
Results 201–400 of 527
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Thermal conductivity of self-ion irradiated nanocrystalline zirconium thin films

Thin Solid Films

Pulavarthy, Raghu; Wang, Baoming; Hattar, Khalid M.; Haque, M.A.

Thermomechanical stability and high thermal conductivity are important for nuclear cladding material performance and reliability, which degrade over time under irradiation. The literature suggests nanocrystalline materials as radiation tolerant, but little or no evidence is present from thermal transport perspective. In this study, we irradiated 10 nm grain size zirconium thin films with 800 keV Zr+ beam from a 6 MV HVE Tandem accelerator to achieve various doses of 3 × 1010 to 3.26 × 1014 ions/cm2, corresponding to displacement per atom (dpa) of 2.1 × 10− 4 to 2.28. Transmission electron microscopy showed significant grain growth, texture evolution and oxidation in addition to the creation of displacement defects due to the irradiation. The specimens were co-fabricated with micro-heaters to establish thermal gradients that were mapped using infrared thermometry. An energy balance approach was used to estimate the thermal conductivity of the specimens, as function of irradiation dosage. Up to 32% reduction of thermal conductivity was measured for the sample exposed to a dose of 2.1 dpa (3 × 1014 ions/cm2).

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Do voids nucleate at grain boundaries during ductile rupture?

Acta Materialia

Noell, Philip N.; Carroll, Jay D.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Clark, Blythe C.; Boyce, Brad B.

In the absence of pre-existing failure-critical defects, the fracture or tearing process in deformable metals loaded in tension begins with the nucleation of internal cavities or voids in regions of elevated triaxial stress. While ductile rupture processes initiate at inclusions or precipitates in many alloys, nucleation in pure metals is often assumed to be associated with grain boundaries or triple junctions. This study presents ex situ observations of incipient, subsurface void nucleation in pure tantalum during interrupted uniaxial tensile tests using electron channeling contrast (ECC) imaging, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Instead of forming at grain boundaries, voids initiated at and grew along dislocation cell and cell block boundaries created by plastic deformation. Most of the voids were associated with extended, lamellar deformation-induced boundaries that run along the traces of the {110} or {112} planes, though a few voids initiated at low-angle dislocation subgrain boundaries. In general, a high density of deformation-induced boundaries was observed near the voids. TEM and TKD demonstrate that voids initiate at and grow along cell block boundaries. Two mechanisms for void nucleation in pure metals, vacancy condensation and stored energy dissipation, are discussed in light of these results. The observations of the present investigation suggest that voids in pure materials nucleate by vacancy condensation and subsequently grow by consuming dislocations.

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Self-ion irradiation effects on mechanical properties of nanocrystalline zirconium films

MRS Communications

Wang, Baoming; Haque, M.A.; Tomar, Vikas; Hattar, Khalid M.

Zirconium thin films were irradiated at room temperature with an 800 keV Zr+ beam using a 6 MV HVE Tandem accelerator to 1.36 displacement per atom damage. Freestanding tensile specimens, 100 nm thick and 10 nm grain size, were tested in situ inside a transmission electron microscope. Significant grain growth (>300%), texture evolution, and displacement damage defects were observed. Stress-strain profiles were mostly linear elastic below 20 nm grain size, but above this limit, the samples demonstrated yielding and strain hardening. Experimental results support the hypothesis that grain boundaries in nanocrystalline metals act as very effective defect sinks.

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Irradiation-induced creep in metallic nanolaminates characterized by In situ TEM pillar nanocompression

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Dillon, Shen J.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Jawaharram, Gowtham S.; Liu, Xuying; Lear, Calvin; Hattar, Khalid M.; Averback, Robert S.

This work reports on irradiation-induced creep (IIC) measured on nanolaminate (Cu-W and Ni-Ag) and nanocrystalline alloys (Cu-W) at room temperature using a combination of heavy ion irradiation and nanopillar compression performed concurrently in situ in a transmission electron microscope. Appreciable IIC is observed in multilayers with 50 nm layer thicknesses at high stress, ≈½ the yield strength, but not in multilayers with only 5 nm layer thicknesses.

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Impact of oleylamine: oleic acid ratio on the morphology of yttria nanomaterials

Journal of Materials Science

Treadwell, LaRico J.; Boyle, Timothy J.; Bell, Nelson S.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Muntifering, Brittany R.; Hattar, Khalid M.

