
Results 1–25 of 63
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Modeling primary atomization of liquid fuels using a multiphase DNS/LES Approach

Arienti, Marco A.; Doisneau, Francois D.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

We report on the development of a model framework to simulate spray flames from direct injection of liquid fuel into an automotive cylinder engine. The approach to this challenging problem was twofold. On one hand, the interface-capturing multiphase computer code CLSVOF was used to resolve the rapidly evolving, topologically convoluted interfaces that separate the liquid fuel from the gas at injection: the main challenges to address were the treatment of the high-pressure flow inside the injector, which required the inclusion of compressibility effects; and the computational framework necessary to achieve a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) level of accuracy. On the other hand, the scales of turbulent fuel mixing and combustion in the cylinder engine were ad- dressed by the high-performance computer code RAPTOR within the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) framework. To couple the two computational methods, a novel methodology was developed to de- scribe the dense spray dynamics in Raptor from the assigned spray size distribution and dispersion angle derived from CLSVOF. This new, independent Eulerian Multi-Fluid (EMF) spray module was developed based on the kinetic description of a system of droplets as a pressure-less gas; as we will show, it was demonstrated to efficiently render the near-nozzle coupling in mass, momentum, and energy with the carrier gas phase.

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Global sensitivity analysis and estimation of model error, toward uncertainty quantification in scramjet computations

AIAA Journal

Huan, Xun H.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Eldred, Michael S.; Vane, Zachary P.; Lacaze, Guilhem M.; Oefelein, Joseph C.; Najm, H.N.

The development of scramjet engines is an important research area for advancing hypersonic and orbital flights. Progress toward optimal engine designs requires accurate flow simulations together with uncertainty quantification. However, performing uncertainty quantification for scramjet simulations is challenging due to the large number of uncertainparameters involvedandthe high computational costofflow simulations. These difficulties are addressedin this paper by developing practical uncertainty quantification algorithms and computational methods, and deploying themin the current studyto large-eddy simulations ofajet incrossflow inside a simplified HIFiRE Direct Connect Rig scramjet combustor. First, global sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify influential uncertain input parameters, which can help reduce the system's stochastic dimension. Second, because models of different fidelity are used in the overall uncertainty quantification assessment, a framework for quantifying and propagating the uncertainty due to model error is presented. These methods are demonstrated on a nonreacting jet-in-crossflow test problem in a simplified scramjet geometry, with parameter space up to 24 dimensions, using static and dynamic treatments of the turbulence subgrid model, and with two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries.

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Large eddy simulation of the HiFiRe direct connect rig scramjet combustor

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Lacaze, Guilhem M.; Vane, Zachary P.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

This paper presents recent results from a set of large eddy simulations (LES) related to the Hypersonic International Flight Research Experiment (HIFiRE). The focus of these calculations is on the ground based experiments performed in the HIFiRE Direct Connect Rig (HDCR). Through matching the geometry and conditions of the HDCR experiments, the goals of this work are to 1) investigate the turbulence and mixing characteristics of the high Reynolds flow with multi-species fuel injection, and 2) assess the resultant combustion regimes and finite-rate chemistry effects.

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On Multi-Fluid models for spray-resolved les of reacting jets

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Doisneau, Francois D.; Arienti, Marco A.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

Numerical simulation of sprays can potentially be used for assessing the performance and variability of engines. But today's simulations only provide average quantities, after calibration. Spray injection can be thought of as a multiscale problem with 4 levels (chamber, mixing layer, drop scale, and nozzle). Because of their complex interactions, increasing predictivity requires simulations to capture more of these scales. To assess the trade-offs in this regard, we perform a review of recent Diesel spray simulations. After highlighting the importance of the mixing layer in driving spray dynamics, we analyze various two-phase flow formalisms and show the potential benefits of a Eulerian spray formulation combined with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to capture a variable-density mixing layer (VDML). We then present a framework and numerical methods to make this description operative and show how it performs on a realistic autoignition case called Spray A.

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Modeling primary atomization of liquid fuels using a multiphase DNS/LES Approach

Arienti, Marco A.; Doisneau, Francois D.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

We report on the development of a model framework to simulate spray flames from direct injection of liquid fuel into an automotive cylinder engine. The approach to this challenging problem was twofold. On one hand, the interface-capturing multiphase computer code CLSVOF was used to resolve the rapidly evolving, topologically convoluted interfaces that separate the liquid fuel from the gas at injection: the main challenges to address were the treatment of the high-pressure flow inside the injector, which required the inclusion of compressibility effects; and the computational framework necessary to achieve a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) level of accuracy. On the other hand, the scales of turbulent fuel mixing and combustion in the cylinder engine were ad- dressed by the high-performance computer code RAPTOR within the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) framework. To couple the two computational methods, a novel methodology was developed to de- scribe the dense spray dynamics in Raptor from the assigned spray size distribution and dispersion angle derived from CLSVOF. This new, independent Eulerian Multi-Fluid (EMF) spray module was developed based on the kinetic description of a system of droplets as a pressure-less gas; as we will show, it was demonstrated to efficiently render the near-nozzle coupling in mass, momentum, and energy with the carrier gas phase.

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Uncertainty Quantification in LES Computations of Turbulent Multiphase Combustion in a Scramjet Engine ? ScramjetUQ ?

Najm, H.N.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Huan, Xun H.; Oefelein, Joseph C.; Lacaze, Guilhem M.; Vane, Zachary P.; Eldred, Michael S.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Knio, Omar K.; Sraj, I.S.; Scovazzi, G.S.; Colomes, O.C.; Marzouk, Y.M.; Zahm, O.Z.; Menhorn, F.M.; Ghanem, R.G.; Tsilifis, P.T.

Abstract not provided.

Uncertainty Quantification in LES Computations of Turbulent Multiphase Combustion in a Scramjet Engine

Najm, H.N.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Huan, Xun H.; Oefelein, Joseph C.; Lacaze, Guilhem M.; Vane, Zachary P.; Eldred, Michael S.; Geraci, G.G.; Knio, O.K.; Sraj, I.S.; Scovazzi, G.S.; Colomes, O.C.; Marzouk, Y.M.; Zahm, O.Z.; Augustin, F.A.; Menhorn, F.M.; Ghanem, R.G.; Tsilifis, P.T.

Abstract not provided.

Liquid jet breakup regimes at supercritical pressures

Combustion and Flame

Dahms, Rainer N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

Previously, a theory has been presented that explains how discrete vapor–liquid interfaces become diminished at certain high-pressure conditions in a manner that leads to well known qualitative trends observed from imaging in a variety of experiments. Rather than surface tension forces, transport processes can dominate over relevant ranges of conditions. In this paper, this framework is now generalized to treat a wide range of fuel-oxidizer combinations in a manner consistent with theories of capillary flows and extended corresponding states theory. Different flow conditions and species-specific molecular properties are shown to produce distinct variations of interfacial structures and local free molecular paths. These variations are shown to occur over the operating ranges in a variety of propulsion and power systems. Despite these variations, the generalized analysis reveals that the envelope of flow conditions at which the transition from classical sprays to diffusion-dominated mixing occurs exhibits a characteristic shape for all liquid–gas combinations. For alkane-oxidizer mixtures, it explains that these conditions shift to higher pressure flow conditions with increasing carbon number and demonstrates that, instead of widely assumed classical spray atomization, diffusion-dominated mixing may occur under relevant high-pressure conditions in many modern devices.

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Results 1–25 of 63
Results 1–25 of 63