
Results 176–200 of 527
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Solute stabilization of nanocrystalline tungsten against abnormal grain growth

Journal of Materials Research

Donaldson, Olivia K.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Kaub, Tyler; Thompson, Gregory B.; Trelewicz, Jason R.

Microstructure and phase evolution in magnetron sputtered nanocrystalline tungsten and tungsten alloy thin films are explored through in situ TEM annealing experiments at temperatures up to 1000 °C. Grain growth in unalloyed nanocrystalline tungsten transpires through a discontinuous process at temperatures up to 550 °C, which is coupled to an allotropic phase transformation of metastable β-tungsten with the A-15 cubic structure to stable body centered cubic (BCC) α-tungsten. Complete transformation to the BCC α-phase is accompanied by the convergence to a unimodal nanocrystalline structure at 650 °C, signaling a transition to continuous grain growth. Alloy films synthesized with compositions of W-20 at.% Ti and W-15 at.% Cr exhibit only the BCC α-phase in the as-deposited state, which indicate the addition of solute stabilizes the films against the formation of metastable β-tungsten. Thermal stability of the alloy films is significantly improved over their unalloyed counterpart up to 1000 °C, and grain coarsening occurs solely through a continuous growth process. The contrasting thermal stability between W-Ti and W-Cr is attributed to different grain boundary segregation states, thus demonstrating the critical role of grain boundary chemistry in the design of solute-stabilized nanocrystalline alloys.

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Evidence that abnormal grain growth precedes fatigue crack initiation in nanocrystalline Ni-Fe

Scripta Materialia

Furnish, Timothy A.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Ren, Fang; Mehta, Apurva; Hattar, Khalid M.; Boyce, Brad B.

Prior studies on the high-cycle fatigue behavior of nanocrystalline metals have shown that fatigue fracture is associated with abnormal grain growth (AGG). However, those previous studies have been unable to determine if AGG precedes fatigue crack initiation, or vice-versa. The present study shows that AGG indeed occurs prior to crack formation in nanocrystalline Ni-Fe by using a recently developed synchrotron X-ray diffraction modality that has been adapted for in-situ analysis. The technique allows fatigue tests to be interrupted at the initial signs of the AGG process, and subsequent microscopy reveals the precursor damage state preceding crack initiation.

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In situ tem observations of corrosion in nanocrystalline fe thin films

Ceramic Transactions

Gross, David; Kacher, Josh; Key, Jordan; Hattar, Khalid M.; Robertson, Ian M.

The corrosion of pulsed-laser deposited Fe thin films by aqueous acetic acid solution was explored in real time by performing dynamic microfluidic experiments in situ in a transmission electron microscope. The films were examined in both the as-deposited condition and after annealing. In the as-deposited films, discrete events featuring the localized dissolution of grains were observed with the dissolved volumes ranging in size from ~1.5 x 10-5 μm3 to 3.4 x 10-7 μm3. The annealed samples had larger grains than the as-deposited samples, were more resistant to corrosion, and did not show similar discrete dissolution events. The electron beam was observed to accelerate the corrosion, especially on the as-deposited samples. The effects of grain surface energy, grain boundary energy and the electron beam-specimen interactions are discussed in relation to the observed behavior.

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Grain boundary phase transformations in PtAu and relevance to thermal stabilization of bulk nanocrystalline metals

Journal of Materials Science

O'Brien, Christopher J.; Barr, Christopher M.; Price, Patrick M.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Foiles, Stephen M.

There has recently been a great deal of interest in employing immiscible solutes to stabilize nanocrystalline microstructures. Existing modeling efforts largely rely on mesoscale Monte Carlo approaches that employ a simplified model of the microstructure and result in highly homogeneous segregation to grain boundaries. However, there is ample evidence from experimental and modeling studies that demonstrates segregation to grain boundaries is highly non-uniform and sensitive to boundary character. This work employs a realistic nanocrystalline microstructure with experimentally relevant global solute concentrations to illustrate inhomogeneous boundary segregation. Furthermore, experiments quantifying segregation in thin films are reported that corroborate the prediction that grain boundary segregation is highly inhomogeneous. In addition to grain boundary structure modifying the degree of segregation, the existence of a phase transformation between low and high solute content grain boundaries is predicted. In order to conduct this study, new embedded atom method interatomic potentials are developed for Pt, Au, and the PtAu binary alloy.

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Results 176–200 of 527
Results 176–200 of 527