The impact on the final morphology of yttria (Y2O3) nanoparticles from different ratios (100/0, 90/10, 65/35, and 50/50) of oleylamine (ON) and oleic acid (OA) via a solution precipitation route has been determined. In all instances, powder X-ray diffraction indicated that the cubic Y2O3 phase (PDF #00-025-1200) with the space group I-3a (206) had been formed. Analysis of the collected FTIR data revealed the presence of stretches and bends consistent with ON and OA, for all ratios investigated, except the 100/0. Transmission electron microscopy images revealed regular and elongated hexagons were produced for the ON (100/0) sample. As OA was added, the nanoparticle morphology changed to lamellar pillars (90/10), then irregular particles (65/35), and finally plates (50/50). The formation of the hexagonal-shaped nanoparticles was determined to be due to the preferential adsorption of ON onto the {101} planes. As OA was added to the reaction mixture, it was found that the {111} planes were preferentially coated, replacing ON from the surface, resulting in the various morphologies noted. The roles of the ratio of ON/OA in the synthesis of the nanocrystals were elucidated in the formation of the various Y2O3 morphologies, as well as a possible growth mechanism based on the experimental data.

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Mechanisms for Ductile Rupture - FY16 ESC Progress Report

Boyce, Brad B.; Carroll, Jay D.; Noell, Philip N.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Clark, Blythe C.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Lim, Hojun L.; Battaile, Corbett C.

Ductile rupture in metals is generally a multi-step process of void nucleation, growth, and coalescence. Particle decohesion and particle fracture are generally invoked as the primary microstructural mechanisms for room-temperature void nucleation. However, because high-purity materials also fail by void nucleation and coalescence, other microstructural features must also act as sites for void nucleation. Early studies of void initiation in high-purity materials, which included post-mortem fracture surface characterization using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) and in-situ HVEM observations of fracture, established the presence of dislocation cell walls as void initiation sites in high-purity materials. Direct experimental evidence for this contention was obtained during in-situ HVEM tensile tests of Be single crystals. Voids between 0.2 and 1 μm long appeared suddenly along dislocation cell walls during tensile straining. However, subsequent attempts to replicate these results in other materials, particularly α -Fe single crystals, were unsuccessful because of the small size of the dislocation cells, and these remain the only published in-situ HVEM observations of void nucleation at dislocation cell walls in the absence of a growing macrocrack. Despite this challenge, other approaches to studying void nucleation in high-purity metals also indicate that dislocation cell walls are nucleation sites for voids.

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Radiation Testing at Sandia National Laboratories: Sandia – JPL Collaboration for Europa Lander

Olszewska-Wasiolek, Maryla A.; Hattar, Khalid M.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is assisting Jet Propulsion Laboratory in undertaking feasibility studies and performance assessments for the Planetary Protection aspect of the Europa Lander mission. The specific areas of interest for this project are described by task number. This white paper presents the evaluation results for Task 2, Radiation Testing, which was stated as follows: Survey SNL facilities and capabilities for simulating the Europan radiation environment and assess suitability for: A. Testing batteries, electronics, and other component and subsystems B. Exposing biological organisms to assess their survivability metrics. The radiation environment the Europa Lander will encounter on route and in orbit upon arrival at its destination consists primarily of charged particles, energetic protons and electrons with the energies up to 1 GeV. The charged particle environments can be simulated using the accelerators at the Ion Beam Laboratory. The Gamma Irradiation Facility and its annex, the Low Dose Rate Irradiation Facility, offer irradiations using Co-60 gamma sources (1.17 and 1.33 MeV), as well as Cs-137 gamma (0.661 MeV) AmBe neutron (0-10 MeV) sources.

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In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy He+ implantation and thermal aging of nanocrystalline iron

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Muntifering, Brittany R.; Fang, Youwu; Leff, Asher C.; Dunn, Aaron; Qu, Jianmin; Taheri, Mitra L.; Dingreville, Remi P.; Hattar, Khalid M.

