
Results 151–168 of 168
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LDRD final report on high power broadly tunable Mid-IR quantum cascade lasers for improved chemical species detection

Young, Erik W.; Wanke, Michael W.; Klem, John F.; Fuller, Charles T.; Hudgens, James J.

The goal of our project was to examine a novel quantum cascade laser design that should inherently increase the output power of the laser while simultaneously providing a broad tuning range. Such a laser source enables multiple chemical species identification with a single laser and/or very broad frequency coverage with a small number of different lasers, thus reducing the size and cost of laser based chemical detection systems. In our design concept, the discrete states in quantum cascade lasers are replaced by minibands made of multiple closely spaced electron levels. To facilitate the arduous task of designing miniband-to-miniband quantum cascade lasers, we developed a program that works in conjunction with our existing modeling software to completely automate the design process. Laser designs were grown, characterized, and iterated. The details of the automated design program and the measurement results are summarized in this report.

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Development of bottom-emitting 1300-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

Louderback, D.A.; Fish, M.A.; Klem, John F.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Choquette, K.D.; Pickrell, G.W.; Stone, R.V.; Guilfoyle, P.S.

We present experimental results on the development of bottom-emitting GaInNAs vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) operating at wavelengths near 1300 nm. This development effort is based on the modification of oxide-apertured top-emitting structures to allow emission through the GaAs substrate. Similar device performance was seen in both the top- and bottom-emitting structures. Single-mode output powers (adjusted for substrate absorption) of ∼0.75 mW, with threshold currents of 1.3 mA, were achieved with ∼3.5-μm aperture diameters. Larger multimode devices exhibited a maximum adjusted output power of 2.2 mW. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first bottom-emitting flip-chip compatible 1300-nm VCSELs fabricated with GaInNAs-GaAs active regions.

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III-antimonide/nitride based semiconductors for optoelectronic materials and device studies : LDRD 26518 final report

Peake, Gregory M.; Peake, Gregory M.; Klem, John F.; Modine, N.A.; Waldrip, Karen E.; Kurtz, S.R.; Allerman, A.A.; Jones, E.D.

The goal of this LDRD was to investigate III-antimonide/nitride based materials for unique semiconductor properties and applications. Previous to this study, lack of basic information concerning these alloys restricted their use in semiconductor devices. Long wavelength emission on GaAs substrates is of critical importance to telecommunication applications for cost reduction and integration into microsystems. Currently InGaAsN, on a GaAs substrate, is being commercially pursued for the important 1.3 micrometer dispersion minima of silica-glass optical fiber; due, in large part, to previous research at Sandia National Laboratories. However, InGaAsN has not shown great promise for 1.55 micrometer emission which is the low-loss window of single mode optical fiber used in transatlantic fiber. Other important applications for the antimonide/nitride based materials include the base junction of an HBT to reduce the operating voltage which is important for wireless communication links, and for improving the efficiency of a multijunction solar cell. We have undertaken the first comprehensive theoretical, experimental and device study of this material with promising results. Theoretical modeling has identified GaAsSbN to be a similar or potentially superior candidate to InGaAsN for long wavelength emission on GaAs. We have confirmed these predictions by producing emission out to 1.66 micrometers and have achieved edge emitting and VCSEL electroluminescence at 1.3 micrometers. We have also done the first study of the transport properties of this material including mobility, electron/hole mass, and exciton reduced mass. This study has increased the understanding of the III-antimonide/nitride materials enough to warrant consideration for all of the target device applications.

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Final report on LDRD project 52722 : radiation hardened optoelectronic components for space-based applications

Blansett, Ethan B.; Klem, John F.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Sanchez, Victoria S.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Wrobel, Theodore F.; Blansett, Ethan B.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Geib, K.M.; Karpen, Gary D.; Diaz, Melissa R.; Peake, Gregory M.; Hargett, Terry H.

This report describes the research accomplishments achieved under the LDRD Project 'Radiation Hardened Optoelectronic Components for Space-Based Applications.' The aim of this LDRD has been to investigate the radiation hardness of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photodiodes by looking at both the effects of total dose and of single-event upsets on the electrical and optical characteristics of VCSELs and photodiodes. These investigations were intended to provide guidance for the eventual integration of radiation hardened VCSELs and photodiodes with rad-hard driver and receiver electronics from an external vendor for space applications. During this one-year project, we have fabricated GaAs-based VCSELs and photodiodes, investigated ionization-induced transient effects due to high-energy protons, and measured the degradation of performance from both high-energy protons and neutrons.

