
Results 126–150 of 153
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Failure propagation in multi-cell lithium ion batteries

Journal of Power Sources

Lamb, Joshua H.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Steele, Leigh A.; Spangler, Scott W.

Traditionally, safety and impact of failure concerns of lithium ion batteries have dealt with the field failure of single cells. However, large and complex battery systems require the consideration of how a single cell failure will impact the system as a whole. Initial failure that leads to the thermal runaway of other cells within the system creates a much more serious condition than the failure of a single cell. This work examines the behavior of small modules of cylindrical and stacked pouch cells after thermal runaway is induced in a single cell. Cylindrical cells are observed to be less prone to propagate owing to the limited contact between neighboring cells. The electrical connectivity is found to be impactful as the 10S1P cylindrical cell module did not show failure propagation through the module, while the 1S10P module had an energetic thermal runaway consuming the module minutes after the initiation failure trigger. Modules built using pouch cells conversely showed the impact of strong heat transfer between cells. In this case, a large surface area of the cells was in direct contact with its neighbors, allowing failure to propagate through the entire battery within 60-80 s for all configurations (parallel or series) tested.

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Studies on the thermal breakdown of common Li-ion battery electrolyte components

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Lamb, Joshua H.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Roth, E.P.; Langendorf, Jill L.

While much attention is paid to the impact of the active materials on the catastrophic failure of lithium ion batteries, much of the severity of a battery failure is also governed by the electrolytes used, which are typically flammable themselves and can decompose during battery failure. The use of LiPF6 salt can be problematic as well, not only catalyzing electrolyte decomposition, but also providing a mechanism for HF production. This work evaluates the safety performance of the common components ethylene carbonate (EC), diethyl carbonate (DEC), dimethyl carbonate (DMC), and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) in the context of the gasses produced during thermal decomposition, looking at both the quantity and composition of the vapor produced. EC and DEC were found to be the largest contributors to gas production, both producing upwards of 1.5 moles of gas/mole of electrolyte. DMC was found to be relatively stable, producing very little gas regardless of the presence of LiPF6. EMC was stable on its own, but the addition of LiPF6 catalyzed decomposition of the solvent. While gas analysis did not show evidence of significant quantities of any acutely toxic materials, the gasses themselves all contained enough flammable components to potentially ignite in air.

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Determination of battery stability with advanced diagnostics

Lamb, Joshua H.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Christophersen, Jon P.

The increasing demand of lithium ion batteries for vehicle electrification is changing the typical use conditions that batteries may see. Over time, batteries may develop defects that are difficult to detect with traditional measurements. It is also possible that batteries may be left in an unknown state after failure of the monitoring system, loss of communication, or a potentially damaging event (such as an auto accident). It is therefore useful to explore other monitoring and interrogation methods that can better determine the stability of a battery in an unknown state. This work explores the use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a method to determine the stability of batteries by observing changes in the complex impedance measurement as the cell is exposed to abusive conditions. Very dramatic changes to the internal resistance were observed when single cells were exposed to abusive conditions, suggesting that even single frequency impedance measurements could be effective with single cells. However tests on three cell series and parallel strings yielded smaller changes, primarily to the charge transfer resistance, showing that complex impedance measurements are more appropriate as the system increases in complexity. A rapid impedance tool developed at Idaho National Laboratory was tested and compared to traditional potentiostat tools as well. This was shown to yield similar data to the traditional tools, providing a potential method for continuous monitoring of a battery system. It was observed, however, that shifts in the data are difficult to detect in very transient systems.

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Potential use of battery packs from NCAP tested vehicles

Lamb, Joshua H.; Orendorff, Christopher O.

Several large electric vehicle batteries available to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are candidates for use in future safety testing programs. The batteries, from vehicles subjected to NCAP crashworthiness testing, are considered potentially damaged due to the nature of testing their associated vehicles have been subjected to. Criteria for safe shipping to Sandia is discussed, as well as condition the batteries must be in to perform testing work. Also discussed are potential tests that could be performed under a variety of conditions. The ultimate value of potential testing performed on these cells will rest on the level of access available to the battery pack, i.e. external access only, access to the on board monitoring system/CAN port or internal electrical access to the battery. Greater access to the battery than external visual and temperature monitoring would likely require input from the battery manufacturer.

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Results 126–150 of 153
Results 126–150 of 153