Electromagnetic Dampeners to Improve Cavity Shielding Effectiveness
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
In this paper, we report the formulation to account for dielectrics in a first principles multipole-based cable braid electromagnetic penetration model. To validate our first principles model, we consider a one-dimensional array of wires, which can be modeled analytically with a multipole-conformal mapping expansion for the wire charges; however, the first principles model can be readily applied to realistic cable geometries. We compare the elastance (i.e., the inverse of the capacitance) results from the first principles cable braid electromagnetic penetration model to those obtained using the analytical model. The results are found in good agreement up to a radius to half spacing ratio of 0.5–0.6, depending on the permittivity of the dielectric used, within the characteristics of many commercial cables. We observe that for typical relative permittivities encountered in braided cables, the transfer elastance values are essentially the same as those of free space; the self-elastance values are also approximated by the free space solution as long as the dielectric discontinuity is taken into account for the planar mode.
Abstract not provided.
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal
In this paper we investigate full-wave simulations of realistic implementations of multifunctional nanoantenna enabled detectors (NEDs). We focus on a 2x2 pixelated array structure that supports two wavelengths of operation. We design each resonating structure independently using full-wave simulations with periodic boundary conditions mimicking the whole infinite array. We then construct a supercell made of a 2x2 pixelated array with periodic boundary conditions mimicking the full NED; in this case, however, each pixel comprises 10-20 antennas per side. In this way, the cross-talk between contiguous pixels is accounted for in our simulations. We observe that, even though there are finite extent effects, the pixels work as designed, each responding at the respective wavelength of operation. This allows us to stress that realistic simulations of multifunctional NEDs need to be performed to verify the design functionality by taking into account finite extent and cross-talk effects.
2017 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2017
We report a frequency-domain method based on transmission line theory that we name ATLOG-Analytic Transmission Line Over Ground-to model finite or infinite wires interacting with a conducting ground excited by an electromagnetic pulse. This method allows for the treatment of finite or infinite lossy, coated wires above a lossy ground, as well as resting on or buried beneath the ground. Comparisons with full-wave simulations strengthen the validity of the proposed method.
Proceedings of the 2017 19th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2017
We propose a cable braid electromagnetic penetration model that is based on first-principles and is derived strictly from the geometrical parameters of the cable in question. We apply this formulation to the case of a one-dimensional array of wires, which can also be modeled analytically via a multipole-conformal mapping expansion for the wire charges and is extended by means of Laplace solutions in bipolar coordinates. Both electric and magnetic penetrations are analyzed, and comparisons are performed between results from the first principles cable braid electromagnetic penetration model and those obtained using the multipole-conformal mapping expansion method. We find results in very good agreement when using up to the octopole moment (for the first principles model), covering a dynamic range of radius-to-half-spacing ratio up to 0.6. These results give us the confidence that our first principles model is applicable to the geometric characteristics of many commercial cables.
Abstract not provided.
In this report we overview the fundamental concepts for a pair of techniques which together greatly hasten computational predictions of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) excitation of finite-length dissipative conductors over a ground plane. In a time- domain, transmission line (TL) model implementation, predictions are computationally bottlenecked time-wise, either for late-time predictions (about 100ns-10000ns range) or predictions concerning EMP excitation of long TLs (order of kilometers or more ). This is because the method requires a temporal convolution to account for the losses in the ground. Addressing this to facilitate practical simulation of EMP excitation of TLs, we first apply a technique to extract an (approximate) complex exponential function basis-fit to the ground/Earth's impedance function, followed by incorporating this into a recursion-based convolution acceleration technique. Because the recursion-based method only requires the evaluation of the most recent voltage history data (versus the entire history in a "brute-force" convolution evaluation), we achieve necessary time speed- ups across a variety of TL/Earth geometry/material scenarios. Intentionally Left Blank
International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics
We examine integration of a patterned metal nanoantenna (or metasurface) directly onto long-wave infrared detectors. These structures show significantly improved external quantum efficiency compared to their traditional counterparts. We will show simulation and experimental results.
Abstract not provided.