The high density of interfaces in nanostructured materials are hypothesized to improve radiation tolerance compared to coarse-grained materials. In order to investigate the roles of vacancies, self-interstitials, and helium, both room temperature in situ TEM He+ implantation and annealing, as well as high temperature He+ implantation was performed on nanocrystalline iron. Dislocation loops are formed by the accumulation of mobile point defects rather than by displacement cascades at intermediate temperatures. Around 600 °C, loops disappeared through gradual shrinking, which is hypothesized to correspond to the annihilation of self-interstitial atoms by mobile vacancies that also resulted in cavity formation. The room temperature implantation resulted in cavities evenly distributed throughout the grain after annealing, whereas cavities were predominately observed at grain boundaries for the elevated temperature implantation. This difference is associated with the formation of stable helium-vacancy complexes in the grains during room temperature implantation, which is not present during high temperature implantation.

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Metastable Tantalum Oxide Formation During the Devitrification of Amorphous Tantalum Thin Films

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

Donaldson, Olivia K.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Trelewicz, Jason R.; Johnson, E.I.C.

Microstructural evolution during the devitrification of amorphous tantalum thin films synthesized via pulsed laser deposition was investigated using in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) combined with ex situ isothermal annealing, bright-field imaging, and electron-diffraction analysis. The phases formed during crystallization and their stability were characterized as a function of the chamber pressure during deposition, devitrification temperature, and annealing time. A range of metastable nanocrystalline tantalum oxides were identified following devitrification including multiple orthorhombic oxide phases, which often were present with, or evolved to, the tetragonal TaO2 phase. While the appearance of these phases indicated the films were evolving to the stable form of tantalum oxide—monoclinic tantalum pentoxide—it was likely not achieved for the conditions considered due to an insufficient amount of oxygen present in the films following deposition. Nevertheless, the collective in situ and ex situ TEM analysis applied to thin film samples enabled the isolation of a number of metastable tantalum oxides. New insights were gained into the transformation sequence and stability of these nanocrystalline phases, which presents opportunities for the development of advanced tantalum oxide-based dielectric materials for novel memristor designs.

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High Cycle Fatigue in the Transmission Electron Microscope

Nano Letters

Bufford, Daniel C.; Stauffer, Douglas; Mook, William M.; Syed Asif, S.A.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.

One of the most common causes of structural failure in metals is fatigue induced by cyclic loading. Historically, microstructure-level analysis of fatigue cracks has primarily been performed post mortem. However, such investigations do not directly reveal the internal structural processes at work near micro- and nanoscale fatigue cracks and thus do not provide direct evidence of active microstructural mechanisms. In this study, the tension-tension fatigue behavior of nanocrystalline Cu was monitored in real time at the nanoscale by utilizing a new capability for quantitative cyclic mechanical loading performed in situ in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Controllable loads were applied at frequencies from one to several hundred hertz, enabling accumulations of 106 cycles within 1 h. The nanometer-scale spatial resolution of the TEM allows quantitative fatigue crack growth studies at very slow crack growth rates, measured here at ∼10-12 m·cycle-1. This represents an incipient threshold regime that is well below the tensile yield stress and near the minimum conditions for fatigue crack growth. Evidence of localized deformation and grain growth within 150 nm of the crack tip was observed by both standard imaging and precession electron diffraction orientation mapping. These observations begin to reveal with unprecedented detail the local microstructural processes that govern damage accumulation, crack nucleation, and crack propagation during fatigue loading in nanocrystalline Cu.

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Cavity evolution at grain boundaries as a function of radiation damage and thermal conditions in nanocrystalline nickel

Materials Research Letters

Muntifering, Brittany R.; Blair, Sarah J.; Gong, Cajer; Dunn, Aaron; Dingreville, Remi P.; Qu, Jianmin; Hattar, Khalid M.

Enhanced radiation tolerance of nanostructured metals is attributed to the high density of interfaces that can absorb radiationinduced defects. Here, cavity evolution mechanisms during cascade damage, helium implantation, and annealing of nanocrystalline nickel are characterized via in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Films subjected to self-ion irradiation followed by helium implantation developed evenly distributed cavity structures, whereas films exposed in the reversed order developed cavities preferentially distributed along grain boundaries. Post-irradiation annealing and orientation mapping demonstrated uniform cavity growth in the nanocrystalline structure, and cavities spanning multiple grains. These mechanisms suggest limited ability to reduce swelling, despite the stability of the nanostructure.

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Minimal variation of defect structure due to the order of room temperature hydrogen isotope implantation and self-ion irradiation in nickel

MRS Advances

Muntifering, Brittany; Qu, Jianmin; Hattar, Khalid M.

