
Results 151–163 of 163
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Use of Aria to simulate laser weld pool dynamics for neutron generator production

Notz, Patrick N.; Noble, David R.; Martinez, Mario J.; Kraynik, Andrew M.

This report documents the results for the FY07 ASC Integrated Codes Level 2 Milestone number 2354. The description for this milestone is, 'Demonstrate level set free surface tracking capabilities in ARIA to simulate the dynamics of the formation and time evolution of a weld pool in laser welding applications for neutron generator production'. The specialized boundary conditions and material properties for the laser welding application were implemented and verified by comparison with existing, two-dimensional applications. Analyses of stationary spot welds and traveling line welds were performed and the accuracy of the three-dimensional (3D) level set algorithm is assessed by comparison with 3D moving mesh calculations.

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Steady evaporating flow in rectangular microchannels

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

Nilson, Robert H.; Tchikanda, S.W.; Griffiths, Stewart K.; Martinez, Mario J.

Analytical and numerical solutions are presented for steady evaporating flow in open microchannels having a rectangular cross section and a uniform depth. The flow, driven by the axial gradient of capillary pressure, generally consists of an entry region where the meniscus is attached to the top corners of the channel followed by a jump-like transition to a corner-flow region in which the meniscus progressively recedes into the bottom corners of the channel. Illustrative numerical solutions are used to guide the derivation of an easily applied analytical approximation for the maximum sustainable heat flux or capillary limit. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Comparison of Galerkin and control volume finite element for advection-diffusion problems

Proposed for publication in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids.

Martinez, Mario J.

The control volume finite element method (CVFEM) was developed to combine the local numerical conservation property of control volume methods with the unstructured grid and generality of finite element methods (FEMs). Most implementations of CVFEM include mass-lumping and upwinding techniques typical of control volume schemes. In this work we compare, via numerical error analysis, CVFEM and FEM utilizing consistent and lumped mass implementations, and stabilized Petrov-Galerkin streamline upwind schemes in the context of advection-diffusion processes. For this type of problem, we find no apparent advantage to the local numerical conservation aspect of CVFEM as compared to FEM. The stabilized schemes improve accuracy and degree of positivity on coarse grids, and also reduce iteration counts for advection-dominated problems.

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Generalized Fourier analyses of the advection-diffusion equation - Part I: One-dimensional domains

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Christon, Mark A.; Martinez, Mario J.; Voth, Thomas E.

This paper presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. The errors are reported in terms of non-dimensional phase and group speed, discrete diffusivity, artificial diffusivity, and grid-induced anisotropy, it is demonstrated that Fourier analysis provides an automatic process for separating the discrete advective operator into its symmetric and skew-symmetric components and characterizing the spectral behaviour of each operator. For each of the numerical methods considered, asymptotic truncation error and resolution estimates are presented for the limiting cases of pure advection and pure diffusion. It is demonstrated that streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin and its control-volume finite element analogue, the streamline upwind control-volume method, produce both an artificial diffusivity and a concomitant phase speed adjustment in addition to the usual semi-discrete artifacts observed in the phase speed, group speed and diffusivity. The Galerkin finite element method and its streamline upwind derivatives are shown to exhibit super-convergent behaviour in terms of phase and group speed when a consistent mass matrix is used in the formulation. In contrast, the CVFEM method and its streamline upwind derivatives yield strictly second-order behaviour. In Part II of this paper, we consider two-dimensional semi-discretizations of the advection-diffusion equation and also assess the affects of grid-induced anisotropy observed in the non-dimensional phase speed, and the discrete and artificial diffusivities. Although this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common analysis framework.

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Generalized fourier analyses of the advection-diffusion equation - Part II: Two-dimensional domains

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Voth, Thomas E.; Martinez, Mario J.; Christon, Mark A.

Part I of this work presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with the one-dimensional finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. In Part II we extend the analysis to two-dimensional domains and also consider the effects of wave propagation direction and grid aspect ratio on the phase speed, and the discrete and artificial diffusivities. The observed dependence of dispersive and diffusive behaviour on propagation direction makes comparison of methods more difficult relative to the one-dimensional results. For this reason, integrated (over propagation direction and wave number) error and anisotropy metrics are introduced to facilitate comparison among the various methods. With respect to these metrics, the consistent mass Galerkin and consistent mass control-volume finite element methods, and their streamline upwind derivatives, exhibit comparable accuracy, and generally out-perform their lumped mass counterparts and finite-difference based schemes. While this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common mathematical framework.

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A finite element method for low-speed compressible flows

Proposed for publication in Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

Gartling, David K.; Martinez, Mario J.; Gartling, David K.

The derivation and justification for various low-speed approximations to the fully compressible, Navier-Stokes equations are presented. A numerical formulation based on the finite element method is developed and implemented as an extension to the standard Boussinesq equations. Example steady and transient flow problems are simulated to examine the performance of the numerical algorithm and the solution differences with the more commonly studied Boussinesq approximation.

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Generalized Fourier Analyses of Semi-Discretizations of the Advection-Diffusion Equation

Christon, Mark A.; Voth, Thomas E.; Martinez, Mario J.

This report presents a detailed multi-methods comparison of the spatial errors associated with finite difference, finite element and finite volume semi-discretizations of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. The errors are reported in terms of non-dimensional phase and group speeds, discrete diffusivity, artificial diffusivity, and grid-induced anisotropy. It is demonstrated that Fourier analysis (aka von Neumann analysis) provides an automatic process for separating the spectral behavior of the discrete advective operator into its symmetric dissipative and skew-symmetric advective components. Further it is demonstrated that streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin and its control-volume finite element analogue, streamline upwind control-volume, produce both an artificial diffusivity and an artificial phase speed in addition to the usual semi-discrete artifacts observed in the discrete phase speed, group speed and diffusivity. For each of the numerical methods considered, asymptotic truncation error and resolution estimates are presented for the limiting cases of pure advection and pure diffusion. The Galerkin finite element method and its streamline upwind derivatives are shown to exhibit super-convergent behavior in terms of phase and group speed when a consistent mass matrix is used in the formulation. In contrast, the CVFEM method and its streamline upwind derivatives yield strictly second-order behavior. While this work can only be considered a first step in a comprehensive multi-methods analysis and comparison, it serves to identify some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of multiple numerical methods in a common mathematical framework.

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PorSalsa User's Manual

Martinez, Mario J.; Hopkins, Polly L.; Reeves, Paul C.

This report describes the use of PorSalsa, a parallel-processing, finite-element-based, unstructured-grid code for the simulation of subsurface nonisothermal two-phase, two component flow through heterogeneous porous materials. PorSalsa can also model the advective-dispersive transport of any number of species. General source term and transport coefficient implementation greatly expands possible applications. Spatially heterogeneous flow and transport data are accommodated via a flexible interface. Discretization methods include both Galerkin and control volume finite element methods, with various options for weighting of nonlinear coefficients. Time integration includes both first and second-order predictor/corrector methods with automatic time step selection. Parallel processing is accomplished by domain decomposition and message passing, using MPI, enabling seamless execution on single computers, networked clusters, and massively parallel computers.

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Results 151–163 of 163
Results 151–163 of 163