computation from O(N2) to O(N) without large storage requirements. The Hausdorff distance is known for its robustness to data outliers and inconsistent data between two data sets, making it a suitable choice for dealing with the inherent problems in many 3D datasets due to sensor noise and object self-occlusion. For optimal performance, the algorithm assumes a good initial alignment between probe and template datasets. However, to minimize the error between two faces, the alignment can be iteratively refined. Results from the algorithm are presented using 3D face images from the Face Recognition Grand Challenge database version 1.0.

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A novel window based method for approximating the Hausdorff in 3D range imagery

Koch, Mark W.

Matching a set of 3D points to another set of 3D points is an important part of any 3D object recognition system. The Hausdorff distance is known for it robustness in the face of obscuration, clutter, and noise. We show how to approximate the 3D Hausdorff fraction with linear time complexity and quadratic space complexity. We empirically demonstrate that the approximation is very good when compared to actual Hausdorff distances.

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Markov sequential pattern recognition : dependency and the unknown class

Koch, Mark W.; Haschke, Greg B.; Malone, Kevin T.

The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) minimizes the expected number of observations to a decision and can solve problems in sequential pattern recognition. Some problems have dependencies between the observations, and Markov chains can model dependencies where the state occupancy probability is geometric. For a non-geometric process we show how to use the effective amount of independent information to modify the decision process, so that we can account for the remaining dependencies. Along with dependencies between observations, a successful system needs to handle the unknown class in unconstrained environments. For example, in an acoustic pattern recognition problem any sound source not belonging to the target set is in the unknown class. We show how to incorporate goodness of fit (GOF) classifiers into the Markov SPRT, and determine the worse case nontarget model. We also develop a multiclass Markov SPRT using the GOF concept.

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Syndrome Surveillance Using Parametric Space-Time Clustering

Koch, Mark W.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Bilisoly, Roger L.

As demonstrated by the anthrax attack through the United States mail, people infected by the biological agent itself will give the first indication of a bioterror attack. Thus, a distributed information system that can rapidly and efficiently gather and analyze public health data would aid epidemiologists in detecting and characterizing emerging diseases, including bioterror attacks. We propose using clusters of adverse health events in space and time to detect possible bioterror attacks. Space-time clusters can indicate exposure to infectious diseases or localized exposure to toxins. Most space-time clustering approaches require individual patient data. To protect the patient's privacy, we have extended these approaches to aggregated data and have embedded this extension in a sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) framework. The real-time and sequential nature of health data makes the SPRT an ideal candidate. The result of space-time clustering gives the statistical significance of a cluster at every location in the surveillance area and can be thought of as a ''health-index'' of the people living in this area. As a surrogate to bioterrorism data, we have experimented with two flu data sets. For both databases, we show that space-time clustering can detect a flu epidemic up to 21 to 28 days earlier than a conventional periodic regression technique. We have also tested using simulated anthrax attack data on top of a respiratory illness diagnostic category. Results show we do very well at detecting an attack as early as the second or third day after infected people start becoming severely symptomatic.

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Results 26–50 of 50
Results 26–50 of 50