
Results 201–225 of 242
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Alloy depletion and martensite formation during glass-to-metal joining of austenitic stainless steels

Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition, MS and T'07 - "Exploring Structure, Processing, and Applications Across Multiple Materials Systems"

Susan, D.F.; Perricone, M.J.; Robino, C.V.; Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

Pre-oxidized and glass-to-metal (GtM) sealed austenitic stainless steels were found to display a ferritic layer near the metal/oxide interface, as determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) showed that this layer was depleted in alloying elements due to the oxidation and sealing process. Characterization of the morphology suggested that it formed through the martensite transformation mechanism. Moreover, this observed layer was correlated to the composition gradient through published empirical relationships for martensite-start (Ms) temperatures. Due to Cr, Mn, and Si depletion during pre-oxidation and glass sealing, Ms temperatures near room temperature are possible in this surface region. Further support for a martensitic transformation was provided by thermochemical modeling. Possible detrimental ramifications of bulk composition, surface depletion, and phase transformations on GtM sealing are discussed. Copyright © 2007 MS&T'07®.

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High temperature oxidation of 304L stainless steel and its effects on glass-to-metal joining

Proceedings of the 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference

Susan, D.F.; Van Den Avyle, James A.; Monroe, Saundra L.; Sorensen, Neil R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Michael, Joseph R.; Christensen, J.E.; Walker, Charles A.

An oxidation treatment, often termed "pre-oxidation", is performed on austenitic stainless steel prior to glass/metal joining to produce hermetic seals. The resulting thin oxide acts as a transitional layer and a source of Cr and other elements which diffuse into the glass during the subsequent bonding process. Pre-oxidation is performed in a low pO 2 atmosphere to avoid iron oxide formation and the final oxide is composed of Cr 2O 3, MnCr 2O 4 spinel, and SiO 2. Significant heat-to-heat variations in the oxidation behavior of 304L stainless steel have been observed, which result in inconsistent glass/metal seal behavior. The objectives of this work were to characterize the oxidation kinetics, the oxide morphology and composition, and the stainless steel attributes that lead to robust glass/metal seals. The oxidation kinetics were determined by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and the oxide layers were characterized using metallography, SEM, focused ion beam (FIB) analysis, and image analysis. The results show that poor sealing behavior is associated with slower oxidation kinetics and a more continuous layer of SiO 2 at the metal/oxide interface. In addition, the effects of 304L heat composition on oxidation behavior will be discussed. Copyright © 2006 ASM International®.

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Modeling of friction-induced deformation and microstructures

Michael, Joseph R.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Moody, Neville R.; Jungk, John M.

Frictional contact results in surface and subsurface damage that could influence the performance, aging, and reliability of moving mechanical assemblies. Changes in surface roughness, hardness, grain size and texture often occur during the initial run-in period, resulting in the evolution of subsurface layers with characteristic microstructural features that are different from those of the bulk. The objective of this LDRD funded research was to model friction-induced microstructures. In order to accomplish this objective, novel experimental techniques were developed to make friction measurements on single crystal surfaces along specific crystallographic surfaces. Focused ion beam techniques were used to prepare cross-sections of wear scars, and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and TEM to understand the deformation, orientation changes, and recrystallization that are associated with sliding wear. The extent of subsurface deformation and the coefficient of friction were strongly dependent on the crystal orientation. These experimental observations and insights were used to develop and validate phenomenological models. A phenomenological model was developed to elucidate the relationships between deformation, microstructure formation, and friction during wear. The contact mechanics problem was described by well-known mathematical solutions for the stresses during sliding friction. Crystal plasticity theory was used to describe the evolution of dislocation content in the worn material, which in turn provided an estimate of the characteristic microstructural feature size as a function of the imposed strain. An analysis of grain boundary sliding in ultra-fine-grained material provided a mechanism for lubrication, and model predictions of the contribution of grain boundary sliding (relative to plastic deformation) to lubrication were in good qualitative agreement with experimental evidence. A nanomechanics-based approach has been developed for characterizing the mechanical response of wear surfaces. Coatings are often required to mitigate friction and wear. Amongst other factors, plastic deformation of the substrate determines the coating-substrate interface reliability. Finite element modeling has been applied to predict the plastic deformation for the specific case of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated Ni alloy substrates.

