
Results 201–230 of 230
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Initial inclusion of thermodynamic considerations in Kayenta

Strack, Otto E.; Bishop, Joseph E.

A persistent challenge in simulating damage of natural geological materials, as well as rock-like engineered materials, is the development of efficient and accurate constitutive models. The common feature for these brittle and quasi-brittle materials are the presence of flaws such as porosity and network of microcracks. The desired models need to be able to predict the material responses over a wide range of porosities and strain rate. Kayenta (formerly called the Sandia GeoModel) is a unified general-purpose constitutive model that strikes a balance between first-principles micromechanics and phenomenological or semi-empirical modeling strategies. However, despite its sophistication and ability to reduce to several classical plasticity theories, Kayenta is incapable of modeling deformation of ductile materials in which deformation is dominated by dislocation generation and movement which can lead to significant heating. This stems from Kayenta's roots as a geological model, where heating due to inelastic deformation is often neglected or presumed to be incorporated implicitly through the elastic moduli. The sophistication of Kayenta and its large set of extensive features, however, make Kayenta an attractive candidate model to which thermal effects can be added. This report outlines the initial work in doing just that, extending the capabilities of Kayenta to include deformation of ductile materials, for which thermal effects cannot be neglected. Thermal effects are included based on an assumption of adiabatic loading by computing the bulk and thermal responses of the material with the Kerley Mie-Grueneisen equation of state and adjusting the yield surface according to the updated thermal state. This new version of Kayenta, referred to as Thermo-Kayenta throughout this report, is capable of reducing to classical Johnson-Cook plasticity in special case single element simulations and has been used to obtain reasonable results in more complicated Taylor impact simulations in LS-Dyna. Despite these successes, however, Thermo-Kayenta requires additional refinement for it to be consistent in the thermodynamic sense and for it to be considered superior to other, more mature thermoplastic models. The initial thermal development, results, and required refinements are all detailed in the following report.

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Simulating the pervasive fracture and fragmentation of materials and structures using randomly close-packed Voronoi tessellations

Bishop, Joseph E.

Under extreme loading conditions most often the extent of material and structural fracture is pervasive in the sense that a multitude of cracks are nucleating, propagating in arbitrary directions, coalescing, and branching. Pervasive fracture is a highly nonlinear process involving complex material constitutive behavior, material softening, localization, surface generation, and ubiquitous contact. Two primary applications in which pervasive fracture is encountered are (1) weapons effects on structures and (2) geomechanics of highly jointed and faulted reservoirs. A pure Lagrangian computational method based on randomly close-packed Voronoi tessellations is proposed as a rational approach for simulating the pervasive fracture of materials and structures. Each Voronoi cell is formulated as a finite element using the reproducing kernel method. Fracture surfaces are allowed to nucleate only at the intercell faces. The randomly seeded Voronoi cells provide an unbiased network for representing cracks. In this initial study two approaches for allowing the new surfaces to initiate are studied: (1) dynamic mesh connectivity and the instantaneous insertion of a cohesive traction when localization is detected, and (2) a discontinuous Galerkin approach in which the interelement tractions are an integral part of the variational formulation, but only become active once localization is detected. Pervasive fracture problems are extremely sensitive to initial conditions and system parameters. Dynamic problems exhibit a form of transient chaos. The primary numerical challenge for this class of problems is the demonstration of model objectivity and, in particular, the identification and demonstration of a measure of convergence for engineering quantities of interest.

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Two-way coupling of Presto v2.8 and CTH v8.1

Edwards, Harold C.; Crawford, D.A.; Bishop, Joseph E.

A loose two-way coupling of SNL's Presto v2.8 and CTH v8.1 analysis code has been developed to support the analysis of explosive loading of structures. Presto is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional explicit, transient dynamics code in the SIERRA mechanics suite for the analysis of structures subjected to impact-like loads. CTH is a hydro code for modeling complex multi-dimensional, multi-material problems that are characterized by large deformations and/or strong shocks. A fundamental assumption in this loose coupling is that the compliance of the structure modeled with Presto is significantly smaller than the compliance of the surrounding medium (e.g. air) modeled with CTH. A current limitation of the coupled code is that the interaction between CTH and thin structures modeled in Presto (e.g. shells) is not supported. Research is in progress to relax this thin-structure limitation.

