MELCOR Code Development Status MCAP 2018
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This report describes the status of the development of MELCOR Sodium Chemistry (NAC) package. This development is based on the CONTAIN-LMR sodium physics and chemistry models to be implemented in MELCOR. In the past three years, the sodium equation of state as a working fluid from the nuclear fusion safety research and from the SIMMER code has been implemented into MELCOR. The chemistry models from the CONTAIN-LMR code, such as the spray and pool fire mode ls, have also been implemented into MELCOR. This report describes the implemented models and the issues encountered. Model descriptions and input descriptions are provided. Development testing of the spray and pool fire models is described, including the code-to-code comparison with CONTAIN-LMR. The report ends with an expected timeline for the remaining models to be implemented, such as the atmosphere chemistry, sodium-concrete interactions, and experimental validation tests .
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International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
MELCOR is a fully-integrated, system-level computer code developed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with the primary objective of modeling the progression of severe accidents in light water nuclear power plants [1,2,3]. Since the project began in 1982, MELCOR has undergone continuous development to address emerging issues, process new experimental information, and create a repository of knowledge on severe accident phenomena. This paper summarizes model development specifically developed for non-LWR applications such as high temperature gas reactors (HTGR), sodium fast reactors (SFR) and molten salt reactors (MSR). Beginning in 2008, active development work began on HTGR modeling in MELCOR. Models were developed for helium gas thermodynamics, oxidation of graphite, thermal hydraulics and heat transfer for both prismatic and pebble bed designs, cavity cooling systems, fuel failure and fission product release, graphite dust generation, and aerosol transport, deposition, and resuspension. In 2013, work commenced on the development of modeling capabilities for sodium fast reactors. This development included the addition of sodium as a working fluid as well as the addition of models for simulating containment fires (both spray and pool) as well as sodium atmospheric chemistry. Validation of these new models has been completed and code-to-code comparisons with the CONTAIN/LMR code has been performed. Work continues as development of sodium concrete interaction models is now underway. In 2017, work began on adding capabilities for molten salt reactors. A new equation of state for FLIBE coolant has been successfully tested in MELCOR and is now undergoing validation against experiments. The alternate working fluid model has also been extended to permit both water and one alternate condensable working fluid in the same input model.
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MELCOR 2.2 is a significant official release of the MELCOR code with many new models and model improvements. This report provides the code user with a quick review and characterization of new models added, changes to existing models, the effect of code changes during this code development cycle (rev 6342 to rev 9496), a preview of validation results with this code version. More detailed information is found in the code Subversion logs as well as the User Guide and Reference Manuals.
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Estimates of the source term from a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facility requires that the analysts know how to apply the simulation tools used, such as the MELCOR code, particularly for a complicated facility that may include an air ventilation system and other active systems that can influence the environmental pathway of the materials released. DOE has designated MELCOR 1.8.5, an unsupported version, as a DOE ToolBox code in its Central Registry, which includes a leak-path-factor guidance report written in 2004 that did not include experimental validation data. To continue to use this MELCOR version requires additional verification and validations, which may not be feasible from a project cost standpoint. Instead, the recent MELCOR should be used. Without any developer support and lack of experimental data validation, it is difficult to convince regulators that the calculated source term from the DOE facility is accurate and defensible. This research replaces the obsolete version in the 2004 DOE leak path factor guidance report by using MELCOR 2.1 (the latest version of MELCOR with continuing modeling development and user support) and by including applicable experimental data from the reactor safety arena and from applicable experimental data used in the DOE-HDBK-3010. This research provides best practice values used in MELCOR 2.1 specifically for the leak path determination. With these enhancements, the revised leak-path-guidance report should provide confidence to the DOE safety analyst who would be using MELCOR as a source-term determination tool for mitigated accident evaluations.