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The effects of 304L stainless steel pre-oxidation on bonding to alkali barium silicate glass

Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings

Susan, D.F.; Van Den Avyle, James A.; Monroe, Saundra L.; Sorensen, Neil R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Michael, Joseph R.; Christensen, J.E.; Walker, Charles A.

An oxidation treatment, often termed "pre-oxidation", is performed on austenitic stainless steel prior to joining to alkali barium silicate glass to produce hermetic seals. The resulting thin oxide acts as a transitional layer and a source of Cr and other elements which diffuse into the glass during the subsequent bonding process. Pre-oxidation is performed in a low pO2 atmosphere to avoid iron oxide formation and the final oxide is composed of Cr2O3, MnCr2O4 spinel, and SiO2. Significant heat-to-heat variations in the oxidation behavior of 304L stainless steel have been observed, which result in inconsistent glass-to-metal (GTM) seal behavior. The objectives of this work were to characterize the stainless steel pre-oxidized layer and the glass/oxide/304L interface region after glass sealing. The 304L oxidation kinetics were determined by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and the glass/metal seals characteristics were studied using sessile drop tests, in which wetting angles were measured and glass adhesion was analyzed. The pre-oxidized layers and glass/metal interface regions were characterized using metallography, focused ion beam (FIB) sectioning, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). The results show that poor glass sealing behavior is associated with a more continuous layer of SiO 2 at the metal/oxide interface.

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The effects of processing parameters on the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of inertia friction welded 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn

ASM Proceedings of the International Conference: Trends in Welding Research

Puskar, J.D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Somerday, Brian P.; Balch, Dorian K.; Brooks, J.A.; Cadden, C.H.

Tubular specimens of the nitrogen-strengthened alloy 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn were instrumented with thermocouples and inertia welded using a wide range of axial forces and kinetic energies. It was determined that a linear relationship exists between upset and kinetic energy for a given axial force. Furthermore, the peak temperatures are inversely related to the applied axial force. Microstructural characterization was performed using optical and electron microscopy techniques. Ferrite was observed locally at the weld interface, and it was determined that the width of the ferrite zone could vary widely depending on the process parameters. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis revealed that the ferrite and austenite at the weld interface exhibit the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship, and suggests that a very large amount of ferrite is present during the welding process that subsequently transforms to austenite during cooling. The fracture toughness of inertia welds thermally charged in gaseous hydrogen was also measured. It was found that the hydrogen-assisted fracture susceptibility of the inertia welds was greater than that of the base metal, but less than that of 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn gas tungsten arc welds. Copyright © 2006 ASM International®.

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Electrodeposition of nickel from low temperature sulfamate electrolytes.Part 1 :Electrochemistry and film stress

Talin, A.A.; Michael, Joseph R.; Hachman, John T.; Watson, Roger M.

The film stress of Ni films deposited at near-ambient temperatures from sulfamate electrolytes was studied. The particulate filtering of the electrolyte, a routine industrial practice, becomes an important deposition parameter at lower bath temperatures. At 28 C, elevated tensile film stress develops at low current densities (<10 mA/cm{sup 2}) if the electrolyte is filtered. Filtering at higher current densities has a negligible effect on film stress. A similar though less pronounced trend is observed at 32 C. Sulfate-based Ni plating baths display similar film stress sensitivity to filtering, suggesting that this is a general effect for Ni electrodeposition. It is shown that filtering does not significantly change the current efficiency or the pH near the surface during deposition. The observed changes in film stress are thus attributed not to adsorbed hydrogen but instead to the effects of filtering on the formation and concentration of polyborate species due to the decreased solubility of boric acid at near-ambient temperatures.

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Multivariate statistical approaches for electron backscattered diffraction

Kotula, Paul G.; Michael, Joseph R.

Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) is a widely used technique for both identifying the crystallographic phase and for mapping the orientation of crystalline materials on the micron length scale. Often the operating conditions necessary for phase identification are not suitable for orientation mapping and vice versa. In an effort to optimize the speed involved in the mapping technique, pattern quality is sacrificed and the wealth of information present in an EBSD pattern is compressed to basically 4 values: a matched phase and three Euler angles. However, ab initio identification of phases from EBSD patterns requires high quality patterns and fairly intense computation. Spectrum imaging is an analytical approach that may offer some solutions to the aforementioned problems. Spectrum imaging consists of collecting a whole spectrum at each pixel in a mapping style measurement. This large set of data is then analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) techniques such as principle components analysis, multivariate curve resolution, or other least squares based techniques. The result of these calculations is a set of component spectral shapes with corresponding abundances that allow the analyst to extract the greatest amount of physically relevant information from an otherwise enormous data set. Spectrum imaging has been used successfully in EDX microanalysis (both in the SEM and TEM), TOF-SIMS, WDS, and EELS. To examine the potential benefits of the spectrum imaging approach for EBSD data, a series of basic experiments and calculations were run. Test data sets (20 x 20 patterns in .jpeg format) on polycrystalline Al and on the directionally solidified eutectic oxide, CoO/ZrO{sub 2}(CaO), were collected using the HKL Channel 5 system with a Nordlys detector under normal mapping conditions. The data was collected on a FEI dual beam FIB (model DB235) and a Zeiss (Supra 55 VP) SEM at 20keV for Al and CoO/ZrO{sub 2}(CaO), respectively. The data sets were analyzed according to the schematic shown in Figure 1. Each EBSD pattern was hough transformed, unzipped into a 1-D vector of channels with intensities ranging from 0-255, and then added to an overall data matrix. A range of treatments (edge/no edge detection, spatial simplicity/spectral simplicity, etc.) were examined to determine the optimal way of treating the data. The multivariate analyses were performed using the AXSIA code developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The MSA techniques were able to correctly identify individual grains in the Al sample and individual phases in the CoO/ZrO{sub 2}(CaO) sample. For each component EBSD pattern identified from the Al data, a corresponding color map of abundance can be seen which clearly corresponds to a single grain (Figure 2). The success in the CoO/ZrO{sub 2}(CaO) sample is particularly notable due to both phases sharing the Fm-3m space group which would confuse most autoindexing routines. The range of analytical treatments identified two extremes in results: a minimal number of components (patterns) with only kikuchi line positions present or a larger number of components with full intensity information present. The further application of these results to phase mapping will be discussed.

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Structural variants in attempted hetero-epitaxial growth of B12As2 on 6H-SiC (0001)

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Materials Research.

Michael, Joseph R.; Aselage, Terrence L.; Kotula, Paul G.

Boron sub-arsenide, B{sub 12}As{sub 2}, is based on twelve-atom clusters of boron atoms and two-atom As-As chains. By contrast, SiC is a tetrahedrally bonded covalent semiconductor. Despite these fundamental differences, the basal plane hexagonal lattice constant of boron sub-arsenide is twice that of SiC. This coincidence suggests the possibility of heteroepitaxial growth of boron sub-arsenide films on properly aligned SiC. However, there are a variety of incommensurate alignments by which heteroepitaxial growth of B{sub 12}As{sub 2} on (0001) 6H-SiC can occur. In this study, we first used geometrical crystallographic considerations to describe the possible arrangements of B{sub 12}As{sub 2} on (0001) 6H-SiC. We identified four translational and two rotational variants. We then analyzed electron backscattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy images for evidence of distinct domains of such structural variants. Micron-scale regions with each of the two possible rotational alignments of B{sub 12}As{sub 2} icosahedra with the SiC surface were seen. On a finer length scale (100-300 nm) within these regions, boron-rich boundaries were found, consistent with those between pairs of the four equivalent translational variants associated with a two-to-one lattice match. Boron-carbide reaction layers were also observed at interfaces between SiC and B{sub 12}As{sub 2}.

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Results 201–225 of 242
Results 201–225 of 242