This report details the modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative conductor interacting with a conducting ground to a hypothetical nuclear device with the same output energy spectrum as the Fat Man device. We use a frequency-domain method based on transmission line theory and implemented it in a code we call ATLOG - Analytic Transmission Line Over Ground. Select results are compared to ones computed using the circuit simulator Xyce. Intentionally Left Blank
This report details the modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative conductor interacting with a conducting ground to a hypothetical nuclear device with the same output energy spectrum as the Fat Man device. We use a time-domain method based on transmission line theory that allows accounting for time-varying air conductivities. We implemented such method in a code we call ATLOG - Analytic Transmission Line Over Ground. Results are compared the frequency-domain version of ATLOG previously developed and to the circuit simulator Xyce in some instances. Intentionally Left Blank
This report details the modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative conductor interacting with a conducting ground to the Bell Labs electromagnetic pulse excitation. We use both a frequency-domain and a time-domain method based on transmission line theory through a code we call ATLOG - Analytic Transmission Line Over Ground. Results are compared to the circuit simulator Xyce for selected cases. Intentionally Left Blank
This report details the comparison of ATLOG modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative aerial conductor interacting with a conducting ground to a measurement taken November 2016 at the High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) facility. We use the ATLOG time-domain method based on transmission line theory. Good agreement is observed between simulations and experiments. Intentionally Left Blank
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Radio Science
In this paper we develop a fully retarded, dipole approximation model to estimate the effective polarizabilities of a dimer made of dielectric resonators. They are computed from the polarizabilities of the two resonators composing the dimer. We analyze the situation of full cubes as well as split cubes, which have been shown to exhibit overlapping electric and magnetic resonances. We compare the effective dimer polarizabilities to ones retrieved via full-wave simulations as well as ones computed via a quasi-static, dipole approximation. We observe good agreement between the fully retarded solution and the full-wave results, whereas the quasi-static approximation is less accurate for the problem at hand. The developed model can be used to predict the electric and magnetic resonances of a dimer under parallel or orthogonal (to the dimer axis) excitation. This is particularly helpful when interested in locating frequencies at which the dimer will emit directional radiation.
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IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
In this paper, we investigate the electric penetration case of the first principles multipole-based cable braid electromagnetic penetration model reported in the Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 66, 63–89 (2016). We first analyze the case of a 1-D array of wires: this is a problem which is interesting on its own, and we report its modeling based on a multipole-conformal mapping expansion and extension by means of Laplace solutions in bipolar coordinates. We then compare the elastance (inverse of capacitance) results from our first principles cable braid electromagnetic penetration model to that obtained using the multipole-conformal mapping bipolar solution. These results are found in a good agreement up to a radius to half spacing ratio of 0.6, demonstrating a robustness needed for many commercial cables. We then analyze realistic cable implementations without dielectrics and compare the results from our first principles braid electromagnetic penetration model to the semiempirical results reported by Kley in the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 35, 1–9 (1993). Finally, although we find results on the same order of magnitude of Kley's results, the full dependence on the actual cable geometry is accounted for only in our proposed multipole model which, in addition, enables us to treat perturbations from those commercial cables measured.
IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings
High-quality infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) are used in many satellite, astronomical, and terrestrial applications. These applications require highly-sensitive, low-noise FPAs, and therefore do not benefit from advances made in low-cost thermal imagers where reducing cost and enabling high-temperature operation drive device development. Infrared detectors used in FPAs have been made for decades from alloys of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT). These infrared detectors are nearing the believed limit of their performance. This limit, known in the infrared detector community as Rule 07, dictates the dark current floor for MCT detectors, in their traditional architecture, for a given temperature and cutoff wavelength. To overcome the bounds imposed by Rule 07, many groups are working on detector compounds other than MCT. We focus on detectors employing III-V-based gallium-free InAsSb superlattice active regions while also changing the basic architecture of the pixel to improve signal-to-noise. Our architecture relies on a resonant, metallic, subwavelength nanoantenna patterned on the absorber surface, in combination with a Fabry-Pérot cavity, to couple the incoming radiation into tightly confined modes near the nanoantenna. This confinement of the incident energy in a thin layer allows us to greatly reduce the volume of the absorbing layer to a fraction of the free-space wavelength, yielding a corresponding reduction in dark current from spontaneously generated electron-hole pairs in the absorber material. This architecture is detector material agnostic and could be applied to MCT detector structures as well, although we focus on using superlattice antimonide-based detector materials. This detector concept has been applied to both mid-wave (3-5 μm) and longwave (8-12 μm) infrared detectors and absorbers. Here we examine long-wave devices, as these detectors currently have a larger gap between desired device performance and that of currently existing detectors. The measured structures show an external quantum efficiency exceeding 50%. We present a comparison of the modeled and measured photoresponse of these detectors and compare these detectors to currently available commercial detectors using relevant metrics such as external quantum efficiency. We also discuss modeling of crosstalk between adjacent pixels and its influence on the potential for a dual-wavelength detector. Finally, we evaluate potential advances in these detectors that may occur in the near future.
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2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy, ACES 2017
The goal of this paper is to investigate full-wave simulations of realistic implementations of multifunctional nanoantenna enabled detectors (NEDs). We realize a 2×2 pixelated array structure that supports two wavelengths of operation. After designing each resonating structure independently using full-wave simulations with periodic boundary conditions mimicking the whole infinite array, we construct a supercell made of a 2×2 pixelated array with periodic boundary conditions mimicking the full NED. In the NED, each pixel comprises 10-20 nanoantennas. Our simulations account for the cross-talk between contiguous pixels. We observe that, even though there are finite extent effects, the pixels work as designed, each responding at the respective wavelength of operation. We want to stress that realistic simulations of multifunctional NEDs need to be performed to verify the design functionality by taking into account finite extent and cross-talk effects.
The growth of a cylindrical s park discharge channel in water and Lexan is studied using a series of one - dimensional simulations with the finite - element radiation - magnetohydrodynamics code ALEGRA. Computed solutions are analyzed in order to characterize the rate of growth and dynamics of the spark c hannels during the rising - current phase of the drive pulse. The current ramp rate is varied between 0.2 and 3.0 kA/ns, and values of the mechanical coupling coefficient K p are extracted for each case. The simulations predict spark channel expansion veloc ities primarily in the range of 2000 to 3500 m/s, channel pressures primarily in the range 10 - 40 GPa, and K p values primarily between 1.1 and 1.4. When Lexan is preheated, slightly larger expansion velocities and smaller K p values are predicted , but the o verall behavior is unchanged.
Abstract not provided.
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
This paper details a model for the response of a finite- or an infinite-length wire interacting with a conducting ground to an electromagnetic pulse excitation. We develop a frequency–domain method based on transmission line theory that we name ATLOG–Analytic Transmission Line Over Ground. This method is developed as an alternative to full-wave methods, as it delivers a fast and reliable solution. It allows for the treatment of finite or infinite lossy, coated wires, and lossy grounds. The cases of wire above ground, as well as resting on the ground and buried beneath the ground are treated. The reported method is general and the time response of the induced current is obtained using an inverse Fourier transform of the current in the frequency domain. The focus is on the characteristics and propagation of the transmission line mode. Comparisons with full-wave simulations strengthen the validity of the proposed method.
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ACS Photonics
We present a new approach to dielectric metasurface design that relies on a single resonator per unit cell and produces robust, high quality factor Fano resonances. Our approach utilizes symmetry breaking of highly symmetric resonator geometries, such as cubes, to induce couplings between the otherwise orthogonal resonator modes. In particular, we design perturbations that couple "bright" dipole modes to "dark" dipole modes whose radiative decay is suppressed by local field effects in the array. Our approach is widely scalable from the near-infrared to radio frequencies. We first unravel the Fano resonance behavior through numerical simulations of a germanium resonator-based metasurface that achieves a quality factor of ∼1300 at ∼10.8 μm. Then, we present two experimental demonstrations operating in the near-infrared (∼1 μm): a silicon-based implementation that achieves a quality factor of ∼350; and a gallium arsenide-based structure that achieves a quality factor of ∼600, the highest near-infrared quality factor experimentally demonstrated to date with this kind of metasurface. Importantly, large electromagnetic field enhancements appear within the resonators at the Fano resonant frequencies. We envision that combining high quality factor, high field enhancement resonances with nonlinear and active/gain materials such as gallium arsenide will lead to new classes of active optical devices.
