Additive manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr (Ti-5553) is being considered as an AM repair material for engineering applications because of its superior strength properties compared to other titanium alloys. Here, we describe the failure mechanisms observed through computed tomography, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spall damage as a result of tensile failure in as-built and annealed Ti-5553. We also investigate the phase stability in native powder, as-built and annealed Ti-5553 through diamond anvil cell (DAC) and ramp compression experiments. We then explore the effect of tensile loading on a sample containing an interface between a Ti-6Al-V4 (Ti-64) baseplate and additively manufactured Ti-5553 layer. Post-mortem materials characterization showed spallation occurred in regions of initial porosity and the interface provides a nucleation site for spall damage below the spall strength of Ti-5553. Preliminary peridynamics modeling of the dynamic experiments is described. Finally, we discuss further development of Stochastic Parallel PARticle Kinteic Simulator (SPPARKS) Monte Carlo (MC) capabilities to include the integration of alpha (α)-phase and microstructural simulations for this multiphase titanium alloy.
Thermal spray processes involve the repeated impact of millions of discrete particles, whose melting, deformation, and coating-formation dynamics occur at microsecond timescales. The accumulated coating that evolves over minutes is comprised of complex, multiphase microstructures, and the timescale difference between the individual particle solidification and the overall coating formation represents a significant challenge for analysts attempting to simulate microstructure evolution. In order to overcome the computational burden, researchers have created rule-based models (similar to cellular automata methods) that do not directly simulate the physics of the process. Instead, the simulation is governed by a set of predefined rules, which do not capture the fine-details of the evolution, but do provide a useful approximation for the simulation of coating microstructures. Here, we introduce a new rules-based process model for microstructure formation during thermal spray processes. The model is 3D, allows for an arbitrary number of material types, and includes multiple porosity-generation mechanisms. Example results of the model for tantalum coatings are presented along with sensitivity analyses of model parameters and validation against 3D experimental data. The model's computational efficiency allows for investigations into the stochastic variation of coating microstructures, in addition to the typical process-to-structure relationships.
Grain-scale microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing is a complex physical process. As with traditional solidification methods of material processing (e.g. casting and welding), microstructural properties are highly dependent on the solidification conditions involved. Additive manufacturing processes however, incorporate additional complexity such as remelting, and solid-state evolution caused by subsequent heat source passes and by holding the entire build at moderately high temperatures during a build. We present a three-dimensional model that simulates both solidification and solid-state evolution phenomena using stochastic Monte Carlo and Potts Monte Carlo methods. The model also incorporates a finite-difference based thermal conduction solver to create a fully integrated microstructural prediction tool. The three modeling methods and their coupling are described and demonstrated for a model study of laser powder-bed fusion of 300-series stainless steel. The investigation demonstrates a novel correlation between the mean number of remelting cycles experienced during a build, and the resulting columnar grain sizes.
Determining a process–structure–property relationship is the holy grail of materials science, where both computational prediction in the forward direction and materials design in the inverse direction are essential. Problems in materials design are often considered in the context of process–property linkage by bypassing the materials structure, or in the context of structure–property linkage as in microstructure-sensitive design problems. However, there is a lack of research effort in studying materials design problems in the context of process–structure linkage, which has a great implication in reverse engineering. In this work, given a target microstructure, we propose an active learning high-throughput microstructure calibration framework to derive a set of processing parameters, which can produce an optimal microstructure that is statistically equivalent to the target microstructure. The proposed framework is formulated as a noisy multi-objective optimization problem, where each objective function measures a deterministic or statistical difference of the same microstructure descriptor between a candidate microstructure and a target microstructure. Furthermore, to significantly reduce the physical waiting wall-time, we enable the high-throughput feature of the microstructure calibration framework by adopting an asynchronously parallel Bayesian optimization by exploiting high-performance computing resources. Case studies in additive manufacturing and grain growth are used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework, where kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulation is used as a forward predictive model, such that for a given target microstructure, the target processing parameters that produced this microstructure are successfully recovered.
