
Results 151–175 of 292
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Final Technical Report: Increasing Prediction Accuracy

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Stein, Joshua S.

PV performance models are used to quantify the value of PV plants in a given location. They combine the performance characteristics of the system, the measured or predicted irradiance and weather at a site, and the system configuration and design into a prediction of the amount of energy that will be produced by a PV system. These predictions must be as accurate as possible in order for finance charges to be minimized. Higher accuracy equals lower project risk. The Increasing Prediction Accuracy project at Sandia focuses on quantifying and reducing uncertainties in PV system performance models.

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Final Technical Report: Characterizing Emerging Technologies

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

The Characterizing Emerging Technologies project focuses on developing, improving and validating characterization methods for PV modules, inverters and embedded power electronics. Characterization methods and associated analysis techniques are at the heart of technology assessments and accurate component and system modeling. Outputs of the project include measurement and analysis procedures that industry can use to accurately model performance of PV system components, in order to better distinguish and understand the performance differences between competing products (module and inverters) and new component designs and technologies (e.g., new PV cell designs, inverter topologies, etc.).

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Photovoltaic Microinverter Testbed for Multiple Device Interoperability

Quiroz, Jimmy E.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; King, Bruce H.; Riley, Daniel R.; Johnson, Jay; Stein, Joshua S.

IEEE Standard 1547-2003 [1] conformance of several interconnected microinverters was performed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to determine if there were emergent adverse behaviors of co-located aggregated distributed energy resources. Experiments demonstrated the certification tests could be expanded for multi- manufacturer microinverter interoperability. Evaluations determined the microinverters' response to abnormal conditions in voltage and frequency, interruption in grid service, and cumulative power quality. No issues were identified to be caused by the interconnection of multiple devices.

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Measuring PV system series resistance without full IV curves

2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2014

Stein, Joshua S.; McCaslin, Shawn; Hansen, Clifford H.; Boyson, William E.; Robinson, Charles D.

We present a method for measuring the series resistance of the PV module, string, or array that does not require measuring a full IV curve or meteorological data. Our method relies only on measurements of open circuit voltage and maximum power voltage and current, which can be readily obtained using standard PV monitoring equipment; measured short circuit current is not required. We validate the technique by adding fixed resistors to a PV circuit and demonstrating that the method can predict the added resistance. Relative prediction accuracy appears highest for smaller changes in resistance, with a systematic underestimation at larger resistances. Series resistance is shown to vary with irradiance levels with random errors below 1.5% standard deviation.

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Sampling and Filtering in Photovoltaic System Performance Monitoring

Driesse, Anton D.; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Carmignani, Craig K.

The performance of photovoltaic systems must be monitored accurately to ensure profitable long-term operation. The most important signals to be measured—irradiance and temperature, as well as power, current and voltage on both DC and AC sides of the system—contain rapid fluctuations that are not observable by typical monitoring systems. Nevertheless these fluctuations can affect the accuracy of the data that are stored. This report closely examines the main signals in one operating PV system, which were recorded at 2000 samples per second. It analyzes the characteristics and causes of the rapid fluctuations that are found, such as line-frequency harmonics, perturbations from anti-islanding detection, MPPT searching action and others. The operation of PV monitoring systems is then simulated using a wide range of sampling intervals, archive intervals and filtering options to assess how these factors influence data accuracy. Finally several potential sources of error are discussed with real-world examples.

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Results 151–175 of 292
Results 151–175 of 292