Abstract not provided.
2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2016
Cable shielding to protect against coupling of electromagnetic radiation into a component or circuit, particularly over large frequency bands, is at times a challenging task. It is general understanding that increasing the number of shields of a cable will improve the shielding performance. However, there are situations in which a cable with multiple shields may perform similar to or in some cases worse than a cable with a single shield, and this analysis has seldom been discussed in the literature. We intend to shed more light onto this topic in this paper.
2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2016
Metamaterial dielectric resonators represent a promising path toward low-loss metamaterials at optical frequencies. In this paper we utilize perturbations of high symmetry resonator geometries, such as cubes, either to overlap the electric and magnetic dipole resonances, thereby enabling directional scattering and Huygens' metasurfaces, or to induce couplings between the otherwise orthogonal resonator modes to achieve high-quality factor Fano resonances. Our results are fully scalable across any frequency bands where high-permittivity dielectric materials are available, including microwave, THz, and infrared frequencies.
This report examines bounds on the penetrant power through ports of entry into a conductive cavity. We first replace the cavity by a load and consider the maximum power transfer properties of an antenna or an aperture. We consider how limitations on the load quality factor place limits on received power. For general frequency ranges we model the backing region by means of a uniformly distributed matched load along a slot aperture and adjust its value for maximum power transfer. This result is derived in closed form using a transmission line model for the aperture. This result illustrates the reduction in received power for low frequencies with finitely conducting wall materials. At high frequencies it approaches the receiving cross section of a linear array having the slot length dimension. Next we examine a slot aperture in a conducting rectangular enclosure and determine how the cavity wall losses and resulting quality factor limit the penetrant power. Detailed simulations and experimental measurements are compared with each other and with the bounding results to assess the accuracy of the bounds. These comparisons also indicate limitations on the accuracy of the models due to perturbing influences in construction, such as bolted joints.
Streamers are a type of ionization wave occurring during the early time phase of a gas discharge. They are typically launched when the evolving space charge of an electron avalanche reaches a certain critical level, beyond which the fi eld of the space charge itself is su ffi cient to drive further evolution of the ionization process. One of the most common ways to model streamers is known as a 1.5D model where the fi eld of a uniformly charged set of discs of chosen radius is evaluated along the cylinder axis. This fi eld drives a one-dimensional kinetic ionization process, which results in the nonlinear evolution of the streamer. This model is e ffi cient, but has the drawback of fi xing the radius and requiring it as an input parameter. Previously, we tried to extend t he 1.5D model to include evolution of its radius by developing a two-step process of axial and radial exp ansion but we encountered stability issues with the model that we thought could have been due to decoupling the two steps. In this report we introduce a new formulation of a streamer model that includes radial expansion. The goal is to take radial moments of the starting axisymmetric fl uid equations and thereby include the radial evolution of the streamer naturally and self-consistently from the beginning. We fi rst develop the fl uid model moments without electron attachment. We review the calculation of the electric fi elds required for the model and investigate approximations to improve computational e ffi ciency. We discuss the code implementation of the model and fi nally, we add attachment to allow the treatment of electronegative gases. Intentionally Left Blank
The di ff usion through shells consisting of either a single conducting or double conducting layers are examined. Exterior drives resulting from Electromagn etic Radiation (EMR), Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), nearby (indirect) lightning, and DC (low frequency) magnetic fi eldsareused. Boththeinterior fi eld and the induced voltage from a maximally oriented and sized single turn loop are estimated. It is shown that the loop voltage with the empty cavity bounds the case where the center region is excluded by a conducting object. The cases of interior magnetic and electric fi elds from an exterior magnetic drive and the interior electric fi eld from an exterior electric drive are both solved; the magnetic interior fi eldfromanexterior magnetic drive is the only case that results in a nonzero low frequency penetration. Intentionally Left Blank
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
