
Results 101–128 of 128
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Enhancing safety of hydrogen containment components through materials testing under in-service conditions

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Somerday, Brian P.; Campbell, J.A.; Lee, Kenneth L.; Ronevich, Joseph A.; San Marchi, Christopher W.

The capabilities in the Hydrogen Effects on Materials Laboratory (HEML) at Sandia National Laboratories and the related materials testing activities that support standards development and technology deployment are reviewed. The specialized systems in the HEML allow testing of structural materials under in-service conditions, such as hydrogen gas pressures up to 138 MPa, temperatures from ambient to 203 K, and cyclic mechanical loading. Examples of materials testing under hydrogen gas exposure featured in the HEML include stainless steels for fuel cell vehicle balance of plant components and Cr[sbnd]Mo steels for stationary seamless pressure vessels.

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Hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth of friction stir welded X52 steel pipe

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Somerday, B.P.; Feng, Z.

Friction stir welded steel pipelines were tested in high pressure hydrogen gas to examine the effects of hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth. Fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) vs. stress-intensity factor range (ΔK) relationships were measured for an X52 friction stir welded pipe tested in 21 MPa hydrogen gas at a frequency of 1 Hz and R = 0.5. Tests were performed on three regions: base metal (BM), center of friction stir weld (FSW), and 15 mm off-center of the weld. For all three material regions, tests in hydrogen exhibited accelerated fatigue crack growth rates that exceeded an order of magnitude compared to companion tests in air. Among tests in hydrogen, fatigue crack growth rates were modestly higher in the FSW than the BM and 15 mm off-center tests. Select regions of the fracture surfaces associated with specified ΔK levels were examined which revealed intergranular fracture in the BM and 15 mm off-center specimens but an absence of intergranular features in the FSW specimens. The X52 friction stir weld and base metal tested in hydrogen exhibited fatigue crack growth rate relationships that are comparable to those for conventional arc welded steel pipeline of similar strength found in the literature.

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Temperature effects on fracture thresholds of hydrogen precharged stainless steel welds

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Balch, Dorian K.; San Marchi, Christopher W.

Austenitic stainless steels are typically used in hydrogen environments due to their resistance to hydrogen embrittlement; however, the behavior of welds is not as well understood and can vary from wrought base materials due to chemical composition differences and the presence of ferrite in the fusion zone of the weld. Applications of welded austenitic stainless steels exposed to hydrogen are not limited to room temperature but also include sub-ambient environments, which can have an additional effect on the degradation. In this study, fracture thresholds were measured of three different austenitic stainless steel welds in the hydrogen-precharged condition. Forged 304L, 316L, and 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn stainless steels were gas tungsten arc welded with 308L filler metal and machined into 3-pt bend bars for fracture testing. Crack growth resistance (J-R) curves were measured of the three welds in the hydrogen-precharged condition at ambient (293 K) and sub-ambient (223 K) temperatures to determine the effects of temperature on fracture threshold. Fracture thresholds were determined using elastic-plastic fracture mechanics through development of J-R curves to determine the stress intensity factor following standard practice for determination of fracture toughness. Fracture threshold tests for the welds revealed significant susceptibility to subcritical cracking when tested in the hydrogen-precharged condition. The 21-6-9/308L and 304L/308L welds exhibited some variability in fracture thresholds that did not appear to trend with temperature, while the 316L/308L weld exhibited a reduction of over 50% in fracture threshold at the lower temperature compared to room temperature. In addition to fracture testing, mini-tensile specimens were extracted from the weld region and tested at 293 K and 223 K in the hydrogen-precharged condition. Hydrogen-precharging slightly increased the yield strength relative to the as-welded condition for all three welds at both temperatures. For all three welds, hydrogen reduced the total elongation by 3-11% at 293 K, whereas reductions in total elongation from 50-64% were observed at 223 K (relative to room temperature without hydrogen). The role of slip planarity on hydrogen-induced degradation of ductility and fracture resistance is discussed as a function of temperature, nickel content, and hydrogen. The fracture surfaces were examined to elucidate the observed differences and similarities in mechanical properties.

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Hydrogen effects on fatigue crack growth rates in pipeline steel welds

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Somerday, Brian P.

Fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) versus stress intensity factor range (AK) relationships were measured for various grades of pipeline steel along with their respective welds in high pressure hydrogen. Tests were conducted in both 21 MPa hydrogen gas and a reference environment (e.g. air) at room temperature. Girth welds fabricated by arc welding and friction stir welding processes were examined in X65 and X52 pipeline grades, respectively. Results showed accelerated fatigue crack growth rates for all tests in hydrogen as compared to tests in air. Modestly higher hydrogen-assisted crack growth rates were observed in the welds as compared to their respective base metals. The arc weld and friction stir weld exhibited similar fatigue crack growth behavior suggesting similar sensitivity to hydrogen. A detailed study of microstructure and fractography was performed to identify relationships between microstructure constituents and hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth.

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Effects of microstructure banding on hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth in X65 pipeline steels

International Journal of Fatigue

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Somerday, Brian P.; San Marchi, Christopher W.

Banded ferrite-pearlite X65 pipeline steel was tested in high pressure hydrogen gas to evaluate the effects of oriented pearlite on hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth. Test specimens were oriented in the steel pipe such that cracks propagated either parallel or perpendicular to the banded pearlite. The ferrite-pearlite microstructure exhibited orientation dependent behavior in which fatigue crack growth rates were significantly lower for cracks oriented perpendicular to the banded pearlite compared to cracks oriented parallel to the bands. The reduction of hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth across the banded pearlite is attributed to a combination of crack-tip branching and impeded hydrogen diffusion across the banded pearlite.

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Assessing gaseous hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth susceptibility of pipeline steel weld fusion zones and heat affected zones

Materials Performance and Characterization

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Somerday, Brian P.

The objective of this work was twofold: (1) measure reliable fatigue crack growth relationships for X65 steel and its girth weld in high-pressure hydrogen gas to enable structural integrity assessments of hydrogen pipelines, and (2) evaluate the hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth susceptibility of the weld fusion zone and heat-affected zone relative to the base metal. Fatigue crack growth relationships (da/dN versus ΔK) were measured for girth welded X65 pipeline steel in high pressure hydrogen gas (21 MPa) and in air. Hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth was observed for the base metal (BM), fusion zone (FZ), and heat-affected zone (HAZ), and was manifested through crack growth rates reaching nearly an order of magnitude acceleration over rates in air. At higher ΔK values, crack growth rates of BM, FZ, and HAZ were coincident; however, at lower ΔK, the fatigue crack growth relationships exhibited some divergence with the fusion zone having the highest crack growth rates. These relative fatigue crack growth rates in the BM, FZ, and HAZ were provisional, however, since both crack closure and residual stress contributed to the crack-tip driving force in specimens extracted from the HAZ. Despite the relatively high applied R-ratio (R = 0.5), crack closure was detected in the heat affected zone tests, in contrast to the absence of crack closure in the base metal tests. Crack closure corrections were performed using the adjusted compliance ratio method and the effect of residual stress on Kmax was determined by the crack-compliance method. Crack-tip driving forces that account for closure and residual stress effects were quantified as a weighted function of ΔK and Kmax (i.e., Knorm), and the resulting da/dN versus Knorm relationships showed that the HAZ exhibited higher hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth rates than the BM at lower Knorm values.

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SNL/SRNL Joint Project on degradation of mechanical properties in structural metals and welds for GTS reservoirs

Ronevich, Joseph A.; Ronevich, Joseph A.; Balch, Dorian K.; Balch, Dorian K.; San Marchi, Christopher W.; San Marchi, Christopher W.; West, Scott W.; West, Scott W.; Morgan, Mike J.; Morgan, Mike J.

This project was intended to enable SNL-CA to produce appropriate specimens of relevant stainless steels for testing and perform baseline testing of weld heat-affected zone and weld fusion zone. One of the key deliverables in this project was to establish a procedure for fracture testing stainless steel weld fusion zone and heat affected zones that were pre-charged with hydrogen. Following the establishment of the procedure, a round robin was planned between SNL-CA and SRNL to ensure testing consistency between laboratories. SNL-CA and SRNL would then develop a comprehensive test plan, which would include tritium exposures of several years at SRNL on samples delivered by SNL-CA. Testing would follow the procedures developed at SNL-CA. SRNL will also purchase tritium charging vessels to perform the tritium exposures. Although comprehensive understanding of isotope-induced fracture in GTS reservoir materials is a several year effort, the FY15 work would enabled us to jump-start the tests and initiate long-term tritium exposures to aid comprehensive future investigations. Development of a procedure and laboratory testing consistency between SNL-CA and SNRL ensures reliability in results as future evaluations are performed on aluminum alloys and potentially additively-manufactured components.

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Results 101–128 of 128
Results 101–128 of 128