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International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
A sodium coolant accident analysis code is necessary to provide regulators with a means of performing confirmatory analyses for future sodium reactor licensing submissions. MELCOR and CONTAIN, which have been employed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for light water reactor licensing, have been traditionally used for Level 2 and Level 3 probabilistic analyses as well as containment design basis accident analysis. To meet future regulatory needs, new models are being added to the MELCOR code for simulation of sodium reactor designs by integrating the existing models developed for separate effects codes into the MELCOR architecture. Sodium properties and equations of state, such as from the SAS4A code, have previously been implemented into MELCOR to replace the water properties and equation of state. Additional specific sodium-related models to address design basis accidents are now being implemented into MELCOR from CONTAIN-LMR. Although the codes are very different in the code architecture, the feasibility fit is being investigated, and the models for the sodium spray fire and the sodium pool fire have been integrated into MELCOR. A new package called Sodium Chemistry (NAC) has been added to MELCOR to handle all sodium related chemistry models for sodium reactor safety applications. Although MELCOR code requires the ambient condition to be above the freezing point of the coolant (e.g., sodium or water), the high relative freezing point of sodium requires MELCOR to handle situations, particularly far from the primary circuit, where the ambient temperatures are usually at room temperature. Because only a single coolant can be modeled in a problem at a time, any presence of water in the problem would be treated as a trace material, an aerosol, in MELCOR. This paper addresses and describe the integration of the sodium models from CONTAIN-LMR, and the testing of the sodium chemistry models in the NAC package of MELCOR that handles sodium type reactor accidents, using available sodium experiments on spray fire and pool fire. In addition, we describe the anticipated sodium models to be completed in this year, such as the atmospheric chemistry model and sodiumconcrete interaction model. Code-to-code comparison between MELCOR and CONTAIN-LMR results, in addition to the experiment code validations, will be demonstrated in this year.
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This report describes the progress of the CONTAIN - LMR sodium physics and chemistry models to be implemented in MELCOR 2.1. In the past three years , the implementation included the addition of sodium equations of state and sodium properties from two different sources. The first source is based on the previous work done by Idaho National Laboratory by modifying MELCOR to include liquid lithium equation of state as a working fluid to model the nuclear fusion safety research. The second source uses properties generated for the SIMMER code. The implemented modeling has been tested and results are reported in this document. In addition, the CONTAIN - LMR code was derived from an early version of the CONTAIN code, and many physical models that were developed since this early version of CONTAIN are not available in this early code version. Therefore, CONTAIN 2 has been updated with the sodium models in CONTAIN - LMR as CONTAIN2 - LMR, which may be used to provide code-to-code comparison with CONTAIN - LMR and MELCOR when the sodium chemistry models from CONTAIN - LMR have been completed. Both the spray fire and pool fire chemistry routines from CONTAIN - LMR have been integrated into MELCOR 2.1, and debugging and testing are in progress. Because MELCOR only models the equation of state for liquid and gas phases of the coolant, a modeling gap still exists when dealing with experiments or accident conditions that take place when the ambient temperature is below the freezing point of sodium. An alternative method is under investigation to overcome this gap . We are no longer working on the separate branch from the main branch of MELCOR 2.1 since the major modeling of MELCOR 2.1 has been completed. At the current stage, the newly implemented sodium chemistry models will be a part of the main MELCOR release version (MELCOR 2.2). This report will discuss the accomplishments and issues relating to the implementation. Also, we will report on the planned completion of all remaining tasks in the upcoming FY2017, including the atmospheric chemistry model and sodium - concrete interaction model implementation .
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society
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This report describes the progress of the CONTAIN-LMR sodium physics and chemistry models to be implemented in to MELCOR 2.1. It also describes the progress to implement these models into CONT AIN 2 as well. In the past two years, the implementation included the addition of sodium equations of state and sodium properties from two different sources. The first source is based on the previous work done by Idaho National Laborat ory by modifying MELCOR to include liquid lithium equation of state as a working fluid to mode l the nuclear fusion safety research. The second source uses properties generated for the SIMMER code. Testing and results from this implementation of sodium pr operties are given. In addition, the CONTAIN-LMR code was derived from an early version of C ONTAIN code. Many physical models that were developed sin ce this early version of CONTAIN are not captured by this early code version. Therefore, CONTAIN 2 is being updated with the sodium models in CONTAIN-LMR in or der to facilitate verification of these models with the MELCOR code. Although CONTAIN 2, which represents the latest development of CONTAIN, now contains ma ny of the sodium specific models, this work is not complete due to challenges from the lower cell architecture in CONTAIN 2, which is different from CONTAIN- LMR. This implementation should be completed in the coming year, while sodi um models from C ONTAIN-LMR are being integrated into MELCOR. For testing, CONTAIN decks have been developed for verification and validation use. In terms of implementing the sodium m odels into MELCOR, a separate sodium model branch was created for this document . Because of massive development in the main stream MELCOR 2.1 code and the require ment to merge the latest code version into this branch, the integration of the s odium models were re-directed to implement the sodium chemistry models first. This change led to delays of the actual implementation. For aid in the future implementation of sodium models, a new sodium chemistry package was created. Thus reporting for the implementation of the sodium chemistry is discussed in this report.