In this paper we report on a transmission-line model for calculating the shielding effectiveness of multiple-shield cables with arbitrary terminations. Since the shields are not perfect conductors and apertures in the shields permit external magnetic and electric fields to penetrate into the interior regions of the cable, we use this model to estimate the effects of the outer shield current and voltage (associated with the external excitation and boundary conditions associated with the external conductor) on the inner conductor current and voltage. It is commonly believed that increasing the number of shields of a cable will improve the shielding performance. However, this is not always the case, and a cable with multiple shields may perform similar to or in some cases worse than a cable with a single shield. We want to shed more light on these situations, which represent the main focus of this paper.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B
The model for penetration of a wire braid is rigorously formulated. Integral formulas are developed from energy principles for both self and transfer immittances in terms of potentials for the fields. The detailed boundary value problem for the wire braid is also set up in a very efficient manner; the braid wires act as sources for the potentials in the form of a sequence of line multipoles with unknown coefficients that are determined by means of conditions arising from the wire surface boundary conditions. Approximations are introduced to relate the local properties of the braid wires to a simplified infinite periodic planar geometry. This is used to treat nonuniform coaxial geometries including eccentric interior coaxial arrangements and an exterior ground plane.
Abstract not provided.
The model for penetration of a wire braid is rigorously formulated. Integral formulas are developed from energy principles and reciprocity for both self and transfer immittances in terms of potentials for the fields. The detailed boundary value problem for the wire braid is also setup in a very efficient manner; the braid wires act as sources for the potentials in the form of a sequence of line multipoles with unknown coefficients that are determined by means of conditions arising from the wire surface boundary conditions. Approximations are introduced to relate the local properties of the braid wires to a simplified infinite periodic planar geometry. This is used in a simplified application of reciprocity to be able to treat nonuniform coaxial geometries including eccentric interior coaxial arrangements and an exterior ground plane.
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
In this article, a negative-index metamaterial prism based on a composite unit cell containing a split-ring resonator and a z-dipole is designed and simulated. The design approach combines simulations of a single unit cell to identify the appropriate cell design (yielding the desired negative-index behavior) together with subcell modeling (which simplifies the mesh representation of the resonator geometry and allows for a larger number of resonator cells to be handled). In addition to describing the methodology used to design a n = -1 refractive index prism, results including the effective-medium parameters, the far-field scattered patterns, and the near-zone field distributions corresponding to a normally incident plane-wave excitation of the prism are presented.
2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2014 - Proceedings
The goal of this paper is to define a unit cell containing an electric and magnetic complement and degenerate pair of resonators and subsequently construct a 3-dimensional (3D) n = -1 refractive index prism based upon the final unit cell design. In this effort simulating and observing the response of a negative-index metamaterial (MM) prism to a plane-wave excitation was a primary intent. However, an equally-important goal was to develop an efficient and high-fidelity process for arriving at the prism design.
Optics Express and arxiv
Abstract not provided.
This report examines the localization of high frequency electromagnetic fi elds in three-dimensional axisymmetric cavities along periodic paths between opposing sides of the cavity. The cases where these orbits lead to unstable localized modes are known as scars. This report treats both the case where the opposing sides, or mirrors, are convex, where there are no interior foci, and the case where they are concave, leading to interior foci. The scalar problem is treated fi rst but the approximations required to treat the vector fi eld components are also examined. Particular att ention is focused on the normalization through the electromagnetic energy theorem. Both projections of the fi eld along the scarred orbit as well as point statistics are examined. Statistical comparisons are m ade with a numerical calculation of the scars run with an axisymmetric simulation. This axisymmetric cas eformstheoppositeextreme(wherethetwomirror radii at each end of the ray orbit are equal) from the two -dimensional solution examined previously (where one mirror radius is vastly di ff erent from the other). The enhancement of the fi eldontheorbitaxiscanbe larger here than in the two-dimensional case. Intentionally Left Blank