The formation and stability of radiation-induced defects in structural materials in reactor environments significantly effects their integrity and performance. Hydrogen, which may be present in significant quantities in future reactors, may play an important role in defect evolution. To characterize the effect of hydrogen on cascade damage evolution, in-situ TEM self-ion irradiation and deuterium implantation was performed, both sequentially and concurrently, on nickel. This paper presents preliminary results characterizing dislocation loop formation and evolution during room temperature deuterium implantation and self-ion irradiation and the consequence of the sequence of irradiation. Hydrogen isotope implantation at room temperature appears to have little or no effect on the final dislocation loop structures that result from self-ion irradiation, regardless of the sequence of irradiation. Tilting experiments emphasize the importance of precise two-beam conditions for characterizing defect size and structure.

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Room Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Alumina Particles Observed from In Situ Micro-compression and Atomistic Simulations

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Chandross, M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Mook, William M.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Kotula, Paul G.; Hall, Aaron C.

Aerosol deposition (AD) is a solid-state deposition technology that has been developed to fabricate ceramic coatings nominally at room temperature. Sub-micron ceramic particles accelerated by pressurized gas impact, deform, and consolidate on substrates under vacuum. Ceramic particle consolidation in AD coatings is highly dependent on particle deformation and bonding; these behaviors are not well understood. In this work, atomistic simulations and in situ micro-compressions in the scanning electron microscope, and the transmission electron microscope (TEM) were utilized to investigate fundamental mechanisms responsible for plastic deformation/fracture of particles under applied compression. Results showed that highly defective micron-sized alumina particles, initially containing numerous dislocations or a grain boundary, exhibited no observable shape change before fracture/fragmentation. Simulations and experimental results indicated that particles containing a grain boundary only accommodate low strain energy per unit volume before crack nucleation and propagation. In contrast, nearly defect-free, sub-micron, single crystal alumina particles exhibited plastic deformation and fracture without fragmentation. Dislocation nucleation/motion, significant plastic deformation, and shape change were observed. Simulation and TEM in situ micro-compression results indicated that nearly defect-free particles accommodate high strain energy per unit volume associated with dislocation plasticity before fracture. The identified deformation mechanisms provide insight into feedstock design for AD.

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Thickness and surface effects on abnormal grain growth in nanocrystalline nickel films

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, ReX and GG 2016

Hattar, Khalid M.; Miller, Bryan; Robertson, Ian M.; Kacher, Josh

Nanostructured metal thin films have been shown to have unique thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties when the internal structure can be maintained. However, this far-from-equilibrium structure has been shown in many cases to be unstable at elevated temperatures. This work investigates the role of surface ledges, large nickel inclusions, electron beam exposure and film thickness on the evolution of high purity, pulsed-laser deposited, free-standing, nickel films via in situ transmission electron microscopy annealing. Grain growth appeared enhanced in a limited temperature range near surface ledges present in the film, but was not affected by large nickel inclusions. In addition, extended exposure to the electron beam resulted in abnormal grain growth. This was hypothesized to be a result of enhanced nickel oxide growth on the surfaces. Finally, increasing film thickness was observed to accelerate the onset of abnormal grain growth and increased the size and number of larger grains. These observations should provide warning that the initial and dynamic surface present in thin films should be taken under consideration during any annealing study, as it may significantly impact the final crystalline structure.

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Feasibility of Observing and Characterizing Single Ion Strikes in Microelectronic Components

Dingreville, Remi P.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Bufford, Daniel C.

The transient degradation of semiconductor device performance under irradiation has long been an issue of concern. A single high-energy charged particle can degrade or permanently destroy the microelectronic component, potentially altering the course or function of the systems. Disruption of the the crystalline structure through the introduction of quasi-stable defect structures can change properties from semiconductor to conductor. Typically, the initial defect formation phase is followed by a recovery phase in which defect-defect or defect-dopant interactions modify the characteristics of the damaged structure. In this LDRD Express, in-situ ion irradiation transmission microscopy (TEM) in-situ TEM experiments combined with atomistic simulations have been conducted to determine the feasibility of imaging and characterizing the defect structure resulting from a single cascade in silicon. In-situ TEM experiments have been conducted to demonstrate that a single ion strike can be observed in Si thin films with nanometer resolution in real time using the in-situ ion irradiation transmission electron microscope (I3TEM). Parallel to this experimental effort, ion implantation has been numerically simulated using Molecular Dynamics (MD). This numerical framework provides detailed predictions of the damage and follow the evolution of the damage during the first nanoseconds. The experimental results demonstrate that single ion strike can be observed in prototypical semiconductors.