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GaAs MOEMS Technology

Spahn, Olga B.; Fuller, Charles T.; Bauer, Thomas M.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Grossetete, Grant G.; Cich, Michael C.; Tigges, Chris P.; Reno, J.L.; Peake, Gregory M.; Klem, John F.

Many MEMS-based components require optical monitoring techniques using optoelectronic devices for converting mechanical position information into useful electronic signals. While the constituent piece-parts of such hybrid opto-MEMS components can be separately optimized, the resulting component performance, size, ruggedness and cost are substantially compromised due to assembly and packaging limitations. GaAs MOEMS offers the possibility of monolithically integrating high-performance optoelectronics with simple mechanical structures built in very low-stress epitaxial layers with a resulting component performance determined only by GaAs microfabrication technology limitations. GaAs MOEMS implicitly integrates the capability for radiation-hardened optical communications into the MEMS sensor or actuator component, a vital step towards rugged integrated autonomous microsystems that sense, act, and communicate. This project establishes a new foundational technology that monolithically combines GaAs optoelectronics with simple mechanics. Critical process issues addressed include selectivity, electrochemical characteristics, and anisotropy of the release chemistry, and post-release drying and coating processes. Several types of devices incorporating this novel technology are demonstrated.

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Low temperature photoluminescence studies of narrow bandgap GaAsSbN quantum wells on GaAs

Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings

Waldrip, Karen E.; Jones, E.D.; Modine, N.A.; Jalali, F.; Klem, John F.; Peake, G.M.

We present low-temperature (T = 4K) photoluminescence studies of the effect of adding nitrogen to 6-nm-wide single-strained GaAsSb quantum wells on GaAs. The samples were grown by both MBE and MOCVD techniques. The nominal Sb concentration is about 30%. Adding about 1 to 2% N drastically reduced the bandgap energies from 1 to 0.75 eV, or 1.20 to 1.64 μm. Upon performing ex situ rapid thermal anneals, 825°C for 10s, the band gap energies as well as the photoluminescence intensities increased. The intensities increased by an order of magnitude for the annealed samples and the band gap energies increased by about 50 - 100 meV, depending on growth temperatures. The photoluminescence linewidths tended to decrease upon annealing. Preliminary results of a first-principles band structure calculation for the GaAsSbN system are also presented.

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Continuous wave operation of 1.3 μm vertical cavity InGaAsN quantum well lasers

Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference

Fischer, Arthur J.; Klem, John F.; Choquette, K.D.; Blum, O.; Allerman, A.A.; Fritz, I.J.; Kurtz, S.R.; Breiland, William G.; Sieg, R.; Geib, K.M.; Scott, J.W.; Naone, R.L.

The continuous wave operation of 1.3 μm vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) grown on GaAs substrates is achieved up to 55 °C, as motivated by demands of emerging VCSEL network applications. These VCSELs employ the mature AlGaAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflector mirror technology, including selective oxidation for efficient cavity designs. By incorporating a tunnel junction near the optical cavity, both mirrors are doped n-type, which provides the benefits of low optical loss.

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In-plane magnetophotoluminescence studies of modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs coupled double quantum wells

Applied Physics Letters

Kim, Yongmin; Perry, C.H.; Simmons, J.A.; Klem, John F.

In-plane magnetic-field photoluminescence spectra from a series of n-type modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As coupled double quantum wells show distinctive doublet structures related to the tunnel-split ground sublevel states. The magnetic-field behavior of the upper transition from the antisymmetric state strongly depends on sample mobility. In a lower mobility sample, the transition energy displays an N-type kink with field (namely, a maximum followed by a minimum), whereas higher mobility samples have a linear dependence. The former is attributed to a coupling mechanism due to homogeneous broadening of the electron and hole states. The results are in good agreement with recent theoretical calculations. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.

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Characteristics of GaAsSb single-quantum-well-lasers emitting near 1.3 μm

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

Blum, Olga; Klem, John F.