Generally, scientific simulations load the entire simulation domain into memory because most, if not all, of the data changes with each time step. This has driven application structures that have, in turn, affected the design of popular IO libraries, such as HDF-5, ADIOS, and NetCDF. This assumption makes sense for many cases, but there is also a significant collection of simulations where this approach results in vast swaths of unchanged data written each time step.This paper explores a new IO approach that is capable of stitching together a coherent global view of the total simulation space at any given time. This benefit is achieved with no performance penalty compared to running with the full data set in memory, at a radically smaller process requirement, and results in radical data reduction with no fidelity loss. Additionally, the structures employed enable online simulation monitoring.
Porosity in additively manufactured metals can reduce material strength and is generally undesirable. Although studies have shown relationships between process parameters and porosity, monitoring strategies for defect detection and pore formation are still needed. In this paper, instantaneous anomalous conditions are detected in-situ via pyrometry during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing and correlated with voids observed using post-build micro-computed tomography. Large two-color pyrometry data sets were used to estimate instantaneous temperatures, melt pool orientations and aspect ratios. Machine learning algorithms were then applied to processed pyrometry data to detect outlier images and conditions. It is shown that melt pool outliers are good predictors of voids observed post-build. With this approach, real time process monitoring can be incorporated into systems to detect defect and void formation. Alternatively, using the methodology presented here, pyrometry data can be post processed for porosity assessment.
This report outlines the fiscal year (FY) 2019 status of an ongoing multi-year effort to develop a general, microstructurally-aware, continuum-level model for representing the dynamic response of material with complex microstructures. This work has focused on accurately representing the response of both conventionally wrought processed and additively manufactured (AM) 304L stainless steel (SS) as a test case. Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is an emerging technology capable of enabling shortened design and certification cycles for stockpile components through rapid prototyping. However, there is not an understanding of how the complex and unique microstructures of AM materials affect their mechanical response at high strain rates. To achieve our project goal, an upscaling technique was developed to bridge the gap between the microstructural and continuum scales to represent AM microstructures on a Finite Element (FE) mesh. This process involves the simulations of the additive process using the Sandia developed kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) code SPPARKS. These SPPARKS microstructures are characterized using clustering algorithms from machine learning and used to populate the quadrature points of a FE mesh. Additionally, a spall kinetic model (SKM) was developed to more accurately represent the dynamic failure of AM materials. Validation experiments were performed using both pulsed power machines and projectile launchers. These experiments have provided equation of state (EOS) and flow strength measurements of both wrought and AM 304L SS to above Mbar pressures. In some experiments, multi-point interferometry was used to quantify the variation is observed material response of the AM 304L SS. Analysis of these experiments is ongoing, but preliminary comparisons of our upscaling technique and SKM to experimental data were performed as a validation exercise. Moving forward, this project will advance and further validate our computational framework, using advanced theory and additional high-fidelity experiments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors greatly appreciate the support of Mike Saavedra in machining the experimental samples. The authors would also like to thank the Dynamic Integrated Compression facility (DICE) staff for executing the Thor experiments: Brian Stoltzfus, Randy Hickman, Keith Hodge, Joshua Usher, Lena Pacheco, and Eric Breden. The authors would also like to thank the staff at the Shock Thermodynamics Applied Research (STAR) facility for executing the plate impact experiments: Scott Alexander, Bill Reinhart, Bernardo Farfan, Rocky Palomino, John Martinez, and Rafael Sanchez. Lastly, the authors would like to acknowledge the development support of Jason Sanchez in ALEGRA to incorporate our upscaling method and Michael Powell for helping with post processing scripts for results analysis.
Additive manufacturing (AM) of metal parts can save time, energy, and produce parts that cannot otherwise be made with traditional machining methods. Near final part geometry is the goal for AM, but material microstructures are inherently different from those of wrought materials as they arise from a complex temperature history associated with the additive process. It is well known that strength and other properties of interest in engineering design follow from microstructure and temperature history. Because of complex microstructure morphologies and spatial heterogeneities, properties are heterogeneous and reflect underlying microstructure. This report describes a method for distributing properties across a finite element mesh so that effects of complex heterogeneous microstructures arising from additive manufacturing can be systematically incorporated into engineering scale calculations without the need for conducting a nearly impossible and time consuming effort of meshing material details. Furthermore, the method reflects the inherent variability in AM materials by making use of kinetic Monte Carlo calculations to model the AM process associated with a build.