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In-situ 3D characterization of He bubble and displacement damage in dense and nanoporous thin films

Hattar, Khalid M.; Robinson, David R.

This initial work attempted to determine the feasibility of using advanced in-situ, electron tomography, and precession electron diffraction techniques to determine the structural evolution that occurs during advanced aging of Pd films with nanometer resolution. To date, significant progress has been made in studying the cavity structures in sputtered, evaporated, and pulsed-laser deposited Pd films that result from both the deposition parameters, as well as from He ion implantation. In addition, preliminary work has been done to determine the feasibility of performing precession electron diffraction (PED) and electron tomography in these type of systems. Significant future work is needed to determine the proper conditions such that relevant advanced aging protocols can be developed.

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In situ measurements of a homogeneous to heterogeneous transition in the plastic response of ion-irradiated 〈111〉 Ni microspecimens

Acta Materialia

Zhao, Xinyu; Strickland, Daniel J.; Derlet, Peter M.; He, Mo R.; Cheng, You J.; Pu, Jue; Hattar, Khalid M.; Gianola, Daniel S.

We report on the use of quantitative in situ microcompression experiments in a scanning electron microscope to systematically investigate the effect of self-ion irradiation damage on the full plastic response of 〈111〉 Ni. In addition to the well-known irradiation-induced increases in the yield and flow strengths with increasing dose, we measure substantial changes in plastic flow intermittency behavior, manifested as stress drops accompanying energy releases as the driven material transits critical states. At low irradiation doses, the magnitude of stress drops reduces relative to the unirradiated material and plastic slip proceeds on multiple slip systems, leading to quasi-homogeneous plastic flow. In contrast, highly irradiated specimens exhibit pronounced shear localization on parallel slip planes, which we ascribe to the onset of defect free channels normally seen in bulk irradiated materials. Our in situ testing system and approach allows for a quantitative study of the energy release and dynamics associated with defect free channel formation and subsequent localization. This study provides fundamental insight into the nature of interactions between mobile dislocations and irradiation-mediated and damage-dependent defect structures.

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Characterisation of radiation damage in W and W-based alloys from 2 MeV self-ion near-bulk implantations

Acta Materialia

Yi, Xiaoou; Jenkins, Michael L.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Edmondson, Philip D.; Roberts, Steve G.

The displacement damage induced in W and W-5 wt.% Re and W-5 wt.% Ta alloys by 2 MeV W+ irradiation to doses 3.3 × 1017-2.5 × 1019 W+/m2 at temperatures ranging from 300 to 750 °C has been characterised by transmission electron microscopy. An automated sizing and counting approach based on Image J (a Java-based image processing programme developed at the National Institutes of Health) [1] has been performed for all near-bulk irradiation data. In all cases the damage comprised dislocation loops, mostly of interstitial type, with Burgers vectors b = 1/2〈1 1 1〉 (>60%) and b = 〈1 0 0〉. The diameters of loops did not exceed 20 nm with most being ≤6 nm diameter. The loop number density varied between 1022 and 1023 loops/m3. With increasing irradiation temperature, the loop size distributions shifted towards larger sizes, and there was a substantial decrease in loop number densities. The damage microstructure was less sensitive to dose than to temperature. Under the same irradiation conditions, loop number densities in the W-Re and W-Ta alloys were higher than in pure W but loops were smaller. In grains with normals close to z = 〈0 0 1〉, loop strings developed in pure W at temperatures ≥500 °C and doses ≥1.2 dpa, but such strings were not observed in the W-Re or W-Ta alloys. However, in other grain orientations complex structures appeared in all materials and dense dislocation networks formed at higher doses.

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Thermal flux limited electron Kapitza conductance in copper-niobium multilayers

Applied Physics Letters

Cheaito, Ramez; Hattar, Khalid M.; Gaskins, John T.; Yadav, Ajay K.; Duda, John C.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Piekos, Edward S.; Baldwin, Jon K.; Misra, Amit; Hopkins, Patrick E.