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Semi-infinite target penetration by ogive-nose penetrators: ALEGRA/SHISM code predictions for ideal and non-ideal impacts

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Bishop, Joseph E.; Voth, Thomas E.; Brown, Kevin H.

The physics of ballistic penetration mechanics is of great interest in penetrator and counter-measure design. The phenomenology associated with these events can be quite complex and a significant number of studies have been conducted ranging from purely experimental to 'engineering' models based on empirical and/or analytical descriptions to fully-coupled penetrator/target, thermo-mechanical numerical simulations. Until recently, however, there appears to be a paucity of numerical studies considering 'non-ideal' impacts [1]. The goal of this work is to demonstrate the SHISM algorithm implemented in the ALEGRA Multi-Material ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) code [13]. The SHISM algorithm models the three-dimensional continuum solid mechanics response of the target and penetrator in a fully coupled manner. This capability allows for the study of 'non-ideal' impacts (e.g. pitch, yaw and/or obliquity of the target/penetrator pair). In this work predictions using the SHISM algorithm are compared to previously published experimental results for selected ideal and non-ideal impacts of metal penetrator-target pairs. These results show good agreement between predicted and measured maximum depth-of-penetration, DOP, for ogive-nose penetrators with striking velocities in the 0.5 to 1.5 km/s range. Ideal impact simulations demonstrate convergence in predicted DOP for the velocity range considered. A theory is advanced to explain disagreement between predicted and measured DOP at higher striking velocities. This theory postulates uncertainties in angle-of-attack for the observed discrepancies. It is noted that material models and associated parameters used here, were unmodified from those in the literature. Hence, no tuning of models was performed to match experimental data. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.

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Coupled Mesh Lagrangian/ALE modeling: opportunities and challenges

Bishop, Joseph E.; Hensinger, David M.; Voth, Thomas E.; Wong, Michael K.; Robinson, Allen C.

The success of Lagrangian contact modeling leads one to believe that important aspects of this capability may be used for multi-material modeling when only a portion of the simulation can be represented in a Lagrangian frame. We review current experience with two dual mesh technologies where one of these meshes is a Lagrangian mesh and the other is an Arbitrary Lagrangian/Eulerian (ALE) mesh. These methods are cast in the framework of an operator-split ALE algorithm where a Lagrangian step is followed by a remesh/remap step. An interface-coupled methodology is considered first. This technique is applicable to problems involving contact between materials of dissimilar compliance. The technique models the more compliant (soft) material as ALE while the less compliant (hard) material and associated interface are modeled in a Lagrangian fashion. Loads are transferred between the hard and soft materials via explicit transient dynamics contact algorithms. The use of these contact algorithms remove the requirement of node-tonode matching at the soft-hard interface. In the context of the operator-split ALE algorithm, a single Lagrangian step is performed using a mesh to mesh contact algorithm. At the end of the Lagrangian step the meshes will be slightly offset at the interface but non-interpenetrating. The ALE mesh nodes at the interface are then remeshed to their initial location relative to the Lagrangian body faces and the ALE mesh is smoothed, translated and rotated to follow Lagrangian body. Robust remeshing in the ALE region is required for success of this algorithm, and we describe current work in this area. The second method is an overlapping grid methodology that requires mapping of information between a Lagrangian mesh and an ALE mesh. The Lagrangian mesh describes a relatively hard body that interacts with softer material contained in the ALE mesh. A predicted solution for the velocity field is performed independently on both meshes. Element-centered velocity and momentum are transferred between the meshes using the volume transfer capability implemented in contact algorithms. Data from the ALE mesh is mapped to a phantom mesh that surrounds the Lagrangian mesh, providing for the reaction to the predicted motion of the Lagrangian material. Data from the Lagrangian mesh is mapped directly to the ALE mesh. A momentum balance is performed on both meshes to adjust the velocity field to account for the interaction of the material from the other mesh. Subsequent, remeshing and remapping of the ALE mesh is performed to allow large deformation of the softer material. We overview current progress using this approach and discuss avenues for future research and development.

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Results 201–230 of 230
Results 201–230 of 230