We report data on GaAsSb single-quantum-well lasers grown on GaAs substrates. Room temperature pulsed emission at 1.275 μm in a 1250-μm-long device has been observed. Minimum threshold current densities of 535 A/cm2 were measured in 2000-μm-long lasers. We also measured internal losses of 2-5 cm-1, internal quantum efficiencies of 30%-38% and characteristic temperatures To of 67°C-77°C. From these parameters, a gain constant Go of 1660 cm-1 and a transparency current density Jtr of 134 A/cm2 were calculated. The results indicate the potential for fabricating 1.3-μm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers from these materials.

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Room temperature continuous wave InGaAsN quantum well vertical cavity lasers emitting at 1.3 um

Electronic Letters

Choquette, K.D.; Geib, K.M.; Klem, John F.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Spahn, Olga B.; Allerman, A.A.; Fritz, I.J.; Kurtz, S.R.; Breiland, William G.

Selectively oxidized vertical cavity lasers emitting at 1294 nm using InGaAsN quantum wells are reported for the first time which operate continuous wave at and above room temperature. The lasers employ two n-type Al{sub 0.94}Ga{sub 0.06}As/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors each with a selectively oxidized current aperture adjacent to the optical cavity, and the top output mirror contains a tunnel junction to inject holes into the active region. Continuous wave single mode lasing is observed up to 55 C. These lasers exhibit the longest wavelength reported to date for vertical cavity surface emitting lasers grown on GaAs substrates.

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GaAsSb/InGaAs type-II quantum wells for long-wavelength lasers on GaAs substrates

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B

Klem, John F.; Spahn, Olga B.; Kurtz, S.R.; Fritz, I.J.; Choquette, K.D.

The authors have investigated the properties of GaAsSb/InGaAs type-II bilayer quantum well structures grown by molecule beam epitaxy for use in long-wavelength lasers on GaAs substrates. Structures with layer, strains and thicknesses designed to be thermodynamically stable against dislocation formation exhibit room-temperature photoluminescence at wavelengths as long as 1.43 {mu}m. The photoluminescence emission wavelength is significantly affected by growth temperature and the sequence of layer growth (InGaAs/GaAsSb vs GaAsSb/InGaAs), suggesting that Sb and/or In segregation results in non-ideal interfaces under certain growth conditions. At low injection currents, double heterostructure lasers with GaAsSb/InGaAs bilayer quantum well active regions display electroluminescence at wavelengths comparable to those obtained in photoluminescence, but at higher currents the electroluminescence shifts to shorter wavelengths. Lasers have been obtained with threshold current densities as low as 120 A/cm{sup 2} at 1.17 {mu}m, and 2.1 kA/cm{sup 2} at 1.21 {mu}m.

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Compliant substrate technology for dissimilar epitaxy

Floro, Jerrold A.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Klem, John F.

Strained-layer semiconductor films offer tremendous potential with regards to optoelectronic applications for high speed communications, mobile communications, sensing, and novel logic devices. It is an unfortunate reality that many of the possible film/substrate combinations that could be exploited technologically are off limits because of large differences in lattice parameters, chemical compatibilities, or thermal expansion rates. These mechanical, chemical, and thermal incompatibilities manifest themselves primarily in terms of lattice defects such as dislocations and antiphase boundaries, and in some cases through enhanced surface roughness. An additional limitation, from a production point of view, is money. Device manufacturers as a rule want the cheapest substrate possible. Freeing the heteroepitaxial world of the bonds of (near) lattice matching would vastly expand the types of working devices that could be grown. As a result, a great deal of effort has been expended finding schemes to integrate dissimilar film/substrate materials while preserving the perfection of the film layer. One such scheme receiving significant attention lately is the so-called compliant substrate approach.

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A GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor with 106 V breakdown

Baca, A.G.; Klem, John F.; Ashby, Carol I.; Martin, Dennis C.

A high voltage GaAs HBT with an open-base collector breakdown voltage of 106 V and an open-emitter breakdown voltage of 134 V has been demonstrated. A high quality 9.0 {micro}m thick collector doped to 2.0{times}10{sup 15} cm{sup {minus}3} grown by MBE on a doped GaAs substrate is the key to achieving this breakdown. These results were achieved for HBTs with 4{times}40 {micro}m{sup 2} emitters. DC current gain of 38 at 6,000 A/cm{sup 2} was measured.

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Results 151–168 of 168
Results 151–168 of 168