We study the interplay between the contributions of electron thermal flux and interface scattering to the Kapitza conductance across metal-metal interfaces through measurements of thermal conductivity of copper-niobium multilayers. Thermal conductivities of copper-niobium multilayer films of period thicknesses ranging from 5.4 to 96.2 nm and sample thicknesses ranging from 962 to 2677 nm are measured by time-domain thermoreflectance over a range of temperatures from 78 to 500 K. The Kapitza conductances between the Cu and Nb interfaces in multilayer films are determined from the thermal conductivities using a series resistor model and are in good agreement with the electron diffuse mismatch model. Our results for the thermal boundary conductance between Cu and Nb are compared to literature values for the thermal boundary conductance across Al-Cu and Pd-Ir interfaces, and demonstrate that the interface conductance in metallic systems is dictated by the temperature derivative of the electron energy flux in the metallic layers, rather than electron mean free path or scattering processes at the interface.

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Studying localized corrosion using liquid cell transmission electron microscopy

Chemical Communications

Chee, See W.; Pratt, Sarah H.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Duquette, David; Ross, Frances M.; Hull, Robert

Localized corrosion of Cu and Al thin films exposed to aqueous NaCl solutions was studied using liquid cell transmission electron microscopy (LCTEM). We demonstrate that potentiostatic control can be used to initiate pitting and that local compositional changes, due to focused ion beam implantation of Au+ ions, can modify the corrosion susceptibility of Al films. This journal is

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Thermal conductivity measurements via time-domain thermoreflectance for the characterization of radiation induced damage

Journal of Materials Research

Cheaito, Ramez; Gorham, Caroline S.; Misra, Amit; Hattar, Khalid M.; Hopkins, Patrick E.

The progressive build up of fission products inside different nuclear reactor components can lead to significant damage of the constituent materials. We demonstrate the use of time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR), a nondestructive thermal measurement technique, to study the effects of radiation damage on material properties. We use TDTR to report on the thermal conductivity of optimized ZIRLO, a material used as fuel cladding in nuclear reactors. We find that the thermal conductivity of optimized ZIRLO is 10.7 ± 1.8 W m-1 K-1 at room temperature. Furthermore, we find that the thermal conductivities of copper-niobium nanostructured multilayers do not change with helium ion irradiation doses of 1015 cm-2 and ion energy of 200 keV, demonstrating the potential of heterogeneous multilayer materials for radiation tolerant coatings. Finally, we compare the effect of ion doses and ion beam energies on the measured thermal conductivity of bulk silicon. Our results demonstrate that TDTR can be used to quantify depth dependent damage.

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Electron beam effects during in-situ annealing of self-ion irradiated nanocrystalline nickel

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

Muntifering, Brittany; Dingreville, Rémi; Hattar, Khalid M.; Qu, Jianmin

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a valuable methodology for investigating radiation-induced microstructural changes and elucidating the underlying mechanisms involved in the aging and degradation of nuclear reactor materials. However, the use of electrons for imaging may result in several inadvertent effects that can potentially change the microstructure and mechanisms active in the material being investigated. In this study, in situ TEM characterization is performed on nanocrystalline nickel samples under self-ion irradiation and post irradiation annealing. During annealing, voids are formed around 200 °C only in the area illuminated by the electron beam. Based on diffraction patterns analyses, it is hypothesized that the electron beam enhanced the growth of a NiO layer resulting in a decrease of vacancy mobility during annealing. The electron beam used to investigate self-ion irradiation ultimately significantly affected the type of defects formed and the final defect microstructure.

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Physical response of gold nanoparticles to single self-ion bombardment

Journal of Materials Research

Bufford, Daniel C.; Hattar, Khalid M.

The reliability of nanomaterials depends on maintaining their specific sizes and structures. However, the stability of many nanomaterials in radiation environments remains uncertain due to the lack of a fully developed fundamental understanding of the radiation response on the nanoscale. To provide an insight into the dynamic aspects of single ion effects in nanomaterials, gold nanoparticles (NPs) with nominal diameters of 5, 20, and 60 nm were subjected to self-ion irradiation at energies of 46 keV, 2.8 MeV, and 10 MeV in situ inside of a transmission electron microscope. Ion interactions created a variety of far-from-equilibrium structures including small (∼1 nm) sputtered nanoclusters from the parent NPs of all sizes. Single ions created surface bumps and elongated nanofilaments in the 60 nm NPs. Similar shape changes were observed in the 20 nm NPs, while the 5 nm NPs were transiently melted or explosively broken apart.

