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HPC top 10 InfiniBand Machine : a 3D Torus IB interconnect on Red Sky

Naegle, John H.; Monk, Stephen T.; Schutt, James A.; Doerfler, Douglas W.; Rajan, Mahesh R.

This presentation discusses the following topics: (1) Red Sky Background; (2) 3D Torus Interconnect Concepts; (3) Difficulties of Torus in IB; (4) New Routing Code for IB a 3D Torus; (5) Red Sky 3D Torus Implementation; and (6) Managing a Large IB Machine. Computing at Sandia: (1) Capability Computing - Designed for scaling of single large runs, Usually proprietary for maximum performance, and Red Storm is Sandia's current capability machine; (2) Capacity Computing - Computing for the masses, 100s of jobs and 100s of users, Extreme reliability required, Flexibility for changing workload, Thunderbird will be decommissioned this quarter, Red Sky is our future capacity computing platform, and Red Mesa machine for National Renewable Energy Lab. Red Sky main themes are: (1) Cheaper - 5X capacity of Tbird at 2/3 the cost, Substantially cheaper per flop than our last large capacity machine purchase; (2) Leaner - Lower operational costs, Three security environments via modular fabric, Expandable, upgradeable, extensible, and Designed for 6yr. life cycle; and (3) Greener - 15% less power-1/6th power per flop, 40% less water-5M gallons saved annually, 10X better cooling efficiency, and 4x denser footprint.

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Improving performance via mini-applications

Doerfler, Douglas W.; Crozier, Paul C.; Edwards, Harold C.; Williams, Alan B.; Rajan, Mahesh R.; Keiter, Eric R.; Thornquist, Heidi K.

Application performance is determined by a combination of many choices: hardware platform, runtime environment, languages and compilers used, algorithm choice and implementation, and more. In this complicated environment, we find that the use of mini-applications - small self-contained proxies for real applications - is an excellent approach for rapidly exploring the parameter space of all these choices. Furthermore, use of mini-applications enriches the interaction between application, library and computer system developers by providing explicit functioning software and concrete performance results that lead to detailed, focused discussions of design trade-offs, algorithm choices and runtime performance issues. In this paper we discuss a collection of mini-applications and demonstrate how we use them to analyze and improve application performance on new and future computer platforms.

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Supercomputer and cluster performance modeling and analysis efforts:2004-2006

Ang, James A.; Vaughan, Courtenay T.; Barnette, Daniel W.; Doerfler, Douglas W.; Ganti, Anand G.; Phelps, Sue C.; Rajan, Mahesh R.; Stevenson, Joel O.; Scott, Ryan D.

This report describes efforts by the Performance Modeling and Analysis Team to investigate performance characteristics of Sandia's engineering and scientific applications on the ASC capability and advanced architecture supercomputers, and Sandia's capacity Linux clusters. Efforts to model various aspects of these computers are also discussed. The goals of these efforts are to quantify and compare Sandia's supercomputer and cluster performance characteristics; to reveal strengths and weaknesses in such systems; and to predict performance characteristics of, and provide guidelines for, future acquisitions and follow-on systems. Described herein are the results obtained from running benchmarks and applications to extract performance characteristics and comparisons, as well as modeling efforts, obtained during the time period 2004-2006. The format of the report, with hypertext links to numerous additional documents, purposefully minimizes the document size needed to disseminate the extensive results from our research.

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Results 51–64 of 64
Results 51–64 of 64