The ability to simulate wireless networks at large-scale for meaningful amount of time is considerably lacking in today's network simulators. For this reason, many published work in this area often limit their simulation studies to less than a 1,000 nodes and either over-simplify channel characteristics or perform studies over time scales much less than a day. In this report, we show that one can overcome these limitations and study problems of high practical consequence. This work presents two key contributions to high fidelity simulation of large-scale wireless networks: (a) wireless simulations can be sped up by more than 100X in runtime using ideas from spatial indexing algorithms and clipping of negligible signals and (b) clustering and task-oriented programming paradigm can be used to reduce inter- process communication in a parallel discrete event simulation resulting in a better scaling efficiency.
Welding is one of the most wide-spread processes used in metal joining. However, there are currently no open-source software implementations for the simulation of microstructural evolution during a weld pass. Here we describe a Potts Monte Carlo based model implemented in the SPPARKS kinetic Monte Carlo computational framework. The model simulates melting, solidification and solid-state microstructural evolution of material in the fusion and heat-affected zones of a weld. The model does not simulate thermal behavior, but rather utilizes user input parameters to specify weld pool and heat-affect zone properties. Weld pool shapes are specified by Bézier curves, which allow for the specification of a wide range of pool shapes. Pool shapes can range from narrow and deep to wide and shallow representing different fluid flow conditions within the pool. Surrounding temperature gradients are calculated with the aide of a closest point projection algorithm. The model also allows simulation of pulsed power welding through time-dependent variation of the weld pool size. Example simulation results and comparisons with laboratory weld observations demonstrate microstructural variation with weld speed, pool shape, and pulsed-power.
In this report, we present a thermodynamic-based model of hydride precipitation in Zr-based claddings. The model considers the state of the cladding immediately following drying, after removal from cooling-pools, and presents the evolution of precipitate formation upon cooling as follows: The pilgering process used to form Zr-based cladding imparts strong crystallographic and grain shape texture, with the basal plane of the hexagonal α-Zr grains being strongly aligned in the rolling-direction and the grains are elongated with grain size being approximately twice as long parallel to the rolling direction, which is also the long axis of the tubular cladding, as it is in the orthogonal directions.
Peridynamics, a nonlocal extension of continuum mechanics, is unique in its ability to capture pervasive material failure. Its use in the majority of system-level analyses carried out at Sandia, however, is severely limited, due in large part to computational expense and the challenge posed by the imposition of nonlocal boundary conditions. Combined analyses in which peridynamics is em- ployed only in regions susceptible to material failure are therefore highly desirable, yet available coupling strategies have remained severely limited. This report is a summary of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project "Strong Local-Nonlocal Coupling for Inte- grated Fracture Modeling," completed within the Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) In- vestment Area at Sandia National Laboratories. A number of challenges inherent to coupling local and nonlocal models are addressed. A primary result is the extension of peridynamics to facilitate a variable nonlocal length scale. This approach, termed the peridynamic partial stress, can greatly reduce the mathematical incompatibility between local and nonlocal equations through reduction of the peridynamic horizon in the vicinity of a model interface. A second result is the formulation of a blending-based coupling approach that may be applied either as the primary coupling strategy, or in combination with the peridynamic partial stress. This blending-based approach is distinct from general blending methods, such as the Arlequin approach, in that it is specific to the coupling of peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics. Facilitating the coupling of peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics has also required innovations aimed directly at peridynamic models. Specifically, the properties of peridynamic constitutive models near domain boundaries and shortcomings in available discretization strategies have been addressed. The results are a class of position-aware peridynamic constitutive laws for dramatically improved consistency at domain boundaries, and an enhancement to the meshfree discretization applied to peridynamic models that removes irregularities at the limit of the nonlocal length scale and dramatically improves conver- gence behavior. Finally, a novel approach for modeling ductile failure has been developed, moti- vated by the desire to apply coupled local-nonlocal models to a wide variety of materials, including ductile metals, which have received minimal attention in the peridynamic literature. Software im- plementation of the partial-stress coupling strategy, the position-aware peridynamic constitutive models, and the strategies for improving the convergence behavior of peridynamic models was completed within the Peridigm and Albany codes, developed at Sandia National Laboratories and made publicly available under the open-source 3-clause BSD license.