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MELCOR is a fully integrated, engineering-level computer code that models the progression of severe accidents in light water reactor nuclear power plants. MELCOR is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a second-generation plant risk assessment tool and the successor to the Source Term Code Package. A broad spectrum of severe accident phenomena in both boiling and pressurized water reactors is treated in MELCOR in a unified framework. These include thermal-hydraulic response in the reactor coolant system, reactor cavity, containment, and confinement buildings; core heatup, degradation, and relocation; core-concrete attack; hydrogen production, transport, and combustion; fission product release and transport behavior. Current uses of MELCOR include estimation of severe accident source terms and their sensitivities and uncertainties in a variety of applications.
MELCOR is a fully integrated, engineering-level computer code that models the progression of severe accidents in light water reactor nuclear power plants. MELCOR is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a second-generation plant risk assessment tool and the successor to the Source Term Code Package. A broad spectrum of severe accident phenomena in both boiling and pressurized water reactors is treated in MELCOR in a unified framework. These include thermal-hydraulic response in the reactor coolant system, reactor cavity, containment, and confinement buildings; core heatup, degradation, and relocation; core-concrete attack; hydrogen production, transport, and combustion; fission product release and transport behavior. Current uses of MELCOR include estimation of severe accident source terms and their sensitivities and uncertainties in a variety of applications.
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This report describes the preliminary implementation of the sodium thermophysical properties and the design documentation for the sodium models of CONTAIN-LMR to be implemented into MELCOR 2.1. In the past year, the implementation included two separate sodium properties from two different sources. The first source is based on the previous work done by Idaho National Laboratory by modifying MELCOR to include liquid lithium equation of state as a working fluid to model the nuclear fusion safety research. To minimize the impact to MELCOR, the implementation of the fusion safety database (FSD) was done by utilizing the detection of the data input file as a way to invoking the FSD. The FSD methodology has been adapted currently for this work, but it may subject modification as the project continues. The second source uses properties generated for the SIMMER code. Preliminary testing and results from this implementation of sodium properties are given. In this year, the design document for the CONTAIN-LMR sodium models, such as the two condensable option, sodium spray fire, and sodium pool fire is being developed. This design document is intended to serve as a guide for the MELCOR implementation. In addition, CONTAIN-LMR code used was based on the earlier version of CONTAIN code. Many physical models that were developed since this early version of CONTAIN may not be captured by the code. Although CONTAIN 2, which represents the latest development of CONTAIN, contains some sodium specific models, which are not complete, the utilizing CONTAIN 2 with all sodium models implemented from CONTAIN-LMR as a comparison code for MELCOR should be done. This implementation should be completed in early next year, while sodium models from CONTAIN-LMR are being integrated into MELCOR. For testing, CONTAIN decks have been developed for verification and validation use.
A presentation giving a current status of the various tasks for the MELCOR code development is provided, including some recently corrected code issues.
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
A sodium coolant accident analysis code is necessary to provide regulators with a means of performing confirmatory analyses for future sodium reactor licensing submissions. MELCOR and CONTAIN, which are currently employed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for light water reactor (LWR) licensing, have been traditionally used for level 2 and level 3 probabilistic analyses as well as containment design basis accident analysis. To meet future regulatory needs, new models will be added to the MELCOR code for simulation of Liquid Metal Reactor (LMR) designs. Existing models developed for separate effects codes will be integrated into the MELCOR architecture. This work integrates those CONTAIN code capabilities that feasibly fit within the MELCOR code architecture..
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