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In Situ Electron Microscopy of Helium Bubble Implantation in Metal Hydrides

Hattar, Khalid M.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Robinson, David R.; Snow, Clark S.

Here we investigated the microstructural response of various Pd physically vapor deposited films and Er and ErD2 samples prepared from neutron Tube targets to implanted He via in situ ion irradiation transmission electron microscopy and subsequent in situ annealing experiments. Small bubbles formed in both systems during implantation, but did not grow with increasing fluence or a short duration room temperature aging (weeks). Annealing produced large cavities with different densities in the two systems. The ErD2 showed increased cavity nucleation compared to Er. The spherical bubbles formed from high fluence implantation and rapid annealing in both Er and ErD2 cases differed from microstructures of naturally aged tritiated samples. Further work is still underway to determine the transition in bubble shape in the Er samples, as well as the mechanism for evolution in Pd films.

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Anisotropic radiation-induced segregation in 316L austenitic stainless steel with grain boundary character

Acta Materialia

Barr, Christopher M.; Vetterick, Gregory A.; Unocic, Kinga A.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Bai, Xian M.; Taheri, Mitra L.

Radiation-induced segregation (RIS) and subsequent depletion of chromium along grain boundaries has been shown to be an important factor in irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking in austenitic face-centered cubic (fcc)-based alloys used for nuclear energy systems. A full understanding of RIS requires examination of the effect of the grain boundary character on the segregation process. Understanding how specific grain boundary structures respond under irradiation would assist in developing or designing alloys that are more efficient at removing point defects, or reducing the overall rate of deleterious Cr segregation. This study shows that solute segregation is dependent not only on grain boundary misorientation, but also on the grain boundary plane, as highlighted by markedly different segregation behavior for the Σ3 incoherent and coherent grain boundaries. The link between RIS and atomistic modeling is also explored through molecular dynamic simulations of the interaction of vacancies at different grain boundary structures through defect energetics in a simple model system. A key insight from the coupled experimental RIS measurements and corresponding defect-grain boundary modeling is that grain boundary-vacancy formation energy may have a critical threshold value related to the major alloying elements' solute segregation. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Synthesis and characterization of solvothermal processed calcium tungstate nanomaterials from alkoxide precursors

Chemistry of Materials

Boyle, Timothy J.; Yang, Pin Y.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Neville, Michael L.; Pratt, Sarah H.

An evaluation of calcium tungsten oxide (CaWO4) nanoparticles' properties was conducted using the powders generated from an all-alkoxide solvothermal (SOLVO) route. The reaction involved a toluene/pyridine mixture of tungsten(V) ethoxide ([W(OEt)5]) with calcium bis(trimethyl silyl) amide ([Ca(N(Si(CH3)3)2]) modified in situ by a series of alcohols (H-OR) including neo-pentanol (H-OCH2C(CH 3)3 or H-ONep) or sterically varied aryl alcohols (H-OC6H3R2-2,6 where R = CH3 (H-DMP), CH(CH3)2 (H-DIP), C(CH3)3 (DBP))]. Attempts to identify the intermediates generated from this series of reactions led to the crystallographic identification of [(OEt) 4W(μ-OEt)2Ca(DBP)2] (1). Each different SOLVO generated "initial" powder was found by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) to be nanomaterials roughly assigned as the scheelite phase (PDF 00-041-1431); however, these initial powders displayed no luminescent behavior as determined by photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Thermal processing of these powders at 450, 650, and 750 C yielded progressively larger and more crystalline scheelite nanoparticles. Both PL and cathodoluminescent (CL) emission (422-425 and 429 nm, respectively) were observed for the nanomaterials processed at 750 C. Ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL, 478 nm) appeared to be in agreement with these PL and CL measurements. Further processing of the materials at 1000 C, led to a coalescence of the particles and significant improvement in the observed PL (445 nm) and CL measurements; however, the IBIL spectrum of this material was significantly altered upon exposure. These data suggest that the smaller nanoparticles were more stable to radiation effects possibly due to the lack of energy deposits based on the short track length; whereas the larger particles appear to suffer from radiation induced structural defects. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

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Results 201–400 of 527
Results 201–400 of 527